ICreateTypeInfo (Windows CE 5.0)
This interface provides the tools for creating and administering the type information defined through the type description.
The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown interface.
Method | Description |
ICreateTypeInfo::AddFuncDesc | This method adds a function description as a type description. |
ICreateTypeInfo::AddImplType | This method specifies an inherited interface. |
ICreateTypeInfo::AddRefTypeInfo | This method adds a type description to those referenced by the type description being created. |
ICreateTypeInfo::AddVarDesc | This method adds a data member description as a type description. |
ICreateTypeInfo::DefineFuncAsDllEntry | This method associates a dynamic-link library (DLL) entry point with a function that has a specified index. |
ICreateTypeInfo::LayOut | This method assigns virtual function table (VTBL) offsets for virtual functions and instance offsets for per-instance data members. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetAlignment | This method specifies data alignment for types of TKIND_RECORD. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetDocString | This method sets the documentation string displayed by type browsers. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncAndParamNames | This method sets the function name and names of its parameters. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncDocString | This method sets the documentation string for a function. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncHelpContext | This method sets the Help context identifier for a function. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetGuid | This method sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the type library. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetHelpContext | This method sets the Help context identifier of the type description. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetImplTypeFlags | This method sets the attributes for an implemented or inherited interface of a type. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetMops | This method sets the operation code string for a type description. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeDescAlias | This method sets the type description for which this type description is an alias, for TYPEKIND values of TKIND_ALIAS. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeFlags | This method sets type flags of the type description that is being created. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarDocString | This method sets the documentation string for a variable. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarHelpContext | This method sets the Help context identifier for a variable. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarName | This method sets the name of a variable. |
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVersion | This method sets version numbers for the type description. |
OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oaidl.h, Oaidl.idl.
Link Library: Oleaut32.lib, Uuid.lib.
See Also
Automation Interfaces | IUnknown
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