SubscriptionChronicle Constructor (SubscriptionClass, String)

Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionChronicle class with a parent subscription class and a name.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)


Public Sub New ( _
    subscriptionClass As SubscriptionClass, _
    name As String _
public SubscriptionChronicle (
    SubscriptionClass subscriptionClass,
    string name
SubscriptionChronicle (
    SubscriptionClass^ subscriptionClass, 
    String^ name
public SubscriptionChronicle (
    SubscriptionClass subscriptionClass, 
    String name
public function SubscriptionChronicle (
    subscriptionClass : SubscriptionClass, 
    name : String


  • name
    A String, between 1 and 64 characters in length, that specifies the name of the subscription chronicle. This is a logical name, and not the name of the chronicle table, which you define using the SqlStatements property.

    You cannot change the name. To rename a subscription chronicle, you must remove the chronicle and then add a new chronicle that has a new name. For existing instances, you may need to rename the existing chronicle table so that you can copy data between it and the new chronicle.


Subscription class names must conform to Microsoft SQL Server identifier naming conventions and must be unique within the application. For more information about SQL Server identifier naming conventions, see Bezeichner.

If you update the name, updating the application re-creates the subscription class to which it corresponds. Notification Services renames the existing subscription tables by appending Old to the table name and then creates new tables. Existing subscription table indexes are left unchanged.

If you want to transfer data between the old and new subscription tables, it must be done manually. For more information, see Aktualisieren einer Anwendung.


The following examples show how to create a subscription chronicle:

// Define a chronicle for the subscription class
SubscriptionChronicle sc1 = new SubscriptionChronicle(
    flightSubscriptions, "FlightSubChronicle");
    "CREATE TABLE MyAppSchema.FlightSubChronicle " + 
    " (SubscriptionId bigint, LeavingFrom nvarchar(6), " + 
    "  GoingTo nvarchar(6), Price float);");
    "CREATE INDEX FlightSubChronicleIndex  " +
    " ON MyAppSchema.FlightSubChronicle " +
    " ( LeavingFrom, GoingTo );");
' Define a chronicle for the subscription class
Dim sc1 As SubscriptionChronicle = New SubscriptionChronicle( _
    flightSubscriptions, "FlightSubChronicle")
sc1.SqlStatements.Add( _
    "CREATE TABLE MyAppSchema.FlightSubChronicle " + _
    "(SubscriptionId bigint, LeavingFrom nvarchar(6), " + _
    "GoingTo nvarchar(6), Price float);")
sc1.SqlStatements.Add( _
    "CREATE INDEX FlightSubChronicleIndex  " + _
    "ON MyAppSchema.FlightSubChronicle " + _
    "( LeavingFrom, GoingTo );")



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


SubscriptionChronicle Class
SubscriptionChronicle Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo Namespace

Andere Ressourcen

Definieren von Verläufen für eine Abonnementklasse
Chronicle Element for SubscriptionClass/Chronicles (ADF)