MultipleColumnUpdate Property

Diese Funktion wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Microsoft SQL Server nicht mehr bereitgestellt. Verwenden Sie diese Funktion beim Entwickeln neuer Anwendungen nicht, und planen Sie das Ändern von Anwendungen, in denen es zurzeit verwendet wird.

The MultipleColumnUpdate property specifies whether to update multiple columns using a single UPDATE statement.


object.MultipleColumnUpdate [= value]


  • object
    An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

  • value

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetMultipleColumnUpdate(LPBOOL pRetVal);
HRESULT SetMultipleColumnUpdate(BOOL NewValue);


If set to TRUE (the default), MultipleColumnUpdate specifies that multiple columns are updated using a single UPDATE statement. If MultipleColumnUpdate is set to FALSE, separate update statements are generated for each column changed.

Setting MultipleColumnUpdate to TRUE can result in an increase in performance. An application should set MultipleColumnUpdate to FALSE if it is necessary to maintain compatibility SQL Server 7.0 or earlier. An application should also set MultipleColumnUpdate to FALSE if triggers are defined for one or more columns.

MultipleColumnUpdate cannot be modified after the MergeArticle2 object is created.


If an application calls MultipleColumnUpdate on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later" are returned.

Applies To: