HttpWebResponse.Headers Eigenschaft


Ruft die Header ab, die dieser Antwort vom Server zugeordnet sind.

 virtual property System::Net::WebHeaderCollection ^ Headers { System::Net::WebHeaderCollection ^ get(); };
public override System.Net.WebHeaderCollection Headers { get; }
member this.Headers : System.Net.WebHeaderCollection
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Headers As WebHeaderCollection


Eine WebHeaderCollection mit den mit der Antwort zurückgegebenen Headerinformationen.


Die aktuelle Instanz wurde verworfen.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Inhalt aller Antwortheader in die Konsole geschrieben.

// Creates an HttpWebRequest for the specified URL.
HttpWebRequest^ myHttpWebRequest = dynamic_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( url ));

// Sends the HttpWebRequest and waits for response.
HttpWebResponse^ myHttpWebResponse = dynamic_cast<HttpWebResponse^>(myHttpWebRequest->GetResponse());

// Displays all the headers present in the response received from the URI.
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nThe following headers were received in the response:" );

// Displays each header and its key associated with the response.
for ( int i = 0; i < myHttpWebResponse->Headers->Count; ++i )
   Console::WriteLine( "\nHeader Name: {0}, Value : {1}",
      myHttpWebResponse->Headers->Keys[ i ],
      myHttpWebResponse->Headers[ (System::Net::HttpRequestHeader)i ] );

// Releases the resources of the response.
// Creates an HttpWebRequest for the specified URL.
HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
// Sends the HttpWebRequest and waits for response.
HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();

// Displays all the headers present in the response received from the URI.
Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe following headers were received in the response:");
// Displays each header and it's key associated with the response.
for(int i=0; i < myHttpWebResponse.Headers.Count; ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("\nHeader Name:{0}, Value :{1}",myHttpWebResponse.Headers.Keys[i],myHttpWebResponse.Headers[i]);
// Releases the resources of the response.
' Creates an HttpWebRequest with the specified URL. 
Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
' Sends the HttpWebRequest and waits for a response.
Dim myHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
' Displays all the Headers present in the response received from the URI.
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "The following headers were received in the response")
'The Headers property is a WebHeaderCollection. Use it's properties to traverse the collection and display each header.
Dim i As Integer
While i < myHttpWebResponse.Headers.Count
    Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Header Name:{0}, Value :{1}", myHttpWebResponse.Headers.Keys(i), myHttpWebResponse.Headers(i))
  i = i + 1
End While


Die Headers -Eigenschaft ist eine Auflistung von Name-Wert-Paaren, die die mit der Antwort zurückgegebenen HTTP-Headerwerte enthalten. Allgemeine Headerinformationen, die von der Internetressource zurückgegeben werden, werden als Eigenschaften der HttpWebResponse -Klasse verfügbar gemacht. In der folgenden Tabelle sind allgemeine Header aufgeführt, die von der API als Eigenschaften verfügbar gemacht werden.

Header Eigenschaft
Content-Encoding ContentEncoding
Content-Length ContentLength
Content-Type ContentType
Last-Modified LastModified
Server Server

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