PrintQueue.IsInError Eigenschaft


Ruft einen Wert ab, der angibt, ob der Drucker oder das Gerät ein Fehlerzustand aufweist.

 property bool IsInError { bool get(); };
public bool IsInError { get; }
member this.IsInError : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsInError As Boolean


true, wenn das Gerät einen Fehlerzustand aufweist, andernfalls false.


Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie diese Eigenschaft als Teil einer Umfrage für alle Drucker auf mögliche Fehler status verwenden.

   // Check for possible trouble states of a printer using its properties
   static void SpotTroubleUsingProperties (System::String^% statusReport, System::Printing::PrintQueue^ pq) 
      if (pq->HasPaperProblem)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Has a paper problem. ";
      if (!(pq->HasToner))
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of toner. ";
      if (pq->IsDoorOpened)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Has an open door. ";
      if (pq->IsInError)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is in an error state. ";
      if (pq->IsNotAvailable)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is not available. ";
      if (pq->IsOffline)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is off line. ";
      if (pq->IsOutOfMemory)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of memory. ";
      if (pq->IsOutOfPaper)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of paper. ";
      if (pq->IsOutputBinFull)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Has a full output bin. ";
      if (pq->IsPaperJammed)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Has a paper jam. ";
      if (pq->IsPaused)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is paused. ";
      if (pq->IsTonerLow)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Is low on toner. ";
      if (pq->NeedUserIntervention)
         statusReport = statusReport + "Needs user intervention. ";

      // Check if queue is even available at this time of day
      // The following method is defined in the complete example.
      ReportAvailabilityAtThisTime(statusReport, pq);
// Check for possible trouble states of a printer using its properties
internal static void SpotTroubleUsingProperties(ref String statusReport, PrintQueue pq)
    if (pq.HasPaperProblem)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Has a paper problem. ";
    if (!(pq.HasToner))
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of toner. ";
    if (pq.IsDoorOpened)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Has an open door. ";
    if (pq.IsInError)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is in an error state. ";
    if (pq.IsNotAvailable)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is not available. ";
    if (pq.IsOffline)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is off line. ";
    if (pq.IsOutOfMemory)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of memory. ";
    if (pq.IsOutOfPaper)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is out of paper. ";
    if (pq.IsOutputBinFull)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Has a full output bin. ";
    if (pq.IsPaperJammed)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Has a paper jam. ";
    if (pq.IsPaused)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is paused. ";
    if (pq.IsTonerLow)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Is low on toner. ";
    if (pq.NeedUserIntervention)
        statusReport = statusReport + "Needs user intervention. ";

    // Check if queue is even available at this time of day
    // The following method is defined in the complete example.
    ReportAvailabilityAtThisTime(ref statusReport, pq);
}//end SpotTroubleUsingProperties
' Check for possible trouble states of a printer using its properties
Friend Shared Sub SpotTroubleUsingProperties(ByRef statusReport As String, ByVal pq As PrintQueue)
    If pq.HasPaperProblem Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Has a paper problem. "
    End If
    If Not(pq.HasToner) Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is out of toner. "
    End If
    If pq.IsDoorOpened Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Has an open door. "
    End If
    If pq.IsInError Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is in an error state. "
    End If
    If pq.IsNotAvailable Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is not available. "
    End If
    If pq.IsOffline Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is off line. "
    End If
    If pq.IsOutOfMemory Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is out of memory. "
    End If
    If pq.IsOutOfPaper Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is out of paper. "
    End If
    If pq.IsOutputBinFull Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Has a full output bin. "
    End If
    If pq.IsPaperJammed Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Has a paper jam. "
    End If
    If pq.IsPaused Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is paused. "
    End If
    If pq.IsTonerLow Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Is low on toner. "
    End If
    If pq.NeedUserIntervention Then
        statusReport = statusReport & "Needs user intervention. "
    End If

    ' Check if queue is even available at this time of day
    ' The following method is defined in the complete example.
    ReportAvailabilityAtThisTime(statusReport, pq)

End Sub


Wenn der Drucker kein Signal mit dieser Bedeutung unterstützt, ist die Eigenschaft immer false.

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