Einrichten eines einfachen SHA


Die Netzwerkzugriffsschutzplattform ist ab Windows 10


Das folgende Beispiel richtet einen einfachen Systemintegritäts-Agent (SHA) ein und zeigt zwei optionale Aktionen: SoH-Änderungsbenachrichtigung (Statement of Health) und Leeren des SoH-Caches. Beachten Sie, dass die Fehlerverarbeitung aus Gründen der Einfachheit dieses Beispiels nicht in der funktion Standard() enthalten ist.


Das NAP SDK enthält auch einen vollständigen Satz von Beispielcode, der unter ...\Samples\NetDS\NAP... Verzeichnis Ihrer SDK-Installation. Dieser Beispielsatz umfasst einen SHA, system health validator (SHV) und einen Erzwingungsclient (EC). Es verfügt über vollständige funktionierende NAP-Szenarien, die die Kommunikation zwischen SHA-SHV und SHA-EC einrichten.


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Callback.h"
#include <NapTypes.h>
#include <NapClientManagement.h>
#include "Strsafe.h"

static const UINT32 NapSystemHealthId = 0x000137F0;

// Set GUID infoClsid equal to {08B8B292-7033-46f3-AB97-D62B6FCDC0DE}
static const GUID infoClsid = { 0x8b8b292, 0x7033, 0x46f3, { 0xab, 0x97, 0xd6, 0x2b, 0x6f, 0xcd, 0xc0, 0xde } };
static const wchar_t SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME[] = L"SHA SDK Sample";
static const wchar_t SHA_DESCRIPTION[] = L"Microsoft SHA SDK Sample";
static const wchar_t SHA_VERSION[] = L"";
static const wchar_t SHA_VENDOR_NAME[] = L"Microsoft";

// Helper Function for FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo.
HRESULT ConstructCountedString(const WCHAR* src, UINT16 len,
   CountedString* dest)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    hr = AllocateMemory(dest->string, ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
    dest->length = len;
    retCode = StringCchCopy(dest->string, len+1, src);
    return hr;

HRESULT FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *agentInfo)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    agentInfo->id = NapSystemHealthId;
    agentInfo->infoClsid = infoClsid;
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME, sizeof(SHA_FRIENDLY_NAME), &(agentInfo->friendlyName));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_DESCRIPTION, sizeof(SHA_DESCRIPTION), &(agentInfo->description));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_VERSION, sizeof(SHA_VERSION), &(agentInfo->version));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(SHA_VENDOR_NAME, sizeof(SHA_VENDOR_NAME), &(agentInfo->vendorName));
    return hr;

// Helper Function for releasing ShaComponentRegistrationInfo members
void FreeComponentRegistration(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *agentInfo)

// Registers the SHA with the NAP Server.
HRESULT CsdkShaModule::RegisterSha()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Pointer to the INapServerManagement interface
    CComPtr<INapClientManagement> m_pNAPClientMgmt = NULL;

    // Registration Information
    NapComponentRegistrationInfo m_shaInfo;
    ZeroMemory (&m_shaInfo, sizeof(m_shaInfo));
    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapClientManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha: CoCreateInstance Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo(&m_shaInfo);
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha:: FillShaComponentRegistrationInfo Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt->RegisterSystemHealthAgent(&m_shaInfo);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"RegisterSdkSha:: RegisterSystemHealthAgent failed %#x", hr);
       goto Cleanup;
       return hr;

// Unregisters the SHA with the NAP Server.
HRESULT CSdkShaModule::UnRegisterSha()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    // Pointer to the INapServerManagement interface
    CComPtr<INapClientManagement> m_pNAPClientMgmt = NULL;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapClientManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"UnregisterSdkSha: CoCreateInstance Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

    hr = m_pNAPClientMgmt->UnregisterSystemHealthAgent(QuarSampleSystemHealthId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       DebugPrintfW(L"UnregisterSdkSha: UnregisterSystemHealthAgent Failed with %#x",hr);
       goto Cleanup;

       return hr;

// Main function
DWORD __cdecl wmain(DWORD argc, WCHAR * pArgv[])  throw()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // 1. Register Sha
    hr = RegisterSha();

    // 2. Start up COM and ATL.
    hr  = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED );

    // 3. Create Binding instance
    // pointer to the binding  interface
    CComPtr<INapSystemHealthAgentBinding> binding = NULL;
    hr = binding.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapSystemHealthAgentBinding, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    // 4. Create Callback
    // Create Callback (The code for this interface is separate)
    IShaCallbackPtr callback = NULL;
    callback = ShaCallback::CreateInstance(binding);

    // 5. Call Initialize on the binding interface
    hr = binding->Initialize(QuarSampleSystemHealthId,callback);

    // 6. Send Notify SoH Change OR Flush Cache
    hr = binding->NotifySoHChange();
    //  hr = binding->FlushCache();

    // 7. Stopping the SHA
    hr = binding->Uninitialize();
    hr = UnRegisterSha();

    return 0;

// SHA Callback 
STDMETHODIMP ShaCallback::GetFixupInfo(FixupInfo** ppStatus)
    wprintf(L"\nQA called ShaCallback::GetFixupInfo()\n");
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    assert(ppStatus != NULL);

    // The caller should free this memory using CoTaskMemFree
    hr = AllocFixupInfo(ppStatus, NUMBER_OF_HRESULTS);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       goto Cleanup;

    // SDK Note:
    // ppStatus should be filled according to the current Fix-up status. This 
    // is just a simple example
    if (g_setHealthySoh)
       (*ppStatus)->fixupMsgId = SDK_SAMPLE_GENERIC_FIXUP_SUCCESS_MSG_ID;
       (*ppStatus)->percentage = 100;
       (*ppStatus)->state = fixupStateSuccess;
       (*ppStatus)->percentage = 50;
       (*ppStatus)->state = fixupStateInProgress;

    (*ppStatus)->resultCodes.count = NUMBER_OF_HRESULTS;   // 1 HRESULT
    *((*ppStatus)->resultCodes.results) = S_OK;

        return hr;