IFsrmSetting.SmtpServer Property


Retrieves or sets the SMTP server that FSRM uses to send email.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Storage
Assembly:  srmlib (in srmlib.dll)


string SmtpServer { get; set; }
property String^ SmtpServer {
    String^ get();
    void set(String^ value);
abstract SmtpServer : string with get, set
Property SmtpServer As String

Property Value

Type: System.String

A String that contains the name or IP address of the SMTP server that FSRM uses to send email. The name is limited to 4,000 characters.


This property must be set in order for FSRM to send email. To verify settings, call the EmailTest method.

For an example, see EmailTest.

See Also

IFsrmSetting Interface
Microsoft.Storage Namespace

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