Application.SaveToSqlServer Method

Saves a package to an instance of SQL Server.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (in microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll)


Public Sub SaveToSqlServer ( _
    package As Package, _
    events As IDTSEvents, _
    serverName As String, _
    serverUserName As String, _
    serverPassword As String _
public void SaveToSqlServer (
    Package package,
    IDTSEvents events,
    string serverName,
    string serverUserName,
    string serverPassword
void SaveToSqlServer (
    Package^ package, 
    IDTSEvents^ events, 
    String^ serverName, 
    String^ serverUserName, 
    String^ serverPassword
public void SaveToSqlServer (
    Package package, 
    IDTSEvents events, 
    String serverName, 
    String serverUserName, 
    String serverPassword
public function SaveToSqlServer (
    package : Package, 
    events : IDTSEvents, 
    serverName : String, 
    serverUserName : String, 
    serverPassword : String


  • package
    The package to save.
  • serverName
    The name of the instance of SQL Server to save the package to.
  • serverUserName
    The user name used to log on to the server.
  • serverPassword
    The password for the user account.


The following code example saves the sample package under the File System. To verify that the package was saved, run the following Transact-SQL query against the msdb database. The query returns all packages stored in the msdb system table.

select * from sysdtspackages90

Or, connect to the Integration Services service, expand Stored Packages, and then expand MSDB. The package with the name DTSPackage1 will be listed.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

namespace LoadFromSQLServerTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The variable, pkg, points to the location
            // of the UsingExecuteProcess sample installed with
            // the SSIS package samples.
            string pkg = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx";
            Application app = new Application();
            Package loadedPkg = app.LoadPackage(pkg, null);

            // Save the package to SQL Server.
            app.SaveToSqlServer(loadedPkg, null, "yourserver", null, null);

            // The package can now be viewed in the 
            // Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in the 
            // Integration Services / Stored Packages / MSDB folder,
            // with the name UsingExecuteProcess.
            Package pkgIn = new Package();
            pkgIn = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\\UsingExecuteProcess", "yourserver", null, null, null);
            DateTime pkgCreation = pkgIn.CreationDate;
            Console.WriteLine("Creation Date = {0}", pkgCreation);
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Namespace LoadFromSQLServerTest
    Class Program
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' The variable, pkg, points to the location
            ' of the UsingExecuteProcess sample installed with
            ' the SSIS package samples.
            Dim pkg As String =  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx" 
            Dim app As Application =  New Application() 
            Dim loadedPkg As Package =  app.LoadPackage(pkg,Nothing) 
            ' Save the package to SQL Server.
            app.SaveToSqlServer(loadedPkg, Nothing, "yourserver", Nothing, Nothing)
            ' The package can now be viewed in the 
            ' Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in the 
            ' Integration Services / Stored Packages / MSDB folder,
            ' with the name UsingExecuteProcess.
            Dim pkgIn As Package =  New Package() 
            pkgIn = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\\UsingExecuteProcess", "yourserver", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
            Dim pkgCreation As DateTime =  pkgIn.CreationDate 
            Console.WriteLine("Creation Date = {0}", pkgCreation)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Sample Output:

Creation Date = 5/5/2003 5:46:00 PM


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


Application Class
Application Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime Namespace