Recreating default display, edit and new forms of a list in SharePoint 2010 using Powershell
Following script recreates dispform.aspx, editform.aspx and newform.aspx of a list using PowerShell, useful in scenarios where we need to recreate these forms to fix issues induced due to upgrades
$url = Read-Host "Enter URL"
$listname = Read-Host "Enter List Name"
$web = get-spweb $url
$list = $web.lists[$listname]
$files = $list.rootfolder.files
#---------------------------- Delete Forms ----------------------
$form1 = $list.RootFolder.files | ?{$_.url -match "dispform.aspx"}
$form2 = $list.RootFolder.files | ?{$_.url -match "editform.aspx"}
$form3 = $list.RootFolder.files | ?{$_.url -match "newform.aspx"}
# --------------------------recreating --------------------------------
$editformurl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + "/editform.aspx"
$dispformurl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + "/Dispform.aspx"
$newformurl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + "/NewForm.aspx"
$dispform = $files.add($dispformurl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTemplateFileType]::FormPage)
$editform = $files.add($editformurl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTemplateFileType]::FormPage)
$newform = $files.add($newformurl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTemplateFileType]::FormPage)
$wpm = $editform.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
$wpm2 = $dispform.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
$wpm3 = $newform.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
$lfw1 = new-object ([Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ListFormwebpart])
$lfw2 = new-object ([Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ListFormwebpart])
$lfw3 = new-object ([Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ListFormwebpart])
$ilist1 = [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.IListWebPart]($lfw1)
$ilist2 = [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.IListWebPart]($lfw2)
$ilist3 = [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.IListWebPart]($lfw3)
$ilist1.ListId = $
$ilist1.PageType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.PAGETYPE]::PAGE_EDITFORM;
$ilist2.ListId = $
$ilist2.PageType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.PAGETYPE]::PAGE_DISPLAYFORM;
$ilist3.ListId = $
$ilist3.PageType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.PAGETYPE]::PAGE_NEWFORM;
$wpm.AddWebPart($lfw1, "Main", 1)
$wpm2.AddWebPart($lfw2, "Main", 1)
$wpm3.AddWebPart($lfw3, "Main", 1)
$list.DefaultDisplayFormUrl = $dispformurl
$list.DefaultEditFormUrl = $editformurl
$list.DefaultNewFormUrl = $newformurl
while ($TRUE)
# # ===================
January 01, 2003
Thanks Stephane for pointing out the mistake...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
this is not working for me..Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Recreating default display, edit and new forms of a list in SharePoint 2010 using Powershell
thank youAnonymous
September 10, 2013
what does $files reference? i tried to run your script but it's throwing an error because $files is not defined. Thanks.Anonymous
September 12, 2013
Getting errors due to a null reference for $files. Doesn't that variable need to be initialized?Anonymous
November 06, 2013
Thanks a lot for this time saving script. I was completely stuck with SharePoint Designer, and the script worked like a charm. I had a small fix to do, as the previous comments stated: $files was not set. So. declare $files as $list.RootFolder.files right after the $list declaration and it will work perfectlyAnonymous
January 22, 2014
Thanks for your code. It was for edit,disp and new form. Does recreation for upload.aspx will be similar to NewForm??using upload.aspx instead of newform.aspx.$ilist3.PageType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.PAGETYPE]::PAGE_NEWFORM;$list.DefaultNewFormUrl = $newformurlI am getting this error :unable to find SPForm matching URL .....upload.aspx at abs.ps1+ $list.DefaultNewFormUrl = $newformurlCan you please suggest ?Anonymous
January 22, 2014
Thanks for your code. It was for edit,disp and new form. Does recreation for upload.aspx will be similar to NewForm??using upload.aspx instead of newform.aspx.$ilist3.PageType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.PAGETYPE]::PAGE_NEWFORM;$list.DefaultNewFormUrl = $newformurlI am getting this error :unable to find SPForm matching URL .....upload.aspx at abs.ps1+ $list.DefaultNewFormUrl = $newformurlCan you please suggest ?Anonymous
March 12, 2014
Hi there
Can this be used on a SharePoint Document Library?Anonymous
April 17, 2014
@Bradley : I havent tried it in DL but I believe it should work there as wellAnonymous
April 17, 2014
@Bradley : I havent tried it in DL but I believe it should work there as wellAnonymous
May 15, 2014
Hi, thanks for the post. It's helpful. I am just wondering the reason for using IListWebPart, as I was able to by pass that and just set the ListID and PageType properties to the ListFormWebpart objects directly.Anonymous
December 01, 2014
May I ask why you are doing this in a loop?
I removed the loop sections and it worked like a charm!Anonymous
December 15, 2014
thanks for the work.This is helpful.Anonymous
May 01, 2015
I'm fairly new to PowerShell. Do I need to do some form of #include to get the necessary functions?
get-spweb : The term 'get-spweb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or
if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
July 23, 2015
I want to upload new custom list from, but below code taking only server relative path only, is their any way to upload custom form from local drive.
#$dispform = $files.add($dispformurl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTemplateFileType]::FormPage)Anonymous
November 08, 2016
This script works great for me.. Thanks :)Anonymous
January 06, 2017
Thank you so much for taking the time to publish this. It would take a million years to figure this out by myself (years that were not included in the initial project estimates of course)(Y)