Azure IoT Hub monitoring data reference

This article contains all the monitoring reference information for this service.

See Monitor Azure IoT for details on the data you can collect for IoT Hub and how to use it.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for this service. These metrics are also part of the global list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Devices/IoTHubs

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Devices/IoTHubs resource type.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
C2D messages abandoned

Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device
c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
C2D message deliveries completed

Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device
c2d.commands.egress.complete.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
C2D messages rejected

Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device
c2d.commands.egress.reject.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed direct method invocations

The count of all failed direct method calls.
c2d.methods.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Request size of direct method invocations

The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests.
c2d.methods.requestSize Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Response size of direct method invocations

The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses.
c2d.methods.responseSize Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful direct method invocations

The count of all successful direct method calls.
c2d.methods.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed twin reads from back end

The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Response size of twin reads from back end

The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful twin reads from back end

The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed twin updates from back end

The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates.
c2d.twin.update.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Size of twin updates from back end

The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.
c2d.twin.update.size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful twin updates from back end

The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.
c2d.twin.update.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
C2D Messages Expired

Number of expired cloud-to-device messages
C2DMessagesExpired Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Configuration Metrics

Metrics for Configuration Operations
configurations Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Connected devices

Number of devices connected to your IoT hub
connectedDeviceCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M No
Routing: messages delivered to messages/events

The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events). Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: messages delivered to Event Hub

The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Event Hub endpoints.
d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue

The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints.
d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic

The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints.
d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: messages delivered to storage

The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: blobs delivered to storage

The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: data delivered to storage

The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints. Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: message latency for messages/events

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events). MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: message latency for Event Hub

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint.
d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint.
d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint.
d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: message latency for storage

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a storage endpoint. MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: telemetry messages dropped

The number of times messages were dropped by IoT Hub routing due to dead endpoints. This value does not count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages are not delivered there.
d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: messages delivered to fallback

The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route.
d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: telemetry messages incompatible

The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. This value does not include retries.
d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: telemetry messages orphaned

The number of times messages were orphaned by IoT Hub routing because they didn't match any routing rules (including the fallback rule).
d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing: telemetry messages delivered

The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery.
d2c.telemetry.egress.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Telemetry message send attempts

Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub
d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Number of throttling errors

Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles
d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Telemetry messages sent

Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub
d2c.telemetry.ingress.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed twin reads from devices

The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Response size of twin reads from devices

The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads. Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful twin reads from devices

The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads. Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed twin updates from devices

The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates.
d2c.twin.update.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Size of twin updates from devices

The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates.
d2c.twin.update.size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful twin updates from devices

The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates.
d2c.twin.update.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Total number of messages used

Number of total messages used today
dailyMessageQuotaUsed Count Average, Minimum, Maximum <none> PT1M Yes
Total device data usage

Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub
deviceDataUsage Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Total device data usage (preview)

Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub
deviceDataUsageV2 Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Connected devices (deprecated)

Number of devices connected to your IoT hub
devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Total devices (deprecated)

Number of devices registered to your IoT hub
devices.totalDevices Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Event Grid deliveries

The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (
EventGridDeliveries Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) Result, EventType PT1M Yes
Event Grid latency

The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event.
EventGridLatency MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum EventType PT1M Yes
Failed job cancellations

The count of all failed calls to cancel a job.
jobs.cancelJob.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful job cancellations

The count of all successful calls to cancel a job.
jobs.cancelJob.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Completed jobs

The count of all completed jobs.
jobs.completed Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed creations of method invocation jobs

The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs.
jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful creations of method invocation jobs

The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs.
jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed creations of twin update jobs

The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs.
jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful creations of twin update jobs

The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs.
jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed jobs

The count of all failed jobs.
jobs.failed Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed calls to list jobs

The count of all failed calls to list jobs.
jobs.listJobs.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful calls to list jobs

The count of all successful calls to list jobs.
jobs.listJobs.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Failed job queries

The count of all failed calls to query jobs.
jobs.queryJobs.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful job queries

The count of all successful calls to query jobs.
jobs.queryJobs.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Routing Delivery Message Size in Bytes (preview)

The total size in bytes of messages delivered by IoT hub to an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to view the size of the messages in bytes delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases for every message delivered, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.
RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource PT1M Yes
Routing Deliveries (preview)

The number of times IoT Hub attempted to deliver messages to all endpoints using routing. To see the number of successful or failed attempts, use the Result dimension. To see the reason of failure, like invalid, dropped, or orphaned, use the FailureReasonCategory dimension. You can also use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand how many messages were delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases by one for each delivery attempt, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.
RoutingDeliveries Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) EndpointType, EndpointName, FailureReasonCategory, Result, RoutingSource PT1M Yes
Routing Delivery Latency (preview)

The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand the latency to your different endpoints.
RoutingDeliveryLatency MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource PT1M Yes
Total devices

Number of devices registered to your IoT hub
totalDeviceCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M No
Failed twin queries

The count of all failed twin queries.
twinQueries.failure Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Twin queries result size

The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries.
twinQueries.resultSize Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Successful twin queries

The count of all successful twin queries.
twinQueries.success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes

Supported aggregations

The Aggregation Type column in the table corresponds to the default aggregation that is used when the metric is selected for a chart or alert.

Screenshot showing aggregation for metrics.

For most metrics, all aggregation types are valid. For count metrics with a Unit column value of Count, only some aggregations are valid. Count metrics can be one of two types:

  • For Single-point count metrics, IoT Hub registers a single data point (essentially a 1) every time the measured operation occurs. Azure Monitor then sums these data points over the specified granularity. Examples of Single-point metrics are Telemetry messages sent and C2D message deliveries completed. For these metrics, the only relevant aggregation type is Total (Sum). The portal allows you to choose minimum, maximum, and average. These values are always 1.

  • For Snapshot count metrics, IoT Hub registers a total count when the measured operation occurs. Currently, there are three Snapshot metrics emitted by IoT Hub: Total number of messages used, Total devices, and Connected devices. Because these metrics present a "total" quantity every time, summing them over the specified granularity makes no sense. Azure Monitor limits you to selecting average, minimum, and maximum for the aggregation type for these metrics.

Metric dimensions

For information about what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

This service has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.

Dimension Name Description
EndpointName The endpoint name
EndpointType eventHubs, serviceBusQueues, cosmosDB, serviceBusTopics, builtin, or blobStorage
EventType Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated, Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted, Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected, Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected, or Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry
For more information, see Event types.
FailureReasonCategory One of the following values: invalid, dropped, orphaned, or null.
Result Either success or failure
RoutingSource Device Messages, Twin Change Events, Device Lifecycle Events

Metrics display name and aggregation

The following tables provide more information about the metrics described in the preceding table. They show the IoT Hub platform metrics by general category and list metrics by their display name as assigned in the Azure portal.

Cloud to device command metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
C2D Messages Expired C2DMessagesExpired Count Number of expired cloud-to-device messages
C2D message deliveries completed c2d.commands.egress.complete.success Count Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device
C2D messages abandoned c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success Count Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device
C2D messages rejected c2d.commands.egress.reject.success Count Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Cloud to device direct methods metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Failed direct method invocations c2d.methods.failure Count The count of all failed direct method calls.
Request size of direct method invocations c2d.methods.requestSize Bytes The count of all successful direct method requests.
Response size of direct method invocations c2d.methods.responseSize Bytes The count of all successful direct method responses.
Successful direct method invocations c2d.methods.success Count The count of all successful direct method calls.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Cloud to device twin operations metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Failed twin reads from back end Count The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads.
Failed twin updates from back end c2d.twin.update.failure Count The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates.
Response size of twin reads from back end Bytes The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.
Size of twin updates from back end c2d.twin.update.size Bytes The total size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.
Successful twin reads from back end Count The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.
Successful twin updates from back end c2d.twin.update.success Count The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Configurations metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Configuration Metrics configurations Count Number of total CRUD operations performed for device configuration and IoT Edge deployment, on a set of target devices. Included are the number of operations that modify the device twin or module twin because of these configurations.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Daily quota metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Total device data usage deviceDataUsage Bytes Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub
Total device data usage (preview) deviceDataUsageV2 Total Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub
Total number of messages used dailyMessageQuotaUsed Count Number of total messages used today. A cumulative value that is reset to zero at 00:00 UTC every day.

For Total number of messages used, only minimum, maximum, and average aggregations are supported. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Device metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Total devices (deprecated) devices.totalDevices Count Number of devices registered to your IoT hub
Connected devices (deprecated) devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol Count Number of devices connected to your IoT hub
Total devices totalDeviceCount Count Number of devices registered to your IoT hub
Connected devices connectedDeviceCount Count Number of devices connected to your IoT hub

For Total devices (deprecated) and Connected devices (deprecated), only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

For Total devices and Connected devices, only minimum, maximum, and average aggregations are valid. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Total devices and Connected devices aren't exportable via diagnostic settings.

Device telemetry metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Number of throttling errors d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle Count Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles
Telemetry 'message send' attempts d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol Count Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub
Telemetry messages sent d2c.telemetry.ingress.success Count Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Device to cloud twin operations metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Failed twin reads from devices Count The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads.
Failed twin updates from devices d2c.twin.update.failure Count The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates.
Response size of twin reads from devices Bytes The number of all successful device-initiated twin reads.
Size of twin updates from devices d2c.twin.update.size Bytes The total size of all successful device-initiated twin updates.
Successful twin reads from devices Count The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads.
Successful twin updates from devices d2c.twin.update.success Count The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Event Grid metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Event Grid deliveries EventGridDeliveries Count The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (
Event Grid latency EventGridLatency Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Jobs metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Completed jobs jobs.completed Count The count of all completed jobs.
Failed calls to list jobs jobs.listJobs.failure Count The count of all failed calls to list jobs.
Failed creations of method invocation jobs jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure Count The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs.
Failed creations of twin update jobs jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.failure Count The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs.
Failed job cancellations jobs.cancelJob.failure Count The count of all failed calls to cancel a job.
Failed job queries jobs.queryJobs.failure Count The count of all failed calls to query jobs.
Failed jobs jobs.failed Count The count of all failed jobs.
Successful calls to list jobs jobs.listJobs.success Count The count of all successful calls to list jobs.
Successful creations of method invocation jobs jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success Count The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs.
Successful creations of twin update jobs jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.
Count The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs.
Successful job cancellations jobs.cancelJob.success Count The count of all successful calls to cancel a job.
Successful job queries jobs.queryJobs.success Count The count of all successful calls to query jobs.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Routing metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Routing Deliveries (preview) RoutingDeliveries Count The routing delivery metric. Use the dimensions to identify the delivery status for a specific endpoint or for a specific routing source.
Routing Delivery Message Size In Bytes (preview) RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered Bytes The total number of bytes routed by IoT Hub to custom endpoint and built-in endpoint. Use the dimensions to identify data size routed to a specific endpoint or for a specific routing source.
Routing Delivery Latency (preview) RoutingDeliveryLatency Milliseconds The routing delivery latency metric. Use the dimensions to identify the latency for a specific endpoint or for a specific routing source.
Routing: blobs delivered to storage Count The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints.
Routing: data delivered to storage Bytes The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints.
Routing: message latency for Event Hubs d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into custom endpoints of type Event Hubs. Messages routes to built-in endpoint (events) aren't included.
Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint.
Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint.
Routing: message latency for messages/events Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events) and fallback route.
Routing: message latency for storage Milliseconds The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into a storage endpoint.
Routing: messages delivered to Event Hubs d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs Count The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to custom endpoints of type Event Hubs. Messages routes to built-in endpoint (events) aren't included.
Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues Count The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints.
Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics Count The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints.
Routing: messages delivered to fallback d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback Count The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route.
Routing: messages delivered to messages/events Count The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events) and fallback route.
Routing: messages delivered to storage Count The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints.
Routing: telemetry messages delivered d2c.telemetry.egress.success Count The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery.
Routing: telemetry messages dropped  d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped Count The number of times IoT Hub routing drops messages due to dead endpoints. This value doesn't count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages aren't delivered there.
Routing: telemetry messages incompatible d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid Count The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. A message is incompatible with an endpoint when Iot Hub attempts to deliver the message to an endpoint and it fails with a nontransient error. Invalid messages aren't retried. This value doesn't include retries.
Routing: telemetry messages orphaned  d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned Count The number of times IoT Hub routing orphans messages because they didn't match any routing query, when fallback route is disabled.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Twin query metrics:

Metric display name Metric Unit Description
Failed twin queries twinQueries.failure Count The count of all failed twin queries.
Successful twin queries twinQueries.success Count The count of all successful twin queries.
Twin queries result size twinQueries.resultSize Bytes The total of the result size of all successful twin queries.

For metrics with a Unit value of Count, only total (sum) aggregation is valid. Minimum, maximum, and average aggregations always return 1. For more information, see Supported aggregations.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for this service. The section pulls from the list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
C2DCommands C2D Commands AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
C2DTwinOperations C2D Twin Operations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
Configurations Configurations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
Connections Connections AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
D2CTwinOperations D2CTwinOperations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
DeviceIdentityOperations Device Identity Operations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
DeviceStreams Device Streams (Preview) AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
DeviceTelemetry Device Telemetry AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
DirectMethods Direct Methods AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
DistributedTracing Distributed Tracing (Preview) No No No
FileUploadOperations File Upload Operations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
JobsOperations Jobs Operations AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
Routes Routes AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No
TwinQueries Twin Queries AzureDiagnostics

Logs from multiple Azure resources.

No No Queries No

The following sections list the resource log category types and schemas collected for Azure IoT Hub. Events are emitted only for errors in some categories.

Cloud-to-device commands category

The cloud-to-device commands category tracks errors that occur at the IoT hub and are related to the cloud-to-device message pipeline. This category includes errors that occur from:

  • Sending cloud-to-device messages (like unauthorized sender errors),
  • Receiving cloud-to-device messages (like delivery count exceeded errors), and
  • Receiving cloud-to-device message feedback (like feedback expired errors).

This category doesn't catch errors when the cloud-to-device message is delivered successfully but then improperly handled by the device.

            "time": " UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "messageExpired",
            "category": "C2DCommands",
            "level": "Error",
            "resultType": "Event status",
            "resultDescription": "MessageDescription",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"messageId\":\"<messageId>\",\"messageSizeInBytes\":\"<messageSize>\",\"protocol\":\"Amqp\",\"deliveryAcknowledgement\":\"<None, NegativeOnly, PositiveOnly, Full>\",\"deliveryCount\":\"0\",\"expiryTime\":\"<timestamp>\",\"timeInSystem\":\"<timeInSystem>\",\"ttl\":<ttl>, \"EventProcessedUtcTime\":\"<UTC timestamp>\",\"EventEnqueuedUtcTime\":\"<UTC timestamp>\", \"maskedIpAddress\": \"<maskedIpAddress>\", \"statusCode\": \"4XX\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Cloud-to-device twin operations category

The cloud-to-device twin operations category tracks service-initiated events on device twins. These operations can include get twin, update or replace tags, and update or replace desired properties.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "read",
            "category": "C2DTwinOperations",
            "level": "Information",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"sdkVersion\":\"<sdkVersion>\",\"messageSize\":\"<messageSize>\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Device-to-cloud twin operations category

The device-to-cloud twin operations category tracks device-initiated events on device twins. These operations can include get twin, update reported properties, and subscribe to desired properties.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "update",
            "category": "D2CTwinOperations",
            "level": "Information",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"protocol\":\"<protocol>\",\"authenticationType\":\"{\\\"scope\\\":\\\"device\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"sas\\\",\\\"issuer\\\":\\\"iothub\\\",\\\"acceptingIpFilterRule\\\":null}\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Configurations category

IoT Hub configuration logs track events and error for the Automatic Device Management feature set.

             "time": "2019-09-24T17:21:52Z",
             "resourceId": "Resource Id",
             "operationName": "ReadManyConfigurations",
             "category": "Configurations",
             "resultType": "",
             "resultDescription": "",
             "level": "Information",
             "durationMs": "17",
             "properties": "{\"configurationId\":\"\",\"sdkVersion\":\"2018-06-30\",\"messageSize\":\"0\",\"statusCode\":null}",
             "location": "southcentralus"

Connections category

The connections category tracks device connect and disconnect events from an IoT hub and errors. This category is useful for identifying unauthorized connection attempts and or alerting when you lose connection to devices.

For reliable connection status of devices, see Monitor device connection status.

            "time": " UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "deviceConnect",
            "category": "Connections",
            "level": "Information",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"sdkVersion\":\"<sdkVersion>\",\"protocol\":\"<protocol>\",\"authType\":\"{\\\"scope\\\":\\\"device\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"sas\\\",\\\"issuer\\\":\\\"iothub\\\",\\\"acceptingIpFilterRule\\\":null}\",\"maskedIpAddress\":\"<maskedIpAddress>\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

For detailed information about using connections logs to monitor device connectivity, see Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot device connectivity to Azure IoT Hub.

Device identity operations category

The device identity operations category tracks errors that occur when you attempt to create, update, or delete an entry in your IoT hub's identity registry. Tracking this category is useful for provisioning scenarios.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "get",
            "category": "DeviceIdentityOperations",
            "level": "Error",
            "resultType": "Event status",
            "resultDescription": "MessageDescription",
            "properties": "{\"maskedIpAddress\":\"<maskedIpAddress>\",\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\", \"statusCode\":\"4XX\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Device streams category (preview)

The device streams category tracks request-response interactions sent to individual devices.

             "time": "2019-09-19T11:12:04Z",
             "resourceId": "Resource Id",
             "operationName": "invoke",
             "category": "DeviceStreams",
             "resultType": "",
             "resultDescription": "",    
             "level": "Information",
             "durationMs": "74",
             "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"myDevice\",\"moduleId\":\"myModule\",\"sdkVersion\":\"2019-05-01-preview\",\"requestSize\":\"3\",\"responseSize\":\"5\",\"statusCode\":null,\"requestName\":\"myRequest\",\"direction\":\"c2d\"}",
             "location": "Central US"

Device telemetry category

The device telemetry category tracks errors that occur at the IoT hub and are related to the telemetry pipeline. This category includes errors that occur when sending telemetry events (such as throttling) and receiving telemetry events (such as unauthorized reader). This category can't catch errors caused by code running on the device itself.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "ingress",
            "category": "DeviceTelemetry",
            "level": "Error",
            "resultType": "Event status",
            "resultDescription": "MessageDescription",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"batching\":\"0\",\"messageSizeInBytes\":\"<messageSizeInBytes>\",\"EventProcessedUtcTime\":\"<UTC timestamp>\",\"EventEnqueuedUtcTime\":\"<UTC timestamp>\",\"partitionId\":\"1\"}", 
            "location": "Resource location"

Direct methods category

The direct methods category tracks request-response interactions sent to individual devices. These requests are initiated in the cloud.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "send",
            "category": "DirectMethods",
            "level": "Information",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":<messageSize>, \"RequestSize\": 1, \"ResponseSize\": 1, \"sdkVersion\": \"2017-07-11\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Distributed tracing category (preview)

The distributed tracing category tracks the correlation IDs for messages that carry the trace context header. To fully enable these logs, client-side code must be updated by following Analyze and diagnose IoT applications end-to-end with IoT Hub distributed tracing (preview).

The correlationId conforms to the W3C Trace Context proposal, where it contains a trace-id and a span-id.

IoT Hub D2C (device-to-cloud) logs

IoT Hub records this log when a message containing valid trace properties arrives at IoT Hub.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "DiagnosticIoTHubD2C",
            "category": "DistributedTracing",
            "correlationId": "00-8cd869a412459a25f5b4f31311223344-0144d2590aacd909-01",
            "level": "Information",
            "resultType": "Success",
            "resultDescription":"Receive message success",
            "durationMs": "",
            "properties": "{\"messageSize\": 1, \"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\", \"callerLocalTimeUtc\": : \"2017-02-22T03:27:28.633Z\", \"calleeLocalTimeUtc\": \"2017-02-22T03:27:28.687Z\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Here, durationMs isn't calculated as IoT Hub's clock might not be in sync with the device clock, and thus a duration calculation can be misleading. We recommend writing logic using the timestamps in the properties section to capture spikes in device-to-cloud latency.

Property Type Description
messageSize Integer The size of device-to-cloud message in bytes
deviceId String of ASCII 7-bit alphanumeric characters The identity of the device
callerLocalTimeUtc UTC timestamp The creation time of the message as reported by the device local clock
calleeLocalTimeUtc UTC timestamp The time of message arrival at the IoT Hub's gateway as reported by IoT Hub service side clock

IoT Hub ingress logs

IoT Hub records this log when message containing valid trace properties writes to internal or built-in Event Hubs.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "DiagnosticIoTHubIngress",
            "category": "DistributedTracing",
            "correlationId": "00-8cd869a412459a25f5b4f31311223344-349810a9bbd28730-01",
            "level": "Information",
            "resultType": "Success",
            "resultDescription":"Ingress message success",
            "durationMs": "10",
            "properties": "{\"isRoutingEnabled\": \"true\", \"parentSpanId\":\"0144d2590aacd909\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

In the properties section, this log contains additional information about message ingress.

Property Type Description
isRoutingEnabled String Either true or false, indicates whether or not message routing is enabled in the IoT Hub
parentSpanId String The span-id of the parent message, which would be the D2C message trace in this case

IoT Hub egress logs

IoT Hub records this log when routing is enabled and the message is written to an endpoint. If routing isn't enabled, IoT Hub doesn't record this log.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "DiagnosticIoTHubEgress",
            "category": "DistributedTracing",
            "correlationId": "00-8cd869a412459a25f5b4f31311223344-98ac3578922acd26-01",
            "level": "Information",
            "resultType": "Success",
            "resultDescription":"Egress message success",
            "durationMs": "10",
            "properties": "{\"endpointType\": \"EventHub\", \"endpointName\": \"myEventHub\", \"parentSpanId\":\"349810a9bbd28730\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

In the properties section, this log contains additional information about message ingress.

Property Type Description
endpointName String The name of the routing endpoint
endpointType String The type of the routing endpoint
parentSpanId String The span-id of the parent message, which would be the IoT Hub ingress message trace in this case

File upload operations category

The file upload category tracks errors that occur at the IoT hub and are related to file upload functionality. This category includes:

  • Errors that occur with the SAS URI, such as when it expires before a device notifies the hub of a completed upload.
  • Failed uploads reported by the device.
  • Errors that occur when a file isn't found in storage during IoT Hub notification message creation.

This category can't catch errors that directly occur while the device is uploading a file to storage.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "ingress",
            "category": "FileUploadOperations",
            "level": "Error",
            "resultType": "Event status",
            "resultDescription": "MessageDescription",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"deviceId\":\"<deviceId>\",\"protocol\":\"<protocol>\",\"authType\":\"{\\\"scope\\\":\\\"device\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"sas\\\",\\\"issuer\\\":\\\"iothub\\\",\\\"acceptingIpFilterRule\\\":null}\",\"blobUri\":\"http//\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Jobs operations category

The jobs operations category reports on job requests to update device twins or invoke direct methods on multiple devices. These requests are initiated in the cloud.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "jobCompleted",
            "category": "JobsOperations",
            "level": "Information",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"jobId\":\"<jobId>\", \"sdkVersion\": \"<sdkVersion>\",\"messageSize\": <messageSize>,\"filter\":\"DeviceId IN ['1414ded9-b445-414d-89b9-e48e8c6285d5']\",\"startTimeUtc\":\"Wednesday, September 13, 2017\",\"duration\":\"0\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Routes category

The message routing category tracks errors that occur during message route evaluation and endpoint health as perceived by IoT Hub. This category includes events such as:

  • A rule evaluates to "undefined"
  • IoT Hub marks an endpoint as dead
  • Any errors received from an endpoint

This category doesn't include specific errors about the messages themselves (like device throttling errors), which are reported under the "device telemetry" category.


Here are more details on routing resource logs:

Twin queries category

The twin queries category reports on query requests for device twins that are initiated in the cloud.

            "time": "UTC timestamp",
            "resourceId": "Resource Id",
            "operationName": "query",
            "category": "TwinQueries",
            "level": "Information",
            "durationMs": "1",
            "properties": "{\"query\":\"<twin query>\",\"sdkVersion\":\"<sdkVersion>\",\"messageSize\":\"<messageSize>\",\"pageSize\":\"<pageSize>\", \"continuation\":\"<true, false>\", \"resultSize\":\"<resultSize>\"}",
            "location": "Resource location"

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section lists the Azure Monitor Logs tables relevant to this service, which are available for query by Log Analytics using Kusto queries. The tables contain resource log data and possibly more depending on what is collected and routed to them.

IoT Hub Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs

Activity log

The linked table lists the operations that can be recorded in the activity log for this service. These operations are a subset of all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.

For more information on the schema of activity log entries, see Activity Log schema.