3.2.3 Initialization
ConnectionTable: MUST be set to an empty table.
GlobalFileTable: If implemented, MUST be set to an empty table.
If the client implements the SMB 2.1 dialect or SMB 3.x dialect family:
ClientGuid: MUST be set to a newly generated GUID.
If the client implements SMB 3.x dialect family:
MaxDialect: MUST be set to the highest SMB2 dialect that the client implements.
RequireSecureNegotiate: MUST be set based on the local configuration policy.<105>
ServerList: MUST be set to empty.
ShareList: MUST be set to an empty list.
If the client implements the SMB 3.1.1 dialect:
CompressAllRequests MUST be set based on the local configuration policy.<106>
IsMutualAuthOverQUICSupported MUST be set in an implementation-specific manner.<107>
ClientCertificateMappingTable MUST be initialized based on the administrator configuration.