HttpWebResponse.ContentEncoding Eigenschaft


Ruft die Methode ab, die zum Codieren des Antworttexts verwendet wird.

 property System::String ^ ContentEncoding { System::String ^ get(); };
public string ContentEncoding { get; }
member this.ContentEncoding : string
Public ReadOnly Property ContentEncoding As String


Eine Zeichenfolge, die die Methode beschreibt, die zum Codieren des Antworttexts verwendet wird.


Die aktuelle Instanz wurde verworfen.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird die ContentEncoding -Eigenschaft verwendet, um den Wert des Inhaltscodierungsheaders abzurufen, der mit der Antwort zurückgegeben wird.

   HttpWebRequest^ myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest^)( WebRequest::Create( url ) );
   HttpWebResponse^ myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse^)( myHttpWebRequest->GetResponse() );

   Console::WriteLine( "The encoding method used is: {0}", myHttpWebResponse->ContentEncoding );
   Console::WriteLine( "The character set used is : {0}", myHttpWebResponse->CharacterSet );

   char separator = '/';
   String^ contenttype = myHttpWebResponse->ContentType;
   // Retrieve 'text' if the content type is of 'text/html.
   String^ maintype = contenttype->Substring( 0, contenttype->IndexOf( separator ) );
   // Display only 'text' type.
   if ( String::Compare( maintype, "text" ) == 0 )
      Console::WriteLine( "\n Content type is 'text'." );
        HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
        HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();

        Console.WriteLine("The encoding method used is: " + myHttpWebResponse.ContentEncoding);
        Console.WriteLine("The character set used is :" + myHttpWebResponse.CharacterSet);

        char seperator = '/';
        String contenttype = myHttpWebResponse.ContentType;
        // Retrieve 'text' if the content type is of 'text/html.
        String maintype = contenttype.Substring(0,contenttype.IndexOf(seperator));
        // Display only 'text' type.
        if (String.Compare(maintype,"text") == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\n Content type is 'text'.");
   Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
   Dim myHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
   Console.WriteLine(("The encoding method used is: " + myHttpWebResponse.ContentEncoding))
   Console.WriteLine(("The character set used is :" + myHttpWebResponse.CharacterSet))
   Dim seperator As Char = "/"c
   Dim contenttype As [String] = myHttpWebResponse.ContentType
   ' Retrieve 'text' if the content type is of 'text/html.
   Dim maintype As [String] = contenttype.Substring(0, contenttype.IndexOf(seperator))
   ' Display only 'text' type.
   If [String].Compare(maintype, "text") = 0 Then
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine + " Content type is 'text'.")


Die ContentEncoding -Eigenschaft enthält den Wert des Inhaltscodierungsheaders, der mit der Antwort zurückgegeben wird.

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