IWMStatusCallback::OnStatus method (wmsdkidl.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Format 11 SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by Source Reader and Sink Writer. Source Reader and Sink Writer have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use Source Reader and Sink Writer instead of Windows Media Format 11 SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The OnStatus method is called when status information must be communicated to the application.


  [in] WMT_STATUS        Status,
  [in] HRESULT           hr,
  [in] WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE dwType,
  [in] BYTE              *pValue,
  [in] void              *pvContext


[in] Status

One member of the WMT_STATUS enumeration type. For a description of possible WMT_STATUS values, see the tables in the Remarks section.

[in] hr

HRESULT error code. If this indicates failure, you should not process the status as normal, as some error has occurred. Use if (FAILED(hr)) to check for a failed value. See the topic Error Codes for a list of possible results.

[in] dwType

Member of the WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE enumeration type. This value specifies the type of data in the buffer at pValue.

[in] pValue

Pointer to a byte array containing the value. The contents of this array depend on the value of Status and the value of dwType.

[in] pvContext

Generic pointer provided by the application, for its own use. This pointer matches the context pointer given to the IWMReader::Open, IWMIndexer::StartIndexing, and other methods. The SDK makes no assumptions about the use of this pointer; it is simply provided by the application and passed back to the application when a callback is made.

Return value

This method is implemented by the application. It should always return S_OK.


The contents of pParam depend on those of Status.

The following WMT_STATUS values can be passed to this method by the reader.

Member Description
WMT_ACQUIRE_LICENSE The license acquisition process is complete. If the license acquisition is unsuccessful, an error is returned in the hr parameter. If the license acquisition is successful, S_OK is returned in the hr parameter, and a WM_GET_LICENSE_DATA data structure is returned in the pvalue parameter.
WMT_BUFFERING_START The reader has started buffering data.
WMT_BUFFERING_STOP The reader has stopped buffering data.
WMT_CLOSED The reader has closed the file.
WMT_CONNECTING The reader is connecting to a server.
WMT_END_OF_FILE The reader has reached the end of the file.
WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT When the Start method is called with a duration argument, WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT is returned when playback has been completed after the specified period. The argument is a QWORD indicating duration of playback in 100-nanosecond units.
WMT_END_OF_STREAMING The file has finished streaming.
WMT_EOF The reader has reached the end of the file.
WMT_ERROR An error occurred in reading the file.
WMT_INDIVIDUALIZE The individualization process is in progress or has completed. This event is sent repeatedly during the individualization process. pvalue contains a WM_INDIVIDUALIZE_STATUS structure that contains status information about the progress of the download.
WMT_LOCATING The reader is locating a server.
WMT_MISSING_CODEC The reader does not have the appropriate codec to decompress this file.
WMT_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION The client needs a security update.
WMT_NEW_METADATA The metadata has changed for the current source.
WMT_NEW_SOURCEFLAGS There has been a change to the settings for the current source.
WMT_NO_RIGHTS The reader has tried to play back DRM version 1 content and the computer does not have an appropriate license to play it.
WMT_NO_RIGHTS_EX The reader has tried to play back DRM version 7 content and the computer does not have an appropriate license to play it.
WMT_OPENED The file has been opened for reading.
WMT_SAVEAS_START Starting to save the file to disk.
WMT_SAVEAS_STOP Stopped saving the file to disk.
WMT_SOURCE_SWITCH There has been a change in source file or stream.
WMT_STARTED The reader has started reading the file. The pValue parameter points to a QWORD that indicates the starting timestamp. If it is -1 the starting timestamp is 0. When the value is any other negative number, it should be converted to a positive to give the starting timestamp.
WMT_STOPPED The reader has stopped reading the file.
WMT_TIMER A timer event has occurred.

The following WMT_STATUS values can be passed to the callback by the writer file sink.

Member Description
WMT_ERROR An error occurred in writing the file.
WMT_OPENED The file has been opened for writing.
WMT_STARTED The writer has started writing the file. The pValue parameter points to a QWORD that indicates the starting timestamp. If it is -1 the starting timestamp is 0. When the value is any other negative number, it should be converted to a positive to give the starting timestamp.
WMT_STOPPED The writer has stopped writing the file.
WMT_CLOSED The writer has closed the file.

The following WMT_STATUS enumeration values can be passed to the callback by the writer network sink.

Member Description
WMT_CLIENT_CONNECT A client has connected to the broadcast. The dwType parameter is WMT_TYPE_BINARY, and the pValue parameter points to a WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES structure.
WMT_CLIENT_DISCONNECT A client has disconnected from the broadcast. The dwType parameter is WMT_TYPE_BINARY, and the pValue parameter points to a WM_CLIENT_PROPERTIES structure.

The following WMT_STATUS enumeration values can be passed to the callback by the indexer.

Member Description
WMT_ERROR An error occurred in reading the file.
WMT_OPENED The file has been opened for indexing.
WMT_STARTED The indexer has started indexing the file. The pValue parameter points to a QWORD that indicates the starting timestamp. If it is -1 the starting timestamp is 0. When the value is any other negative number, it should be converted to a positive to give the starting timestamp.
WMT_STOPPED The indexer has stopped indexing the file.
WMT_CLOSED The indexer has closed the file.
WMT_INDEX_PROGRESS Indicates the progress of the current indexing operation. The argument is a DWORD that indicates percentage completed, ranging from 0 to 100.

The following WMT_STATUS enumeration values can be passed to the callback by the backup restorer.

Member Description
WMT_BACKUPRESTORE_BEGIN Sent when backing up or restoring licenses to indicate the process has started.
WMT_BACKUPRESTORE_END Sent when backing up or restoring licenses to indicate the process has completed successfully.
WMT_BACKUPRESTORE_CONNECTING Sent only when restoring licenses, to indicate the clients credentials are being validated.
WMT_BACKUPRESTORE_DISCONNECTING Sent only when restoring licenses to indicate the clients credentials were validated successfully.
WMT_ERROR_WITHURL Sent only when restoring licenses to indicate the client does not have the rights to do this.
WMT_RESTRICTED_LICENSE Sent only when backing up licenses to indicate the licenses are restricted and cannot be backed up.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only],Windows Media Format 7 SDK, or later versions of the SDK
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wmsdkidl.h (include Wmsdk.h)

See also

IWMStatusCallback Interface