IPAddress.IPv6Any Feld


Die Bind(EndPoint)-Methode gibt über das IPv6Any-Feld an, dass ein Socket die Clientaktivität an allen Netzwerkschnittstellen überwachen muss.

public: static initonly System::Net::IPAddress ^ IPv6Any;
public static readonly System.Net.IPAddress IPv6Any;
 staticval mutable IPv6Any : System.Net.IPAddress
Public Shared ReadOnly IPv6Any As IPAddress 



Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird der Wert von Any address des aktuellen Hosts im komprimierten Standardformat angezeigt.

// This method displays the value of the current host's Any address in
// standard compressed format. The Any address is used by the host to enable
// listening to client activities on all the interfaces for a given port.
void displayIPv6AnyAddress()
      // Get the Any address.
      IPAddress^ any = IPAddress::IPv6Any;
      // Transform the Any address to a string using the overloaded
      // ToString() method. Note that the resulting string is in the compact
      // form: "::".
      String^ ipv6Any = any->ToString();
      // Display the Any address.
      Console::WriteLine( "The IPv6 Any address is: {0}", ipv6Any );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "->Item[displayIPv6AnyAddress] Exception: {0}", e );
// This method displays the value of the current host's Any address in
// standard compressed format. The Any address is used by the host to enable
// listening to client activities on all the interfaces for a given port.
private static void displayIPv6AnyAddress()
    // Get the Any address.
    IPAddress any = IPAddress.IPv6Any;

    // Transform the Any address to a string using the overloaded
    // ToString() method. Note that the resulting string is in the compact
    // form: "::".
    string ipv6Any = any.ToString();

    // Display the Any address.
    Console.WriteLine("The IPv6 Any address is: " + ipv6Any);
  catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("[displayIPv6AnyAddress] Exception: " + e.ToString());
' This function prints the value of the current host's Any address in  
' standard compressed format. The Any address is used by the host to enable
' listening to client activities on all the interfaces for a given port.
Private Shared Sub printIPv6AnyAddress()
      ' Get the Any address.
      Dim any As IPAddress = IPAddress.IPv6Any
      ' Transform the Any address to a string using the overladed
      ' ToString() method. Note that the resulting string is in the compact 
      ' form: "::".
      Dim ipv6Any As String = any.ToString()
      ' Display the Any address.
      Console.WriteLine(("The IPv6 Any address is: " + ipv6Any))
   Catch e As Exception
      Console.WriteLine(("[printIPv6AnyAddress] Exception: " + e.ToString()))
   End Try
End Sub


Das IPv6Any Feld entspricht 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 in der Doppelpunkt-Hexadezimalnotation oder :: in kompakter Notation.

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