
Represents the schedule for a replication agent job.

Der ReplicationAgentSchedule-Typ macht die folgenden Member verfügbar.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode ReplicationAgentSchedule Creates a new instance of the ReplicationAgentSchedule class.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode Update Updates an existing schedule on the server.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ActiveEndDate Gets or sets the date the scheduled activity is to stop running.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ActiveEndTime Gets or sets the time the scheduled activity is to stop running.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ActiveStartDate Gets or sets the date of the first occurrence of the scheduled activity.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ActiveStartTime Gets or sets the time of the first occurrence of the scheduled activity.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencyInterval Gets or sets the interval between occurrences of a scheduled activity.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencyRecurrenceFactor Gets or sets the frequency recurrence factor.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencyRelativeInterval Gets or sets a time of occurrence that is relative to the first day of the month.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencySubDay Gets or sets the frequency in minutes for scheduled activities that occur several times a day.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencySubDayInterval Gets or sets the interval between scheduled activities that occur several times in one day.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FrequencyType Gets or sets the frequency for a scheduled activity.

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