

  Diese Funktion wird in der nächsten Version von Microsoft SQL Server entfernt. Verwenden Sie diese Funktion beim Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen nicht, und planen Sie so bald wie möglich das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird.

An object of ClassType clsPartitionLevel provides a specific implementation of the Decision Support Objects (DSO) Level interface for levels associated with a partition. It is used to maintain the levels objects a partition object contains.

An object of ClassType clsPartitionLevel provides collections and properties through the Level interface. There are no methods associated with this object.


Levels describe the dimension hierarchy from the highest (most aggregated) level to the lowest (most detailed) level of data. The (All) level of a dimension is the top level of a dimension, and includes all the members of all the levels.


Use the following code to reference a clsPartitionLevel object:

' Assume an object (dsoPart) of ClassType clsPartition exists.
Dim dsoLev As DSO.Level
' Retrieve the first level associated with the partition.
Set dsoLev = dsoPart.Levels(1)