CryptoProvider.Decrypt(Byte[]) Methode


Entschlüsselt verschlüsselten Text.

 cli::array <System::Byte> ^ Decrypt(cli::array <System::Byte> ^ cryptoText);
public byte[] Decrypt (byte[] cryptoText);
member this.Decrypt : byte[] -> byte[]
Public Function Decrypt (cryptoText As Byte()) As Byte()



Der verschlüsselte Text, der entschlüsselt werden soll.

Gibt zurück


Der entschlüsselte Klartext von cryptoText.


cipherText ist NULL.

Es wurden keine Entschlüsselungsrechte gewährt.


Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie die Decrypt Methode verwenden, um verschlüsselte Daten in unverschlüsselte Daten zu konvertieren.

byte[] imageBuffer;
using (Stream cipherTextStream = File.OpenRead(encryptedFile))
    byte[] contentLengthByteBuffer = new byte[sizeof(Int32)];
    // Read the length of the source content file
    // from the first four bytes of the encrypted file.
    ReliableRead(cipherTextStream, contentLengthByteBuffer,
                 0, sizeof(Int32));

    // Allocate the clearText buffer.
    int contentLength =
        BitConverter.ToInt32(contentLengthByteBuffer, 0);
    imageBuffer = new byte[contentLength];

    // Allocate the cipherText block.
    byte[] cipherTextBlock =
        new byte[cryptoProvider.BlockSize];

    // decrypt cipherText to clearText block by block.
    int imageBufferIndex = 0;
    for ( ; ; )
    {   // Read cipherText block.
        int readCount = ReliableRead(
                            cipherTextBlock, 0,
        // readCount of zero is end of data.
        if (readCount == 0)
            break; // for

        // Decrypt cipherText to clearText.
        byte[] clearTextBlock =

        // Copy the clearTextBlock to the imageBuffer.
        int copySize = Math.Min(clearTextBlock.Length,
        Array.Copy(clearTextBlock, 0,
            imageBuffer, imageBufferIndex, copySize);
        imageBufferIndex += copySize;
}// end:using (Stream cipherTextStream = (close/dispose)
Dim imageBuffer() As Byte
Using cipherTextStream As Stream = File.OpenRead(encryptedFile)
    Dim expression As Int32
    Dim contentLengthByteBuffer(Len(expression) - 1) As Byte
    ' Read the length of the source content file
    ' from the first four bytes of the encrypted file.
    ReliableRead(cipherTextStream, contentLengthByteBuffer, 0, Len(expression))

    ' Allocate the clearText buffer.
    Dim contentLength As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(contentLengthByteBuffer, 0)
    imageBuffer = New Byte(contentLength - 1) {}

    ' Allocate the cipherText block.
    Dim cipherTextBlock(cryptoProvider.BlockSize - 1) As Byte

    ' decrypt cipherText to clearText block by block.
    Dim imageBufferIndex As Integer = 0
        Dim readCount As Integer = ReliableRead(cipherTextStream, cipherTextBlock, 0, cryptoProvider.BlockSize)
        ' readCount of zero is end of data.
        If readCount = 0 Then
            Exit Do ' for
        End If

        ' Decrypt cipherText to clearText.
        Dim clearTextBlock() As Byte = cryptoProvider.Decrypt(cipherTextBlock)

        ' Copy the clearTextBlock to the imageBuffer.
        Dim copySize As Integer = Math.Min(clearTextBlock.Length, contentLength - imageBufferIndex)
        Array.Copy(clearTextBlock, 0, imageBuffer, imageBufferIndex, copySize)
        imageBufferIndex += copySize
End Using ' end:using (Stream cipherTextStream = (close/dispose)

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