Login.ChangePassword Method (String, Boolean, Boolean)

Changes the password for the login account.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)


Public Sub ChangePassword ( _
    newPassword As String, _
    unlock As Boolean, _
    mustChange As Boolean _
public void ChangePassword (
    string newPassword,
    bool unlock,
    bool mustChange
void ChangePassword (
    String^ newPassword, 
    bool unlock, 
    bool mustChange
public void ChangePassword (
    String newPassword, 
    boolean unlock, 
    boolean mustChange
public function ChangePassword (
    newPassword : String, 
    unlock : boolean, 
    mustChange : boolean


  • newPassword
    A String value that specifies the new password.
  • unlock
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to unlock the login account's access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.

    If True, the login account is given access to the instance of SQL Server.

    If False, the login account remains locked out of the instance of SQL Server.

  • mustChange
    A Boolean value that specifies whether the login account must change the password.

    If True, the password must be changed again.

    If False, the password will not need to be changed.


Der Namespace, die Klasse oder das Element wird nur in der Version 2.0 von Microsoft .NET Framework unterstützt.


How to: Enumerate Logins and Associated Users in Visual Basic .NET


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


Login Class
Login Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace

Andere Ressourcen

Managing Users, Roles, and Logins