617 questions with Azure Event Hubs tags

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3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

'Microsoft.Streaming.Adapters.Exceptions.EventHubAdapterException' thrown when fetching AVRO events from eventhub

We have setup a client in our app that is pushing AVRO encoded events to Azure Eventhub. We are using Schema Registry to encode the events. To use the events in power BI we would like to process incoming events into JSON format and save into blob…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics
An Azure real-time analytics service designed for mission-critical workloads.
351 questions
asked 2024-08-30T10:38:20.8766667+00:00
ronnyBravo 0 Reputation points
accepted 2024-09-03T06:12:48.14+00:00
ronnyBravo 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Send data to disable public access Azure SQL Database

Hi What i want to accomplish: Send data through azure with a refresh rate of 2 seconds too a power bi report. Java script sending on prem data via event hubs using stream analytics collected in an azure sql database in an azure sql server, all with…

Azure SQL Database
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network
An Azure networking service that is used to provision private networks and optionally to connect to on-premises datacenters.
2,374 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics
An Azure real-time analytics service designed for mission-critical workloads.
351 questions
asked 2024-09-03T05:47:24.46+00:00
Petter Cavallin 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2024-09-03T05:51:01.7433333+00:00
Petter Cavallin 0 Reputation points
1 answer

What components and how would I configure them to handle the following use case?

I need to provide a data source that is updated in real time for access by my clients.  Assume that my system of record is generating two streams of events for consumption,  1) API Message Request and 2) API Message Response. The number of event streams…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Grid
An Azure event routing service designed for high availability, consistent performance, and dynamic scale.
373 questions
asked 2024-08-27T18:59:48.39+00:00
McCann, J (John) 6 Reputation points
commented 2024-09-02T18:23:17.2966667+00:00
NIKHILANETHIKUNTA 1,350 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

How do I rename an event hub instance

How do I easily rename an eventhub instance? Just need to rename it? Cannot seem to do that? Or can I just copy all settings from a certain instance and recreate exactly under a new name?

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-29T17:56:06.9366667+00:00
Admin Rob Shostack 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-09-02T06:26:26.5466667+00:00
NIKHILANETHIKUNTA 1,350 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
0 answers

Logs no longer being sent to Eventhub

I've been using Elastic Cloud to retrieve Sign-in logs from AzureAD since December/2023 without any issues. Suddently on Aug 15th, I stopped receiving events (though I am getting other event types of logs suck as provisioning). I also see a commensurate…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-20T22:20:43.3766667+00:00
Gord Taylor 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-30T12:07:31.57+00:00
PRADEEPCHEEKATLA-MSFT 88,141 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Clarification Needed on Deprecated zone_redundant Flag for Event Hub in Terraform v4.0

Hi Team, We have been using Terraform to create an Event Hub with the zone_redundant flag set to true. We encountered the following message: "The zone_redundant property has been deprecated and will be removed in v4.0 of the provider." With the…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-30T06:40:50.2433333+00:00
Thomaskyle 280 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-30T11:45:04.6333333+00:00
PRADEEPCHEEKATLA-MSFT 88,141 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Separate data in data explorer and use as datastore

Hello, We are sending data from IoT Central to Event Hubs and then to Data Explorer, with the hopes of then sending the data to Azure Machine Learning. In order to send data from Event Hubs to Data Explorer it needs a data ingestion into a table…

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
2,823 questions
Azure IoT Central
Azure IoT Central
An Azure hosted internet of things (IoT) application platform.
360 questions
Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer
An Azure data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from sources including applications, websites, and internet of things devices.
519 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2021-04-21T20:19:09.177+00:00
yjay 256 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-29T01:55:45.7866667+00:00
Tú Nguyễn 130 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Transfer FunctionAppLogs to Datadog, how to solve the JSON log content has been escaped.

We deployed a Function App by code to App Service Plan. The Function is nodejs, and through winston logger to output a JSON to console, and we setup log transfer to Datadog in the diagnostic setting through event hub trigger Datadog Function to transfer…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,843 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
7,605 questions
asked 2024-08-26T12:03:51.1666667+00:00
Luke Yen 25 Reputation points
accepted 2024-08-28T13:23:10.0366667+00:00
Luke Yen 25 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure Event Hubs Authentication Issue with Status Code 401 for Specific Customer Credentials

I am reaching out regarding an issue encountered with Azure Event Hubs authentication for one of our customers. Despite successfully authenticating for most users, we are facing a peculiar problem with a specific customer's credentials, resulting in a…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics
An Azure real-time analytics service designed for mission-critical workloads.
351 questions
asked 2024-08-19T11:10:19.6166667+00:00
Sanjay M Santhosh 20 Reputation points
accepted 2024-08-27T08:50:04.1+00:00
Sanjay M Santhosh 20 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

PartitionKey in Stream Analytics and Event Hubs

Hello, I'm trying to learn more about event hub partitions. I'm running a simple .Net program to send 20 events to an Event Hub with 3 partitions. I then query the events with the input preview in stream analytics. The simple .Net program is…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics
An Azure real-time analytics service designed for mission-critical workloads.
351 questions
asked 2024-07-29T01:01:07.6533333+00:00
Karl Gardner 145 Reputation points
accepted 2024-08-22T13:51:54.9666667+00:00
Karl Gardner 145 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

I'm unsure if I should use Azure Event Hub or Azure Event Grid

I've been digging into both products Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hub to learn which tool suits better in my use case. I'll share a brief of my use case, hopefully that makes some clarity around this dilemma I have: Use case When user's state change,…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Grid
An Azure event routing service designed for high availability, consistent performance, and dynamic scale.
373 questions
asked 2024-08-14T00:55:15.85+00:00
Alfonso Hernandez 20 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
accepted 2024-08-20T15:27:23.93+00:00
Alfonso Hernandez 20 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2 answers

we are having multiple mobile users sending data to an Azure Event Hub but we’re encountering the limitation of having only 5 concurrent connections per consumer group, how can we address this issue?

we are having multiple mobile users sending data to an Azure Event Hub but we’re encountering the limitation of having only 5 concurrent connections per consumer group, how can we address this issue?

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-14T04:20:35.9633333+00:00
Keerthana Merugu 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-19T13:46:58.7033333+00:00
phemanth 9,840 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
0 answers

Function app is triggered by old events after deployment

Hello, we have EventhubTrigger function. [EventHubTrigger("%EventHubName%", Connection = "EventHubConnectionString", ConsumerGroup = "consumer", IsBatched = true)] After re-deployment of the function, we noticed that the…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,843 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-14T11:05:43.5266667+00:00
Tomoe 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2024-08-14T11:10:17.76+00:00
Tomoe 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure function , EventHubTrigger Handles checkpointing automatically?

hi , I'm using azure function and eventhub trigger so i want to know azure function or Evethub trigger handles checkpointing automatically or not. in my scenario i didn't create any checkpoint storage for checkpointing it created automatically, so just…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,843 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2023-06-06T15:14:23.4066667+00:00
87592231 85 Reputation points
edited a comment 2024-08-14T11:08:33.5066667+00:00
Tomoe 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Is there any way to trigger an event when the MSteams bot is opened

Is it possible to get a webhook, payload or event notification, when we open the MS teams bot. Currently we are getting webhook payloads only when a message is sent in the bot. Is there any way to trigger an event when the MS teams bot or MS team app is…

Azure AI Bot Service
Azure AI Bot Service
An Azure service that provides an integrated environment for bot development.
821 questions
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
9,880 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Grid
An Azure event routing service designed for high availability, consistent performance, and dynamic scale.
373 questions
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,176 questions
asked 2024-07-19T11:19:43.7666667+00:00
Elvin Khunt 20 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-14T01:34:13.56+00:00
Robin Sheng-MSFT 2,340 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Is there a better way to stream data?

Hello Support, We currently have a system where there are 10 devices per iot hub, and each of those devices are routed to their own event hub. From there they are ingested and streamed in ADX, each having there own table in the database. I tried using…

Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Hub
An Azure service that enables bidirectional communication between internet of things (IoT) devices and applications.
1,170 questions
Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer
An Azure data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from sources including applications, websites, and internet of things devices.
519 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-07T01:38:29.9633333+00:00
Nathan Sommer 40 Reputation points
accepted 2024-08-08T23:33:24.1766667+00:00
Nathan Sommer 40 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure Firewall scale-up 및 NSG log 관련 문의

Azure Firewall을 사용 시에 오토스케일링된다고 알고 있습니다. 저희가 지금 standard 버전을 사용 중이며, 해당 버전은 초기에 3Gbps짜리 방화벽으로 시작해서, cpu 사용량이 60%이상이면 스케일 아웃(최대크기가 30Gbps), cpu 사용량이 20 미만일때 스케일인 이라고 docs에 설명이 되어 있는데요. 오토 스케일이 아닌, 미리 초기 사용 시에 방화벽 최대 크기인 30Gbps 로 설정해놓을 수는 없는지 문의드립니다. 추가로,…

Azure Firewall
Azure Firewall
An Azure network security service that is used to protect Azure Virtual Network resources.
647 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-08-01T01:23:33.0466667+00:00
박유미(Park Youmi)(yumzzang) 20 Reputation points
accepted 2024-08-05T07:33:24.6033333+00:00
박유미(Park Youmi)(yumzzang) 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Event Hub Incoming and Outgoing message have a long gap

Hello, We have an Azure function triggered by Event Hubs. There is over 7-15min varying gap between each function execution(s). We see about 1k messages coming in constantly but the outgoing spikes every 7-15min are over 8k messages and sometimes around…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,843 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-07-30T19:16:44.4466667+00:00
dotnet_guy 10 Reputation points
answered 2024-07-31T11:38:57.9+00:00
Pinaki Ghatak 3,825 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Azure Event Hubs with Azure Function - Serialization failed due to an unsupported type, System.Byte[]

I am getting this error sometimes my function gets an event from azure event hubs: Azure.Core.Amqp: Serialization failed due to an unsupported type, System.Byte[] I can go to azure and generate an event, and it works fine, the EventData[] gets bound…

Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-07-15T21:45:42.5766667+00:00
Eric H 5 Reputation points
commented 2024-07-30T19:46:51.7+00:00
Mitalben Shah (US) 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Incoming and Outgoing messages mismatch in Event Hubs

Hello, We have an Azure function triggered by Event Hubs. There is over 7-15min varying gap between each function execution(s). We see about 1k messages coming in constantly but the outgoing spikes every 7-15min are over 8k messages and sometimes around…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,843 questions
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs
An Azure real-time data ingestion service.
617 questions
asked 2024-07-30T19:18:54.0766667+00:00
dotnet_guy 10 Reputation points
commented 2024-07-30T19:33:42.2733333+00:00
dotnet_guy 10 Reputation points