IFsrmCollection.Item Property (Int32)


Retrieves the requested item from the collection.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Storage
Assembly:  srmlib (in srmlib.dll)


object this[
    int index
] { get; }
property Object^ default[
    int index
] {
    Object^ get(int index);
abstract Item : 
        index:int -> Object with get
ReadOnly Property Item (
    index As Integer
) As Object


  • index
    Type: System.Int32

    Index for the item. Initialized using VariantInit.

Property Value

Type: System.Object

Returns a Object containing the item.


If the item is an interface, the variant type is VT_DISPATCH. Call the QueryInterface method on the pdispVal member of the variant to get an interface to the specific object.

If the item is an HRESULT value, the variant type is VT_I4. Use the lVal member of the variant to get the HRESULT value.

See Also

IFsrmCollection Interface
Microsoft.Storage Namespace

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