
The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Mail namespace contains classes that represent the Microsoft SQL Server Database Mail service.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Mail namespace resides in the Micrsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll. When you add a reference to the dll in your program, you can import this namespace and reference all the classes in it.

By using the SMO Mail objects, you can do the following:

  • Create and modify mail accounts.

  • Create and modify mail profiles.

  • Configure mail servers.


  Klasse Beschreibung
Öffentliche Klasse ConfigurationValue The ConfigurationValue class represents a SQL Server Database Mail subsystem configuration option.
Öffentliche Klasse ConfigurationValueCollection The ConfigurationValueCollection class represents a collection of ConfigurationValue objects that represent all the configuration options defined on the SQL Server Database Mail subsystem.
Öffentliche Klasse MailAccount The MailAccount class represents a SQL Server Database Mail subsystem mail account.
Öffentliche Klasse MailAccountCollection The MailAccountCollection class represents a collection of MailAccount objects that represent all the mail accounts defined on the SQL Server Database Mail subsystem.
Öffentliche Klasse MailProfile The MailProfile class represents a SQL Server Database Mail subsystem mail profile.
Öffentliche Klasse MailProfileCollection The MailProfileCollection class represents a collection of MailProfile objects that represent all the mail profiles defined on the SQL Server Database Mail subsystem.
Öffentliche Klasse MailServer The MailServer class represents a SQL Server Database Mail subsystem mail server.
Öffentliche Klasse MailServerCollection The MailServerCollection class represents a collection of MailServer objects that represent all the mail servers defined on the SQL Server Database Mail subsystem.
Öffentliche Klasse SqlMail The SqlMail class represents the SQL Server Database Mail subsystem.