
Represents a dimension hierarchy contained by a dimension or set.

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class Hierarchy _
    Implements IAdomdBaseObject, IMetadataObject, ISubordinateObject
Dim instance As Hierarchy
public sealed class Hierarchy : IAdomdBaseObject, 
    IMetadataObject, ISubordinateObject
public ref class Hierarchy sealed : IAdomdBaseObject, 
    IMetadataObject, ISubordinateObject
type Hierarchy =  
        interface IAdomdBaseObject
        interface IMetadataObject
        interface ISubordinateObject
public final class Hierarchy implements IAdomdBaseObject, IMetadataObject, ISubordinateObject


A hierarchy represents a set of members and their positions relative to one another. From the top of the pyramidal structure to the bottom, the members are progressively more detailed. User hierarchies are defined to represent a hierarchy that has meaning to the user or application.

In ADOMD.NET, the Hierarchy can represent both parent-child hierarchies and user hierarchies. The HierarchyOrigin property is used to differentiate between the hierarchy structures.


System. . :: . .Object


Alle öffentlichen static (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.