Nested Collections

  Dieses Feature wird in der nächsten Version von Microsoft SQL Server entfernt. Verwenden Sie dieses Feature nicht zum Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen, und planen Sie das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird, zum frühstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ein.

For members of a collection that is itself a collection of an object contained in another collection, you can use an intermediate object to access each collection. For example, if object dsoObject has a collection Collection1 that contains objects of type dsoObject1, and each of these has a collection Collection2 that contains objects of type dsoObject2, you can access properties of dsoObject2 objects by setting a temporary object to the intermediate dsoObject1.

Dim TempObject, TempProp
' Retrieve the first level object.
Set TempObject = dsoObject.Collection1(i)
' Retrieve the property.   
TempProp = TempObject.Collection2(j).property

Access to the property directly through nested collection references is not implemented in Decision Support Objects (DSO) collections. For example, the following statement will produce an error:

TempProp = dsoObject.Collection1(i).Collection2(j).property 

Siehe auch


Collections (DSO)

Hilfe und Informationen

Informationsquellen für SQL Server 2005