IChannel.Parse(String, String) Methode


Gibt den Objekt-URI als Out-Parameter und den URI des aktuellen Channels als Rückgabewert zurück.

 System::String ^ Parse(System::String ^ url, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String ^ % objectURI);
public string Parse (string url, out string objectURI);
public string Parse (string url, out string objectURI);
abstract member Parse : string * string -> string
abstract member Parse : string * string -> string
Public Function Parse (url As String, ByRef objectURI As String) As String



Die URL des Objekts.


Enthält nach dem Beenden dieser Methode einen String mit dem Objekt-URI. Dieser Parameter wird nicht initialisiert übergeben.

Gibt zurück

Der URI des aktuellen Channels oder null, wenn der URI nicht zu diesem Channel gehört.



Der direkte Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die Berechtigung für die Infrastruktur.


// Creating the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
IDictionary^ myDictionary = gcnew Hashtable;
myDictionary[ "name" ] = "HttpClientChannel";
myDictionary[ "priority" ] = 2;

// Set the properties along with the constructor.
HttpClientChannel^ myHttpClientChannel = gcnew HttpClientChannel( myDictionary,gcnew BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider );

// Register the server channel.
ChannelServices::RegisterChannel( myHttpClientChannel );
MyHelloServer ^ myHelloServer1 = dynamic_cast<MyHelloServer^>(Activator::GetObject( MyHelloServer::typeid, "http://localhost:8085/SayHello" ));
if ( myHelloServer1 == nullptr )
      System::Console::WriteLine( "Could not locate server" );
   Console::WriteLine( myHelloServer1->myHelloMethod( "Client" ) );

   // Get the name of the channel.
   Console::WriteLine( "Channel Name :{0}", myHttpClientChannel->ChannelName );

   // Get the channel priority.
   Console::WriteLine( "ChannelPriority :{0}", myHttpClientChannel->ChannelPriority );
   String^ myString;
   String^ myObjectURI1;
   Console::WriteLine( "Parse :{0}{1}", myHttpClientChannel->Parse( "http://localhost:8085/SayHello",  myString ), myString );

   // Get the key count.
   System::Console::WriteLine( "Keys->Count : {0}", myHttpClientChannel->Keys->Count );

   // Get the channel message sink that delivers message to the specified url.
   IMessageSink^ myIMessageSink = myHttpClientChannel->CreateMessageSink( "http://localhost:8085/NewEndPoint", nullptr,  myObjectURI1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The channel message sink that delivers the messages to the URL is : {0}", myIMessageSink );
   Console::WriteLine( "URI of the new channel message sink is: {0}", myObjectURI1 );
// Creating the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
IDictionary myDictionary = new Hashtable();
// Set the properties along with the constructor.
HttpClientChannel myHttpClientChannel =
      new HttpClientChannel(myDictionary,new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider());
// Register the server channel.
MyHelloServer myHelloServer1 = (MyHelloServer)Activator.GetObject(
typeof(MyHelloServer), "http://localhost:8085/SayHello");
if (myHelloServer1 == null)
       System.Console.WriteLine("Could not locate server");
   // Get the name of the channel.
   Console.WriteLine("Channel Name :"+myHttpClientChannel.ChannelName);
   // Get the channel priority.
   Console.WriteLine("ChannelPriority :"+myHttpClientChannel.ChannelPriority.ToString());
   string myString,myObjectURI1;
   Console.WriteLine("Parse :" +
       myHttpClientChannel.Parse("http://localhost:8085/SayHello",out myString)+myString);
   // Get the key count.
   System.Console.WriteLine("Keys.Count : " + myHttpClientChannel.Keys.Count);
   // Get the channel message sink that delivers message to the specified url.
   IMessageSink myIMessageSink =
                                                                   null,out myObjectURI1);
   Console.WriteLine("The channel message sink that delivers the messages to the URL is : "
   Console.WriteLine("URI of the new channel message sink is: " +myObjectURI1);
  ' Creating the 'IDictionary' to set the server object properties.
  Dim myDictionary As  New Hashtable()
  myDictionary("name") = "HttpClientChannel"
  myDictionary("priority") = 2
  ' Set the properties along with the constructor.
Dim myHttpClientChannel As New _
          HttpClientChannel( myDictionary, New BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider)
  ' Register the server channel.
  Dim myHelloServer1 As MyHelloServer = CType(Activator.GetObject(GetType(MyHelloServer), _
          "http://localhost:8085/SayHello"), MyHelloServer)
  If myHelloServer1 Is Nothing Then
     System.Console.WriteLine("Could not locate server")
     ' Get the name of the channel.
     Console.WriteLine("Channel Name :" + myHttpClientChannel.ChannelName)
     ' Get the channel priority.
     Console.WriteLine("ChannelPriority :" + myHttpClientChannel.ChannelPriority.ToString())
     Dim myString, myObjectURI1 As String
     Console.WriteLine("Parse :" + _
          myHttpClientChannel.Parse("http://localhost:8085/SayHello", myString) + myString)
     ' Get the key count.
     System.Console.WriteLine("Keys.Count : " + myHttpClientChannel.Keys.Count.ToString())
     ' Get the channel message sink that delivers message to the specified url.
     Dim myIMessageSink As IMessageSink =myHttpClientChannel.CreateMessageSink( _
          "http://localhost:8085/NewEndPoint", Nothing, myObjectURI1)
   Console.WriteLine("The channel message sink that delivers the messages to the URL is :" + _
           CType(myIMessageSink, Object).ToString)
   Console.WriteLine("URI of the new channel message sink is: " + myObjectURI1)
  End If

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