When updating the preferred date or time format for a user, specify it in respectively, the short date or short time format.
When updating the preferred time zone for a user, specify it in the Windows or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone (also known as Olson time zone) format. You can also further customize the time zone as shown in example 2 below.
Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.
In the request body, supply the values for the relevant properties that should be updated. Existing properties that are not included in the
request body will maintain their previous values or be recalculated based on changes to other property values. For best performance you
shouldn't include existing values that haven't changed. The following are the writable/updatable properties:
Configuration settings to automatically notify the sender of an incoming email with a message from the signed-in user. You can set such notifications for only a future date range.
The date format for the user's mailbox.
If the user has a calendar delegate, this specifies whether the delegate, mailbox owner, or both receive meeting messages and meeting responses. Possible values are: sendToDelegateAndInformationToPrincipal, sendToDelegateAndPrincipal, sendToDelegateOnly.
The hours, days of a week, and time zone that the user works.
If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the updated properties of a mailboxSettings object in the response body.
Setting working hours with inappropriate values may return the following errors.
HTTP status code
Error code
Error message
Invalid startTime or endTime
Cannot convert the literal '08' to the expected type 'Edm.TimeOfDay'.
Start time is greater than end time
Start Time should occur before End Time.
Invalid day in daysOfWeek
Requested value 'RandomDay' was not found.
Invalid timeZone
Time Zone settings provided are invalid.
Example 1
The first example enables automatic replies for a date range, by setting the following properties of the automaticRepliesSetting property:
status, scheduledStartDateTime and scheduledEndDateTime.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Models;
var requestBody = new MailboxSettings
AutomaticRepliesSetting = new AutomaticRepliesSetting
Status = AutomaticRepliesStatus.Scheduled,
ScheduledStartDateTime = new DateTimeTimeZone
DateTime = "2016-03-20T18:00:00.0000000",
TimeZone = "UTC",
ScheduledEndDateTime = new DateTimeTimeZone
DateTime = "2016-03-28T18:00:00.0000000",
TimeZone = "UTC",
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
"@odata.context" , "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Me/mailboxSettings"
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=csharp
var result = await graphClient.Me.MailboxSettings.PatchAsync(requestBody);
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
MailboxSettings mailboxSettings = new MailboxSettings();
AutomaticRepliesSetting automaticRepliesSetting = new AutomaticRepliesSetting();
DateTimeTimeZone scheduledStartDateTime = new DateTimeTimeZone();
DateTimeTimeZone scheduledEndDateTime = new DateTimeTimeZone();
HashMap<String, Object> additionalData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
additionalData.put("@odata.context", "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Me/mailboxSettings");
MailboxSettings result = graphClient.me().mailboxSettings().patch(mailboxSettings);
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph.generated.models.mailbox_settings import MailboxSettings
from msgraph.generated.models.automatic_replies_setting import AutomaticRepliesSetting
from msgraph.generated.models.automatic_replies_status import AutomaticRepliesStatus
from msgraph.generated.models.date_time_time_zone import DateTimeTimeZone
# To initialize your graph_client, see https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=python
request_body = MailboxSettings(
automatic_replies_setting = AutomaticRepliesSetting(
status = AutomaticRepliesStatus.Scheduled,
scheduled_start_date_time = DateTimeTimeZone(
date_time = "2016-03-20T18:00:00.0000000",
time_zone = "UTC",
scheduled_end_date_time = DateTimeTimeZone(
date_time = "2016-03-28T18:00:00.0000000",
time_zone = "UTC",
additional_data = {
"@odata_context" : "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Me/mailboxSettings",
result = await graph_client.me.mailbox_settings.patch(request_body)
The response includes the updated settings for automatic replies. Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Me/mailboxSettings",
"automaticRepliesSetting": {
"status": "scheduled",
"externalAudience": "all",
"scheduledStartDateTime": {
"dateTime": "2016-03-20T02:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"scheduledEndDateTime": {
"dateTime": "2016-03-28T02:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"internalReplyMessage": "<html>\n<body>\n<p>I'm at our company's worldwide reunion and will respond to your message as soon as I return.<br>\n</p></body>\n</html>\n",
"externalReplyMessage": "<html>\n<body>\n<p>I'm at the Contoso worldwide reunion and will respond to your message as soon as I return.<br>\n</p></body>\n</html>\n"
Example 2
The second example customizes the time zone for the working hours of the signed-in user, by setting the timeZone property
to a custom time zone.