Cookie.Comment Eigenschaft


Ruft einen Kommentar ab, den der Server einem Cookie hinzufügen kann, oder legt diesen fest.

 property System::String ^ Comment { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string Comment { get; set; }
member this.Comment : string with get, set
Public Property Comment As String


Ein optionaler Kommentar, mit dem die für dieses Cookie vorgesehene Verwendung dokumentiert werden kann.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden die Eigenschaften von Cookies angezeigt, die in einer Antwort zurückgegeben werden. Das vollständige Beispiel finden Sie im Cookie Klassenthema.

HttpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( args[ 1 ] ));
request->CookieContainer = gcnew CookieContainer;
HttpWebResponse^ response = dynamic_cast<HttpWebResponse^>(request->GetResponse());
response->Cookies = request->CookieContainer->GetCookies( request->RequestUri );

// Print the properties of each cookie.
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = response->Cookies->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
   Cookie^ cook = safe_cast<Cookie^>(myEnum->Current);
   Console::WriteLine( "Cookie:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} = {1}", cook->Name, cook->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Domain: {0}", cook->Domain );
   Console::WriteLine( "Path: {0}", cook->Path );
   Console::WriteLine( "Port: {0}", cook->Port );
   Console::WriteLine( "Secure: {0}", cook->Secure );
   Console::WriteLine( "When issued: {0}", cook->TimeStamp );
   Console::WriteLine( "Expires: {0} (expired? {1})", cook->Expires, cook->Expired );
   Console::WriteLine( "Don't save: {0}", cook->Discard );
   Console::WriteLine( "Comment: {0}", cook->Comment );
   Console::WriteLine( "Uri for comments: {0}", cook->CommentUri );
   Console::WriteLine( "Version: RFC {0}", cook->Version == 1 ? (String^)"2109" : "2965" );
   // Show the string representation of the cookie.
   Console::WriteLine( "String: {0}", cook );
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(args[0]);
request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();

using (var response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse())
    // Print the properties of each cookie.
    foreach (Cookie cook in response.Cookies)
        Console.WriteLine($"{cook.Name} = {cook.Value}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Domain: {cook.Domain}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Path: {cook.Path}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Port: {cook.Port}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Secure: {cook.Secure}");

        Console.WriteLine($"When issued: {cook.TimeStamp}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Expires: {cook.Expires} (expired? {cook.Expired})");
        Console.WriteLine($"Don't save: {cook.Discard}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Comment: {cook.Comment}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Uri for comments: {cook.CommentUri}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Version: RFC {(cook.Version == 1 ? 2109 : 2965)}");

        // Show the string representation of the cookie.
        Console.WriteLine($"String: {cook}");
    Dim request As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(args(0))
    request.CookieContainer = New CookieContainer()

    Using response As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
        ' Print the properties of each cookie.
        For Each cook As Cookie In response.Cookies
            Console.WriteLine($"{cook.Name} = {cook.Value}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Domain: {cook.Domain}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Path: {cook.Path}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Port: {cook.Port}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Secure: {cook.Secure}")

            Console.WriteLine($"When issued: {cook.TimeStamp}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Expires: {cook.Expires} (expired? {cook.Expired})")
            Console.WriteLine($"Don't save: {cook.Discard}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Comment: {cook.Comment}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Uri for comments: {cook.CommentUri}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Version: RFC {If(cook.Version = 1, 2109, 2965)}")

            ' Show the string representation of the cookie.
            Console.WriteLine($"String: {cook}")
    End Using


Der Client kann diesen optionalen Kommentar auf Vom Server hinzugefügte Informationen überprüfen. Der Server könnte beispielsweise Informationen zu Problemen wie der Datenschutzrichtlinie oder der beabsichtigten Verwendung enthalten.

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