IScheduledEventProvider.Initialize Method

Initializes the event provider.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices (in microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll)


Sub Initialize ( _
    nsApplication As NSApplication, _
    providerName As String, _
    args As StringDictionary, _
    stopDelegate As StopHandler _
void Initialize (
    NSApplication nsApplication,
    string providerName,
    StringDictionary args,
    StopHandler stopDelegate
void Initialize (
    NSApplication^ nsApplication, 
    String^ providerName, 
    StringDictionary^ args, 
    StopHandler^ stopDelegate
void Initialize (
    NSApplication nsApplication, 
    String providerName, 
    StringDictionary args, 
    StopHandler stopDelegate
function Initialize (
    nsApplication : NSApplication, 
    providerName : String, 
    args : StringDictionary, 
    stopDelegate : StopHandler


  • nsApplication
    An NSApplication representing the Notification Services application to which this event provider delivers events.
  • providerName
    A String containing the name of the event provider, as specified in the application definition.
  • args
    A StringDictionary containing the names and values of the initialization arguments, as specified in the application definition.
  • stopDelegate
    A StopHandler delegate that the event provider can use to call back to the provider host to request termination.

    Note that the event provider is not initialized until the Initialize method completes. Calling stopDelegate during initialization has no effect.


The provider host calls this method to notify the scheduled event provider that it must perform initialization. The args parameter provides the initialization arguments for the event provider. For more information about event provider arguments, see Definieren von gehosteten Ereignisanbietern.

You use the values provided in the args parameter to set class variables and prepare the event provider to run. This often involves setting information about the event source that the event provider monitors and the event class that defines the events that the event provider creates.

The event provider host calls the Initialize method when it starts. The event provider returns as soon as initialization is complete. The provider host always calls Initialize before calling the Run or Terminate method.

The Initialize method has a five-minute time-out window. If initialization has not completed within that time, an error is logged and the event provider's Terminate method is called.


For an example of how to implement the Initialize method, see the IScheduledEventProvider topic.


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



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Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


IScheduledEventProvider Interface
IScheduledEventProvider Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices Namespace