NotificationField.DigestGrouping Property

Gets or sets the digest grouping setting, which specifies if the field is used to determine which notifications are combined into a digest.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo
Assembly : Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)


Public Property DigestGrouping As Boolean
public bool DigestGrouping { get; set; }
property bool DigestGrouping {
    bool get ();
    void set (bool value);
/** @property */
public boolean get_DigestGrouping ()

/** @property */
public void set_DigestGrouping (boolean value)
public function get DigestGrouping () : boolean

public function set DigestGrouping (value : boolean)


true if the field is used to determine digest grouping; otherwise, false.


The DigestGrouping property is optional, and the default value is false.

If you want a field used to determine if notifications should be grouped when using digest delivery, set DigestGrouping to true. For example, if a flight application sends notifications for multiple carriers, you can set DigestGrouping to true on the Carrier field so that the notifications for a carrier are grouped into a single notification.

If you are using digest delivery but you do not set DigestGrouping to true on any fields, Notification Services groups messages within a notification batch that have the same SubscriberId, DeviceName, and SubscriberLocale values.

If you add, delete, or update a DigestGrouping element, updating the application deletes and re-creates the notification class to which it corresponds. This includes dropping and re-creating the SQL Server tables used by this notification class.


The following examples show how to define a notification field that is used to group digest notifications, and then add the field to the collection of notification fields for a notification class:

// Define a LeavingFrom notification field and use it for grouping 
// digest messages. Add it to the end of the field collection
NotificationField notificationOrgin = 
    new NotificationField(flightNotifications, "LeavingFrom");
notificationOrgin.Type = "nvarchar(6)";
notificationOrgin.DigestGrouping = true;
' Define a LeavingFrom field and use it for grouping
' digest messages. Add it to the end of the collection.
Dim notificationOrgin As NotificationField = _
    New NotificationField(flightNotifications, "LeavingFrom")
notificationOrgin.Type = "nvarchar(6)"
notificationOrgin.DigestGrouping = True


Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.


Eine Liste der unterstützten Plattformen finden Sie unterHardware- und Softwareanforderungen für die Installation von SQL Server 2005.

Siehe auch


NotificationField Class
NotificationField Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo Namespace

Andere Ressourcen

Definieren des Benachrichtigungsschemas
DigestGrouping Element for Field (ADF)