Initialize Property

Diese Funktion wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Microsoft SQL Server nicht mehr bereitgestellt. Verwenden Sie diese Funktion beim Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen nicht, und planen Sie das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird.

The Initialize property controls backup device append and overwrite behavior for a backup to one or more specified devices.


object.Initialize [=value]


  • object
    An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

  • value

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetInitialize(LPBOOL pRetVal);
HRESULT SetInitialize(BOOL NewValue);


If TRUE, the backup specified becomes the first backup set on the media, overwriting any existing backup sets on the media. The backup media is not overwritten if either of the following conditions is met:

  • All backup sets on the media have not yet expired.

  • The optionally specified backup set name does not match the name on the backup media. Specify backup set name with the BackupSetName property.

If FALSE, the backup specified creates a new backup set and appends it as the last backup set on the media.

Applies To: