Manage calls for Teams users with Communication Services calling SDK

Learn how to manage calls with the Azure Communication Services SDKS. We'll learn how to place calls, manage their participants and properties.


Install the SDK

Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services calling and common SDKs for JavaScript.

npm install @azure/communication-common --save
npm install @azure/communication-calling --save

Initialize required objects

Create a CallClient instance to initiate the calling stack. You can configure logging of calling SDK with the AzureLogger instance and setLogLevel method. You can get access to deviceManager for the operating system with the method getDeviceManager.

Then use the method createTeamsCallAgent to create asynchronously a TeamsCallAgent instance that will manage incoming and outgoing calls for a Teams user. The method takes CommunicationTokenCredential as an argument representing access token for Teams user.

const { CallClient } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential} = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");

// Set the logger's log level

// Redirect log output to wherever desired. To console, file, buffer, REST API, etc...
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {
    console.log(...args); // Redirect log output to console

const userToken = '<USER_TOKEN>';
callClient = new CallClient();
const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(userToken);
const teamsCallAgent = await callClient.createTeamsCallAgent(tokenCredential);
const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager();

Place a call

Start a synchronous one-to-one or group call with startCall API on teamsCallAgent. You can provide MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier or PhoneNumberIdentifier as a parameter to define the target of the call. The method returns the TeamsCall instance that allows you to subscribe to call events.


Start a group call with teamsCallAgent requires chat's threadId when calling startCall method. Created TeamsCall instance has property threadId capturing this thread. Communication Services Calling SDK does not keep participants in chat and call roster in sync. Microsft encourages developers to keep the roster in sync for the best user experience. Learn how to manage chat thread.

Start a one-to-one Voice-over IP (VoIP) call to Teams user:

const userCallee = { microsoftTeamsUserId: '<MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER_ID>' };
const oneToOneCall = teamsCallAgent.startCall(userCallee);

Start a one-to-one phone call to E.164 phone number:

const phoneCallee = { phoneNumber: '<PHONE_NUMBER_E164_FORMAT>' }
const oneToOneCall = teamsCallAgent.startCall(phoneCallee );

Start a group call to Teams user with Voice-over IP (VoIP) and phone number:

const userCallee = { microsoftTeamsUserId: '<MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER_ID>' }
const phoneCallee = { phoneNumber: '<PHONE_NUMBER_E164_FORMAT>'};
const groupCall = teamsCallAgent.startCall([userCallee, phoneCallee], { threadId: '<THREAD_ID>' });

Join a call

Join a Teams meeting

You can join Teams meetings with the method join on the teamsCallAgent instance. Teams users can join Teams meeting by providing a TeamsMeetingLinkLocator, TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator, or TeamsMeetingIdLocator.

Join Teams meeting with meeting URL:

const meetingCall = teamsCallAgent.join({ meetingLink: '<MEETING_LINK>' });

Join Teams meeting with combination of thread ID, organizer ID, tenant ID, and message ID:

const meetingCall = teamsCallAgent.join({ threadId: '<THREAD_ID>', organizerId: '<ORGANIZER_ID>', tenantId: '<TENANT_ID>', messageId: '<MESSAGE_ID>' });

Join Teams meeting with meeting code and passcode:

const meetingCall = teamsCallAgent.join({ meetingId: '<MEETING_CODE>', passcode: '<PASSCODE>'});

Join Teams meeting with meeting ID and passcode:

Developers can connect participants to a Teams meeting in multiple ways. One way is by using a meeting ID and passcode, which enables people to join the Teams meeting they're invited to from a device or application. You always need to provide both meeting ID and passcode to join the meeting. Passcode is case sensitive.

  • Format of the meeting ID and passcode:

    • Meeting ID: 12 digits.
    • Passcode: 6 characters
  • How often do you need to refresh meeting ID and passcode?

    • Meeting ID and passcode don't change once created. Developers don't need to refresh either one.
    • A Teams meeting organizer can't regenerate the meeting ID and passcode.
  • Is there any difference in a Teams meeting experience if a person joins through URL or meeting ID and passcode?

    • No, participants have the same experience if they join a Teams meeting using either the Teams meeting URL or meeting ID and passcode.
  • How should developers store and manage passcodes?

    • Meeting ID and passcode are coordinates to join the meeting. Developers should treat them as secrets, which should be encrypted, and if stored make sure they are in an access controlled environment.
    • If the coordinates are exposed, anyone can join the meeting and ruin the experience for everyone in the meeting.
  • How to get meeting ID and passcode?

    1. Graph API: Use Graph API to retrieve information about onlineMeeting resource and check the object in property joinMeetingIdSettings.
    2. Teams: In your Teams application, go to Calendar app and open details of a meeting. Online meetings have meeting ID and passcode in the definition of the meeting.
    3. Outlook: You can find the meeting ID and passcode in calendar events or in email meeting invites.
    4. Developers can't retrieve the meeting ID and passcode through calling SDK or retrieve it from verbose console logs.
  • How can I verify the meeting ID and passcode is correct?

Receive a Teams incoming call

You can subscribe to incomingCall event on teamsCallAgent instance to register incoming calls to the Teams user. The event has a teamsIncomingCall property with TeamsIncomingCall instance that allows you to accept or reject the incoming call.

const incomingCallHandler = async (args: { teamsIncomingCall: TeamsIncomingCall }) => {
    const incomingCall = args.teamsIncomingCall;
    // Get Teams incoming call ID
    const incomingCallId =;
    // Get information about this Call. This API is provided as a preview for developers
    // and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
    // To use this API please use 'beta' release of Azure Communication Services Calling Web SDK
    const callInfo =;
    // Get information about caller
    const callerInfo = incomingCall.callerInfo
    // Accept the call
    const teamsCall = await incomingCall.accept();
    // Reject the call
    // Subscribe to callEnded event and get the call end reason
    incomingCall.on('callEnded', args => {
    // callEndReason is also a property of IncomingCall
    var callEndReason = incomingCall.callEndReason;
teamsCallAgent.on('incomingCall', incomingCallHandler);

Enable and disable video

You can get your local video stream collection from the property localVideoStreams in the TeamsCall instance. If enabled, the collection contains a screen-sharing stream, and camera video feeds. You can get remote participants' video streams by inspecting property TeamsCall.remoteParticipants where each participant has a collection of video streams in property videoStreams.

Mute and unmute

You can use mute and unmute asynchronous APIs on the TeamsCall instance to mute or unmute Teams users locally. Local mute prevents audio from being sent to other participants.

//mute local device
await call.mute();
//unmute local device
await call.unmute();

Mute other participants

To mute all other participants or mute a specific participant, you can use the asynchronous APIs muteAllRemoteParticipants on the call and mute on the remote participant:

//mute all participants except yourself
await call.muteAllRemoteParticipants();

//mute a specific participant
await call.remoteParticipants[0].mute();


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment. To use this api please use 'beta' release of Azure Communication Services Calling Web SDK

Manage remote participants

Other call participants are available in the TeamsCall instance under the property remoteParticipants. It's a collection of RemoteParticipant objects. You can list, add, and remove other participants from the call.


Adding a participant method requires chat's threadId. Communication Services Calling SDK does not keep participants in chat and call roster in sync. Microsft encourages developers to keep the roster in sync for the best user experience. Learn how to manage chat thread.

You can add new Teams user or phone number to the Teams call or Teams meeting by calling the method addParticipant on the object TeamsCall. The method accepts identifiers MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier or PhoneNumberIdentifier as input and returns synchronously the instance of RemoteParticipant and triggers the event remoteParticipantsUpdated on the TeamsCall instance.

You can remove a participant from the Teams call or Teams meeting by invoking the removeParticipant method on the TeamsCall instance asynchronously. The method accepts identifiers MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier or PhoneNumberIdentifier as an input. The method is resolved when RemoteParticipant is removed from the remoteParticipants collection, and the event remoteParticipantsUpdated on the TeamsCall instance is triggered.

List other call participants:

const participants = call.remoteParticipants; // [remoteParticipant, remoteParticipant....]

Add Teams user and phone number to the Teams call or Teams meeting:

const teamsUser = { microsoftTeamsUserId: '<MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER_ID>' };
const phoneUser = { phoneNumber: '<PHONE_NUMBER_E164_FORMAT>' }
const remoteParticipant = call.addParticipant(teamsUser , { threadId: '<THREAD_ID>' });
const remoteParticipant2 = call.addParticipant(phoneUser , { threadId: '<THREAD_ID>' });

Remove Teams user and phone number from Teams call or Teams meeting:

const teamsUser = { microsoftTeamsUserId: '<MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER_ID>' };
const phoneUser = { phoneNumber: '<PHONE_NUMBER_E164_FORMAT>' }
await call.removeParticipant(teamsUser);
await call.removeParticipant(phoneUser);

Remote participants

Remote participants represent an endpoint connected to the ongoing Teams call or Teams meeting. The class remoteParticipant has the following set of properties and collections:

  • identifier: Returns one of the following identifiers: CommunicationUserIdentifier, MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier, PhoneNumberIdentifier, or UnknownIdentifier.
const identifier = remoteParticipant.identifier;
  • state: Returns a string that represents a state of a remote participant. The state can have one of the following values:
State value When Description
Idle Initial state This is the first state of the participant
Connecting After Idle Transition state while a participant is connecting to the call.
Ringing After Connecting The participant received an incomingCall notification or Teams client is ringing
Connected After Ringing, Connecting, EarlyMedia, or InLobby The participant accepted the call invitation or joined the call. The media flows towards the participant.
Hold After Connected The participant in the call is on hold.
EarlyMedia After Connecting The media is played before a participant connects to the call
InLobby After Ringing, Connecting or EarlyMedia The participant is in the Teams meeting lobby.
Disconnected Final state The participant is disconnected from the call. If the remote participant loses their network connectivity, their state changes to Disconnected after two minutes.

States of remote participants in one-to-one or group calls: Diagram of remote participant's call states for one-to-one or group calls.

States of remote participants in Teams meetings: Diagram of remote participant's call states for Teams meetings.

const state = remoteParticipant.state;
  • callEndReason: Returns an object containing additional information about the reason the call ended. Property code returns a number associated with the reason, and subCode returns a number associated with the code and the reason. For more information about error codes, see Troubleshooting call end response codes.
const callEndReason = remoteParticipant.callEndReason;
const callEndReasonCode = callEndReason.code
const callEndReasonSubCode = callEndReason.subCode
  • isMuted: Returns Boolean value representing a status of local mute.
const isMuted = remoteParticipant.isMuted;
  • isSpeaking: Returns Boolean value representing the status of nonempty audio being sent.
const isSpeaking = remoteParticipant.isSpeaking;
  • videoStreams: Returns collection of RemoteVideoStream objects sent by participants.
const videoStreams = remoteParticipant.videoStreams; // [RemoteVideoStream, ...]
  • displayName: Returns a string representing display name. Communication Services calling SDK doesn't set this value for Teams users.
const displayName = remoteParticipant.displayName;


  • id: Returns a string representing a unique call identifier.
const callId =;

info: Returns information about the call:


This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment. To use this API, please use the 'beta' release of Azure Communication Services Calling Web SDK

info: Returns object containing information about the call. The property threadId is a string representing chat's thread ID shown in the Teams client.

const callInfo =;
const threadId =;

remoteParticipants: Returns a collection of remoteParticipant objects representing other participants in the Teams call or Teams meeting.

const remoteParticipants = call.remoteParticipants;

callerInfo: Returns the CallerInfo object for incoming calls. The property identifier can be one of following objects CommunicationUserIdentifier, MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier, PhoneNumberIdentifier, or UnknownIdentifier. The property displayName is a string representing the name to display if set.

const callerIdentity = call.callerInfo.identifier;
const callerIdentity = call.callerInfo.displayName;

state: Returns a string representing the state of the call. The property can have one of the following values:

State value When Description
None Initial state The initial state of the call.
Connecting After None The state when a Teams call or Teams meeting is placed, joined, or accepted.
Ringing After Connecting The remote participant received the incomingCall event or Teams client is ringing.
EarlyMedia After Ringing or Connecting The media is played before the call is connected.
Connected After Ringing, EarlyMedia, InLobby, LocalHold, and RemoteHold The call is connected. Media is flowing between local endpoints and remote participants.
LocalHold After Connected The call was put on hold by a local participant. No media is flowing between the local endpoint and remote participants.
RemoteHold After Connected The call was put on hold by a remote participant. No media is flowing between the local endpoint and remote participants.
InLobby After Ringing or Connecting The remote participant is in the Teams meeting lobby. No media is flowing between the local endpoint and remote participants.
Disconnecting After any state The transition state before the call goes to a Disconnected state.
Disconnected Final state The final state of the call. If the network connection is lost, the state changes to Disconnected after two minutes.

States for one-to-one or group calls: Diagram with call states for one-to-one or group calls.

States for Teams meetings: Diagram with call states for Teams meetings.

const callState = call.state;

callEndReason: Returns object CallEndReason containing additional information about the call ended. The property code returns a number associated with the reason, and subCode returns a number associated with the code and the reason. For more information about error codes, see Troubleshooting call end response codes.

const callEndReason = call.callEndReason;
const callEndReasonCode = callEndReason.code
const callEndReasonSubCode = callEndReason.subCode

direction: Returns a string representing the direction of the call. The property can have one of the following values: "Incoming' or Outgoing.

const isIncoming = call.direction == 'Incoming';
const isOutgoing = call.direction == 'Outgoing';

isMuted: Returns Boolean value representing a status of local mute.

const muted = call.isMuted;

isScreenSharingOn: Returns Boolean value true if you're sending screen sharing stream to other participants.

const isScreenSharingOn = call.isScreenSharingOn;

localVideoStreams: Returns a collection of LocalVideoStream objects, representing video streams being sent to remote participants.

const localVideoStreams = call.localVideoStreams;

Manage chat thread

Providing a chat ID is mandatory for making group calls and adding participants to existing calls. Associated chat and call have a separate list of participants. Before adding participants to the call, add the user to the chat to provide the best user experience and satisfy information barrier requirements. Adding a user to the call without adding the user to the chat can result in exceptions if an information barrier is set up.

Consider the following scenario, where Alice makes a call to Bob, then Alice adds Charlie, and 3 minutes later, Alice removes Charlie from the call.

  1. Create a chat thread between Alice, Bob, and Charlie. Keep the chat threadId for later.
  2. Alice calls Bob and Charlie using startCall method on TeamsCallAgent instance.
  3. Add Dan to chat thread with threadId using Chat Graph API to add member
  4. Alice adds Dan to the call using addParticipant method on call and specifies the threadId
  5. Alice removes Dan from the call using removeParticipant method on call and specifies the threadId
  6. Remove Dan from chat thread with threadId using Chat Graph API to remove member

If Teams user stops call recording, the recording is placed into the chat associated with the thread. Provided chat ID impacts the experience of Teams users in Teams clients.

Recommendations for the management of chat ID:

  • Escalation of the 1:1 phone call by adding another phone participant: Use Graph API to get the existing chat ID with only Teams user as a participant or create a new group chat with participants: Teams user ID and "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".
  • Group call with single Teams user and multiple phone participants: Use Graph API to get existing chat ID with only Teams user as a participant or create a new group chat with participants: Teams user ID and "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".
  • Group call with more than 2 Teams users: Use Graph API to get or create a group chat with the Teams users.