HttpListenerResponse.Cookies Eigenschaft


Ruft die Auflistung der mit der Antwort zurückgegebenen Cookies ab oder legt diese fest.

 property System::Net::CookieCollection ^ Cookies { System::Net::CookieCollection ^ get(); void set(System::Net::CookieCollection ^ value); };
public System.Net.CookieCollection Cookies { get; set; }
member this.Cookies : System.Net.CookieCollection with get, set
Public Property Cookies As CookieCollection


Eine CookieCollection mit den Cookies, die mit der Antwort gesendet werden. Die Auflistung ist leer, wenn der Antwort keine Cookies hinzugefügt wurden.


Das folgende Codebeispiel überprüft eine Anforderung für ein Cookie und gibt ein neues Cookie mit der Antwort zurück, wenn die Anforderung keines hat.

// This example requires the System and System.Net namespaces.

public static string NextCustomerID()
    // A real-world application would do something more robust
    // to ensure uniqueness.
    return DateTime.Now.ToString();
public static void SimpleListenerCookieExample(string[] prefixes)
    // Create a listener.
    HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
    // Add the prefixes.
    foreach (string s in prefixes)
    listener.IgnoreWriteExceptions = true;
    // Note: The GetContext method blocks while waiting for a request.
    HttpListenerContext context = listener.GetContext();
    HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request;
    string customerID = null;

    // Did the request come with a cookie?
    Cookie cookie = request.Cookies["ID"];
    if (cookie != null)
    if (customerID !=null)
          Console.WriteLine("Found the cookie!");
    // Get the response object.
    HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response;
    // If they didn't provide a cookie containing their ID, give them one.
    if (customerID == null)
        customerID = NextCustomerID();
        Cookie cook = new Cookie("ID", customerID );
        response.AppendCookie (cook);
    // Construct a response.
    string responseString = "<HTML><BODY> Hello " + customerID + "!</BODY></HTML>";
    byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
    // Get the response stream and write the response to it.
    response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
    System.IO.Stream output = response.OutputStream;
    // You must close the output stream.
    // Closing the response sends the response to the client.
' This example requires the System and System.Net namespaces.
Public Shared Function NextCustomerID() As String
    ' A real-world application would do something more robust
    ' to ensure uniqueness.
    Return DateTime.Now.ToString()
End Function

Public Shared Sub SimpleListenerCookieExample(ByVal prefixes As String())
    ' Create a listener
    Dim listener As HttpListener = New HttpListener()

    ' Add the prefixes
    For Each s As String In prefixes

    listener.IgnoreWriteExceptions = True
    ' Note: The GetContext method blocks while waiting for a request. 
    Dim context As HttpListenerContext = listener.GetContext()
    Dim request As HttpListenerRequest = context.Request
    Dim customerID As String = Nothing

    ' Did the request come with a cookie?
    Dim cookie As Cookie = request.Cookies("ID")

    If cookie IsNot Nothing Then
        customerID = cookie.Value
    End If

    If customerID IsNot Nothing Then
        Console.WriteLine("Found the cookie!")
    End If

    ' Get the response object.
    Dim response As HttpListenerResponse = context.Response
    ' If they didn't provide a cookie containing their ID, give them one.
    If customerID Is Nothing Then
        customerID = NextCustomerID()
        Dim cook As Cookie = New Cookie("ID", customerID)
    End If
    ' Construct a response.
    Dim responseString As String = "<HTML><BODY> Hello " & customerID & "!</BODY></HTML>"
    Dim buffer As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString)
    ' Get the response stream and write the response to it.
    response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length
    Dim output As System.IO.Stream = response.OutputStream
    output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
    ' You must close the output stream.
End Sub


Ein Cookie sind Name-Wert-Textdaten von einem Webserver, der auf dem lokalen (Client-)Computer gespeichert wird. Die folgenden Cookieformate werden unterstützt: Netscape, RFC 2109 und RFC 2965.

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