Command Element (XMLA)

Contains the command to be executed by the Execute method.


      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->
      <!-- or -->

Element Characteristics

Characteristic Description

Data type and length


Default value



1-1: Required element that occurs once and only once.

Element Relationships

Relationship Element

Parent elements


Child elements

Alter, Backup, Batch, BeginTransaction, Cancel, ClearCache, CommitTransaction, Create, Delete, DesignAggregations, Drop, Insert, Lock, MergePartitions, NotifyTableChange, Process, Restore, RollbackTransaction, Statement, Subscribe, Synchronize, Unlock, Update, UpdateCells


The Command element is used by the Execute method to relay commands to a data source. While the XML for Analysis (XMLA) 1.1 Specification supports only the Statement command, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) supports many new XMLA commands. For more information about the XMLA command supported by Analysis Services, see Commands (XMLA).

Siehe auch


Properties (XMLA)

Andere Ressourcen

XML Data Types (XMLA)

Hilfe und Informationen

Informationsquellen für SQL Server 2005