Create a business profile (new experience)

Here's a look at what's new.

Differentiated flows for profile creation

We've introduced separate flows for Cloud Solution Provider (CSP; Direct/Indirect resellers, Direct providers) and for ISV/Systems Integrator (SI) business profile creation to better align with partner business models and requirements.


Partners are only permitted to create and publish profiles within designated CSP regions. To understand these specific CSP regions, see Azure plan for CSP region availability.

Your company's location determines your market. Your market includes the regions and/or countries where you can sell CSP program offers.

For example:

  • If your company is located in the United States, you can sell CSP offers to customers in the United States and in U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.
  • If your company is located in Brazil, you can sell CSP offers to customers only in Brazil.
  • If your company is located in the Africa region, you can sell CSP offers to customers in all 18 countries/regions in Africa.

Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program members

Partners enrolled in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program (Services/ISVs) enjoy the flexibility to create and publish profiles anywhere in the world without the requirement for a physical address or presence.

Hybrid partner operations supported

We recognize that many of our partners operate as hybrids, combining SI, ISV, and CSP business models. The updated system accommodates this diversity by allowing partners to have both types of profiles, each tailored to their distinct business operations.

Create profiles for each region in which you're authorized to do business

Follow these steps to create profiles for each region in which you're authorized to do business:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center, and select Referrals.
  2. Select Business profile on left navigation tab.
  3. Select the New profile button.


Although Partner Center supports multiple languages, some elements, such as the description and free-form tags, might need to include text from different languages, as noted in this article.


If your organization has attained Solutions Partner designations, Azure Expert MSP, or Specializations, it can take up to 72 hours for these badges to be visible in Microsoft AppSource.

Once on Business profile home page:

  1. Profile type: Select the CSP or Services/ISV flow based on the business model you're operating in the country or region.


    If you operate as CSP and Services/ISV in the same country or region, then select to any type of flow.

    Screenshot of the referrals home screen with modern profiles new profile options.

  2. Default Partner ID: Select the default Partner ID that will be managing the content and locations of the profiles.


    Leads from AppSource will be routed to this Partner ID.

    Screenshot of the referrals create business profile page with default partner ID.

  3. Publishing locations: Select all the locations that share the same business competencies, and you want leads from these locations routed to default Partner ID.

    Screenshot of the referrals create business profile page with publishing locations.

  4. Selling markets: Select all the markets that share the same business competencies, and you want leads from these markets routed to default Partner ID.A screenshot of a computer screen

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with create selling markets.

  5. Partner Information: Introduce your company, add a logo, a brief description, a link of your company website, LinkedIn profile, and privacy URL.

    • Here are some suggestions for a great description:
      • Keep it concise and lead with the most crucial information. The initial sentences should serve as a captivating headline to capture customers' attention, as these will be displayed in the search results preview within the Connect with partners search experience.
      • Focus on your company's specific experiences with Microsoft offerings. Customers seeking partner referrals typically value partners with Microsoft specific expertise.
      • Enhance readability by using bullet points to break down information.
      • Communicate in plain, everyday language. Describe your offerings in terms of what they do, the business needs they address, or the tasks and objectives they help customers achieve.
      • No need to stuff the description with search keywords. Our search tools analyze keywords generated in the Partner Expertise section, not the description.
      • Maintain an up-to-date profile. With each software or service release, ensure your profile aligns with your company's website. It's advisable to designate someone within your organization to schedule quarterly reviews of your profile details to avoid missed opportunities.
      • Avoid explicitly referring to another Microsoft partner company by name, unless it's a subsidiary, has a direct affiliation with your company, or you have a current agreement to collaborate or promote each other for shared work opportunities.
      • In regions with multiple languages, consider incorporating text in various languages within the description to maximize accessibility and engagement.


    • The logo can be a GIF, JPG, or PNG file, with a maximum width of 300 pixels. We recommend using square or wide aspect ratios with a minimum of 216Px * 216Px. Tall aspect ratios aren't recommended.
    • Use the profile name to distinguish between profiles, such as Europe-Microsoft Inc., India Microsoft Hyd, India Microsoft Bangalore, and so on.


    Information filled on this page will reflect AppSource except profile name.

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with create partner information.

  6. Partner expertise: Choose partner expertise relevant to your business and align with the locations and selling markets you've previously selected. This expertise is prominently featured on your profiles in those selected locations and selling markets.


    The Find a Partner search tool in the AppSource partner directory relies on expertise tags. Enhance these tags to boost your profile's visibility. Search tool also considers the Solutions Partner designations you've attained that demonstrate your company's capabilities. Tags you can add include the following:

    • Industry-focused tags
    • Products limited to Microsoft products.
    • Service type
    • Solutions, skills, and capabilities.

    These tags provide you with the ability to add search keywords that are unique to your capabilities.

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with create partner expertise.

  7. Customer organization size: Select target customer organization your selected location businesses can work with.

    • You have the option to exclude leads from businesses that don't align with your preferred customer size. By making this choice, you can allocate more of your valuable time and resources to businesses that closely match your ideal customer profile.
    • If you're just starting to co-sell with Microsoft, having a smaller target size/larger range might help increase the number of opportunities applicable to you as you gain a proven record of accomplishment with Microsoft co-selling.

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with create customer organization size.

  8. Review and complete: Review the steps and information of the profile and edit if any changes are required.

    • If you want to make any changes at this step, select the corresponding edit button of the step, and you won't lose the progress.


    After you publish your business profile, updates appear within 24 hours to AppSource.

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with migration review and complete screen.

  9. Profile creation completed: Your profile is successfully created. The location, selling markets, content, expertise links to default Partner ID for management purposes. These changes take 24 hours to be published on AppSource.

    Screenshot of the referrals business page with profile creation success screen.

Improve profile visibility

The visibility of your profile and enhance your overall performance on our platform, consider the following recommendations:

  • Timely responses: It's crucial to respond promptly to customer leads from AppSource. Swift responses not only lead to better results on search pages for future customers but also foster a positive reputation.
  • Strategic tagging: When selecting tags, prioritize quality over quantity. Opt for fewer, well-chosen tags that accurately represent your company's offerings, solutions, value propositions, and unique qualities. Ensure these are aspects in which you can consistently demonstrate success. This strategic approach will pay dividends in future search results.
  • Demonstrate competence: Showcase your expertise by attaining Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program Solutions Partner designations, and Specializations. These badges highlight your proficiency in our products and boost your credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

Delete profile


If you delete your business profile, the linked Partner ID locations and selling markets listing will be deleted from AppSource.

To delete a profile, select the bin icon next to the profile name.

  • Only a referral admin can delete a profile.
  • Deleting a profile is a permanent action that can't be undone. However, it won't affect the existing leads from Partner Center referral workspace that are associated with the profile.
  • The deleted profile information will be removed from Partner Center immediately, but it might take up to 24 hours to disappear from the AppSource page.