IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter.PrintTicket Eigenschaft


Legt ein PrintTicket für die FixedDocumentSequence fest, die geschrieben wird.

 property System::Printing::PrintTicket ^ PrintTicket {  void set(System::Printing::PrintTicket ^ value); };
public System.Printing.PrintTicket PrintTicket { set; }
member this.PrintTicket : System.Printing.PrintTicket
Public Property PrintTicket As PrintTicket



Ein PrintTicket, das eine Standarddruckkonfiguration für die Sequenz darstellt.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie sie die PrintTicket Eigenschaft zum Zuordnen einer PrintTicket Eigenschaft mit dem FixedDocumentSequence.

// ------------------------- AddPackageContent ----------------------------
/// <summary>
///   Adds a predefined set of content to a given XPS document.</summary>
/// <param name="xpsDocument">
///   The package to add the document content to.</param>
/// <param name="attachPrintTicket">
///   true to include a PrintTicket with the
///   document; otherwise, false.</param>
void AddPackageContent (XpsDocument^ xpsDocument, bool attachPrintTicket)
      PrintTicket^ printTicket = GetPrintTicketFromPrinter();
      // PrintTicket is null, there is no need to attach one.
      if (printTicket == nullptr)
         attachPrintTicket = false;
      // Add a FixedDocumentSequence at the Package root
      IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter^ documentSequenceWriter = xpsDocument->AddFixedDocumentSequence();

      // Add the 1st FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - -
      IXpsFixedDocumentWriter^ fixedDocumentWriter = documentSequenceWriter->AddFixedDocument();


      // Commit the 1st Document

      // Add a 2nd FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - - -
      fixedDocumentWriter = documentSequenceWriter->AddFixedDocument();

      // Add content to the 2nd document.

      // If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at the FixedDocument level.
      if (attachPrintTicket)
         fixedDocumentWriter->PrintTicket = printTicket;
      // Commit the 2nd document.

      // If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at
      // the package FixedDocumentSequence level.
      if (attachPrintTicket)
         documentSequenceWriter->PrintTicket = printTicket;
      // Commit the FixedDocumentSequence
   } catch (XpsPackagingException^ xpsException)
      throw xpsException;

};// end:AddPackageContent()
// ------------------------- AddPackageContent ----------------------------
/// <summary>
///   Adds a predefined set of content to a given XPS document.</summary>
/// <param name="xpsDocument">
///   The package to add the document content to.</param>
/// <param name="attachPrintTicket">
///   true to include a PrintTicket with the
///   document; otherwise, false.</param>
private void AddPackageContent(
    XpsDocument xpsDocument, bool attachPrintTicket)
        PrintTicket printTicket = GetPrintTicketFromPrinter();
        // PrintTicket is null, there is no need to attach one.
        if (printTicket == null)
            attachPrintTicket = false;

        // Add a FixedDocumentSequence at the Package root
        IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter documentSequenceWriter =

        // Add the 1st FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - -
        IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter =

        // Add content to the 1st document

        // Commit the 1st Document

        // Add a 2nd FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - - -
        fixedDocumentWriter = documentSequenceWriter.AddFixedDocument();

        // Add content to the 2nd document.

        // If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at the FixedDocument level.
        if (attachPrintTicket)
            fixedDocumentWriter.PrintTicket = printTicket;

        // Commit the 2nd document.

        // If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at
        // the package FixedDocumentSequence level.
        if (attachPrintTicket)
            documentSequenceWriter.PrintTicket = printTicket;

        // Commit the FixedDocumentSequence
    catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException)
        throw xpsException;
}// end:AddPackageContent()
' ------------------------- AddPackageContent ----------------------------
''' <summary>
'''   Adds a predefined set of content to a given XPS document.</summary>
''' <param name="xpsDocument">
'''   The package to add the document content to.</param>
''' <param name="attachPrintTicket">
'''   true to include a PrintTicket with the
'''   document; otherwise, false.</param>
Private Sub AddPackageContent(ByVal xpsDocument As XpsDocument, ByVal attachPrintTicket As Boolean)
        Dim printTicket As PrintTicket = GetPrintTicketFromPrinter()
        ' PrintTicket is null, there is no need to attach one.
        If printTicket Is Nothing Then
            attachPrintTicket = False
        End If

        ' Add a FixedDocumentSequence at the Package root
        Dim documentSequenceWriter As IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter = xpsDocument.AddFixedDocumentSequence()

        ' Add the 1st FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - -
        Dim fixedDocumentWriter As IXpsFixedDocumentWriter = documentSequenceWriter.AddFixedDocument()

        ' Add content to the 1st document

        ' Commit the 1st Document

        ' Add a 2nd FixedDocument to the FixedDocumentSequence. - - - - - -
        fixedDocumentWriter = documentSequenceWriter.AddFixedDocument()

        ' Add content to the 2nd document.

        ' If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at the FixedDocument level.
        If attachPrintTicket Then
            fixedDocumentWriter.PrintTicket = printTicket
        End If

        ' Commit the 2nd document.

        ' If attaching PrintTickets, attach one at
        ' the package FixedDocumentSequence level.
        If attachPrintTicket Then
            documentSequenceWriter.PrintTicket = printTicket
        End If

        ' Commit the FixedDocumentSequence
    Catch xpsException As XpsPackagingException
        Throw xpsException
    End Try
End Sub


Wenn Sie diese Eigenschaft festlegen, wird die angegebene PrintTicket Eigenschaft für eine bestimmte PrintQueueEigenschaft nicht überprüft oder geändert. Wenn erforderlich, verwenden Sie die Methode, um einen PrintQueuePrintTicket bestimmten Drucker zu erstellen, der MergeAndValidatePrintTicket für einen angegebenen Drucker gültig ist.

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