DBGPARAM (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used with RegisterDbgZones to specify debug zone information for a process or DLL.

typedef struct _DBGPARAM {   WCHAR  lpszName[32];
   WCHAR  rglpszZones[16][32];
   ULONG   ulZoneMask;


  • lpszName
    Name of module. The name can be a maximum of 31 characters plus a terminating NULL.
  • rglpszZones
    Names of zones for first 16 bits. Each zone name can be a maximum of 31 characters plus a terminating NULL.
  • ulZoneMask
    Current zone mask. This value defines which zones are enabled by default for the module.


The name of the module is used to look for zone initialization information in the registry of the host PC and in the registry of the target device. Zone names are displayed by the control application that allows the user to dynamically set zones.

For more information, see DBGPARAM Structure Declaration.


OS Versions: Windows CE OS 2.10 and later
Header: Dbgapi.h
Link Library: none

See Also

RegisterDbgZones | DEBUGREGISTER | Debug Zones

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