Word.BorderLocation enum


[ API-Satz: WordApi 1.3 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/40-tables/manage-formatting.yaml

// Gets border details about the first table in the document.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  const firstTable: Word.Table = context.document.body.tables.getFirst();
  const borderLocation = Word.BorderLocation.top;
  const border: Word.TableBorder = firstTable.getBorder(borderLocation);
  border.load(["type", "color", "width"]);
  await context.sync();

  console.log(`Details about the ${borderLocation} border of the first table:`, `- Color: ${border.color}`, `- Type: ${border.type}`, `- Width: ${border.width} points`);


all = "All"
bottom = "Bottom"
inside = "Inside"
insideHorizontal = "InsideHorizontal"
insideVertical = "InsideVertical"
left = "Left"
outside = "Outside"
right = "Right"
top = "Top"