Azure Functions monitoring data reference

This article contains all the monitoring reference information for this service.

See Monitor Azure Functions for details on the data you can collect for Azure Functions and how to use it.

See Monitor executions in Azure Functions for details on using Application Insights to collect and analyze log data from individual functions in your function app.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for this service. These metrics are also part of the global list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Hosting plans that allow your apps to scale dynamically support extra Functions-specific metrics:

These metrics are used specifically when estimating Consumption plan costs.

Metric Description
FunctionExecutionCount Function execution count indicates the number of times your function app executed. This value correlates to the number of times a function runs in your app. This metric isn't currently supported for Premium and Dedicated (App Service) plans running on Linux.
FunctionExecutionUnits Function execution units are a combination of execution time and your memory usage. Memory data isn't a metric currently available through Azure Monitor. However, if you want to optimize the memory usage of your app, can use the performance counter data collected by Application Insights. This metric isn't currently supported for Premium and Dedicated (App Service) plans running on Linux.

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Web/sites

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Web/sites resource type. Most of these metrics apply to both function app and web apps, which both run on App Service.


These metrics aren't available when your function app runs on Linux in a Consumption plan.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Always Ready Function Execution Count

Always Ready Function Execution Count. For Flex Consumption FunctionApps only.
AlwaysReadyFunctionExecutionCount Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Always Ready Function Execution Units

Always Ready Function Execution Units. For Flex Consumption FunctionApps only.
AlwaysReadyFunctionExecutionUnits Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Always Ready Units

Always Ready Units. For Flex Consumption FunctionApps only.
AlwaysReadyUnits Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes

The number of bound sockets existing in the sandbox (w3wp.exe and its child processes). A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket(). For WebApps and FunctionApps.
AppConnections Count Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum Instance PT1M Yes
Average memory working set

The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes (MiB). For WebApps and FunctionApps.
AverageMemoryWorkingSet Bytes Average Instance PT1M Yes
Average Response Time (deprecated)

The average time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
AverageResponseTime Seconds Average Instance PT1M Yes
Data In

The amount of incoming bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
BytesReceived Bytes Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Data Out

The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
BytesSent Bytes Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
CPU Time

The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see (CPU time vs CPU percentage). For WebApps only.
CpuTime Seconds Count, Total (Sum), Minimum, Maximum Instance PT1M Yes
Current Assemblies

The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
CurrentAssemblies Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
File System Usage

Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
FileSystemUsage Bytes Average <none> PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Function Execution Count

Function Execution Count. For FunctionApps only.
FunctionExecutionCount Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Function Execution Units

Function Execution Units. For FunctionApps only.
FunctionExecutionUnits Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Gen 0 Garbage Collections

The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Gen0Collections Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Gen 1 Garbage Collections

The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Gen1Collections Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Gen 2 Garbage Collections

The number of times the generation 2 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Gen2Collections Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Handle Count

The total number of handles currently open by the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Handles Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Health check status

Health check status. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
HealthCheckStatus Count Average Instance PT5M, PT1H, P1D Yes
Http 101

The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http101 Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 2xx

The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code >= 200 but < 300. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http2xx Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 3xx

The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code >= 300 but < 400. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http3xx Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 401

The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http401 Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 403

The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http403 Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 404

The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http404 Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 406

The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http406 Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http 4xx

The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code >= 400 but < 500. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http4xx Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Http Server Errors

The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code >= 500 but < 600. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Http5xx Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Response Time

The time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
HttpResponseTime Seconds Average Instance PT1M Yes
Automatic Scaling Instance Count

The number of instances on which this app is running.
InstanceCount Count Average <none> PT1M Yes
IO Other Bytes Per Second

The rate at which the app process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that don't involve data, such as control operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoOtherBytesPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
IO Other Operations Per Second

The rate at which the app process is issuing I/O operations that aren't read or write operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoOtherOperationsPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
IO Read Bytes Per Second

The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoReadBytesPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
IO Read Operations Per Second

The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoReadOperationsPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
IO Write Bytes Per Second

The rate at which the app process is writing bytes to I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoWriteBytesPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
IO Write Operations Per Second

The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
IoWriteOperationsPerSecond BytesPerSecond Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Memory working set

The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
MemoryWorkingSet Bytes Average Instance PT1M Yes
On Demand Function Execution Count

On Demand Function Execution Count. For Flex Consumption FunctionApps only.
OnDemandFunctionExecutionCount Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
On Demand Function Execution Units

On Demand Function Execution Units. For Flex Consumption FunctionApps only.
OnDemandFunctionExecutionUnits Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Private Bytes

Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that the app process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
PrivateBytes Bytes Average Instance PT1M Yes

The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Requests Count Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Requests In Application Queue

The number of requests in the application request queue. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
RequestsInApplicationQueue Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Thread Count

The number of threads currently active in the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
Threads Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Total App Domains

The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
TotalAppDomains Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Total App Domains Unloaded

The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application. For WebApps and FunctionApps.
TotalAppDomainsUnloaded Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Workflow Action Completed Count

Workflow Action Completed Count. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowActionsCompleted Count Total (Sum) workflowName, status PT1M Yes
Workflow Actions Failure Rate

Workflow Actions Failure Rate. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowActionsFailureRate Percent Total (Sum) workflowName PT1M Yes
Logic App Job Pull Rate Per Second

Logic Job Pull Rate per second. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowAppJobPullRate CountPerSecond Total (Sum) accountName PT1M Yes
Workflow Job Execution Delay

Workflow Job Execution Delay. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowJobExecutionDelay Seconds Average workflowName PT1M Yes
Workflow Job Execution Duration

Workflow Job Execution Duration. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowJobExecutionDuration Seconds Average workflowName PT1M Yes
Workflow Runs Completed Count

Workflow Runs Completed Count. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowRunsCompleted Count Total (Sum) workflowName, status PT1M Yes
Workflow Runs dispatched Count

Workflow Runs Dispatched Count. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowRunsDispatched Count Total (Sum) workflowName PT1M Yes
Workflow Runs Failure Rate

Workflow Runs Failure Rate. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowRunsFailureRate Percent Total (Sum) workflowName PT1M Yes
Workflow Runs Started Count

Workflow Runs Started Count. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowRunsStarted Count Total (Sum) workflowName PT1M Yes
Workflow Triggers Completed Count

Workflow Triggers Completed Count. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowTriggersCompleted Count Total (Sum) workflowName, status PT1M Yes
Workflow Triggers Failure Rate

Workflow Triggers Failure Rate. For LogicApps only.
WorkflowTriggersFailureRate Percent Total (Sum) workflowName PT1M Yes

Metric dimensions

For information about what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

This service doesn't have any metrics that contain dimensions.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for this service. The section pulls from the list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Web/sites

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs Report Antivirus Audit Logs AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs

Report on any discovered virus or infected files that have been uploaded to their site.

No Yes No
AppServiceAppLogs App Service Application Logs AppServiceAppLogs

Logs generated through your application.

No Yes Queries No
AppServiceAuditLogs Access Audit Logs AppServiceAuditLogs

Logs generated when publishing users successfully log on via one of the App Service publishing protocols.

No Yes Queries No
AppServiceAuthenticationLogs App Service Authentication logs (preview) AppServiceAuthenticationLogs

Logs generated through App Service Authentication for your application.

No No Queries Yes
AppServiceConsoleLogs App Service Console Logs AppServiceConsoleLogs

Console logs generated from application or container.

No Yes Queries No
AppServiceFileAuditLogs Site Content Change Audit Logs AppServiceFileAuditLogs

Logs generated when app service content is modified.

No Yes Queries No
AppServiceHTTPLogs HTTP logs AppServiceHTTPLogs

Incoming HTTP requests on App Service. Use these logs to monitor application health, performance and usage patterns.

No Yes Queries No
AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs IPSecurity Audit logs AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs

Logs generated through your application and pushed to Azure Monitoring.

No Yes No
AppServicePlatformLogs App Service Platform logs AppServicePlatformLogs

Logs generated through AppService platform for your application.

No Yes No
FunctionAppLogs Function Application Logs FunctionAppLogs

Log generated by Function Apps. It includes logs emitted by the Functions host and logs emitted by customer code. Use these logs to monitor application health, performance, and behavior.

No Yes Queries No
WorkflowRuntime Workflow Runtime Logs LogicAppWorkflowRuntime

Logs generated during Logic Apps workflow runtime.

No No Queries Yes

The log specific to Azure Functions is FunctionAppLogs.

For more information, see the App Service monitoring data reference.

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section lists the Azure Monitor Logs tables relevant to this service, which are available for query by Log Analytics using Kusto queries. The tables contain resource log data and possibly more depending on what is collected and routed to them.

App Services


Activity log

The linked table lists the operations that can be recorded in the activity log for this service. These operations are a subset of all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.

For more information on the schema of activity log entries, see Activity Log schema.

The following table lists operations related to Azure Functions that might be created in the activity log.

Operation Description
Microsoft.web/sites/functions/listkeys/action Return the keys for the function.
Microsoft.Web/sites/host/listkeys/action Return the host keys for the function app.
Microsoft.Web/sites/host/sync/action Sync triggers operation.
Microsoft.Web/sites/start/action Function app started.
Microsoft.Web/sites/stop/action Function app stopped.
Microsoft.Web/sites/write Change a function app setting, such as runtime version or enable remote debugging.

You may also find logged operations that relate to the underlying App Service behaviors. For a more complete list, see Microsoft.Web resource provider operations.