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The UplinkKey property specifies and retrieves the key of the root element in a license chain.


WMRMLicGen.UplinkKey = String
String = WMRMLicGen.UplinkKey


This property takes no parameters.

Return Values

If the property succeeds, it returns a String containing the key of the root element in a license chain. If it fails, it returns a number in the error object.


If this license is a leaf element of a license chain, use this method to specify the key of the root license.

Example Code

The following example is based on the sample page Simple.asp, except this sample can issue a simple or a chained license depending on the license request.

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript"%>
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Expires = 0
    On Error Resume Next

' Declare variables.
    Dim ChallengeObj             ' WMRMChallenge object
    Dim ChainCollObj             ' WMRMUplinkCollection object
    Dim ChainObj                 ' WMRMUplink object
    Dim LeafLicenseStateObj      ' WMRMLicenseStateData object
    Dim RootLicenseStateObj      ' WMRMLicenseStateData object
    Dim HeaderObj                ' WMRMHeader object
    Dim KeyObj                   ' WMRMKeys object
    Dim RightsObj                ' WMRMRights object
    Dim LicenseObj               ' WMRMLicGen object
    Dim ResponseObj              ' WMRMResponse object
    Dim RestrictObj              ' WMRMRestrictions object

    Dim ContentServerPubKey      ' Public key of the content server
    Dim Seed                     ' License key seed
    Dim Delivery                 ' Delivery flag
    Dim LicChain                 ' License chain flag
    Dim Silent                   ' Silent delivery flag
    Dim strLicenseRequested      ' License request string
    Dim varClientInfo            ' Client information
    Dim varHeader                ' Content header
    Dim blnResult                ' Signature verification
    Dim SimpleLeafKID            ' Key ID of a simple license or leaf license
    Dim IndiVersion              ' Security version of the DRM component

    Dim RootKID                  ' Key ID of the root license
    Dim RootCat                  ' License state data for root licenses
    Dim RCountArray              ' Count array
    Dim RDateArray               ' Date array
    Dim RStreamID                ' Stream ID
    Dim RVague                   ' Vagueness
    Dim IssueRoot                ' Root license flag
    Dim Rcounts                  ' Remaining counts
    Dim RstartDate               ' Start date
    Dim RExpDate                 ' Expiration date

    Dim LeafCat                  ' License state data for leaf licenses
    Dim LCountArray              ' Count array
    Dim LDateArray               ' Date array
    Dim LStreamID                ' Stream ID
    Dim LVague                   ' Vagueness
    Dim IssueLeaf                ' Leaf license flag
    Dim Lcounts                  ' Remaining counts
    Dim LstartDate               ' Start date
    Dim LExpDate                 ' Expiration date

    Dim SimpleLeafKey            ' Key for the simple license or leaf license
    Dim SimpleLeafRights         ' Rights string for the simple license or leaf license
    Dim SimpleLeafLicense        ' License for the simple license or leaf license

    Dim RootKey                  ' Key for the root license
    Dim RootRights               ' Rights string for the root license
    Dim RootLicense              ' Root license

    Dim LicResponse              ' License response

' Set variables.
    ContentServerPubKey = Application("contentserverpubkey")
    Seed = Application("seed")
    Delivery = ""
    LicChain = ""
    Silent = True

' Check the request for silent or non-silent delivery.
    If (Request.Form("nonsilent") <> "") Then Silent = False

' Retrieve the license request. Get the client information and content header.
    Set ChallengeObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMchallenge")
    strLicenseRequested = Request.Form("challenge")
    ChallengeObj.Challenge = strLicenseRequested
    varClientInfo = ChallengeObj.ClientInfo
    varHeader = ChallengeObj.Header

' Put the content header into the header object. Retrieve
' the KID and required individualization version.
    Set HeaderObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMheader")
    HeaderObj.Header = varHeader
    blnResult = HeaderObj.Verify(ContentServerPubKey)
    SimpleLeafKID = HeaderObj.KeyID
    IndiVersion = HeaderObj.IndividualizedVersion
        ' If IndividualizedVersion is not specified, an error 
        ' might be set.

' If this is a chained license, retrieve the root license KID.
    Set ChainCollObj = ChallengeObj.Uplinks
    If (Err.Number = 0) Then    ' Request for a license chain. 
        LicChain = "chain"     

        ' Get license state data and key ID for the root license.
        Set ChainObj = ChainCollObj.item(1)
        RootKID =  ChainObj.KID

        ' Get license state data to determine whether to issue
        ' a root license.
        Set RootLicenseStateObj = ChainObj.LicenseState
        RootCat = cstr(RootLicenseStateObj.Category)
        Select Case RootCat
            case 0    ' The root license has no rights.
                IssueRoot = True
            case 1    ' The root license has unlimited play counts.
                IssueRoot = False
            case 2    ' The root license has remaining play counts.
                RCountArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                RCounts = cstr(RCountArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 3    ' The root license has a start date.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RStartDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 4    ' The root license has an expiration date.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RExpDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 5    ' The root license has start and expiration dates.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RStartDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                RExpDate =  cstr(RDateArray(1))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 6    ' The root license has a start date and 
                      ' remaining play counts.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RStartDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                RCountArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                RCounts = cstr(RCountArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 7    ' The root license has an expiration date and 
                      ' remaining play counts.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RExpDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                RCountArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                RCounts = cstr(RCountArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 8    ' The root license has start and expiration 
                      ' dates, and remaining play counts.
                RDateArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Dates
                RStartDate =  cstr(RDateArray(0))
                RExpDate =  cstr(RDateArray(1))
                RCountArray = RootLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                RCounts = cstr(RCountArray(0))
                IssueRoot = False
            case 9    ' The root license expires after first use.
                IssueRoot = False
        End Select

        RStreamID = RootLicenseStateObj.StreamID  ' This value is always 0.
        RVague = RootLicenseStateObj.Vagueness

        ' Get license state data to determine whether to issue
        ' a leaf license.
        Set ChainObj = ChainCollObj.item(0)
        Set LeafLicenseStateObj = ChainObj.LicenseState
        LeafCat = cstr(LeafLicenseStateObj.Category)
        Select Case LeafCat
            case 0    ' The leaf license has no rights.
                IssueLeaf = True
            case 1    ' The leaf license has unlimited play counts.
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 2    ' The leaf license has remaining play counts.
                LCountArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                LCounts = cstr(LCountArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 3    ' The leaf license has a start date.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LStartDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 4    ' The leaf license has an expiration date.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LExpDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 5    ' The leaf license has start and expiration dates.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LStartDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                LExpDate =  cstr(LDateArray(1))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 6    ' The leaf license has a start date and 
                      ' remaining play counts.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LStartDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                LCountArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                LCounts = cstr(LCountArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 7    ' The leaf license has an expiration date and 
                      ' remaining play counts.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LExpDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                LCountArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                LCounts = cstr(LCountArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 8    ' The leaf license has start and expiration 
                      ' dates, and remaining play counts.
                LDateArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Dates
                LStartDate =  cstr(LDateArray(0))
                LExpDate =  cstr(LDateArray(1))
                LCountArray = LeafLicenseStateObj.Counts 
                LCounts = cstr(LCountArray(0))
                IssueLeaf = False
            case 9    ' The root license expires after first use.
                IssueLeaf = False
        End Select

        LStreamID = LeafLicenseStateObj.StreamID  ' This value is always 0.
        LVague = LeafLicenseStateObj.Vagueness

    Else    ' An error indicates a request for a simple license.
        LicChain = "simple"
    End If

' Generate the keys.
    Set KeyObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMkeys")
    KeyObj.KeyID = SimpleLeafKID
    KeyObj.Seed = Seed
    SimpleLeafKey = KeyObj.GenerateKey()

    If (LicChain = "chain") Then  ' Generate the 8-byte key for the root license.
            KeyObj.KeyID = RootKID
            RootKey = KeyObj.GenerateKeyEx(8)
    End If

' Set the rights.
    Set RightsObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRights")

    If (LicChain = "simple") Then  ' Generate rights for a simple license.
        RightsObj.AllowPlay = True
        RightsObj.Playcount = 2
        RightsObj.AllowCopy = True
        RightsObj.CopyCount = 5
        RightsObj.AllowCollaborativePlay = False
        RightsObj.AllowBackupRestore = False
        RightsObj.AllowPlaylistBurn = True
        RightsObj.MaxPlaylistBurnCount = 5
        RightsObj.PlaylistBurnTrackCount = 15
        RightsObj.MinimumClientSDKSecurity = 3000
        RightsObj.MinimumSecurityLevel = 1000
        RightsObj.GracePeriod = 24

        RightsObj.ExpirationDate = "#20051231Z#"
        RightsObj.DeleteOnClockRollback = False
        RightsObj.DisableOnClockRollback = True

        ' Set copy restrictions.
        Set RestrictObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRestrictions")
        Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(6, 400)
        RightsObj.CopyRestrictions = RestrictObj.GetRestrictions

        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            SimpleLeafRights = RightsObj.GetAllRights
        End If

        ' Generate rights for a leaf license.
        RightsObj.AllowPlay = True
        RightsObj.AllowCopy = True
        RightsObj.CopyCount = 5
        RightsObj.AllowCollaborativePlay = False
        RightsObj.AllowBackupRestore = False
        RightsObj.AllowPlaylistBurn = True
        RightsObj.MaxPlaylistBurnCount = 5
        RightsObj.PlaylistBurnTrackCount = 15
        RightsObj.GracePeriod = 24
        RightsObj.MinimumClientSDKSecurity = 3000
        RightsObj.MinimumSecurityLevel = 1000

        ' Set copy restrictions.
        Set RestrictObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRestrictions")
        Call RestrictObj.AddRestriction(6, 400)
        RightsObj.CopyRestrictions = RestrictObj.GetRestrictions

        ' Get the rights string.
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            SimpleLeafRights = RightsObj.GetAllRights
        End If

      ' Generate rights for a root license.
        RightsObj.AllowPlay = True
        RightsObj.Playcount = 1
        RightsObj.AllowCopy = True
        RightsObj.AllowPlaylistBurn = True
        RightsObj.AllowCollaborativePlay = False
        RightsObj.AllowBackupRestore = False

        RightsObj.ExpirationDate = "#20051231Z#"
        RightsObj.DeleteOnClockRollback = False
        RightsObj.DisableOnClockRollback = True

        ' Set copy restrictions.
        RightsObj.CopyRestrictions = RestrictObj.GetRestrictions

        ' Get the rights string.
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            RootRights = RightsObj.GetAllRights
        End If

    End If

' Generate a simple license or leaf license.
    Set LicenseObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMlicgen")
    LicenseObj.KeyID = SimpleLeafKID
    LicenseObj.SetKey "", SimpleLeafKey
    LicenseObj.Priority = 10
    LicenseObj.Rights = SimpleLeafRights
    LicenseObj.ClientInfo = varClientInfo
    LicenseObj.BindToPubKey = ContentServerPubKey
    LicenseObj.Attribute("ContentDistributor") = "Distributor Name"
    LicenseObj.IndividualizedVersion = IndiVersion

    If (LicChain = "chain") Then   ' Link to the root license.
        LicenseObj.UplinkKid = RootKID
        LicenseObj.UplinkKey = RootKey
    End If

    SimpleLeafLicense = LicenseObj.GetLicenseToDeliver()
    Delivery = "deliver"

'Generate a root license.
    If (LicChain = "chain") Then
        Set LicenseObj = Nothing
        Set LicenseObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMlicgen")
        LicenseObj.KeyID = RootKID
        LicenseObj.SetKey "", RootKey
        LicenseObj.Priority = 10
        LicenseObj.Rights = RootRights
        LicenseObj.ClientInfo = varClientInfo
        LicenseObj.BindToPubKey = ContentServerPubKey
        LicenseObj.Attribute("ContentDistributor") = "Distributor Name"
        LicenseObj.IndividualizedVersion = IndiVersion
        RootLicense = LicenseObj.GetLicenseToDeliver()
    End If

Loop While False

' Send an error message or deliver the license.
  If (Delivery = "" and Err.Number <> 0) Then
        Response.Write "0x" + cstr(hex(err.number)) + " :" & Err.Description

  ElseIf (Delivery = "deliver") Then
    Set ResponseObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMresponse")

    If (LicChain = "simple") or (IssueLeaf = True) Then
        ' Include a simple license or leaf license in the license response.
        Call ResponseObj.AddLicense("", SimpleLeafLicense)
    End If

    If (IssueRoot = True) Then 
        ' Include the root license in the license response.
        Call ResponseObj.AddLicense("", RootLicense)
    End If

    If (Silent = True) Then
        LicResponse = ResponseObj.GetLicenseResponse()
        Response.Write LicResponse

    ElseIf (Silent = False) Then
      ' This replaces quotes to pass a value.
      ' ResponseObj.ReplaceQuotesWith = """"""    ' For VBScript.
        ResponseObj.ReplaceQuotesWith = "\"""     ' For JScript.
        LicResponse = ResponseObj.GetLicenseResponse()
<!-- #include file="simple_ns.asp" -->
    End If
  End If

' Clear objects.
    Set ChallengeObj = Nothing
    Set ChainCollObj = Nothing
    Set ChainObj = Nothing
    Set LicenseStateObj = Nothing
    Set HeaderObj = Nothing
    Set KeyObj = Nothing
    Set RightsObj = Nothing
    Set LicenseObj = Nothing
    Set ResponseObj = Nothing


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also