MainPipeClass.BLOBTempStoragePath Property

Gets or sets a value that specifies the file system location where binary large objects (BLOBs) are temporarily written to disk.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap (in microsoft.sqlserver.dtspipelinewrap.dll)


<DispIdAttribute(121)> _
Public Overridable Property BLOBTempStoragePath As String Implements IDTSPipeline90.BLOBTempStoragePath
public virtual string IDTSPipeline90.BLOBTempStoragePath { get; set; }
virtual property String^ BLOBTempStoragePath {
    String^ get () = IDTSPipeline90::BLOBTempStoragePath::get;
    void set ([InAttribute] String^ pbstrBLOBTempStoragePath) = IDTSPipeline90::BLOBTempStoragePath::set;
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Von JScript wird die Verwendung von expliziten Schnittstellenimplementierungen unterstützt, ausgenommen der Deklarationen neuer Schnittstellenimplementierungen.


A String that contains the path where BLOBs are temporarily written to disk.


Aktualisierter Text:17. Juli 2006

When the data flow task processes a column containing BLOB data that is larger than the available memory on the system it temporarily writes data from the BLOB to the file system. This property specifies the location on the file system used by the task. You can specify multiple directories by delimiting the directory names with semicolons. By default, the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable is used.

For a brief discussion of this property and related properties that can be used to optimize the performance of the Data Flow task, see Problembehandlung der Paketleistung.


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


MainPipeClass Class
MainPipeClass Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Namespace