Rebuild Method

Dieses Feature wird in einer zukünftigen Version von Microsoft SQL Server entfernt. Verwenden Sie dieses Feature beim Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen nicht, und planen Sie das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird.

The Rebuild method re-creates the Microsoft Search full-text catalog or Microsoft SQL Server index referenced by the object.




  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT Rebuild();


For the FullTextCatalog object, the Rebuild method removes, then re-creates the structures maintaining the full-text catalog referenced. The re-created catalog is not populated, but is ready for population. After calling the Rebuild method, use the Start method of the FullTextCatalog object to repopulate the full-text catalog.

When using the Rebuild method of an Index object referencing a clustered index, you can set the FillFactor property prior to calling the method to alter index density. For more information about index fill factor, see CREATE INDEX.

Applies To:

FullTextCatalog Object

Index Object

Siehe auch


FillFactor Property
Start Method (FullTextCatalog)

Hilfe und Informationen

Informationsquellen für SQL Server 2005