ReportingService2005.ExecuteBatch Method

Executes all methods that are associated with a batch ID within a single database transaction.

Namespace: Microsoft.WSSUX.ReportingServicesWebService.RSManagementService2005
Assembly : ReportService2005 (in reportingservice2005.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace:="", ResponseNamespace:="", Use:=SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle:=SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
<SoapHeaderAttribute("BatchHeaderValue")> _
<SoapHeaderAttribute("ServerInfoHeaderValue", Direction:=SoapHeaderDirection.Out)> _
Public Sub ExecuteBatch
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace="", ResponseNamespace="", Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] 
[SoapHeaderAttribute("ServerInfoHeaderValue", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection.Out)] 
public void ExecuteBatch ()
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute(L"", RequestNamespace=L"", ResponseNamespace=L"", Use=SoapBindingUse::Literal, ParameterStyle=SoapParameterStyle::Wrapped)] 
[SoapHeaderAttribute(L"ServerInfoHeaderValue", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection::Out)] 
void ExecuteBatch ()
/** @attribute SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace="", ResponseNamespace="", Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped) */ 
/** @attribute SoapHeaderAttribute("BatchHeaderValue") */ 
/** @attribute SoapHeaderAttribute("ServerInfoHeaderValue", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection.Out) */ 
public void ExecuteBatch ()
SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace="", ResponseNamespace="", Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped) 
SoapHeaderAttribute("ServerInfoHeaderValue", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection.Out) 
public function ExecuteBatch ()


All methods that are associated with the currently set batch ID are executed within the scope of a single database transaction in the order in which they are called. The batch ID is contained in the SOAP header for each Web service operation.

To execute the batch, set the BatchHeaderValue property of the Web service to the batch ID that was generated when the batch was created.

If an error occurs in any of the method calls when the batch executes, the report server stops execution and rolls back any previous operations. This is useful when a method call depends on the successful execution of other method calls in the batch.

Users must have permissions on all operations that are included in the batch.


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


ReportingService2005 Class
ReportingService2005 Members
Microsoft.WSSUX.ReportingServicesWebService.RSManagementService2005 Namespace

Andere Ressourcen

Batching Methods