Database Engine events and errors (31000 to 41399)

This article contains error message numbers (between the range 31,000 and 41,399) and their description, which is the text of the error message from the sys.messages catalog view. Where applicable, the error number is a link to further information.

For the full range of error numbers, see the list on Database Engine events and errors.

You can query the Database Engine to see a full list of all errors, by running the following query against the sys.messages catalog view:

SELECT message_id AS Error,
    severity AS Severity,
    [Event Logged] = CASE is_event_logged
        WHEN 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes'
    [text] AS [Description]
FROM sys.messages
WHERE language_id = 1040 /* replace 1040 with the desired language ID, such as 1033 for US English */
ORDER BY message_id;

SQL Server version

This article shows events and errors (between the range 31,000 and 41,399) for SQL Server 2016 (13.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 31,000 and 41,399) for SQL Server 2017 (14.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 31,000 and 41,399) for SQL Server 2019 (15.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

This article shows events and errors (between the range 31,000 and 41,399) for SQL Server 2022 (16.x). If you want to view events and errors for other versions of SQL Server, see:

Errors and events (31000 to 41399)


This article contains the term whitelist, a term Microsoft considers insensitive in this context. The term appears in this article because it currently appears in the software. When the term is removed from the software, we will remove it from the article.

Error Severity Event logged Description
31001 16 No The session '%s' already exists. Use a different session name.
31002 16 No This operation can be performed only by the owner of the session.
31003 16 No User does not have enough permissions to tune one or more of the databases specified.
31004 16 No Could not create DTA directory for saving tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31005 16 No Could not create DTA tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31006 16 No Could not write DTA tuning option to file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31007 16 No Could not create a DTA job when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31008 16 No Could not retrieve limit and job state information from DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31009 16 No Could not set limits on DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31010 16 No Could not create a DTA process when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31011 16 No Could not terminate DTA process after it fails to be assigned to DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31012 16 No Could not resume DTA process to start tuning when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31013 16 No Invalid tuning option specified for auto indexing.
31014 16 No Could not terminate DTA job when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31015 16 No Could not delete DTA tuning options file when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31016 16 No Could not cleanup hypothetical indexes and statistics when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31017 16 No DTA tuning for auto indexing is only supported on Azure DB.
31018 16 No Could not get winfab temp directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31019 16 No Could not create GUID when performing DTA tuning related task.
31020 16 No String operation failed.
31201 16 No Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured for property searching. To support property-scoped searches, the full-text index must be associated with a search property list and repopulated. The Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST <property_list_name>;.
31202 10 No Reconfiguring the search property list of the full-text index has truncated the existing data in the index. Until the full-text index has been fully repopulated, full-text queries will return partial results. The ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST ...; statement automatically issues a full population, but if the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement specified the WITH NO POPULATION clause, you must run a full population on the full-text index using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning.
31203 10 No Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %d, objid %d, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize.
32001 10 No Log shipping backup log job for %s.
32002 10 No Log shipping copy job for %s:%s.
32003 10 No Log shipping restore log job for %s:%s.
32004 10 No Log shipping backup log job step.
32005 10 No Log shipping copy job step.
32006 10 No Log shipping restore log job step.
32007 16 No Database %s is not ONLINE.
32008 10 No Database %s is not ONLINE. The backup job will not be performed until this database is brought online.
32009 16 No A log shipping primary entry already exists for database %s.
32010 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping primary.
32011 16 No Primary Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s). Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32012 16 No Secondary %s.%s already exists for primary %s.
32013 16 No A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %s.
32014 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping secondary.
32015 16 No The primary database %s cannot have SIMPLE recovery for log shipping to work properly.
32016 16 No The specified agent_id %s or agent_type %d do not form a valid pair for log shipping monitoring processing.
32017 16 No Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %s and is not supported.
32018 16 No Log shipping is not installed on this instance.
32019 10 No Log shipping alert job.
32020 10 No Log shipping alert job step.
32021 10 No Log shipping alert job schedule.
32022 16 No Cannot add a log shipping job with name %s. A job with same name already exists in the system and this job does not belong to log shipping category.
32023 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s does not exist on this secondary. Register the primary first.
32024 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s already exists.
32025 16 No Primary Server %s, Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32026 10 No Log shipping Primary Server Alert.
32027 10 No Log shipping Secondary Server Alert.
32028 16 No Invalid value = %d for parameter @threshold_alert was specified.
32029 10 No Log shipping backup agent [%s] has verified log backup file '%s.wrk' and renamed it as '%s.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
32030 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping primary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32031 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping secondary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32032 16 No Invalid value '%d' for update period. Update period should be between 1 and 120 minutes.
32033 16 No The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
32034 16 No An internal error occurred when setting up the database mirroring monitoring job.
32035 16 No An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job.
32036 16 No Parameter(s) out of range.
32037 16 No The units for the update period for the database mirroring monitor job have been changed.
32038 16 No An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor.
32039 16 No The database '%s' is not being mirrored. No update of the base table was done.
32040 16 No The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32041 16 No The database mirroring monitor base tables have not been created. Please run sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate to create them.
32042 16 No The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32043 16 No The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32044 16 No The alert for 'mirror commit overhead' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32045 16 No '%s' must be executed in msdb.
32046 16 No Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the 'dbm_monitor' role in msdb can perform this operation.
32047 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Job
32048 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Schedule
32049 16 No The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job.
32050 16 No Alerts cannot be created on the system databases, master, msdb, model or tempdb.
32051 10 No System administrator privilege is required to update the base table. The base table was not updated.
32052 16 No Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
32053 16 No The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null.
32054 16 No There was an error establishing a link to the remote monitor server.
32055 16 No There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.
33001 16 No Cannot drop the option because the option is not specified on %S_MSG.
33002 16 No Access to %ls %ls is blocked because the signature is not valid.
33003 16 No DDL statement is not allowed.
33004 16 No The password of login '%.*ls' is invalid. A new password should be set for this login without specifying the old password.
33005 16 No Cannot find the certificate or asymmetric key from the file %.*ls. ErrorCode: 0x%x.
33006 16 No WITH SIGNATURE option cannot be specified on database.
33007 16 No Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself.
33008 16 No Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %.*ls permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %S_MSG.
33009 16 No The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%.*ls'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '%.*ls' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
33010 16 No The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option.
33011 16 No The %S_MSG private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it.
33012 10 No Cannot %S_MSG signature %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Signature already exists or cannot be added.
33013 16 No A %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*s' does not exist.
33014 16 No Cannot countersign '%.*s'. Only modules can be countersigned.
33015 16 No The database principal is referenced by a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
33016 16 No The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins.
33017 16 No Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be remapped to a Windows login.
33018 16 No Cannot remap user to login '%.*s', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database.
33019 16 No Cannot create implicit user for the special login '%.*s'.
33020 16 No A HASHED password cannot be set for a login that has CHECK_POLICY turned on.
33021 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, or batch accounts can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33022 16 No Cannot obtain cryptographic provider properties. Provider error code: %d.
33023 16 No The %S_MSG is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d bytes.
33024 16 No Cryptographic provider %S_MSG '%ls' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %d.
33025 16 No Invalid cryptograpihic provider property: %S_MSG.
33026 16 No Cryptographic provider with guid '%ls' already exists.
33027 16 No Cannot load library '%.*ls'. See errorlog for more information.
33028 16 No Cannot open session for %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33029 16 No Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33030 16 No Cryptographic provider is not available.
33031 16 No Cryptographic provider '%.*ls' is in disabled.
33032 16 Yes SQL Crypto API version '%02d.%02d' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%02d.%02d'.
33033 16 No Specified key type or option '%S_MSG' is not supported by the provider.
33034 16 No Cannot specify algorithm for existing key.
33035 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33036 10 No Cannot drop the key with thumbprint '%.*ls' in the provider.
33037 16 No Cannot export %S_MSG from the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33038 16 No Operation is not supported by cryptographic provider key.
33039 16 No Invalid algorithm '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33040 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key.
33041 16 Yes Cannot create login token for existing authenticators. If dbo is a windows user make sure that its windows account information is accessible to SQL Server.
33042 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG because it is already mapped to a login.
33043 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG '%.*ls' because there is already %S_MSG specified for the login.
33044 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because there is %S_MSG referencing this provider.
33045 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because it is not mapped to this login.
33046 16 No Server principal '%.*ls' has no credential associated with %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33047 16 No Fail to obtain or decrypt secret for %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33048 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG under non-primary security context.
33049 16 No Key with %S_MSG '%.*ls' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33050 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider does not allow specifying key names.
33051 16 No Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33052 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be a temporary key.
33053 16 No Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' to enable it.
33054 16 No Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server.
33055 16 No Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%.*ls' in the API '%.*ls'. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx.
33056 16 No Cannnot impersonate login '%.*ls' to access %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33057 10 No Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users.
33058 10 No Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to drop the provider for all users.
33059 16 No An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost.
33060 16 No The format of supplied parameter sid is invalid. The sid might be incorrect or the sid might describe the wrong type of user.
33069 16 No CREATE CERTIFICATE statement cannot mix file and binary modes. Rewrite the statement using only the FILE or the BINARY keyword.
33070 16 No The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be at least 2 MB.
33071 16 No This command requires %S_MSG to be disabled. Disable the %S_MSG and rerun this command.
33072 16 No The audit log file path is invalid.
33073 16 No Cannot find %S_MSG '%.*ls' or you do not have the required permissions.
33074 16 No Cannot %S_MSG a %S_MSG %S_MSG from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database.
33075 16 No Granular auditing is not available in this edition of SQL Server. For more information about feature support in the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
33076 16 No The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 TB.
33077 16 No RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE.
33078 16 No The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property.
33079 16 No Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%s' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column.
33080 10 No Cryptographic provider library '%.*ls' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33081 10 No Failed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL '%.*ls'.
33082 16 No Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%ls'.
33083 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG for %S_MSG '%ls' because it is not supported by the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33084 16 No The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider.
33085 10 No One or more methods cannot be found in cryptographic provider library '%.*ls'.
33086 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to record %ls action.
33087 16 No %S_MSG property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value
33088 16 No The algorithm: %.*ls is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server
33089 16 No Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33090 10 No Attempting to load library '%.*ls' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33091 10 No Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database.
33092 10 No Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%.*ls'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33093 16 No The Windows user or group '%s' is local or built-in. Use a Windows domain user or domain group.
33094 10 No An error occurred during Service Master Key %S_MSG
33095 10 No Service Master Key could not be decrypted using one of its encryptions. See sys.key_encryptions for details.
33096 10 No A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption.
33097 10 No Processing BrickId: %d with MasterDb.PrimaryPru.FragId %d
33098 10 No Initializing SMK for brickId: %d
33099 16 No You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database.
33101 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG '%.*ls', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server requires the ability to automatically access the private key of the %S_MSG used for this operation.
33102 16 No Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
33103 16 No A database encryption key already exists for this database.
33104 16 No A database encryption key does not exist for this database.
33105 16 No Cannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be able to drop the database encryption key.
33106 16 No Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set.
33107 16 No Cannot enable database encryption because it is already enabled.
33108 16 No Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled.
33109 16 No Cannot disable database encryption while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33110 16 No Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33111 16 No Cannot find server %S_MSG with thumbprint '%.*ls'.
33112 10 No Beginning database encryption scan for database '%.*ls'.
33113 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' is complete.
33114 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
33115 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later.
33116 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%.*ls'. Try again later.
33117 16 No Transparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
33118 16 No Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.
33119 16 No Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.
33120 16 No In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %S_MSG, please use an %S_MSG that resides on an extensible key management provider.
33121 16 No The %S_MSG '%ls' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33122 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Take a log backup and retry the command.
33123 16 No Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled.
33124 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' cannot complete since one or more files are offline. Bring the files online to run the scan to completion.
33125 10 No Can not create login token because there are too many secondary principals. The maximum number of allowed secondary principals allowed is %lu. To fix this, remove the login from a server role.
33126 10 No Database encryption key is corrupted and cannot be read.
33127 16 No The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key.
33128 16 No Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33129 16 No Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission instead.
33130 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
33131 16 No Principal '%ls' was not unique.
33132 16 No This principal type is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database.
33133 16 No Your subscription is not enabled for Windows Authentication.
33134 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found at this time. Please try again later.
33135 16 No Altering the name of a Windows principal is not supported through this form of execution. For more information about this, see SQL Server Books Online.
33136 16 No The operation could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.
33137 16 No The tenant '%.*ls' cannot be found.
33138 16 No ALTER DATABASE on a federation member is not supported for Windows users or groups.
33139 16 No This subscription does not support Windows Authentication.
33140 16 No The login '%.*ls' could not be created because a login is already associated with certificate '%.*ls'.
33141 10 No The credential created might not be able to decrypt the database master key. Please ensure a database master key exists for this database and is encrypted by the same password used in the stored procedure.
33142 16 No Updating the tenantId for Azure SQL Server was not successful.
33143 16 No The account admin of the subscription does not belong to this tenant.
33144 16 No Cannot change the schema of a temporary object.
33146 10 No The database '%.*ls' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt the database master key.
33147 20 Yes Federated Authentication Feature data used in login record to open a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls.
33148 16 No The user name for a windows login has to be identical to the login name.
33149 16 Yes Dropping a credential '%.*ls' which could still be used by Managed Backup.
33150 16 Yes Warning: Can not check whether the credential '%.*ls' is used by managed backup, because %ls. Please check whether the credential is used by managed backup.
33151 16 No The user name for a user with password cannot be identical to the name of the server admin or the dbo of the database.
33152 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d or %d.
33153 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, or %d.
33154 20 Yes Client sent an invalid token when server was expecting federated authentication token. And it was not a disconnect event.
33155 20 Yes A disconnect event was raised when server is waiting for Federated Authentication token. This could be due to client close or server timeout expired.
33156 20 Yes A Federated Authentication token was sent by the client when the server is not expecting it. So server will close the connection due to TDS non-conformance.
33157 16 No Crypthographic providers are not supported on database credentials.
33158 16 No Database credentials are not supported in master database.
33159 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users.
33160 10 No Unable to verify Authenticode signatures due to error code %d. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33161 15 No Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33162 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33163 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP)
33164 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is used by an external data source.
33165 16 No Cannot drop the external %ls '%.*ls' because it is used by an external table.
33166 16 No dbManager permission check failed.
33167 16 No This command is not supported for Azure AD users. Execute this command as a SQL Authenticated user.
33168 16 No TYPE option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33169 16 No User name cannot have backslash character, when using the TYPE option.
33170 16 No SID option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33171 16 No Only active directory users can impersonate other active directory users.
33172 16 No Encrypting Secret for Database '%.*ls' and Credential '%.*ls' failed.
33173 16 No Assigning value for output parameter @credentialSecret failed because the parameter size is less than the required size %u. Please provide a larger size.
33174 16 No Cannot get credential '%.*ls' because it is not referenced by any external data source.
33175 16 No Encryption operation failed. Key used for encryption has deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33176 16 No Signing operation failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33177 16 No Hash operation failed. Hash Function uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this hash algorithm switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33178 16 No Encryption key length is over the currently supported maximum length of %d.
33201 17 No An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%s'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission on the files, or the pattern may be returning one or more corrupt files.
33202 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to file '%s'.
33203 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the event log.
33204 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the security log.
33205 10 No Audit event: %s.
33206 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33207 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the access the event log.
33208 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to access the security log.
33209 10 No Audit '%.*ls' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server was started with the -m flag.
33210 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33211 15 No A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits.
33212 15 No There is an invalid column list after the object name in the AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
33213 16 No All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope.
33214 17 No The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started.
33215 10 No One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems associated with each error.
33216 10 No SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33217 10 No SQL Server Audit is starting the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33218 10 No SQL Server Audit has started the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33219 10 No The server was stopped because SQL Server Audit '%.*ls' is configured to shut down on failure. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33220 16 No Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master.
33221 16 No You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database.
33222 10 No Audit '%.*ls' failed to %S_MSG . For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers where ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_XE_LOG'.
33223 16 No ALTER SERVER AUDIT requires the STATE option to be specified without using any other options.
33224 16 No The specified pattern did not return any files or does not represent a valid file share. Verify the pattern parameter and rerun the command.
33225 16 No The specified values for initial_file_name and audit_record_offset do not represent a valid location within the audit file set. Verify the file name and offset location, and then rerun the command.
33226 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls' at offset %I64d.
33227 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid. Specify either 0 or 1000 and higher.
33228 16 No You cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. Contact your system administrator.
33229 16 No Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled.
33230 16 No An audit specification for audit '%.*ls' already exists.
33231 16 No You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements.
33232 16 No You may not add a role to Sysadmin.
33233 16 No You can only create a user with a password in a contained database.
33234 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database.
33235 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. Remove the WITHOUT LOGIN or PASSWORD clause.
33236 16 No The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database.
33237 16 No Cannot use parameter %s for Windows users or groups.
33238 16 No MAX_FILES and MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES options cannot be specified toghether.
33239 16 No An error occurred while auditing this operation. Fix the error in the audit and then retry this operation.
33240 16 No A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details.
33241 16 Yes Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating the idle timeout.
33242 16 No When providing a sid, the user must be a user without login or a user with password.
33243 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in setting access control list on the user instance's process. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33244 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33245 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to write to an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33246 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the MDS file log. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33247 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the MDS local file (Error Code: %d).
33248 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid for MDS log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33249 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33250 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching credential '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33251 16 No A credential conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in credential cache in memory. Use alter step to change the secret. Drop and re-create to change the credential name.
33252 16 No This CREATE AUDIT request exceeds the maximum number of audits that can be created per database.
33253 16 No Failed to modify the identity field of the credential '%.*ls' because the credential is used by an active database file.
33254 16 No This operation cannot be performed in the master database.
33255 16 No Audit specification '%.*ls' can only be bound to a %S_MSG audit.
33256 16 No The audit store location or the audit store URL has been configured for this database audit.
33257 16 No Cannot drop an audit store URL that is not configured for this database audit.
33258 16 No Invalid value for procedure "%.*ls", parameter "%.*ls".
33259 15 No Invalid security policy name '%.*ls'.
33260 16 No The predicate was not added to the security policy '%.*ls' because there are no available predicate IDs. Drop and recreate the security policy.
33261 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' does not contain a predicate on table '%.*ls'.
33262 16 No A %S_MSG predicate for the same operation has already been defined on table '%.*ls' in the security policy '%.*ls'.
33263 16 No Security predicates can only be added to user tables and schema bound views. '%.*ls' is not a user table or a schema bound view.
33264 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot be enabled with a predicate on table '%.*ls'. Table '%.*ls' is already referenced by the enabled security policy '%.*ls'.
33265 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot have a predicate on table '%.*ls' because this table is referenced by the indexed view '%.*ls'.
33266 16 No The index on the view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view is referencing table '%.*ls' that is referenced by a security policy.
33267 16 No Security predicates cannot reference memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized.
33268 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33269 16 No Security predicates are not allowed on temporary objects. Object names that begin with '#' denote temporary objects.
33270 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" or this object is not an inline table-valued function.
33271 16 No Cannot alter '%.*ls' because it is not a security policy.
33272 16 No Unable to load the security predicate for table "%.*ls".
33273 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on FileTables. '%.*ls' is a FileTable.
33274 16 No The version was not created for the key '%.*ls' because there are no available version IDs. Drop and recreate the key.
33275 16 No The encrypted value for this column encryption key cannot be dropped. Each column encryption key must have at least one encrypted value.
33277 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls.
33278 16 No Cannot assign the same encryption scheme to two expressions at line '%d'. The encryption scheme of the first expression is %ls and the encryption scheme of the second expression is %ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the first expression are: %.*ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the second expression are: %.*ls.
33279 16 No Cannot remove the credential '%.*ls/%.*ls' because it is being used.
33280 16 No Cannot create encrypted column '%.*ls' because type '%ls' is not supported for encryption.
33281 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' has a different encryption scheme than referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
33282 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33283 16 No '%S_MSG' clause is unsupported for encrypted columns.
33284 16 No The encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls' cannot be used as a partition key column.
33285 16 No Cannot set default constraint on encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls'. Default constraints are unsupported on encrypted columns.
33286 16 No Cannot encrypt column '%.*ls', because it is of a user-defined type.
33287 16 No Cannot drop column encryption key '%.*ls' because the key is referenced by column '%.*ls.%.*ls'.
33288 16 No The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each column encryption key. Drop an exisiting encrypted value before adding the new one.
33289 16 No Cannot create encrypted column '%.*ls', character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation cannot be encrypted.
33290 16 No There is no column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33291 16 No There is already a column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33292 16 No The encryption algorithm '%.*ls' is not supported. Please specify a valid encryption algorithm.
33293 16 No Cannot find the %S_MSG "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33294 16 No Some parameters or columns of the batch require to be encrypted, but the corresponding column encryption key cannot be found. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the module parameters metadata.
33296 16 No Cannot create table '%.*ls' since it references a column encryption key from a different database.
33297 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. The %S_MSG cannot be empty.
33298 16 Yes Internal Query Processor Error: The encryption scheme of certain parameters was incorrectly analyzed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33299 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls (or weaker).
33301 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %d characters long.
33302 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 10.
33303 16 No A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%.*ls' or the properties %ls='%ls', %ls='%ls', and %ls='%.*ls'. Either use a unique name or a unique set of properties.
33304 16 No The transmission queue row with conversation handle '%ls' and message sequence number %d references a missing multicast message body row with reference %d.
33305 16 No The multicast message body row with reference %d should have reference count value of %d.
33306 16 No The unreferenced message with reference %d has been deleted from the message body table.
33307 16 No The message with reference %d has been updated to a reference count of %d in the message body table.
33308 10 No The queue %d in database %d has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %u seconds.
33309 10 No Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %S_MSG endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet.
33310 16 No Local cluster name can be set only once.
33311 10 No The wait for connect request completion failed.
33312 10 No The wait for querying proxy routes failed or was aborted.
33313 16 No An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker transport layer. A service broker connection is closed due to this condition.
33314 16 No The supplied whitelist is invalid.
33315 16 No The redirected endpointurl is Invalid
33316 16 No Failed to reset encryption while performing redirection.
33317 16 No The redirect response contains invalid redirect string
33318 16 No The redirect request contains invalid string or redirect handler failed to handle the request
33319 16 No The redirector returned lookup failure
33320 16 No Tried to send redirect request but the redirect string is empty
33321 16 No The other end does not support redirection
33322 16 No The redirect message is corrupted
33323 16 No The endpoint is closing because the connection was redirected
33324 16 No Failed to parse the redirect info string
33325 16 No Failed to construct new endpoint after redirection
33326 16 No Forwarder disconnected during redirection
33327 16 No Failed to parse the specified connection string
33328 16 No Redirector lookup failed with error code: %x
33329 16 No XdbHost encountered error code: %x during socket duplication
33330 16 No XdbHost returned an error during socket duplication
33331 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS is not allowed on this server.
33332 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS cannot be executed through MARS connection.
33401 16 No FILESTREAM database options cannot be set on system databases such as '%.*ls'.
33402 16 No An invalid directory name '%.*ls' was specified. Use a valid Windows directory name.
33403 16 No The case-sensitive or binary collation '%.*ls' cannot be used with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. Change the collation to a case-insensitive collation type.
33404 16 No The database default collation '%.*ls' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option.
33405 16 No An error occurred during the %S_MSG %S_MSG operation on a FileTable object. (HRESULT = '0x%08x').
33406 16 No An invalid filename, '%.*ls', caused a FileTable check constraint error. Use a valid Windows filename.
33407 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator cannot indicate a root row. Correct the path locator or use the default value.
33408 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the row. Remove the blob data or clear the is_directory flag.
33409 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated with the row. Insert file data or use 0x to insert a zero length file.
33410 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The parent of a row's path locator must be a directory, not a file. Correct the path locator to refer to a parent that is a directory.
33411 16 No The option '%.*ls' is only valid when used on a FileTable. Remove the option from the statement.
33412 16 No The option '%.*ls' is not valid when used with the '%.*ls' syntax. Remove the option from the statement.
33413 16 No The option '%.*ls' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement.
33414 16 No FileTable objects require the FILESTREAM database option DIRECTORY_NAME to be non-NULL. To create a FileTable in the database '%.*ls', set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to a non-NULL value using ALTER DATABASE. Or, to set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to NULL, in the database '%.*ls' disable or drop the existing FileTables.
33415 16 No FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%.*s' attempting to be set on database '%.*s' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access.
33416 10 No When the FILESTREAM database option NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS is set to FULL and the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION options are on, T-SQL and transactional read access to FILESTREAM data in the context of a FILETABLE is blocked.
33417 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %d, which is deeper than the limit of %d supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy.
33418 16 No FILETABLE_DIRECTORY '%.*s' attempting to be set on table '%.*s' is not unique in the database '%.*s'. Provide a unique value for the option FILETABLE_DIRECTORY to this operation.
33419 16 No Function %ls is only valid on the varbinary(max) FILESTREAM column in a FileTable.
33420 16 No Unable to process object '%.*s' because it is a three-part or four-part name. Specifying the server or database is not supported in the object identifer.
33421 16 No The object name '%.*s' is not a valid FileTable object.
33422 16 No The column '%.*s' cannot be added to table '%.*s' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable object is not permitted.
33423 16 No Invalid FileTable path name or format.
33424 16 No Invalid computer host name in the FileTable path.
33425 16 No Invalid share name in the FileTable path.
33426 16 No INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE to FileTable '%.*ls' is not allowed inside a trigger on a FileTable.
33427 16 No Function %ls is not allowed on the deleted table inside a trigger.
33428 14 No User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %d.
33429 16 No The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %d does not exist.
33430 10 No Killed %d non-transactional FILESTREAM handles from database ID %d.
33431 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a length of %d, which is longer than the limit of %d allowed for depth %d. Reduce the length of the path locator.
33433 10 No Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %d.
33434 16 No The current state of the database '%.*s' is not compatible with the specified FILESTREAM non-transacted access level. The database may be read only, single user or set to emergency state.
33435 16 No Cannot publish the FileTable '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for FileTable objects.
33436 16 No Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects.
33437 16 No Cannot publish the logbased view '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on FileTable objects.
33438 16 No Cannot enable Change Tracking on the FileTable '%.*ls'. Change Tracking is not supported for FileTable objects.
33439 16 No Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%.*ls', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled.
33440 16 No When inserting into FileTable '%.*ls' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table.
33441 16 No The FileTable '%.*s' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects.
33442 16 No The handle ID %d is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled by the client who originally opened it.
33443 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and Database Mirroring.
33444 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and HADR.
33445 16 No The database '%.*s' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.
33446 16 No The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%.*s'. The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an Always On availability group. Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary database replica, and retry the operation.
33447 16 No Cannot access file_stream column in FileTable '%.*ls', because FileTable doesn't support row versioning. Either set transaction level to something other than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT, or use READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint.
33448 16 No Cannot disable clustered index '%.*ls' on FileTable '%.*ls' because the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is enabled.
33449 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33450 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One or more availability groups ('%ls') currently do not have a listener. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33501 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on tables that contain filestream data. Column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' contains filestream data.
33502 16 No The column '%.*ls' could not be added to table '%.*ls' because the column contains filestream data and the table is referenced by one or more security policies. Filestream columns are not allowed on tables that are referenced by security policies.
33503 16 No BLOCK predicates can only be added to user tables. '%.*ls' is not a user table.
33504 16 No The attempted operation failed because the target object '%.*ls' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. If the operation is performed on a view, the block predicate might be enforced on the underlying table. Modify the operation to target only the rows that are allowed by the block predicate.
33505 16 No Partitioned view '%.*ls' is not updatable because table '%.*ls' has an enabled security policy that defines block predicates for this table.
33506 16 No Only natively compiled inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates on memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized, but function '%.*ls' is not natively compiled. Recreate the function using WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION.
33507 16 No Function '%ls' cannot be used in the definition of BLOCK security predicates. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this table or view to not use this function.
33508 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33509 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for an AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT BLOCK security predicate for this view because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. Modify the AFTER INSERT and AFTER UPDATE BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33510 16 No BLOCK security predicates cannot reference temporal history tables. Table '%.*ls' is a temporal history table.
33511 16 No Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized. Only security policies with schema binding enabled may specify security predicates for memory optimized tables. Create a new security policy with schema binding enabled.
33512 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed with one or more errors, indicating the schema of the predicate function has changed. Update or drop the affected security predicates.
33513 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed, because the predicate function is not an inline table-valued function. Only inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates.
33514 16 No Incorrect parameter encryption metadata was received from the client. The error occurred during the invocation of the batch and therefore the client can refresh the parameter encryption metadata by calling sp_describe_parameter_encryption and retry.
33515 16 No The parameter "%.*ls" does not have the same encryption information as the one it was created with. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the parameter encryption information for the module.
33516 16 No The object '%.*ls' is referenced by the security policy '%.*ls'. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support security policies. Either drop the security policy or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports security policies.
33517 16 No The column '%.*ls' of the object '%.*ls' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted columns. Either remove the encryption from the column or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports encrypted columns.
33555 16 Yes Unable to find the user-specified certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the certificate store of the local computer. Please verify that certificate exists.
33556 16 Yes Invalid character in the thumbprint [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33557 16 Yes Invalid thumbprint length [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33565 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but the SQL Server service account does not have access to it.
33566 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but it does not have a private key. Please verify and use a valid certificate.
34001 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has encountered an error: %s.
34002 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has ended.
34003 16 No Error number %d was encountered while processing an event. The error message is: %s.
34004 16 No Execution mode %d is not a valid execution mode.
34010 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
34011 16 No Specified value for property %s cannot be used with execution mode %d.
34012 16 No Cannot delete %s referenced by a %s.
34013 16 No %s '%s' is referenced by a '%s'. Cannot add another reference.
34014 16 No Facet does not exist.
34015 16 No Policy group %s does not exist.
34016 16 No Invalid target filer: %s. Only filters that restrict the first level below the Server node are allowed.
34017 16 No Automated policies cannot reference conditions that contain script.
34018 16 No Target type "%s" is not a valid target type.
34019 16 No Object "%s" is invalid.
34020 16 No Configuration option "%s" is unknown.
34021 16 No Invalid value type for configuration option "%s". Expecting "%s".
34022 16 No Policy automation is turned off.
34050 16 No %ls
34051 16 No %ls
34052 16 No %ls
34053 16 No %ls
34054 16 No Policy Management cannot be enabled on this edition of SQL Server.
34101 20 Yes An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error.
34102 16 Yes An object in serialized stream has version %u but maximum supported version of this class is %u.
34103 16 Yes Error in formatter during serialize/deserialize. Required to process %d elements but processed only %d elements.
34104 16 No An error was encountered during object serialization operation. The object that failed serialization is %hs.
34901 16 Yes The global lock manager encountered a severe failure.
35001 16 No Parent Server Group does not exist.
35002 16 No Server type and parent Server Group type are not the same
35003 16 No Cannot move node to one of its children
35004 16 No Could not find server group
35005 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_group_id.
35006 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id.
35007 16 No Could not find shared registered server.
35008 16 No Cannot delete system shared server groups.
35009 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type.
35010 16 No An invalid value %d was passed in for parameter @server_type.
35011 16 No The @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name.
35012 16 No You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server.
35100 16 No Error number %d in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 to 2147483647.
35101 16 No One of the SET options FMTONLY or NOEXEC was changes from ON to OFF in a TRY...CATCH block.
35102 16 No Error related to '%ls' where one of participants is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
35103 16 No '%ls' feature where one of participants is Azure SQL Managed Instance is disabled.
35104 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' with Azure SQL Managed Instance as a participant is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
35200 16 No Failed to add database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group is created with basic functionality and supports %d database.
35201 10 No A connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or firewall issue exists, or the endpoint address provided for the replica is not the database mirroring endpoint of the host server instance.
35202 10 No A connection for availability group '%ls' from availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls] to '%ls' with id [%ls] has been successfully established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35203 16 No Unable to establish a connection between instance '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] due to a transport version mismatch.
35204 10 No The connection between server instances '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] has been disabled because the database mirroring endpoint was either disabled or stopped. Restart the endpoint by using the ALTER ENDPOINT Transact-SQL statement with STATE = STARTED.
35205 16 No Could not start the Always On Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. If a low memory condition exists, investigate and correct its cause.
35206 10 No A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.
35207 16 No Connection attempt on availability group id '%ls' from replica id '%ls' to replica id '%ls' failed because of error %d, severity %d, state %d.
35208 16 No Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the USE MASTER command, and retry your availability-group DDL command.
35209 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls', because the backup priority value is outside the valid range. The valid range is between %d and %d, inclusive. Set the backup priority to a value within this range, and retry the operation.
35210 16 No Failed to modify options for availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified name. Verify that availability group name and availability replica name are correct, then retry the operation.
35211 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed. The operation attempted to change the configuration of availability replica '%.*ls' to the asynchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover, which is an invalid configuration. Either change the failover mode to manual or the availability mode to synchronous commit, and retry the operation.
35212 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35213 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d automatic failover targets in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the manual failover mode, and retry the operation.
35214 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls'. The minimum value for session timeout is %d. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value.
35215 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed on availability replica '%.*ls', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode.
35216 16 No An error occurred while adding or removing a log truncation holdup to build secondary replica from primary availability database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35217 16 No The thread pool for Always On Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available worker threads. This may degrade Always On Availability Groups performance. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads.
35218 16 No An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35220 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation.
35221 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Enable Always On Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35222 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups does not have permissions to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Disable and re-enable Always On Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35223 16 No Cannot add %d availability replica(s) to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains %d replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %d.
35224 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload the required library functions.
35225 16 No Could not process the operation. The instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support Always On Availability Groups. Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable Always On Availability Groups. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35226 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.
35228 16 No The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified level value is out of the valid range [%u, %u]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value.
35229 16 No The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified timeout value is less than %u milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value.
35230 16 No The specified computer name is either an empty string or is longer than %d Unicode characters. Reenter the command specifying a valid computer name.
35231 16 No The specified server instance name, '%ls', is invalid. Reenter the command specifying a valid instance name.
35232 16 No The specified endpoint URL '%.*ls' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying the endpoint URL for an availability replica, see SQL Server Books Online.
35233 16 No Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group %ls is %d. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying fewer availability replicas.
35234 16 No Database name '%ls' was specified more than once. Reenter the command, specifying each database name only once.
35235 16 No The system name '%ls' was specified more than once in the REPLICA ON clause of this command. Reenter the command, specifying a different instance of SQL Server for each replica.
35236 15 No The endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying the endpoint URL of this instance of SQL Server.
35237 16 No None of the specified replicas for availability group %.*ls maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica.
35238 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this SQL Server instance. Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation.
35239 16 No The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group.
35240 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group '%.*ls'. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group.
35242 16 No Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.
35243 16 No Failed to set resource property '%.*ls' for availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later.
35244 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently joined to another availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35246 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be located (Windows System Error %d). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, the DLL file might be missing from the server instance.
35247 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be loaded (Windows System Error %d).
35249 16 No An attempt to add or join a system database, '%.*ls', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.
35250 16 No The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.
35251 16 No This command can be run only on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the command.
35252 16 No The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command.
35253 16 No Database "%.*ls" is not in the correct state to become the primary database. The log must be restored from the previous primary replica to bring the database out of the reinitializing state.
35254 16 Yes An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online.
35255 16 No An attempt to start database '%.*ls' failed because the database is already started and online.
35256 16 No The session timeout value was exceeded while waiting for a response from the other availability replica in the session. That replica or the network might be down, or the command might be misconfigured. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35257 16 No Always On Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35258 16 No Error in the hadron simulator.
35259 16 No Database '%.*ls' is already participating in a different availability group.
35260 16 No During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation.
35261 16 No Attempt to perform an Always On Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%ls', failed. System databases are not supported by Always On Availability Groups.
35262 17 Yes Skipping the default startup of database '%.*ls' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %d). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35263 16 No During the undo phase, a function call (%ls) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %d). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database.
35264 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been suspended for the following reason: "%S_MSG" (Source ID %d; Source string: '%.*ls'). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For information about how to resume an availability database, see SQL Server Books Online.
35265 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35266 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database established for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35267 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database terminated for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35268 16 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %S_LSN. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups.
35269 21 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will be marked SUSPECT. To return the database to a consistent state, restore it from a clean database backup followed by all subsequent log backups.
35270 10 No Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%ls' message section is invalid.
35271 16 No The availability database %ls in availailability group %ls failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
35272 16 No Either nvalid parameters were supplied for sys.sp_availability_group_command_internal or user does not have permissions to execute this procedure.
35273 10 Yes Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
35274 10 Yes Recovery for availability database '%ls' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from the primary before it complete and come online. Ensure that the server instance that hosts the primary replica is running.
35275 16 Yes A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%.*ls' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation.
35276 17 Yes Failed to allocate and schedule an Always On Availability Groups task for database '%ls'. Manual intervention may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
35277 16 No Automatic failover is not supported for distributed availability group replica.
35278 16 No Availability database '%.*ls', which is in the secondary role, is being restarted to resynchronize with the current primary database. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35279 16 Yes The attempt to join database '%.*ls' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%d'. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica.
35280 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is already joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35281 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35282 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35283 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation.
35284 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command.
35285 10 No The recovery LSN %S_LSN was identified for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35286 16 No Using the recovery LSN %S_LSN stored in the metadata for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35287 16 No Always On Availability Groups transport for availability database "%.*ls" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is %S_LSN. This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error keeps reoccurring, investigate the root cause.
35288 16 No Always On Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%.*ls" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected LSN was %S_LSN. The received LSN was %S_LSN. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error reoccurs, contact Customer Support Services.
35289 16 No Failed to send request for file '%.*ls' to the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35290 16 No Failed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35291 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
35292 16 No An internal error occurred when performing an operation on extended recovery forks. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35293 16 No Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation.
35294 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35295 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN (0x%ls) from the primary database is greater than the current local redo LSN (0x%ls). No log records need to be backed up at this time. Retry the log-backup operation later.
35296 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35297 10 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica created backup files successfully but could not ensure that a backup point has been committed on the primary. This is an informational message only. Preserve this log backup along with the other log backups of this database.
35298 10 No The backup on the secondary database "%.*ls" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly.
35299 10 Yes Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %.*ls for an Always On Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35301 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be unique. Create the columnstore index without the UNIQUE keyword or create a unique index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword.
35302 15 No The statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order.
35303 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index. Consider replacing the clustered columnstore index with a nonclustered columnstore index.
35304 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table that has a nonclustered index. Consider dropping all nonclustered indexes and trying again.
35305 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a view. Consider creating a columnstore index on the base table or creating an index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword on the view.
35306 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be specified using INDEX specification at the column level.
35307 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Columnstore index cannot include a computed column implicitly or explicitly.
35308 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be a filtered index. Consider creating a columnstore index without the predicate filter.
35309 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a sparse column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any sparse columns.
35310 15 No The statement failed because columnstore indexes are not allowed on table types and table variables. Remove the column store index specification from the table type or table variable declaration.
35311 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot have included columns. Create the columnstore index on the desired columns without specifying any included columns.
35312 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data.
35313 15 No The statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification.
35314 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns.
35315 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
35316 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index must be partition-aligned with the base table. Create the columnstore index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the base table. If the base table is not partitioned, create a nonpartitioned columnstore index.
35317 15 No The statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35318 15 No The statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35319 15 No The table option DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when a table specifies a clustered column store index.
35320 15 No Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified.
35321 16 No Table '%.*ls' uses a clustered columnstore index. Columnstore indexes are not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
35322 16 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index and the underlying clustered columnstore index must be partition-aligned. Consider creating the nonclustered index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the clustered columnstore index.
35323 16 No The statement failed because adding an identity column with other columns with default not null is not supported for columnstore index. Consider adding the identity column seperately.
35324 15 No The statement failed because specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB is not allowed when creating a columnstore index without ORDER. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB, or use it with ORDER clause.
35325 15 No The statement failed because the definition of a column belonging to clustered columnstore index cannot be changed. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35326 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a nonclustered columnstore index is not necessary.
35327 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35328 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35329 15 No The statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when creating a rowstore index. Consider creating a rowstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35330 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table that has a nonclustered columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %S_MSG statement, and then rebuilding the columnstore index after %S_MSG has completed.
35331 16 No Cannot use duplicate column names in the ORDER column list. Column name '%.*ls' appears more than once.
35332 16 No Cannot ORDER on more than %d columns.
35333 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not a valid option for index creation. Consider creating an index without specifying ORDER.
35334 15 No DBCC DBREINDEX failed because specifying FILLFACTOR is not allowed when creating or rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying FILLFACTOR.
35335 15 No The statement failed because specifying a key list is not allowed when creating a clustered columnstore index. Create the clustered columnstore index without specifying a key list.
35336 15 No The statement failed because specifying key list is missing when creating an index. Create the index with specifying key list .
35337 16 No UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option.
35338 16 No Clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35339 16 No Multiple columnstore indexes are not supported.
35340 16 No LOB columns are disabled in columnstore.
35341 16 No The statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Reduce the precision of column '%.*ls' to 18 or omit column '%.*ls'.
35342 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not a valid option for non-clustered columnstore index creation. Consider creating an non-clustered columnstore index without specifying ORDER, or create a clustered columnstore index.
35343 15 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. Omit column '%.*ls'.
35344 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35345 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either partition contains columnstore index data. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35346 16 No SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35347 16 No The stored procedure 'sp_tableoption' failed because a table with a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index.
35348 16 No The statement failed because table '%.*ls' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage.
35349 16 No TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%.*ls' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table.
35350 16 No The statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table. Consider dropping the columnstore index before creating a new clustered index.
35351 16 No DROP INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table (heap). Consider dropping the columnstore index before dropping a clustered index.
35352 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed online on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the ONLINE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the ONLINE option.
35353 16 No %s cannot be enabled on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider dropping clustered columnstore index '%s' on table '%s'.
35354 16 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table enabled for %S_MSG. Consider disabling %S_MSG and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35355 16 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision of column '%.*ls' to 18.
35356 16 No This operation is not supported on nonclustered columnstore indexes built in earlier versions of SQL Server. Consider rebuilding the index.
35357 16 No The statement failed because a secondary dictionary reached the maximum size limit. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35358 16 No CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*ls' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider enforcing the logic of the trigger in some other way, or if you must use a trigger, use a heap or B-tree index instead.
35359 16 No The statement failed because a table with a clustered columnstore index cannot have triggers. Consider removing all triggers from the table and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35360 16 No Referential constraint '%.*ls' cannot be created because the %S_MSG table '%.*ls' has a clustered columnstore index.
35361 16 No The statement failed. A clustered columnstore index cannot be created over referencing column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'.
35363 16 No The statement failed because clustered columnstore indexes are not supported in system databases.
35364 16 No ALTER INDEX statement option COMPRESSION_DELAY can only be used with columnstore indexes.
35365 22 No The compression block header at offset %ld is invalid.
35366 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress header is invalid.
35367 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress object header is invalid.
35368 17 No Internal DDL Operation Error: The DDL encountered an unexpected error %d during execution (HRESULT = 0x%x).
35369 16 No GETCHECKSUM can not be used for a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35370 16 No Cursors are not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35371 16 No SNAPSHOT isolation level is not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35372 16 No You cannot create more than one clustered index on %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Consider creating a new clustered index using 'with (drop_existing = on)' option.
35373 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement failed on a clustered columnstore index with error %d. See previous error messages for more details.
35374 16 No Columnstore archive decompression failed with error %d.
35375 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement option COMPRESS_ALL_ROW_GROUPS can only be used with clustered columnstore indexes.
35376 16 No Tuple mover stvf got passed invalid arguments
35377 16 No When MARS is on, accessing clustered columnstore indexes is not allowed.
35378 16 No Row groups stvf got passed invalid arguments
35379 16 No Internal error occured while flushing delete buffer database id %d, table id %d, index id %d, partition number %d. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log may provide more details.
35380 16 No The non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' cannot be reorganized due to an active snapshot transaction.
35381 22 No The columnstore blob dictionary header is invalid.
35382 16 No The specified COMPRESSION_DELAY option value %d is invalid. The valid range for disk-based table is between (0, 10080) minutes and for memory-optimized table is 0 or between (60, 10080) minutes.
35401 10 No ONLINE
35404 16 No sequence
35405 10 No decryption
35406 10 No creation
35409 10 No Replication
35410 10 No Change Tracking
35411 10 No Change Data Capture
35412 16 No CloudDB Async Transport
35413 16 No CloudDB Async Transport Forwarder
35415 10 No mirrored
35417 10 No primary
35418 10 No secondary
35419 16 No feature
35420 16 No operation
35421 16 No statement
35422 16 No index option
35423 16 No table option
35424 16 No operator
35425 16 No value
35426 16 No system column
35427 16 No set option
35428 16 No query hint
35429 16 No transaction isolation level
35430 16 No in-memory index
35431 10 No SCHEDULER
35432 10 No NUMANODE
35433 16 No federation
35434 16 No federation distribution
35435 16 No system database
35436 16 No federation member database
35437 16 No non federation member database
35438 16 No federation root database
35439 10 No it is a system database.
35440 10 No it acts as a distribution database
35441 10 No an internal error occurred
35442 10 No it is involved in a mirroring session. Turn off the mirroring session and try again
35443 10 No it is not in SIMPLE recovery mode. Change the recovery model to SIMPLE and try again
35444 10 No it is a database snapshot
35445 10 No it is a not currently enabled
35446 16 No clause
35447 10 No Cluster Proxy
35448 10 No partition
35449 16 No signing algorithm
35450 16 No table
35451 16 No join hint
35452 10 No Database unavailable
35453 10 No it is a system database. Make sure to target a user database. If you want temporary clustered columnstore tables, consider creating a regular user database for them
35454 10 No a transaction is currently active. Execute sp_db_enable_clustered_columnstores by itself
35455 10 No an internal error occured
35456 10 No it is involved in a mirroring pair. Consider disabling mirroring, changing the setting, then re-establishing mirroring
35457 10 No it is a database snapshot
35458 10 No it is part of an Always On availability group. Consider removing the database from the availability group, changing the setting, and then adding the database back to the availability group
35459 10 No it is a replication distribution database. Make sure to target a regular user database
35460 10 No it is not using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider temporarily changing to the simple recovery model, then downgrading, then switching back
35461 10 No it contains one or more clustered columnstore indexes. Consider dropping these indexes or creating clustered B-tree indexes instead, and trying again
35462 10 No referencing
35463 10 No referenced
35464 10 No columnstore indexes are not supported in the current SQL Server edition. See SQL Server Books Online for supported editions
35465 17 No Unable to allocate the recovery thread
35466 16 No Exception in the recovery thread
35467 16 No Already linked to a partition host
35468 16 No Partition DB marked as suspect
35469 16 No Failed to get Partition DB attributes
35470 16 No Partition Host
35471 10 No Partition metadata not found
35472 15 No memory optimized tables
35473 15 No natively compiled modules
35474 15 No indexes on memory optimized tables
35475 15 No hash indexes
35476 15 No transactions that access memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules
35477 15 No databases that have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup
35478 16 No truncate
35479 16 No start
35480 16 No stop
35481 15 No memory optimized table types
35482 16 No clustered
35483 16 No nonclustered
35484 16 No BUCKET_COUNT
35485 16 No security policy
35486 15 No memory optimized tables that have a column store index
35487 10 No Global Transactions
35488 15 No natively compiled triggers
35489 16 No Upgrade of Hekaton database
35490 16 No memory optimized tables that have max length columns
35491 16 No max length columns in natively compiled modules
35492 16 No column definition
35493 16 No enabled
35494 16 No disabled
35495 15 No memory optimized table
35496 15 No natively compiled module
35497 15 No module
35498 16 No external data source
35499 16 No OUTPUT clauses in natively compiled modules
35501 15 No schemas that contain natively compiled modules
35502 15 No change_tracking_hardened_cleanup_version()
35503 15 No safe_cleanup_version()
35514 10 No local computer
35515 10 No current user
35529 10 No certificate id
36001 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
36002 16 No instance_id already exists in the database.
36003 16 No %s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
36004 16 No DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist.
36005 16 No Dac root - database %s does not exist.
36006 16 No Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table.
36007 16 No Dac Part the policy refers to, does not exist.
36008 16 No Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
36009 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the Dac Parts.
36010 16 No The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
36011 16 No The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated.
36012 10 No Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.\nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%s' context after this procedure finishes:\n%s
36101 16 No Process ID %d is not an active process ID.
37001 16 No This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
37002 16 No Cannot find the database '%s', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
37003 16 No This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server.
37004 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37005 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37006 16 No Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
37007 16 No An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point.
37008 16 No The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role.
37009 16 No The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point.
37010 16 No The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
37447 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' has been already added as a trusted issuer for DNS name '%.*ls'.
37448 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be removed from the trusted issuers for the DNS name '%.*ls' because it hasn't been added as a trusted issuer for the DNS name '%.*ls'.
37449 10 No Warning: The certificate chain of the certificate specified could not be validated at this time. This may cause issues with the certificate-based authentication in the future. Please check your organization's policy and settings for online and/or offline validation of a certificate chain.
37450 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be added as a trusted issuer for a DNS name because it is not allowed to sign certificates.
37451 16 No DNS name provided exceeds maximum length of %d characters.
38001 16 No Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
38002 16 No Only users having %s permission can execute this stored procedure.
39001 16 No Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39002 16 No SQL failed to boot extensibility for error code 0x%lx.
39003 10 No SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39004 16 No A '%s' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39005 10 No STDOUT message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39006 10 No External script execution status: %.*ls.
39007 16 No The specified language ': %.*ls' is not supported/configured.
39008 16 No Invlid Parameter name '%ls' specified for Procedure. This clashes with internal parameters.
39009 16 No Output parameter in external script execution is not yet supported.
39010 16 No External script execution encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x).
39011 16 No SQL Server was unable to communicate with the LaunchPad service. Please verify the configuration of the service.
39012 16 No Unable to communicate with the runtime for '%s' script. Please check the requirements of '%s' runtime.
39013 16 No SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%s' runtime. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39014 16 No Parallelism in external script execution is not yet supported.
39015 16 No SELECT INTO statement is not supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39016 16 No The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
39017 16 No Input data query returns column #%d of type '%ls' which is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39018 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39019 10 No An external script error occurred: %.*ls%.*ls
39020 16 No Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
39021 16 No Unable to launch runtime for '%s' script. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39022 10 No STDERR message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39023 16 No 'sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable it.
39024 16 No Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
39025 16 No External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully started.
39026 16 No The parameter name 'r_rowsPerRead' is specified multiple times in 'sp_execute_external_script' call. The name 'r_rowsPerRead' is reserved for specifying streaming behavior only.
39027 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' was specified multiple times to sp_execute_external_script stored procedure.
40000 16 No Replicated tables support only local (non-DTC) two-phase commit involving the master database.
40001 16 No Secondary kill was initiated during commit.
40002 16 No Replicated row is not found.
40003 16 No Unexpected operation in replicated message.
40004 16 No Column count does not match.
40005 16 No Duplicated transaction id.
40006 16 No Unknown transaction id.
40007 16 No Invalid nesting level.
40008 16 No Replication target database is not found.
40009 16 No Transaction state locally does not match the expected state.
40010 16 No Replicated transactions across databases are not allowed.
40011 16 No Replicated target table %ld is not found.
40012 16 No Replicated target index %ld on table %ld is not found.
40013 16 No Replicated target schema %.*ls is not found.
40014 16 No Multiple databases can not be used in the same transaction.
40015 16 No This functionality is not supported on replicated tables.
40016 16 No The partitioning key column '%.*ls' must be one of the keys of '%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls' index.
40017 16 No Partition key can not be changed.
40018 16 No Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range.
40019 16 No The partition key column '%.*ls' of table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group.
40020 16 No The database is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40021 16 No The low and high keys specified for the partition are invalid. Low must be less than high.
40022 16 No A partition with overlapping key ranges already exists.
40023 16 No The name %s is too long.
40024 16 No The last committed CSN (%d, %I64d) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%d, %I64d).
40025 16 No The transaction was aborted during commit due to a database state transition.
40028 16 No The tablegroup name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not valid.
40029 16 No Replicated tables can have at most %d columns.
40030 16 No Can not perform replica operation because the replica does not exist in local partition map.
40031 16 No The partition key column for table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is undefined.
40032 16 No Unsupported use of LOB in online index build.
40033 16 No Attempted CSN epoch switch is not allowed. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40034 16 No CSN being added must be equal last CSN+1. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40035 16 No CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40036 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition.
40037 16 No The epoch being started must not have been used. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40038 16 No Can not get ack to rollback replication message.
40039 16 No Can not get ack to commit replication message.
40040 16 No Failed to initiate VDI Client for physical seeding.
40041 16 No Corrupted column status.
40042 16 No Corrupted column length.
40043 16 No Corrupted variable data. Actual remaining bytes is %d, expected %d bytes.
40044 16 No Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %d, expected %d bytes.
40045 16 No Message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40046 16 No The minimum required message version %d for message type %d is unsupported.
40047 16 No Invalid use of parent transaction.
40048 16 No Corrupted fragmented row flow sequence.
40049 16 No Corrupted fragmented row.
40050 16 No Corrupted LOB row.
40051 16 No Use of UPDATETEXT on replicated tables is not supported.
40052 16 No Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables.
40053 16 No Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %ld.
40054 16 No Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again.
40056 16 No Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated.
40057 16 No Table is not enabled for replication.
40058 16 No Unsupported replicated table usage option. Refer to the state to identify the cause.
40060 16 No Attempt to replicate out of partition already locked for internal use.
40061 16 No Unknown rowset id.
40062 16 No Incorrect replica role transition.
40063 16 No Replica is not found.
40064 16 No Attempt to add a CSN to an invalid CSN vector. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40065 16 No CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40066 16 No Transport destination is not found.
40067 16 No Corrupted row sequence.
40068 16 No Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction.
40069 16 No Could not obtain rowset interface.
40070 16 No CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%d,%I64d), the remote CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40071 16 No This partition does not have enough valid secondaries to start a DML transaction. The needed count is %ld, the current counts are %ld (main quorum) and %ld (transient quorum).
40072 16 No Corrupted rowset metadata sequence.
40073 16 No Partitioned tables are not supported.
40074 16 No Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys.
40075 16 No Column schema mismatch for rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld.
40076 16 No Too few columns from remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls.
40077 16 No Remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld is not found locally.
40078 16 No The persisted queue logging has failed.
40079 16 No A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally.
40080 16 No Corrupted (too long) packed row.
40081 16 No Cardinality of index should not be less then zero.
40082 16 No Induced exception for testing purposes.
40083 16 No Corrupted CSN vector.
40084 16 No Multiple modifications to CSN vector in the same transaction are not supported.
40085 16 No The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start.
40086 16 No Primary hit an error with this secondary.
40087 16 No Replica with the specified version is not found.
40088 16 No CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch range. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40089 16 No The index configuration for table %ld index %ld does not match the source.
40090 16 No The primary partition is in transition and the transaction can not commit.
40091 16 No Truncation CSN is mismatched. The truncation CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40092 16 No This index %ld state for table %ld does not match the source.
40093 16 No Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried.
40094 16 No Incompatible key metadata change. The scan can not be resumed.
40095 13 No Replication transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried.
40096 16 No Critical replication task could not start. State is %d.
40097 16 No The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue.
40098 16 No Mismatched partition id found in the transaction log.
40099 16 No Invalid nested transaction count found in the transaction log.
40101 16 No The partition does not have persisted queues enabled.
40102 16 No The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state.
40103 16 No The partition can not be changed inside a persisted object.
40104 16 No Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%.*ls'.
40105 16 No The local partition map for database %.*ls is starting up in reduced functionality mode because of log full. Pending partition deletes will not be processed until the log is truncated.
40106 16 No The schema scope set in the session is not the current schema scope for the current partition. Please rerun your query.
40108 16 No The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key.
40109 16 No Number of parameters specified for procedure or function %.*ls is incorrect.
40110 16 Yes Cannot scope database %s for sp_cloud_scope_database spec proc because it is already set up as a partition database.
40111 16 Yes Unable to delete partition DB id %d.
40126 16 Yes The partition database was not found during pending schema scope cleanup, deleting partition metadata only (%d, %s).
40127 16 Yes %S_MSG database '%.*ls' link up with the %S_MSG database %d encountered the error: %S_MSG.
40128 16 Yes Cannot pair database '%.*ls' with fabric because it is not a partition host.
40129 16 Yes %S_MSG database link up with the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' encountered the error: %ls.
40130 16 No Replication quorum parameter is %d. It should be >= 1 and <= 32.
40131 16 No Partition key type '%.*ls' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported currently.
40132 16 No Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions.
40133 15 No This operation is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40134 16 No get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction.
40135 15 No This system metadata view is not supported.
40136 15 No Could not disable versioning because the database is not in single user mode.
40137 15 No Could not refresh options for all scoped databases.
40138 16 No Query references entities from multiple partitions.
40139 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition.
40140 16 No Set partition failed since a different partition already was set in the current transaction. Cross partition operations within a node are not reliable or supported.
40141 16 No Partition has to be set using sp_set_partition before executing this query.
40142 16 No Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed.
40143 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary.
40144 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
40145 16 No Database is not found.
40146 16 No Table group object is not found.
40147 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' is only for CloudDB.
40148 16 No The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN.
40149 16 No The database does not host any partitions.
40150 16 No Downgrading the severity of error %d, severity %d, state %d because it would cause the server to be shutdown on a non-critical error.
40151 16 No Partition is in transactionally inconsistent state.
40152 16 No Partition delete expects no context transaction.
40153 16 No The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master.
40154 16 No Cannot use sp_cloud_add_partition or sp_cloud_delete_partition within a transaction when Partition DB are enabled.
40155 16 Yes Invalid arguments provided to sp_cloud_add_partition spec proc (%s).
40156 16 Yes Drop is not allowed on the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' as it contains partitions. Drop the partition before the operation.
40157 16 No Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported.
40158 16 No Could not change database collation for database id %d.
40159 16 No Database scoping cannot be run inside a transaction.
40160 16 No Heartbeat message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40161 16 No Invalid partition type. Only 1 or 2 is supported.
40162 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent.
40163 16 No Become nothing expects no context transaction.
40164 16 No Idempotent flush expects no context transaction.
40165 16 No Prepare for full commit expects no context transaction.
40166 16 No A CloudDB reconfiguration is going on and all new user transactions are aborted.
40167 21 Yes A paired CloudDB fabric node failed and database %d must be shutdown.
40168 16 No SILO_TO_PDB: Partition copy is disabled in M1.
40169 16 No Waiting for database copy sync with %s.%s has failed. Please make sure the database is in the CATCH_UP state and try again later.
40170 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has failed.
40171 16 No Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64).
40172 16 No The partition is not in a state that allows deletion.
40173 16 No This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process.
40174 16 No The partition is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40175 16 No Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction.
40176 16 No Rename a partition can not be used in a transaction.
40177 16 No The new table group does not match the existing table group for the renaming partition.
40178 16 No A partition with same name already exists.
40179 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the server is not ready to pair.
40180 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the database is already paired.
40181 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('%.*ls') could not be opened. Error code: %d
40182 16 Yes The schema scope %ld being created is not empty.
40183 16 Yes Could not create database side pairing mutex for database ('%.*ls'). Error code: %d
40184 16 No Login failed. A system operation is in progress, and the database is not accepting user connections.
40185 16 No Secondary failure report expects no context transaction.
40186 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition with the requested version.
40187 16 No The metadata record for the partition does not exist.
40188 16 No Failed to update database "%.*ls" because it is switched to read-only to enforce disaster recovery RPO.
40189 16 No The resource quota for the current database has been exceeded and this request has been aborted. Please rerun your request in the next quota window. %s
40190 16 No A context transaction is required.
40191 16 Yes Cannot create partition DB (%s).
40192 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has been cancelled.
40193 16 No The maximum allowed number of database is already paired.
40194 16 No Table %s has a partition key already. Explicitly specifying a new partition key is not allowed. Please use "Alter table".
40195 16 No %ls FOR SID command is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40196 16 No A varbinary can not be longer than max length specified.
40197 16 No The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code %d.
40198 16 No Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder.
40199 16 No There should be no context transaction when entering the forwarder pending state.
40201 16 No Destination server name is too long.
40202 16 No Corrupted composite message.
40203 16 No Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint.
40204 16 No Dispatch sequence number maintenance failure
40205 16 No Maximum transport queue size reached.
40206 16 No Heartbeat lease time is less than the heartbeat worker interval.
40207 16 No Async transport test failed.
40208 16 No Corrupted received message format.
40209 17 No Duplicate destination id.
40210 16 No Cluster name has not been set.
40301 16 No Invalid lock mode or resource received in lock request.
40302 16 No Invalid identity value.
40303 16 No Enter idempotent sequence.
40304 16 No Target object %ld is not found.
40305 16 No The current object is not a relation.
40306 16 No Cannot create an index %ld on object %ld.
40307 16 No Cannot find index %ld on object %ld.
40308 16 No Metadata replication protocol error.
40309 16 No Partition %ld is not found
40310 16 No Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported.
40311 16 No Switching out partitions not supported.
40312 16 No Inconsistent index build state.
40313 16 No Not all rowsets could be deleted.
40314 16 No Identity column not found on object %ld.
40501 20 No The service is currently busy. Retry the request after 10 seconds. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40502 16 No Duplicate group id settings specified.
40503 16 No Database field %ls contains invalid value '%.*ls'. Expected data type %ls.
40504 16 No Switching Databases is not supported. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database.
40505 16 No Incorrect user credentials.
40506 16 No Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server.
40507 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server.
40508 16 No USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different database.
40509 16 No Upgrade of SAWA v1 database fails. Check the metadata of the database before re-running the upgrade.
40510 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40511 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40512 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40513 16 No Server variable '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40514 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40515 16 No Reference to database and/or server name in '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40516 16 No Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40517 16 No Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40518 16 No DBCC command '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40519 16 No Invalid value '%.*ls' of login field in gateway magic syntax.
40520 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40521 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in the server scope in this version of SQL Server.
40522 16 No Database principal '%.*ls' type is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40523 16 No Implicit user '%.*ls' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it.
40524 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40525 16 No 'WITH %ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40526 16 No '%.*ls' rowset provider not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40527 16 No Linked servers are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40528 16 No Users cannot be mapped to Windows logins in this version of SQL Server.
40529 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' in impersonation context is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40530 16 No The %.*ls statement must be the only statement in the batch.
40531 11 No Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%.*ls). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match.
40532 11 No Cannot open server "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40533 16 No Server '%.*ls' already exists.
40534 16 No A valid SID is already associated with the database owner.
40535 16 No Properties for schema scope '%.*ls' already exist.
40536 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40537 16 No User '%.*ls' not found in the database.
40538 16 No A valid URL beginning with 'https://' is required as value for any filepath specified.
40539 16 No Windows Azure Storage credential '%.*ls' was not found.
40540 16 No Transaction was aborted as database is moved to read-only mode. This is a temporary situation and please retry the operation.
40541 16 No Procedure cannot be called from inside a partition.
40542 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
40543 16 No Invalid %S_MSG name specified. Length should be between 1 and %d.
40544 20 No The database '%.*ls' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
40545 20 No The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40546 16 No Cannot create UCS task pool
40548 16 No Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in database '%.*ls' is not permitted.
40549 16 No Session is terminated because you have a long running transaction. Try shortening your transaction.
40550 16 No The session has been terminated because it has acquired too many locks. Try reading or modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40551 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive TEMPDB usage. Try modifying your query to reduce temporary table space usage.
40552 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40553 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive memory usage. Try modifying your query to process fewer rows.
40554 10 No Exiting because of XEvent %ls.
40558 16 No Error - cannot perform checkpoint on a partition database before loading partition information.
40559 16 No File based statement options are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40561 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or target database does not exist.
40562 16 No Database copy failed. The source database has been dropped.
40563 16 No Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped.
40564 16 No Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.</value>
40565 16 No Database copy failed. No more than 1 concurrent database copy from the same source is allowed. Please drop target database and try again later.
40566 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40567 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40568 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or the target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40569 16 No Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40570 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40571 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40572 16 No Cannot obtain primary partition lock for CloudDB auto partition upgrade.
40573 16 No Cannot upgrade CloudDB auto partitions in database '%.*ls' because the physical database is read only.
40574 16 No Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server.
40575 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40576 16 No Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection.
40577 16 No The constraint '%ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40578 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a filtered connection.
40579 16 No DML statements are not supported on non-federated tables in a filtered connection.
40580 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40581 16 No Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder.
40582 16 No Federation member metadata for a database cannot be changed when there are logically filtered secondaries attached (split is running).
40583 16 No Federation member does not exist for the given member id and federation root
40584 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40585 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the forwarder for this partition.
40586 16 No Replicas with deferred commit enabled cannot be a member of a quorum.
40587 16 No Deferred commit is only supported with forwarder replicas.
40588 16 No Cannot create partition worker pool
40589 16 No Replicas that are not enabled for deferred commit cannot specify RPO.
40590 16 No The Gpm is in rebuild and cannot be accessed as it is not yet consistent.
40591 16 No Extended event configuration could not be initialized. The error is %ls.
40592 16 No Extended event session '%ls' could not be created or altered. XE Error %d.%d state:%d.
40593 16 No Extended event session '%ls' returned error '%ls'.
40594 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been started.
40595 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been altered.
40596 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been stopped.
40597 16 No A federation root database cannot be read only.
40598 16 No A federation member cannot be read only.
40599 16 No This type of KILL is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database; Only 'KILL session ID [WITH STATUSONLY]' and 'KILL UOW' are supported.
40601 16 No Server Admin user already exists.
40602 16 No Could not create login. Please try again later.
40603 16 No Cannot execute procedure because current user is not Gateway.
40604 16 No Could not %.*ls because it would exceed the quota of the server.
40605 16 No There is no route from the source cluster '%ls' to the target cluster '%ls'.
40606 16 No Databases cannot be attached in this version of SQL Server.
40607 16 No Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40608 10 No This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40609 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid IPv4 address.
40610 16 No The IP address that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40611 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of 128 firewall rules.
40612 16 No Spec proc was executed against a silo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects.
40613 17 No Database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%.*ls'.
40614 16 No Start IP address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IP address.
40615 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%.*ls' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
40616 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name in this version of SQL Server.
40617 16 No The firewall rule name that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40618 16 No The firewall rule name cannot be empty.
40619 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database max size '%.*ls'.
40620 16 No The login failed for user "%.*ls". The password change failed. Password change during login is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40621 16 No metric type
40622 16 No metric data
40623 20 No Reauthentication failed for login "%.*ls". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login.
40624 16 No Operation is not allowed because server '%.*ls' is disabled.
40625 17 No Provisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) Windows Azure SQL Database servers and databases is currently disabled. This most frequently occurs for brief periods during system maintenance.
40626 20 No The ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%.*ls', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity.
40627 20 No Operation on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40628 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is read-only. Please contact your Windows Azure service owner. There may be billing related issues with your Windows Azure account.
40629 16 No An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%.*ls'. Specify a valid maxsize value.
40630 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short.
40631 16 No The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %d characters.
40632 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
40633 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.
40634 16 No This stored procedure can only be executed in the master database.
40635 16 No Client with IP address "%.*ls" is temporarily blocked.
40636 16 No Cannot use reserved database name '%.*ls' in this operation.
40637 17 No Database copy is currently disabled.
40638 16 No Invalid subscription id '%.*ls'. Subscription does not exist.
40639 16 No Request does not conform to schema: %.*ls.
40640 20 No The server encountered an unexpected exception.
40641 16 No Location '%.*ls' cannot be found.
40642 17 No The server is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40643 16 No The specified x-ms-version header value is invalid.
40644 14 No Failed to authorize access to the specified subscription.
40645 16 No Servername "%.*ls" cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40646 16 No Subscription ID cannot be empty.
40647 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' does not have the server '%.*ls'.
40648 17 No Too many requests have been performed. Please retry later.
40649 16 No Invalid content-type is specified. Only application/xml is supported.
40650 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few minutes and then try the operation again.
40651 16 No Failed to create server because the subscription '%.*ls' is disabled.
40652 16 No Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%.*ls' will exceed server quota.
40653 16 No Could not find database '%.*ls' at time '%.*ls' that can be restored.
40654 16 No Specified subregion '%.*ls' is invalid.
40655 16 No Database 'master' cannot be restored.
40656 16 No Quota for maximum number of concurrent restores has been exceeded.
40657 16 No Restore is not enabled on the server.
40658 16 No Quota for number of restores has been exceeded.
40659 16 No Could not successfully restore database because the maximum duration for processing a restore has elapsed.
40660 16 No Could not successfully restore database. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40661 16 No Restore has been cancelled by a system administrator.
40662 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40663 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete.
40664 16 No Database 'master' cannot be copied.
40665 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported collation.
40666 16 No '%.*ls' is a unicode-only collation and cannot be a default collation for a database.
40667 15 No Specifying a LOGIN is not allowed in a federation member.
40668 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid user name or you do not have permission.
40669 17 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
40670 16 No The http header 'ocp-resourceprovider-registered-uri' is missing from the request or is invalid. To continue, provide a valid value for the header.
40671 17 No Unable to '%.*ls' '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'. Please retry the connection later.
40672 16 No The service objective assignment for a database cannot be changed more than once per %d hour(s). Please retry the operation %d hour(s) after the last service objective assignment completed for this database.
40673 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the server name, database name and activity ID.
40674 16 No Service objective creation or assignment is not permitted for this subscription.
40675 16 No The service is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40677 16 No The operation for the request uri '%.*ls' was not found. To continue, please provide a valid request uri.
40678 16 No Invalid value for header '%.*ls'. The header must contain a single valid GUID.
40679 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in a replication relationship.
40680 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is in a replication relationship.
40681 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is a replication target.
40682 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is a replication target.
40683 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not a replication target.
40684 16 No A seeding operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40685 16 No A terminate operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40686 16 No The operation is currently not supported.
40687 16 No The operation cannot be performed on the database '%ls' in its current state.
40688 16 No The databases '%ls' in server '%ls' and '%ls' in server '%ls' are already in a replication relation.
40689 16 No Replication limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d replication relationships.
40690 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the replication source and target databases have different names. The source and target databases must have the same name.
40691 16 No Replication target cannot be created in the same server as source.
40692 16 No The alter database '%ls' failed to initiate because there are operations pending on the database. After the pending operations are complete, try again.
40693 16 No The current operation cannot be initiated while a replication operation is in progress. You can rename the database only after the replication operation has stopped.
40694 16 No The seeding operation cannot be initiated on a replication target database.
40695 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database is currently a Federation root or member database.
40696 16 No sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync failed because the current database is not the primary database involved in a replication relationship with the specified target server '%s' and database '%s'.
40697 16 No Login failed for user '%.*ls'.
40698 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be performed on a free database.
40699 16 No You cannot create a user with password in this version of SQL Server
40701 16 No XML format used for specifying rules is invalid. %.*ls.
40702 16 No Failed to parse XML rules.
40703 16 No Invalid attribute name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40704 16 No Invalid element name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40705 16 No Invalid Feature type '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40706 16 No Feature name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40707 16 No Invalid index value '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40708 16 No Invalid param count '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40709 16 No operator attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40711 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40712 16 No Invalid usage of %.*ls.
40713 16 No Invalid values supplied for <parameter> element in %.*ls.
40714 16 No Out of memory.
40715 16 No Invalid operator type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40716 16 No Invalid input type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40717 16 No index attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40718 16 No one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40719 16 No Failed to get %s lock on %s rules.
40720 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' already exists.
40721 16 No Only one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40722 16 No Failed to clear proc cache.
40723 16 No Rule name cannot exceed more than %d characters.
40724 16 No Unexpected Operator attribute in %.*ls.
40801 16 No Operation ALTER USER WITH LOGIN failed. User provided login does not match the login in the federation root database for the user provided username.
40802 16 No A service objective assignment on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is already in progress. Please wait until the service objective assignment state for the database is marked as 'Completed'.
40803 16 No The server '%.*ls' has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40804 16 No The service objective '%.*ls' specified is invalid.
40805 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the activity ID.
40806 16 No The request to retrieve subscription information has timed out. Please try again later.
40807 16 No Could not retrieve subscription information for subscription id: %.*ls, after %d attempts. Please try again later.
40808 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the service objective '%.*ls'.
40809 16 No No rows found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40810 16 No More than one row found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40811 16 No Operation '%.*ls' for database '%.*ls' cannot be cancelled as it has already completed.
40812 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be dropped as create operation is in progress. The create operation will be cancelled.
40813 16 No Could not set database as writable because the database is Premium (suspended).
40814 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation root.
40815 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation member.
40816 16 No Could not change database edition to Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40817 16 No Could not change database edition from Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40818 16 No The replication operation on database '%ls' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again after the pending operations have completed.
40820 16 No The server has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40821 16 No Federations are not supported on a Premium database.
40822 16 No This feature is not available for the selected database's edition (%ls).
40823 16 No Invalid proxy override option supplied.
40824 16 No ProxyOverrideSupport feature switch is not turned ON.
40825 16 No Unable to complete request now. Please try again later.
40827 16 No The operation is not supported for your subscription offer type.
40838 16 No Replication relationship limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than one non-readable secondary.
40839 16 No Connection to a non-readable secondary database is not allowed. See '' for more information.
40840 16 No Target region '%ls' is not a DR paired Azure region. See '' for more information.
40841 16 No Friendly termination of a non-readable replication relationship is not supported.
40842 16 No Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%ls' is currently not allowed. See '' for more information
40843 16 No Non-readable secondary is not supported for database copy.
40844 16 No Database '%ls' on Server '%ls' is a '%ls' edition database in an elastic pool and cannot have a replication relationship.
40847 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota of %d.
40848 16 No The source database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have higher performance level than the target database '%ls'.'%ls'. Upgrade the performance level on the target before upgrading source.
40849 16 No The target database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have lower performance level than the source database '%ls'.'%ls'. Downgrade the performance level on the source before downgrading target.
40850 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Standard for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40851 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Basic for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40852 16 No Cannot open database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Access to the database is only allowed using a security-enabled connection string.
40854 16 No Partner server '%ls' is not compatible with server '%ls.'
40855 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in '%ls' state on the replication relationship.
40856 16 No Could not change database edition for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40857 16 No Elastic pool not found for server: '%ls', elastic pool name: '%ls'.
40858 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' already exists in server: '%ls'
40859 16 No Elastic pool does not support database edition '%ls'.
40860 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' and service level objective '%ls' combination is invalid.
40861 16 No The database edition '%ls' cannot be different than the elastic pool service tier which is '%ls'.
40862 16 No Elastic pool name must be specified if the elastic pool service objective is specified.
40863 16 No Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
40864 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool must be at least (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40865 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40866 16 No Max size (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid max size.
40867 16 No The DTU max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40868 16 No The DTU max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40869 16 No The DTU max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40870 16 No The DTU min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40871 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40872 16 No DTU value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid dtu value.
40873 16 No The number of databases (%d) and DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTUs of the elastic pool (%d).
40874 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40875 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40876 16 No Elastic pools are not available in this region.
40877 16 No The elastic pool is not empty.
40878 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40879 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40880 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in gigabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40881 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' has reached its database count limit. The database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40882 16 No Can not change SLO from DataWarehouse edition to other SQL DB editions and vice versa.
40883 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' specified is invalid. It must be a slo supported by DataWarehouse edition.
40884 16 No New service level objective '%.*ls' has (%d) physical databases and it is not compatible with current service level objective which has (%d) physical databases.
40885 16 No Failed to deactivate database.
40886 16 No Failed to change service level objective for database.
40887 16 No Failed to activate database.
40888 16 No Update service level objective for database feature is disabled.
40889 16 No The DTUs or storage limit for the elastic pool '%.*ls' cannot be decreased since that would not provide sufficient storage space for its databases.
40890 16 No The elastic pool is busy with another operation.
40891 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTU max per database (%d).
40892 16 No Can not connect to a deactivated database.
40893 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully created or was deleted before the data copy link operation completed.
40894 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.
40895 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully deleted before completion of copy.
40896 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to ID %s was not successfully dropped.
40897 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40898 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40899 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in megabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40900 16 No The service tier for an elastic pool cannot be changed.
40901 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40902 16 No Amount of pool storage cannot be specified when creating a Premium elastic pool.
40903 20 No The server '%.*ls' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40904 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Edition %s quota of %d.
40905 16 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Azure SQL Database Servers of version '%.*ls' at this time. This location only supports the following server versions: '%.*ls'. Please retry using a supported server version.
40906 16 No A service objective change cannot start for database %s on server %s while it is also running for database %s on server %s.
40907 16 No Servers involved in a Failover Configuration cannot reside in the same location
40908 16 No A failover configuration already exists for servers '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40909 16 No A failover configuration does not exist for servers '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40910 16 No A disaster recovery configuration does not exist for server '%.*ls' and failoverAlias '%.*ls'
40911 16 No Server '%.*ls' is not the secondary in the disaster recovery configuration and cannot initiate a failover
41000 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) handle (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41001 16 No Failed to obtain local computer name (Error code %d). The supplied buffer may be too small, or there is a system error. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41002 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41003 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41004 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group handle for cluster group with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41005 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41006 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%s' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41007 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41008 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41009 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41010 16 No Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41011 16 No Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41012 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41013 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource enumeration handle (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41014 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource enumeration handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41015 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d) for node '%.*ls'. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41016 16 No Failed to remove a node from the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41017 16 No Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41018 16 No Failed to move a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group to the local node (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group or node handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41019 16 No Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41020 16 No Failed to find a String property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41021 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41022 16 No Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41023 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change handle is invalid because a WSFC notification port has not been created or has been closed. Create a new WSFC notification port and retry the operation.
41024 16 No Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41025 16 No Failed to receive Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41026 10 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%ls'. The WSFC group with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a group name that is unique in the cluster.
41027 16 No Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %d). SQL Server may not have sufficient resources to start the WSFC change listener. If the condition persists, the SQL Server instance may need to be restarted.
41028 16 No Failed to open Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry root key (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41029 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource registry key '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41030 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. If the corresponding availability group has been dropped, this error is expected. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41031 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41032 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41033 16 No Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41034 16 No Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41035 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41036 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41037 16 No Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %d (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41038 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster object enumeration handle is invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41039 16 No An availability group replica already exists on the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node '%.*ls'. Each WSFC node can contain only one replica of an availability group. Please choose another WSFC node to host the new replica.
41040 16 No Failed to remove the availability group replica '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.
41041 16 No SQL Server instance to Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '%.*ls' and WSFC group ID '%.*ls'. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation.
41042 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation.
41043 16 No For availability group '%.*ls', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID, a WSFC group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41044 16 No Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be found in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify the availability group exists and that the availability group name is correct and then retry the operation.
41045 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a database with the same name in the availability group. Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct.
41046 16 No Cannot add replica '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability group. Please verify the replica and availability group names specified are correct.
41047 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node state for the local WSFC node (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41048 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41049 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41050 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41051 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41052 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41053 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41054 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41055 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41056 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. Each WSFC node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this WSFC node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
41057 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%ls'. The WSFC resource with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a resource name that is unique in the cluster.
41058 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41059 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. The local replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41060 16 No The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID '%.*ls'. The availability group data in the WSFC store may have been modified outside SQL Server, or the data is corrupt. If the error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41061 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41062 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was offline, or while the WSFC node was down. To resolve this error, drop the availability group and then recreate it.
41063 16 No Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID '%.*ls' was online when the availability group was not actually online. The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with the availability group state failed (Error code: %d). For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41064 16 No Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%.*ls' (Error code: %d). The WSFC group might be in state that cannot accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41065 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID: '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC resource is not in a state that can accept the request. Wait for the WSFC resource to enter a terminal state, and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41066 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%.*ls') online (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41067 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41068 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41069 16 No The existence of availability group data for the availability group '%.*ls' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store could not be determined. The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations. Verify that the local WSFC node is up before retrying the operation.
41070 16 No Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%.*ls' is not found in the WSFC data store. The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations before retrying the current operation.
41071 16 No Cannot read the persisted configuration of Always On availability group with corresponding Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%.*ls'. The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availability replica. Upgrade the local SQL Server instance to allow the local availability replica to become a secondary replica.
41072 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store does not exist in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. To resolve this error, try to recreate the availability group.
41073 16 No The database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. This database does not belong to the availability group.
41074 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the primary role in response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41075 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the resolving role in response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41076 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41077 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41078 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation.
41079 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls'), because the WSFC group does not exist. Specify a valid WSFC group ID or name and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5013 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41080 16 No Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41081 16 No Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41082 16 No Failed to obtain the name of local Windows Server Failover Cluster (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41083 16 No Failed to obtain the cluster quorum resource (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41084 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41085 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %d). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41086 16 No Failed to retrieve the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' registry value exists in the WSFC registry hive.
41087 16 No Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' is in the format outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 947713 ("The implications of using the /forcequorum switch to start the Cluster service in Windows Server 2008").
41088 16 No Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41089 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41090 10 No Failed to update Replica status within the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) due to exception %d.
41091 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41092 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is going offline because %ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41093 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41094 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41095 10 No Always On: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%.*ls' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41096 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41097 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41098 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41099 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41100 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41101 16 No The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41102 10 No Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%.*ls' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.
41103 10 No Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not present. The prerequisite Hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41104 16 No Failover of the availability group '%.*ls' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log and the Windows Server Failover Cluster logs and system event logs. For information about how to view events and logs for a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, see Windows Server documentation.
41105 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s'. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41106 16 No Cannot create an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41107 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%d) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation.
41108 16 No An error occurred while removing availability group '%.*ls'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster failed because the Always On Availability Groups manager is not online (SQL Server error: %d). To remove the availability group configuration from the WSFC cluster, re-enter the command.
41109 17 No Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%x) for process actions for the availability group '%.*ls'. Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation later, and if this condition persists, contact your database administrator.
41110 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41111 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41112 16 No A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server that supports Always On Availability Groups, you can enable the it by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41113 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on the local replica of this availability group.
41114 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' because it already exists in a system table.
41115 16 No Cannot create the availability group named '%.*ls' because its availability group ID (ID: '%.*ls') already exists in a system table.
41116 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' with replica ID '%.*ls' because this ID already exists in a system table.
41117 16 No Cannot map local database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. This database is already mapped to an availability group.
41118 16 No Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.
41119 16 No Could not find the availability group ID %d in the system table.
41120 16 No Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %d). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41121 10 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot accept signal '%s' in its current replica role, '%s', and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %s joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation.
41122 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. To failover this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover command on that instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the primary replica of the availability group, then no action is required.
41123 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is moving to another node. Please wait for the WSFC group to complete the move operation and then retry the command. For information about this error, see error code 5908 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41124 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the availability group is being dropped.
41125 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum mode. Consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss).
41126 16 No Operation on the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation.
41127 16 No Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %d is not mapped to any availability group.
41128 16 No Failed to perform database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (ID %d) in availability group '%.*ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance.
41129 16 No Failed to schedule or execute database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' (SQL OS error: %d). The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the server instance.
41130 16 No Operation '%s' on a database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' failed with SQL Server error %d (Error details: "%.*ls"). The operation has been rolled back. See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41131 10 No Failed to bring availability group '%.*ls' online. The operation timed out. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again.
41132 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names.
41133 10 No Cannot remove database '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command.
41134 16 No Cannot bring the availability group '%.*ls' online. The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability replica. To designate the local availability replica as the primary replica of the availability group, run the force failover command on this instance of SQL Server.
41135 10 No Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %d. To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error.
41136 16 No Failed to join the availability replica to availability group '%.*ls' because the group is not online. Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation.
41137 10 No Abandoning a database operation '%ls' on availability database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %u, current sequence number: %u). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41138 17 No Cannot accept Always On Availability Groups operation operation on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator.
41139 10 No Failed to set database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41140 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, and rerun the command.
41141 16 No Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41142 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group. If the availability replica uses the asynchronous-commit mode, consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss). Otherwise, once all local secondary databases are joined and synchronized, you can perform a planned manual failover to this secondary replica (without data loss). For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
41143 16 No Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41144 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41145 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41146 16 No Failed to bring Availability Group '%.*ls' online. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation.
41147 10 No Always On Availability Groups was not started because %ls. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41148 16 No Cannot add or join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. Then retry the operation, specifying the correct database name.
41149 16 No Operation on the availability group '%.*ls' has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41150 16 No Failed to take availability group '%.*ls' offline. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation.
41151 16 No Error accessing the Availability Groups manager. The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation.
41152 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41153 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the failed attempt to create the availability group.
41154 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation.
41155 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional.
41156 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the availability group. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41157 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41158 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP JOIN command.
41159 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check SQL Server error log for more details. Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the availability group.
41160 16 No Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions.
41161 16 No Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated.
41162 16 No Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time.
41163 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command, and then retry the command.
41164 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the resolving role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command, and then retry the command.
41165 16 No A timeout error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the command.
41166 16 No An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retry the command.
41167 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command.
41168 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability replica ID are correct, then retry the command.
41169 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability database ID are correct, then retry the command.
41170 10 No Post-online processing for availability group '%.*ls' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is being dropped. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41171 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name.
41172 16 No An error occurred while dropping availability group '%.*ls' from Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and from the local metadata. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41173 16 No An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41174 10 No Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41175 10 No Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41176 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41177 16 No The availability replica of the specified availability group '%.*ls' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later.
41178 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41179 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary.
41180 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%.*ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required.
41181 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' did not become primary. A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify that the availability group state in Windows Server Failover Cluster is correct, then retry the operation.
41182 16 No Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. Verify that the local WSFC node is online, and that the local availability replica is the primary replica. Then retry the operation.
41183 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d. The operation has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online, and retry the command.
41184 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration.
41185 10 No Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%.*ls' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.
41186 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation.
41187 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if it was dropped unintentionally.
41188 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online, and then retry the command.
41189 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the %s-%s command. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details . Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. Use an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes to the availability group configuration.
41190 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary replica, then retry the command.
41191 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command.
41192 17 No Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41193 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. Then retry the join-database command.
41194 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' to complet post-online work. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command. Then retry the command.
41195 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the WSFC lease-renewal command. The local availability replica lease is no longer valid to process the lease renewal command. Availability replica lease expired. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41196 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. To manually clean up the partially created availability group, run the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying a unique availability group name.
41197 15 No The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode for the replica.
41198 15 No The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability mode for the replica.
41199 16 No The specified command is invalid because the Always On Availability Groups %ls feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
41202 16 No The source table '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function doesn't have a full-text index that uses the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. A full-text index using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option is required to use this function.
41203 16 No The column '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function.
41204 16 No The source_key parameter is required in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE function.
41205 10 No Error %d occurred during semantic index population for table or indexed view '%.*ls' (table or indexed view ID %d, database ID %d, document ID %d)
41206 10 No An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause.
41207 10 No A locale ID that is not supported was specified for a column with 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS'. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and that the corresponding language statistics has been installed.
41208 10 No Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') encountered a document with full-text key value '%ls' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index.
41209 10 No A semantic language statistics database is not registered. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41210 10 No The semantic language statistics database is not accessible or not valid. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41211 16 No A semantic language statistics database is already registered.
41212 16 No No semantic language statistics database is registered.
41213 16 No The database '%.*ls' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database name.
41214 16 No An error occurred while trying to register the semantic language statistics database.
41300 16 No The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support read or write operations. Roll back the transaction.
41301 17 No A transaction dependency failure occurred, and the current transaction can no longer commit. Please retry the transaction.
41302 16 No The current transaction attempted to update a record that has been updated since this transaction started. The transaction was aborted.
41303 16 No The bucket count for a hash index must be a positive integer not exceeding %d.
41304 10 No The current value of option '%.*ls' for table '%.*ls', index '%.*ls' is %d.
41305 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.
41306 16 No The nesting limit of %d for conditional blocks and exception blocks, for natively compiled modules, has been exceeded. Please simplify the module.
41307 10 No Warning: The row size limit of %d bytes for memory optimized tables has been exceeded and will not work on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier. Please simplify the table definition.
41308 21 No The database ID %d already exists.
41309 16 No Unable to load the compiled DLL for database ID %d.
41310 16 No A file with an invalid format was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41311 16 No File error during C code generation. The error code was %d.
41312 16 No Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = %d.
41313 16 No The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %d.
41314 16 No Conversion of default value for parameter '%.*ls' failed. Unable to create stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41315 16 No Checkpoint operation failed in database '%.*ls'.
41316 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' with internal error code '0x%08lx'.
41317 16 No A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master.
41318 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed from within SQLCLR stored procedures.
41319 16 No A maximum of %d predicates are allowed in the WHERE clauses of queries in natively compiled modules.
41320 16 No EXECUTE AS clause is required, and EXECUTE AS CALLER is not supported, with natively compiled modules.
41321 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' with DURABILITY=SCHEMA_AND_DATA must have a primary key.
41322 16 No MAT/PIT export/import encountered a failure for memory optimized table or natively compiled module with object ID %d in database ID %d. The error code was 0x%x.
41323 16 No The table type '%ls' is not a memory optimized table type and cannot be used in a natively compiled module.
41324 16 No The memory optimized table variable '%.*ls' cannot be used in a batch with a 'USE' statement.
41325 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.
41326 16 No Memory optimized tables cannot be created in system databases.
41327 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' must have at least one index or a primary key.
41328 16 No A floating point operation has overflowed.
41329 16 No Unsupported operation following a transaction dependency failure. Parameters and variables cannot be accessed in the CATCH block and the CATCH block must raise an exception following a dependency failure.
41330 16 No Create database operation failed for database '%.*ls'.
41331 17 No The transaction encountered an out-of-memory condition while rolling back to a savepoint, and therefore cannot be committed. Roll back the transaction.
41332 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.
41333 16 No The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.
41334 16 No The code generation directory cannot be created or set up correctly.
41335 16 No Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules.
41336 16 No Unable to clean up all files that are needed for compilation.
41337 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. To create %S_MSG, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least one container.
41338 16 No An invalid version of a data file was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41339 16 No The table '%.*ls' has been created or altered after the start of the current transaction. The transaction was aborted. Please retry the transaction.
41340 16 No The transaction executed too many insert, update, or delete statements in memory optimized tables. The transaction was terminated.
41341 16 No Table '%.*ls' is not yet available on the secondary replica.
41342 16 No The model of the processor on the system does not support creating %.*ls. This error typically occurs with older processors. See SQL Server Books Online for information on supported models.
41343 16 No In-Memory OLTP hot switch to primary replica for database '%.*ls' failed.
41344 16 No RESTORE DATABASE WITH PARTIAL requires the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup if the backup contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41345 16 No The key size limit of %d bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the index definition.
41346 16 No CREATE and UPDATE STATISTICS for memory optimized tables do not support the WHERE clause.
41347 16 No A BACKUP or RESTORE DATABASE statement that includes the primary filegroup must include the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, and vice versa.
41348 16 No MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroups cannot be used with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Specify a FILESTREAM filegroup.
41349 10 No Warning: Encryption was enabled for a database that contains one or more memory optimized tables with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA. The data in these memory optimized tables will not be encrypted.
41350 10 No Warning: A memory optimized table with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA was created in a database that is enabled for encryption. The data in the memory optimized table will not be encrypted.
41351 16 No An error occurred while processing the log. The log version is unsupported.
41352 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is in use.
41353 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is being dropped or being taken offline.
41354 21 Yes The XTP background checkpoint thread encountered an unrecoverable error ('%ls') for database '%.*ls'. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41355 21 Yes An XTP checkpoint operation encountered an error ('%ls') while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. Checkpoint processing has terminated.
41356 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41357 16 No Tables with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41358 16 No Stored procedures with NATIVE_COMPILATION can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41359 16 No A query that accesses memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level, cannot access disk based tables when the database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is set to ON. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41360 16 No Default MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup is not available in database '%.*ls'.
41361 16 No The READ_ONLY property of a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup cannot be modified.
41362 16 No FILESTREAM container '%.*ls' cannot be added. Either the server is out of memory or the container path is too long.
41363 16 No Only the owner of database '%.*ls' or users with valid permission can execute the stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41364 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' can only be executed on a database that has an online MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41365 16 No Merge request for transaction range [%ld, %ld] on database '%.*ls' was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented by the range either cannot be merged, or the checkpoint files are already part of an existing merge operation.
41366 16 No Merge operation failed because the requested transaction id range is invalid.
41367 16 No Failed to complete merge operation for transaction range [%ld, %ld] for database '%.*ls'. Error was 0x%08x.
41368 16 No Accessing memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. It is not supported for explicit or implicit transactions. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41369 16 No Merge operations cannot be requested on a secondary replica.
41370 16 No Resource pool '%.*ls' does not exist or resource governor has not been reconfigured.
41371 16 No Binding to a resource pool is not supported for system database '%.*ls'. This operation can only be performed on a user database.
41372 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently bound to a resource pool. A database must be unbound before creating a new binding.
41373 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be explicitly bound to the resource pool '%.*ls'. A database can only be bound to a user resource pool.
41374 16 No Database '%.*ls' does not have a binding to a resource pool.
41375 16 No A binding has been created. Take database '%.*ls' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool '%.*ls'.
41376 16 No Only members of the fixed sysadmin role can execute the stored procedure '%ls'.
41377 16 No The natively compiled module with database ID %ld and object ID %ld has not been executed. Query execution statistics collection can only be enabled if the module has been executed at least once since creation or last database restart.
41378 16 No Both @database_id and @xtp_object_id should be specified to enable or retrieve status of query level statistics collection for a procedure.
41379 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. Close other applications to increase the available memory, ensure that both SQL Server memory configuration and resource pool memory limits are correct and try again. See '' for more information.
41380 21 No Databases with a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup are only supported in 64-bit editions of SQL Server.
41381 21 No The database cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
41382 16 No Failure adding a container to a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. Possible causes include the server being out of memory and the container path being too long.
41383 16 No An internal error occurred while running the DMV query. This was likely caused by concurrent DDL operations. Please retry the query.
41384 16 No Database '%.*ls' has exceeded the maximum number of XTP checkpoint files, and can no longer support write operations in durable memory-optimized tables. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
41385 16 No A memory-optimized table cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC).
41386 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA, memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules are not supported when lightweight pooling is enabled. Disable lightweight pooling in order to use memory-optimized features.
41387 10 No Disallowing page allocations for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. See '' for more information.
41388 16 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41389 16 No Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41390 16 No Failed to get checkpoint file information necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41391 23 No Backup of database '%.*ls' detected a missing MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA file with ID '%.*ls'.
41392 16 No Cannot ALTER a natively compiled module into a non-native module. Include WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41393 16 No Cannot ALTER a non-native module into a natively compiled module. Omit WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41394 16 No TEXTSIZE must be a number between -1 and 2147483647.
41395 10 No Rebuilding the log file is not supported for databases containing memory-optimized tables.
41396 16 No The sort operation exceeded the buffer limit. The stored procedure execution was aborted. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.
41397 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d sorted rows. %d was requested. Reduce the number of rows selected or simplify the query.
41398 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d rows; %d was requested.
41399 16 No The sort operation is too complex. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.


This article contains the term whitelist, a term Microsoft considers insensitive in this context. The term appears in this article because it currently appears in the software. When the term is removed from the software, we will remove it from the article.

Error Severity Event logged Description
31001 16 No The session '%s' already exists. Use a different session name.
31002 16 No This operation can be performed only by the owner of the session.
31003 16 No User does not have enough permissions to tune one or more of the databases specified.
31004 16 No Could not create DTA directory for saving tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31005 16 No Could not create DTA tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31006 16 No Could not write DTA tuning option to file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31007 16 No Could not create a DTA job when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31008 16 No Could not retrieve limit and job state information from DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31009 16 No Could not set limits on DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31010 16 No Could not create a DTA process when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31011 16 No Could not terminate DTA process after it fails to be assigned to DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31012 16 No Could not resume DTA process to start tuning when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31013 16 No Invalid tuning option specified for auto indexing.
31014 16 No Could not terminate DTA job when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31015 16 No Could not delete DTA tuning options file when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31016 16 No Could not cleanup hypothetical indexes and statistics when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31017 16 No DTA tuning for auto indexing is only supported on Azure DB.
31018 16 No Could not get winfab temp directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31019 16 No Could not create GUID when performing DTA tuning related task.
31020 16 No String operation failed.
31021 16 No Could not get winfab log directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31022 16 No Could not get winfab data package directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31201 16 No Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured for property searching. To support property-scoped searches, the full-text index must be associated with a search property list and repopulated. The Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST <property_list_name>;.
31202 10 No Reconfiguring the search property list of the full-text index has truncated the existing data in the index. Until the full-text index has been fully repopulated, full-text queries will return partial results. The ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST ...; statement automatically issues a full population, but if the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement specified the WITH NO POPULATION clause, you must run a full population on the full-text index using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning.
31203 10 No Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %d, objid %d, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize.
31204 16 No Operation %ls is not supported on the %ls platform.
32001 10 No Log shipping backup log job for %s.
32002 10 No Log shipping copy job for %s:%s.
32003 10 No Log shipping restore log job for %s:%s.
32004 10 No Log shipping backup log job step.
32005 10 No Log shipping copy job step.
32006 10 No Log shipping restore log job step.
32007 16 No Database %s is not ONLINE.
32008 10 No Database %s is not ONLINE. The backup job will not be performed until this database is brought online.
32009 16 No A log shipping primary entry already exists for database %s.
32010 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping primary.
32011 16 No Primary Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s). Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32012 16 No Secondary %s.%s already exists for primary %s.
32013 16 No A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %s.
32014 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping secondary.
32015 16 No The primary database %s cannot have SIMPLE recovery for log shipping to work properly.
32016 16 No The specified agent_id %s or agent_type %d do not form a valid pair for log shipping monitoring processing.
32017 16 No Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %s and is not supported.
32018 16 No Log shipping is not installed on this instance.
32019 10 No Log shipping alert job.
32020 10 No Log shipping alert job step.
32021 10 No Log shipping alert job schedule.
32022 16 No Cannot add a log shipping job with name %s. A job with same name already exists in the system and this job does not belong to log shipping category.
32023 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s does not exist on this secondary. Register the primary first.
32024 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s already exists.
32025 16 No Primary Server %s, Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32026 10 No Log shipping Primary Server Alert.
32027 10 No Log shipping Secondary Server Alert.
32028 16 No Invalid value = %d for parameter @threshold_alert was specified.
32029 10 No Log shipping backup agent [%s] has verified log backup file '%s.wrk' and renamed it as '%s.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
32030 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping primary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32031 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping secondary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32032 16 No Invalid value '%d' for update period. Update period should be between 1 and 120 minutes.
32033 16 No The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
32034 16 No An internal error occurred when setting up the database mirroring monitoring job.
32035 16 No An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job.
32036 16 No Parameter(s) out of range.
32037 16 No The units for the update period for the database mirroring monitor job have been changed.
32038 16 No An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor.
32039 16 No The database '%s' is not being mirrored. No update of the base table was done.
32040 16 No The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32041 16 No The database mirroring monitor base tables have not been created. Please run sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate to create them.
32042 16 No The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32043 16 No The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32044 16 No The alert for 'mirror commit overhead' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32045 16 No '%s' must be executed in msdb.
32046 16 No Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the 'dbm_monitor' role in msdb can perform this operation.
32047 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Job
32048 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Schedule
32049 16 No The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job.
32050 16 No Alerts cannot be created on the system databases, master, msdb, model or tempdb.
32051 10 No System administrator privilege is required to update the base table. The base table was not updated.
32052 16 No Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
32053 16 No The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null.
32054 16 No There was an error establishing a link to the remote monitor server.
32055 16 No There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.
32056 17 No The SQL Server failed to create full-text FTData directory. This might be because FulltextDefaultPath is invalid or SQL Server service account does not have permission. Full-text may fail until this issue is resolved. Restart SQL Server after the issue is fixed.
33001 16 No Cannot drop the option because the option is not specified on %S_MSG.
33002 16 No Access to %ls %ls is blocked because the signature is not valid.
33003 16 No DDL statement is not allowed.
33004 16 No The password of login '%.*ls' is invalid. A new password should be set for this login without specifying the old password.
33005 16 No Cannot find the certificate or asymmetric key from the file %.*ls. ErrorCode: 0x%x.
33006 16 No WITH SIGNATURE option cannot be specified on database.
33007 16 No Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself.
33008 16 No Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %.*ls permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %S_MSG.
33009 16 No The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%.*ls'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '%.*ls' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
33010 16 No The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option.
33011 16 No The %S_MSG private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it.
33012 10 No Cannot %S_MSG signature %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Signature already exists or cannot be added.
33013 16 No A %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*s' does not exist.
33014 16 No Cannot countersign '%.*s'. Only modules can be countersigned.
33015 16 No The database principal is referenced by a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
33016 16 No The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins.
33017 16 No Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be remapped to a Windows login.
33018 16 No Cannot remap user to login '%.*s', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database.
33019 16 No Cannot create implicit user for the special login '%.*s'.
33020 16 No A HASHED password cannot be set for a login that has CHECK_POLICY turned on.
33021 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, or batch accounts can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33022 16 No Cannot obtain cryptographic provider properties. Provider error code: %d.
33023 16 No The %S_MSG is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d bytes.
33024 16 No Cryptographic provider %S_MSG '%ls' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %d.
33025 16 No Invalid cryptograpihic provider property: %S_MSG.
33026 16 No Cryptographic provider with guid '%ls' already exists.
33027 16 No Cannot load library '%.*ls'. See errorlog for more information.
33028 16 No Cannot open session for %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33029 16 No Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33030 16 No Cryptographic provider is not available.
33031 16 No Cryptographic provider '%.*ls' is in disabled.
33032 16 Yes SQL Crypto API version '%02d.%02d' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%02d.%02d'.
33033 16 No Specified key type or option '%S_MSG' is not supported by the provider.
33034 16 No Cannot specify algorithm for existing key.
33035 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33036 10 No Cannot drop the key with thumbprint '%.*ls' in the provider.
33037 16 No Cannot export %S_MSG from the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33038 16 No Operation is not supported by cryptographic provider key.
33039 16 No Invalid algorithm '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33040 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key.
33041 16 Yes Cannot create login token for existing authenticators. If dbo is a windows user make sure that its windows account information is accessible to SQL Server.
33042 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG because it is already mapped to a login.
33043 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG '%.*ls' because there is already %S_MSG specified for the login.
33044 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because there is %S_MSG referencing this provider.
33045 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because it is not mapped to this login.
33046 16 No Server principal '%.*ls' has no credential associated with %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33047 16 No Fail to obtain or decrypt secret for %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33048 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG under non-primary security context.
33049 16 No Key with %S_MSG '%.*ls' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33050 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider does not allow specifying key names.
33051 16 No Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33052 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be a temporary key.
33053 16 No Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' to enable it.
33054 16 No Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server.
33055 16 No Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%.*ls' in the API '%.*ls'. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx.
33056 16 No Cannnot impersonate login '%.*ls' to access %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33057 10 No Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users.
33058 10 No Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to drop the provider for all users.
33059 16 No An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost.
33060 16 No The format of supplied parameter sid is invalid. The sid might be incorrect or the sid might describe the wrong type of user.
33061 16 No The specified RETENTION_DAYS value is greater than the maximum value allowed. The retenton days value must be less than %d days.
33062 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too short. The password must be at least %d characters.
33063 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too long. The password must be at most %d characters.
33064 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is not complex enough. The password must be at least %d characters long and contain characters from three of the following four sets: Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Base 10 digits, and Symbols.
33065 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: HRESULT 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33066 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: NTSTATUS 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33069 16 No CREATE CERTIFICATE statement cannot mix file and binary modes. Rewrite the statement using only the FILE or the BINARY keyword.
33070 16 No The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be at least 2 MB.
33071 16 No This command requires %S_MSG to be disabled. Disable the %S_MSG and rerun this command.
33072 16 No The audit log file path is invalid.
33073 16 No Cannot find %S_MSG '%.*ls' or you do not have the required permissions.
33074 16 No Cannot %S_MSG a %S_MSG %S_MSG from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database.
33075 16 No Granular auditing is not available in this edition of SQL Server. For more information about feature support in the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
33076 16 No The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 TB.
33077 16 No RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE.
33078 16 No The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property.
33079 16 No Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%s' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column.
33080 10 No Cryptographic provider library '%.*ls' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33081 10 No Failed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL '%.*ls'.
33082 16 No Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%ls'.
33083 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG for %S_MSG '%ls' because it is not supported by the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33084 16 No The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider.
33085 10 No One or more methods cannot be found in cryptographic provider library '%.*ls'.
33086 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to record %ls action.
33087 16 No %S_MSG property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value
33088 16 No The algorithm: %.*ls is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server
33089 16 No Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33090 10 No Attempting to load library '%.*ls' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33091 10 No Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database.
33092 10 No Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%.*ls'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33093 16 No The Windows user or group '%s' is local or built-in. Use a Windows domain user or domain group.
33094 10 No An error occurred during Service Master Key %S_MSG
33095 10 No Service Master Key could not be decrypted using one of its encryptions. See sys.key_encryptions for details.
33096 10 No A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption.
33097 10 No Processing BrickId: %d with MasterDb.PrimaryPru.FragId %d
33098 10 No Initializing SMK for brickId: %d
33099 16 No You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database.
33101 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG '%.*ls', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server requires the ability to automatically access the private key of the %S_MSG used for this operation.
33102 16 No Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
33103 16 No A database encryption key already exists for this database.
33104 16 No A database encryption key does not exist for this database.
33105 16 No Cannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be able to drop the database encryption key.
33106 16 No Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set.
33107 16 No Cannot enable database encryption because it is already enabled.
33108 16 No Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled.
33109 16 No Cannot %S_MSG database encryption while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33110 16 No Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33111 16 No Cannot find server %S_MSG with thumbprint '%.*ls'.
33112 10 No Beginning database encryption scan for database '%.*ls'.
33113 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' is complete.
33114 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
33115 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later.
33116 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%.*ls'. Try again later.
33117 16 No Transparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
33118 16 No Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.
33119 16 No Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.
33120 16 No In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %S_MSG, please use an %S_MSG that resides on an extensible key management provider.
33121 16 No The %S_MSG '%ls' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33122 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Take a log backup and retry the command.
33123 16 No Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled.
33124 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' cannot complete since one or more files are offline. Bring the files online to run the scan to completion.
33125 10 No Can not create login token because there are too many secondary principals. The maximum number of allowed secondary principals allowed is %lu. To fix this, remove the login from a server role.
33126 10 No Database encryption key is corrupted and cannot be read.
33127 16 No The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key.
33128 16 No Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33129 16 No Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission instead.
33130 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
33131 16 No Principal '%ls' was not unique.
33132 16 No This principal type is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database.
33133 16 No Your subscription is not enabled for Integrated Authentication.
33134 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found at this time. Please try again later.
33135 16 No Altering the name of a Windows principal is not supported through this form of execution. For more information about this, see SQL Server Books Online.
33136 16 No The operation could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.
33137 16 No The tenant '%.*ls' cannot be found.
33138 16 No ALTER DATABASE on a federation member is not supported for Windows users or groups.
33139 16 No This subscription does not support Integrated Authentication.
33140 16 No The login '%.*ls' could not be created because a login is already associated with certificate '%.*ls'.
33141 10 No The credential created might not be able to decrypt the database master key. Please ensure a database master key exists for this database and is encrypted by the same password used in the stored procedure.
33142 16 No Updating the tenantId for Azure SQL Server was not successful.
33143 16 No The account admin of the subscription does not belong to this tenant.
33144 16 No Cannot change the schema of a temporary object.
33146 10 No The database '%.*ls' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt the database master key.
33147 20 Yes Federated Authentication Feature data used in login record to open a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls.
33148 16 No The user name for a windows login has to be identical to the login name.
33149 16 Yes Dropping a credential '%.*ls' which could still be used by Managed Backup.
33150 16 Yes Warning: Can not check whether the credential '%.*ls' is used by managed backup, because %ls. Please check whether the credential is used by managed backup.
33151 16 No The user name for a user with password cannot be identical to the name of the server admin or the dbo of the database.
33152 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d or %d.
33153 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, or %d.
33154 20 Yes Client sent an invalid token when server was expecting federated authentication token. And it was not a disconnect event.
33155 20 Yes A disconnect event was raised when server is waiting for Federated Authentication token. This could be due to client close or server timeout expired.
33156 20 Yes A Federated Authentication token was sent by the client when the server is not expecting it. So server will close the connection due to TDS non-conformance.
33157 16 No Crypthographic providers are not supported on database credentials.
33158 16 No Database credentials are not supported in master database.
33159 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users.
33160 10 No Unable to verify Authenticode signatures due to error code %d. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33161 15 No Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33162 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33163 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP)
33164 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is used by an external data source.
33165 16 No Cannot drop the external %ls '%.*ls' because it is used by an external table.
33166 16 No dbManager permission check failed.
33167 16 No This command is not supported for Azure AD users. Execute this command as a SQL Authenticated user.
33168 16 No TYPE option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33169 16 No User name cannot have backslash character, when using the TYPE option.
33170 16 No SID option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33171 16 No Only active directory users can impersonate other active directory users.
33172 16 No Encrypting Secret for Database '%.*ls' and Credential '%.*ls' failed.
33173 16 No Assigning value for output parameter @credentialSecret failed because the parameter size is less than the required size %u. Please provide a larger size.
33174 16 No Cannot get credential '%.*ls' because it is not referenced by any external data source.
33175 16 No Encryption operation failed. Key used for encryption has deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33176 16 No Signing operation failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33177 16 No Hash operation failed. Hash Function uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this hash algorithm switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33178 16 No Encryption key length is over the currently supported maximum length of %d.
33179 10 No Searching for '%.*ls' only searches "'%.*ls'" for SQL Server authentication logins.
33180 10 No Searching for "'%.*ls'" only searches for Azure Active Directory users. To search for a SQL Server authentication login, add the server name at the end. For example [%.*ls@%.*ls].
33181 16 No The new owner cannot be Azure Active Directory group.
33182 16 No The command must be executed on the target database '%.*ls'.
33183 16 No The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error with message '%s'.
33184 16 No An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client with message '%s'.
33201 17 No An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%s'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission on the files, or the pattern may be returning one or more corrupt files.
33202 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to file '%s'.
33203 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the event log.
33204 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the security log.
33205 10 No Audit event: %s.
33206 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33207 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the access the event log.
33208 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to access the security log.
33209 10 No Audit '%.*ls' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server was started with the -m flag.
33210 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33211 15 No A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits.
33212 15 No There is an invalid column list after the object name in the AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
33213 16 No All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope.
33214 17 No The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started.
33215 10 No One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems associated with each error.
33216 10 No SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33217 10 No SQL Server Audit is starting the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33218 10 No SQL Server Audit has started the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33219 10 No The server was stopped because SQL Server Audit '%.*ls' is configured to shut down on failure. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33220 16 No Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master.
33221 16 No You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database.
33222 10 No Audit '%.*ls' failed to %S_MSG . For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers where ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_XE_LOG'.
33223 16 No ALTER SERVER AUDIT requires the STATE option to be specified without using any other options.
33224 16 No The specified pattern did not return any files or does not represent a valid file share. Verify the pattern parameter and rerun the command.
33225 16 No The specified values for initial_file_name and audit_record_offset do not represent a valid location within the audit file set. Verify the file name and offset location, and then rerun the command.
33226 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls' at offset %I64d.
33227 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid. Specify either 0 or 1000 and higher.
33228 16 No You cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. Contact your system administrator.
33229 16 No Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled.
33230 16 No An audit specification for audit '%.*ls' already exists.
33231 16 No You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements.
33232 16 No You may not add a role to Sysadmin.
33233 16 No You can only create a user with a password in a contained database.
33234 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database.
33235 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. Remove the WITHOUT LOGIN or PASSWORD clause.
33236 16 No The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database.
33237 16 No Cannot use parameter %s for Windows users or groups.
33238 16 No MAX_FILES and MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES options cannot be specified toghether.
33239 16 No An error occurred while auditing this operation. Fix the error in the audit and then retry this operation.
33240 16 No A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details.
33241 16 Yes Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating the idle timeout.
33242 16 No When providing a sid, the user must be a user without login or a user with password.
33243 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in setting access control list on the user instance's process. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33244 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33245 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to write to an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33246 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the MDS file log. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33247 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the MDS local file (Error Code: %d).
33248 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid for MDS log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33249 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33250 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching credential '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33251 16 No A credential conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in credential cache in memory. Use alter step to change the secret. Drop and re-create to change the credential name.
33252 16 No This CREATE AUDIT request exceeds the maximum number of audits that can be created per database.
33253 16 No Failed to modify the identity field of the credential '%.*ls' because the credential is used by an active database file.
33254 16 No This operation cannot be performed in the master database.
33255 16 No Audit specification '%.*ls' can only be bound to a %S_MSG audit.
33256 16 No The audit store location or the audit store URL has been configured for this database audit.
33257 16 No Cannot drop an audit store URL that is not configured for this database audit.
33258 16 No Invalid value for procedure "%.*ls", parameter "%.*ls".
33259 15 No Invalid security policy name '%.*ls'.
33260 16 No The predicate was not added to the security policy '%.*ls' because there are no available predicate IDs. Drop and recreate the security policy.
33261 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' does not contain a predicate on table '%.*ls'.
33262 16 No A %S_MSG predicate for the same operation has already been defined on table '%.*ls' in the security policy '%.*ls'.
33263 16 No Security predicates can only be added to user tables and schema bound views. '%.*ls' is not a user table or a schema bound view.
33264 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot be enabled with a predicate on table '%.*ls'. Table '%.*ls' is already referenced by the enabled security policy '%.*ls'.
33265 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot have a predicate on table '%.*ls' because this table is referenced by the indexed view '%.*ls'.
33266 16 No The index on the view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view is referencing table '%.*ls' that is referenced by a security policy.
33267 16 No Security predicates cannot reference memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized.
33268 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33269 16 No Security predicates are not allowed on temporary objects. Object names that begin with '#' denote temporary objects.
33270 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" or this object is not an inline table-valued function.
33271 16 No Cannot alter '%.*ls' because it is not a security policy.
33272 16 No Unable to load the security predicate for table "%.*ls".
33273 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on FileTables. '%.*ls' is a FileTable.
33274 16 No The version was not created for the key '%.*ls' because there are no available version IDs. Drop and recreate the key.
33275 16 No The encrypted value for this column encryption key cannot be dropped. Each column encryption key must have at least one encrypted value.
33277 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls.
33278 16 No Cannot assign the same encryption scheme to two expressions at line '%d'. The encryption scheme of the first expression is %ls and the encryption scheme of the second expression is %ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the first expression are: %.*ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the second expression are: %.*ls.
33279 16 No Cannot remove the credential '%.*ls/%.*ls' because it is being used.
33280 16 No Cannot create encrypted column '%.*ls' because type '%ls' is not supported for encryption.
33281 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' has a different encryption scheme than referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
33282 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33283 16 No '%S_MSG' clause is unsupported for encrypted columns.
33284 16 No The encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls' cannot be used as a partition key column.
33285 16 No Cannot set default constraint on encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls'. Default constraints are unsupported on encrypted columns.
33286 16 No Cannot encrypt column '%.*ls', because it is of a user-defined type.
33287 16 No Cannot drop column encryption key '%.*ls' because the key is referenced by column '%.*ls.%.*ls'.
33288 16 No The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each column encryption key. Drop an exisiting encrypted value before adding the new one.
33289 16 No Cannot create encrypted column '%.*ls', character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation cannot be encrypted.
33290 16 No There is no column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33291 16 No There is already a column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33292 16 No The encryption algorithm '%.*ls' is not supported. Please specify a valid encryption algorithm.
33293 16 No Cannot find the %S_MSG "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33294 16 No Some parameters or columns of the batch require to be encrypted, but the corresponding column encryption key cannot be found. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the module parameters metadata.
33296 16 No Cannot create table '%.*ls' since it references a column encryption key from a different database.
33297 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. The %S_MSG cannot be empty.
33298 16 Yes Internal Query Processor Error: The encryption scheme of certain parameters was incorrectly analyzed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33299 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls (or weaker).
33301 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %d characters long.
33302 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 10.
33303 16 No A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%.*ls' or the properties %ls='%ls', %ls='%ls', and %ls='%.*ls'. Either use a unique name or a unique set of properties.
33304 16 No The transmission queue row with conversation handle '%ls' and message sequence number %d references a missing multicast message body row with reference %d.
33305 16 No The multicast message body row with reference %d should have reference count value of %d.
33306 16 No The unreferenced message with reference %d has been deleted from the message body table.
33307 16 No The message with reference %d has been updated to a reference count of %d in the message body table.
33308 10 No The queue %d in database %d has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %u seconds.
33309 10 No Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %S_MSG endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet.
33310 16 No Local cluster name can be set only once.
33311 10 No The wait for connect request completion failed.
33312 10 No The wait for querying proxy routes failed or was aborted.
33313 16 No An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker transport layer. A service broker connection is closed due to this condition.
33314 16 No The supplied whitelist is invalid.
33315 16 No The redirected endpointurl is Invalid
33316 16 No Failed to reset encryption while performing redirection.
33317 16 No The redirect response contains invalid redirect string
33318 16 No The redirect request contains invalid string or redirect handler failed to handle the request
33319 16 No The redirector returned lookup failure
33320 16 No Tried to send redirect request but the redirect string is empty
33321 16 No The other end does not support redirection
33322 16 No The redirect message is corrupted
33323 16 No The endpoint is closing because the connection was redirected
33324 16 No Failed to parse the redirect info string
33325 16 No Failed to construct new endpoint after redirection
33326 16 No Forwarder disconnected during redirection
33327 16 No Failed to parse the specified connection string
33328 16 No Redirector lookup failed with error code: %x
33329 16 No XdbHost encountered error code: %x during socket duplication
33330 16 No XdbHost returned an error during socket duplication
33331 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS is not allowed on this server.
33332 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS cannot be executed through MARS connection.
33401 16 No FILESTREAM database options cannot be set on system databases such as '%.*ls'.
33402 16 No An invalid directory name '%.*ls' was specified. Use a valid operating system directory name.
33403 16 No The case-sensitive or binary collation '%.*ls' cannot be used with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. Change the collation to a case-insensitive collation type.
33404 16 No The database default collation '%.*ls' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option.
33405 16 No An error occurred during the %S_MSG %S_MSG operation on a FileTable object. (HRESULT = '0x%08x').
33406 16 No An invalid filename, '%.*ls', caused a FileTable check constraint error. Use a valid operating system filename.
33407 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator cannot indicate a root row. Correct the path locator or use the default value.
33408 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the row. Remove the blob data or clear the is_directory flag.
33409 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated with the row. Insert file data or use 0x to insert a zero length file.
33410 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The parent of a row's path locator must be a directory, not a file. Correct the path locator to refer to a parent that is a directory.
33411 16 No The option '%.*ls' is only valid when used on a FileTable. Remove the option from the statement.
33412 16 No The option '%.*ls' is not valid when used with the '%.*ls' syntax. Remove the option from the statement.
33413 16 No The option '%.*ls' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement.
33414 16 No FileTable objects require the FILESTREAM database option DIRECTORY_NAME to be non-NULL. To create a FileTable in the database '%.*ls', set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to a non-NULL value using ALTER DATABASE. Or, to set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to NULL, in the database '%.*ls' disable or drop the existing FileTables.
33415 16 No FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%.*s' attempting to be set on database '%.*s' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access.
33416 10 No When the FILESTREAM database option NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS is set to FULL and the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION options are on, T-SQL and transactional read access to FILESTREAM data in the context of a FILETABLE is blocked.
33417 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %d, which is deeper than the limit of %d supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy.
33418 16 No FILETABLE_DIRECTORY '%.*s' attempting to be set on table '%.*s' is not unique in the database '%.*s'. Provide a unique value for the option FILETABLE_DIRECTORY to this operation.
33419 16 No Function %ls is only valid on the varbinary(max) FILESTREAM column in a FileTable.
33420 16 No Unable to process object '%.*s' because it is a three-part or four-part name. Specifying the server or database is not supported in the object identifer.
33421 16 No The object name '%.*s' is not a valid FileTable object.
33422 16 No The column '%.*s' cannot be added to table '%.*s' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable object is not permitted.
33423 16 No Invalid FileTable path name or format.
33424 16 No Invalid computer host name in the FileTable path.
33425 16 No Invalid share name in the FileTable path.
33426 16 No INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE to FileTable '%.*ls' is not allowed inside a trigger on a FileTable.
33427 16 No Function %ls is not allowed on the deleted table inside a trigger.
33428 14 No User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %d.
33429 16 No The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %d does not exist.
33430 10 No Killed %d non-transactional FILESTREAM handles from database ID %d.
33431 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a length of %d, which is longer than the limit of %d allowed for depth %d. Reduce the length of the path locator.
33433 10 No Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %d.
33434 16 No The current state of the database '%.*s' is not compatible with the specified FILESTREAM non-transacted access level. The database may be read only, single user or set to emergency state.
33435 16 No Cannot publish the FileTable '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for FileTable objects.
33436 16 No Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects.
33437 16 No Cannot publish the logbased view '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on FileTable objects.
33438 16 No Cannot enable Change Tracking on the FileTable '%.*ls'. Change Tracking is not supported for FileTable objects.
33439 16 No Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%.*ls', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled.
33440 16 No When inserting into FileTable '%.*ls' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table.
33441 16 No The FileTable '%.*s' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects.
33442 16 No The handle ID %d is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled by the client who originally opened it.
33443 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and Database Mirroring.
33444 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and HADR.
33445 16 No The database '%.*s' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.
33446 16 No The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%.*s'. The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an Always On availability group. Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary database replica, and retry the operation.
33447 16 No Cannot access file_stream column in FileTable '%.*ls', because FileTable doesn't support row versioning. Either set transaction level to something other than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT, or use READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint.
33448 16 No Cannot disable clustered index '%.*ls' on FileTable '%.*ls' because the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is enabled.
33449 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33450 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One or more availability groups ('%ls') currently do not have a listener. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33501 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on tables that contain filestream data. Column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' contains filestream data.
33502 16 No The column '%.*ls' could not be added to table '%.*ls' because the column contains filestream data and the table is referenced by one or more security policies. Filestream columns are not allowed on tables that are referenced by security policies.
33503 16 No BLOCK predicates can only be added to user tables. '%.*ls' is not a user table.
33504 16 No The attempted operation failed because the target object '%.*ls' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. If the operation is performed on a view, the block predicate might be enforced on the underlying table. Modify the operation to target only the rows that are allowed by the block predicate.
33505 16 No Partitioned view '%.*ls' is not updatable because table '%.*ls' has an enabled security policy that defines block predicates for this table.
33506 16 No Only natively compiled inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates on memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized, but function '%.*ls' is not natively compiled. Recreate the function using WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION.
33507 16 No Function '%ls' cannot be used in the definition of BLOCK security predicates. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this table or view to not use this function.
33508 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33509 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for an AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT BLOCK security predicate for this view because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. Modify the AFTER INSERT and AFTER UPDATE BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33510 16 No BLOCK security predicates cannot reference temporal history tables. Table '%.*ls' is a temporal history table.
33511 16 No Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized. Only security policies with schema binding enabled may specify security predicates for memory optimized tables. Create a new security policy with schema binding enabled.
33512 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed with one or more errors, indicating the schema of the predicate function has changed. Update or drop the affected security predicates.
33513 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed, because the predicate function is not an inline table-valued function. Only inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates.
33514 16 No Incorrect parameter encryption metadata was received from the client. The error occurred during the invocation of the batch and therefore the client can refresh the parameter encryption metadata by calling sp_describe_parameter_encryption and retry.
33515 16 No The parameter "%.*ls" does not have the same encryption information as the one it was created with. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the parameter encryption information for the module.
33516 16 No The object '%.*ls' is referenced by the security policy '%.*ls'. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support security policies. Either drop the security policy or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports security policies.
33517 16 No The column '%.*ls' of the object '%.*ls' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted columns. Either remove the encryption from the column or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports encrypted columns.
33518 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33519 16 No An external data source conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in EDS cache in memory. Use alter step to change the location or credential. Drop and re-create to change the EDS name.
33520 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching external data source '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33521 16 No Cannot drop the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33522 16 No Cannot remove the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33523 16 No Cryptographic failure due to insufficient memory.
33524 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to database '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33525 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to server '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33526 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls', as it does not conform to the auditing blob naming convention.
33527 16 No Error occured while initializing the security functions lookup table. This might be because the installation of SQL Server is corrupted and a required file is missing.
34001 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has encountered an error: %s.
34002 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has ended.
34003 16 No Error number %d was encountered while processing an event. The error message is: %s.
34004 16 No Execution mode %d is not a valid execution mode.
34010 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
34011 16 No Specified value for property %s cannot be used with execution mode %d.
34012 16 No Cannot delete %s referenced by a %s.
34013 16 No %s '%s' is referenced by a '%s'. Cannot add another reference.
34014 16 No Facet does not exist.
34015 16 No Policy group %s does not exist.
34016 16 No Invalid target filer: %s. Only filters that restrict the first level below the Server node are allowed.
34017 16 No Automated policies cannot reference conditions that contain script.
34018 16 No Target type "%s" is not a valid target type.
34019 16 No Object "%s" is invalid.
34020 16 No Configuration option "%s" is unknown.
34021 16 No Invalid value type for configuration option "%s". Expecting "%s".
34022 16 No Policy automation is turned off.
34050 16 No %ls
34051 16 No %ls
34052 16 No %ls
34053 16 No %ls
34054 16 No Policy Management cannot be enabled on this edition of SQL Server.
34101 20 Yes An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error.
34102 16 Yes An object in serialized stream has version %u but maximum supported version of this class is %u.
34103 16 Yes Error in formatter during serialize/deserialize. Required to process %d elements but processed only %d elements.
34104 16 No An error was encountered during object serialization operation. The object that failed serialization is %hs.
34901 16 Yes The global lock manager encountered a severe failure.
35001 16 No Parent Server Group does not exist.
35002 16 No Server type and parent Server Group type are not the same
35003 16 No Cannot move node to one of its children
35004 16 No Could not find server group
35005 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_group_id.
35006 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id.
35007 16 No Could not find shared registered server.
35008 16 No Cannot delete system shared server groups.
35009 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type.
35010 16 No An invalid value %d was passed in for parameter @server_type.
35011 16 No The @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name.
35012 16 No You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server.
35100 16 No Error number %d in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 to 2147483647.
35101 16 No One of the SET options FMTONLY or NOEXEC was changes from ON to OFF in a TRY...CATCH block.
35200 16 No Failed to add database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group is created with basic functionality and supports %d database.
35201 10 No A connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or firewall issue exists, or the endpoint address provided for the replica is not the database mirroring endpoint of the host server instance.
35202 10 No A connection for availability group '%ls' from availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls] to '%ls' with id [%ls] has been successfully established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35203 16 No Unable to establish a connection between instance '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] due to a transport version mismatch.
35204 10 No The connection between server instances '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] has been disabled because the database mirroring endpoint was either disabled or stopped. Restart the endpoint by using the ALTER ENDPOINT Transact-SQL statement with STATE = STARTED.
35205 16 No Could not start the Always On Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. If a low memory condition exists, investigate and correct its cause.
35206 10 No A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.
35207 16 No Connection attempt on availability group id '%ls' from replica id '%ls' to replica id '%ls' failed because of error %d, severity %d, state %d.
35208 16 No Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the USE MASTER command, and retry your availability-group DDL command.
35209 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls', because the backup priority value is outside the valid range. The valid range is between %d and %d, inclusive. Set the backup priority to a value within this range, and retry the operation.
35210 16 No Failed to modify options for availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified name. Verify that availability group name and availability replica name are correct, then retry the operation.
35211 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed. The operation attempted to change the configuration of availability replica '%.*ls' to the asynchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover, which is an invalid configuration. Either change the failover mode to manual or the availability mode to synchronous commit, and retry the operation.
35212 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35213 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d automatic failover targets in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the manual failover mode, and retry the operation.
35214 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls'. The minimum value for session timeout is %d. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value.
35215 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed on availability replica '%.*ls', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode.
35216 16 No An error occurred while adding or removing a log truncation holdup to build secondary replica from primary availability database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35217 16 No The thread pool for Always On Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available worker threads. This may degrade Always On Availability Groups performance. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads.
35218 16 No An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35220 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation.
35221 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Enable Always On Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35222 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups does not have permissions to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Disable and re-enable Always On Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35223 16 No Cannot add %d availability replica(s) to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains %d replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %d.
35224 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload the required library functions.
35225 16 No Could not process the operation. The instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support Always On Availability Groups. Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable Always On Availability Groups. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35226 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.
35228 16 No The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified level value is out of the valid range [%u, %u]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value.
35229 16 No The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified timeout value is less than %u milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value.
35230 16 No The specified computer name is either an empty string or is longer than %d Unicode characters. Reenter the command specifying a valid computer name.
35231 16 No The specified server instance name, '%ls', is invalid. Reenter the command specifying a valid instance name.
35232 16 No The specified endpoint URL '%.*ls' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying the endpoint URL for an availability replica, see SQL Server Books Online.
35233 16 No Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group %ls is %d. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying fewer availability replicas.
35234 16 No Database name '%ls' was specified more than once. Reenter the command, specifying each database name only once.
35235 16 No The system name '%ls' was specified more than once in the REPLICA ON clause of this command. Reenter the command, specifying a different instance of SQL Server for each replica.
35236 15 No The endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying the endpoint URL of this instance of SQL Server.
35237 16 No None of the specified replicas for availability group %.*ls maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica.
35238 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this SQL Server instance. Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation.
35239 16 No The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group.
35240 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group '%.*ls'. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group.
35242 16 No Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.
35243 16 No Failed to set resource property '%.*ls' for availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later.
35244 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently joined to another availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35246 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be located (Windows System Error %d). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, the DLL file might be missing from the server instance.
35247 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be loaded (Windows System Error %d).
35248 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. The required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit %d is greater than the %d possible secondary synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing asynchronous-commit replicas to the synchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35249 16 No An attempt to add or join a system database, '%.*ls', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.
35250 16 No The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.
35251 16 No This command can be run only on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the command.
35252 16 No The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command.
35253 16 No Database "%.*ls" is not in the correct state to become the primary database. The log must be restored from the previous primary replica to bring the database out of the reinitializing state.
35254 16 Yes An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online.
35255 16 No An attempt to start database '%.*ls' failed because the database is already started and online.
35256 16 No The session timeout value was exceeded while waiting for a response from the other availability replica in the session. That replica or the network might be down, or the command might be misconfigured. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35257 16 No Always On Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35258 16 No Error in the hadron simulator.
35259 16 No Database '%.*ls' is already participating in a different availability group.
35260 16 No During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation.
35261 16 No Attempt to perform an Always On Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%ls', failed. System databases are not supported by Always On Availability Groups.
35262 10 Yes Skipping the default startup of database '%.*ls' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %d). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35263 16 No During the undo phase, a function call (%ls) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %d). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database.
35264 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been suspended for the following reason: "%S_MSG" (Source ID %d; Source string: '%.*ls'). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For information about how to resume an availability database, see SQL Server Books Online.
35265 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35266 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database established for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35267 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database terminated for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35268 16 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %S_LSN. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups.
35269 21 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will be marked SUSPECT. To return the database to a consistent state, restore it from a clean database backup followed by all subsequent log backups.
35270 10 No Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%ls' message section is invalid.
35271 16 No The availability database %ls in availailability group %ls failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
35272 16 No Either nvalid parameters were supplied for sys.sp_availability_group_command_internal or user does not have permissions to execute this procedure.
35273 10 Yes Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
35274 10 Yes Recovery for availability database '%ls' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from the primary before it complete and come online. Ensure that the server instance that hosts the primary replica is running.
35275 16 Yes A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%.*ls' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation.
35276 17 Yes Failed to allocate and schedule an Always On Availability Groups task for database '%ls'. Manual intervention may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
35277 16 No Automatic failover is not supported for distributed availability group replica.
35278 16 No Availability database '%.*ls', which is in the secondary role, is being restarted to resynchronize with the current primary database. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35279 16 Yes The attempt to join database '%.*ls' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%d'. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica.
35280 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is already joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35281 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35282 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35283 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation.
35284 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command.
35285 10 No The recovery LSN %S_LSN was identified for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35286 16 No Using the recovery LSN %S_LSN stored in the metadata for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35287 16 No Always On Availability Groups transport for availability database "%.*ls" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is %S_LSN. This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error keeps reoccurring, investigate the root cause.
35288 16 No Always On Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%.*ls" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected LSN was %S_LSN. The received LSN was %S_LSN. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error reoccurs, contact Customer Support Services.
35289 16 No Failed to send request for file '%.*ls' to the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35290 16 No Failed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35291 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
35292 16 No An internal error occurred when performing an operation on extended recovery forks. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35293 16 No Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation.
35294 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35295 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN (0x%ls) from the primary database is greater than the current local redo LSN (0x%ls). No log records need to be backed up at this time. Retry the log-backup operation later.
35296 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35297 10 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica created backup files successfully but could not ensure that a backup point has been committed on the primary. This is an informational message only. Preserve this log backup along with the other log backups of this database.
35298 10 No The backup on the secondary database "%.*ls" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly.
35299 10 Yes Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %.*ls for an Always On Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35301 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be unique. Create the columnstore index without the UNIQUE keyword or create a unique index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword.
35302 15 No The statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order.
35303 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index. Consider replacing the clustered columnstore index with a nonclustered columnstore index.
35304 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table that has a nonclustered index. Consider dropping all nonclustered indexes and trying again.
35305 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a view. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on the view, creating a clustered columnstore index on the base table or creating an index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword on the view.
35306 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be specified using INDEX specification at the column level.
35307 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Columnstore index cannot include a computed column implicitly or explicitly.
35308 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be a filtered index. Consider creating a columnstore index without the predicate filter.
35309 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a sparse column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any sparse columns.
35310 15 No The statement failed because columnstore indexes are not allowed on table types and table variables. Remove the column store index specification from the table type or table variable declaration.
35311 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot have included columns. Create the columnstore index on the desired columns without specifying any included columns.
35312 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data.
35313 15 No The statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification.
35314 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns.
35315 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
35316 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index must be partition-aligned with the base table. Create the columnstore index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the base table. If the base table is not partitioned, create a nonpartitioned columnstore index.
35317 15 No The statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35318 15 No The statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35319 15 No The table option DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when a table specifies a clustered column store index.
35320 15 No Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified.
35321 16 No Table '%.*ls' uses a clustered columnstore index. Columnstore indexes are not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
35322 16 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index and the underlying clustered columnstore index must be partition-aligned. Consider creating the nonclustered index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the clustered columnstore index.
35323 16 No The statement failed because adding multiple generated value type columns (such as identity and uniqueidentifier types) at once is not supported for columnstore index. Consider adding the generated columns seperately.
35324 15 No The statement failed because specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB is not allowed when creating a columnstore index without ORDER. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB, or use it with ORDER clause.
35325 15 No The statement failed because the definition of a column belonging to clustered columnstore index cannot be changed. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35326 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a nonclustered columnstore index is not necessary.
35327 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35328 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35329 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not allowed when creating the rowstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the rowstore index without specifying ORDER.
35330 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table that has a nonclustered columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %S_MSG statement, and then rebuilding the columnstore index after %S_MSG has completed.
35331 16 No Cannot use duplicate column names in the ORDER column list. Column name '%.*ls' appears more than once.
35332 16 No Cannot ORDER on more than %d columns.
35334 15 No DBCC DBREINDEX failed because specifying FILLFACTOR is not allowed when creating or rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying FILLFACTOR.
35335 15 No The statement failed because specifying a key list is not allowed when creating a clustered columnstore index. Create the clustered columnstore index without specifying a key list.
35336 15 No The statement failed because specifying key list is missing when creating an index. Create the index with specifying key list .
35337 16 No UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option.
35338 16 No Clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35339 16 No Multiple columnstore indexes are not supported.
35340 16 No LOB columns are disabled in columnstore.
35341 16 No The statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Reduce the precision or omit column '%.*ls'.
35342 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not a valid option for creating the non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the non-clustered columnstore index without specifying ORDER, or create a clustered columnstore index.
35343 15 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index.
35344 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION MERGE operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35345 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either partition contains columnstore index data. Consider dropping the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35346 16 No SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION SPLIT operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35347 16 No The stored procedure 'sp_tableoption' failed because a table with a columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index.
35348 16 No The statement failed because table '%.*ls' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage.
35349 16 No TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%.*ls' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table.
35350 16 No The statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table. Consider dropping the columnstore index before creating a new clustered index.
35351 16 No DROP INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table (heap). Consider dropping the columnstore index before dropping a clustered index.
35352 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed online on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the ONLINE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the ONLINE option.
35353 16 No %s cannot be enabled on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider dropping clustered columnstore index '%s' on table '%s'.
35354 16 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table enabled for %S_MSG. Consider disabling %S_MSG and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35355 16 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision to 18.
35356 16 No This operation is not supported on nonclustered columnstore indexes built in earlier versions of SQL Server. Consider rebuilding the index.
35357 16 No The statement failed because a secondary dictionary reached the maximum size limit. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35358 16 No CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*ls' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider enforcing the logic of the trigger in some other way, or if you must use a trigger, use a heap or B-tree index instead.
35359 16 No The statement failed because a table with a clustered columnstore index cannot have triggers. Consider removing all triggers from the table and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35360 16 No Referential constraint '%.*ls' cannot be created because the %S_MSG table '%.*ls' has a clustered columnstore index.
35361 16 No The statement failed. A clustered columnstore index cannot be created over referencing column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'.
35363 16 No The statement failed because clustered columnstore indexes are not supported in system databases.
35364 16 No ALTER INDEX statement option COMPRESSION_DELAY can only be used with columnstore indexes.
35365 22 No The compression block header at offset %ld is invalid.
35366 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress header is invalid.
35367 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress object header is invalid.
35368 17 No Internal DDL Operation Error: The DDL encountered an unexpected error %d during execution (HRESULT = 0x%x).
35369 16 No GETCHECKSUM can not be used for a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35370 16 No Cursors are not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35371 16 No SNAPSHOT isolation level is not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35372 16 No You cannot create more than one clustered index on %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Consider creating a new clustered index using 'with (drop_existing = on)' option.
35373 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement failed on a clustered columnstore index with error %d. See previous error messages for more details.
35374 16 No Columnstore archive decompression failed with error %d.
35375 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement option COMPRESS_ALL_ROW_GROUPS can only be used with clustered columnstore indexes.
35376 16 No Tuple mover stvf got passed invalid arguments
35377 16 No When MARS is on, accessing clustered columnstore indexes is not allowed.
35378 16 No Row groups stvf got passed invalid arguments
35379 16 No Internal error occurred while flushing delete buffer database id %d, table id %d, index id %d, partition number %d. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log may provide more details.
35380 16 No The non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' cannot be reorganized due to an active snapshot transaction.
35381 22 No The columnstore blob dictionary header is invalid.
35382 16 No The specified COMPRESSION_DELAY option value %d is invalid. The valid range for disk-based table is between (0, 10080) minutes and for memory-optimized table is 0 or between (60, 10080) minutes.
35383 16 No The use of user-defined functions is not allowed in default constraints when adding columns to a columnstore index.
35384 16 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a lob column. Non clustered index with lob column as included column cannot co-exist with clustered columnstore index.
35386 17 No Could not get the memory grant of %I64d KB for columnstore compression because it exceeds the maximum configuration limit of %I64d KB in the current workload group and resource pool. Please rerun query at a higher resource class, and also consider increasing DWU size. See '' for assistance.
35387 17 No TEMPDB ran out of space during spilling. Verify that data is evenly distributed and/or rewrite the query to consume fewer rows. If the issue still persists, consider upgrading to a higher service level objective.
35388 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a persisted computed column. Adding persisted computed columns to an existing clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35389 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column of a LOB type. Columnstore indexes cannot include computed columns of LOB types.
35390 16 No Computed columns in columnstore indexes are temporarily disabled. Please rewrite your query to exclude computed columns.
35392 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Nonclustered index with computed column as key or included column cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index.
35401 10 No ONLINE
35404 16 No sequence
35405 10 No decryption
35406 10 No creation
35409 10 No Replication
35410 10 No Change Tracking
35411 10 No Change Data Capture
35412 16 No CloudDB Async Transport
35413 16 No CloudDB Async Transport Forwarder
35415 10 No mirrored
35417 10 No primary
35418 10 No secondary
35419 16 No feature
35420 16 No operation
35421 16 No statement
35422 16 No index option
35423 16 No table option
35424 16 No operator
35425 16 No value
35426 16 No system column
35427 16 No set option
35428 16 No query hint
35429 16 No transaction isolation level
35430 16 No in-memory index
35431 10 No SCHEDULER
35432 10 No NUMANODE
35433 16 No federation
35434 16 No federation distribution
35435 16 No system database
35436 16 No federation member database
35437 16 No non federation member database
35438 16 No federation root database
35439 10 No it is a system database.
35440 10 No it acts as a distribution database
35441 10 No an internal error occurred
35442 10 No it is involved in a mirroring session. Turn off the mirroring session and try again
35443 10 No it is not in SIMPLE recovery mode. Change the recovery model to SIMPLE and try again
35444 10 No it is a database snapshot
35445 10 No it is a not currently enabled
35446 16 No clause
35447 10 No Cluster Proxy
35448 10 No partition
35449 16 No signing algorithm
35450 16 No table
35451 16 No join hint
35452 10 No Database unavailable
35453 10 No it is a system database. Make sure to target a user database. If you want temporary clustered columnstore tables, consider creating a regular user database for them
35454 10 No a transaction is currently active. Execute sp_db_enable_clustered_columnstores by itself
35455 10 No an internal error occurred
35456 10 No it is involved in a mirroring pair. Consider disabling mirroring, changing the setting, then re-establishing mirroring
35457 10 No it is a database snapshot
35458 10 No it is part of an Always On availability group. Consider removing the database from the availability group, changing the setting, and then adding the database back to the availability group
35459 10 No it is a replication distribution database. Make sure to target a regular user database
35460 10 No it is not using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider temporarily changing to the simple recovery model, then downgrading, then switching back
35461 10 No it contains one or more clustered columnstore indexes. Consider dropping these indexes or creating clustered B-tree indexes instead, and trying again
35462 10 No referencing
35463 10 No referenced
35464 10 No columnstore indexes are not supported in the current SQL Server edition. See SQL Server Books Online for supported editions
35465 17 No Unable to allocate the recovery thread
35466 16 No Exception in the recovery thread
35467 16 No Already linked to a partition host
35468 16 No Partition DB marked as suspect
35469 16 No Failed to get Partition DB attributes
35470 16 No Partition Host
35471 10 No Partition metadata not found
35472 15 No memory optimized tables
35473 15 No natively compiled modules
35474 15 No indexes on memory optimized tables
35475 15 No hash indexes
35476 15 No transactions that access memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules
35477 15 No databases that have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup
35478 16 No truncate
35479 16 No start
35480 16 No stop
35481 15 No memory optimized table types
35482 16 No clustered
35483 16 No nonclustered
35484 16 No BUCKET_COUNT
35485 16 No security policy
35486 15 No memory optimized tables that have a column store index
35487 10 No Global Transactions
35488 15 No natively compiled triggers
35489 16 No Upgrade of Hekaton database
35490 16 No memory optimized tables that have max length columns
35491 16 No max length columns in natively compiled modules
35492 16 No column definition
35493 16 No enabled
35494 16 No disabled
35495 15 No memory optimized table
35496 15 No natively compiled module
35497 15 No module
35498 16 No external data source
35499 16 No OUTPUT clauses in natively compiled modules
35501 15 No schemas that contain natively compiled modules
35502 15 No change_tracking_hardened_cleanup_version()
35503 15 No safe_cleanup_version()
35504 16 No server encryption protector
35505 15 No RESUMABLE
35506 15 No MAX_DURATION
35507 10 No Storage
35508 10 No RESUME
35509 10 No PAUSE
35510 10 No ABORT
36001 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
36002 16 No instance_id already exists in the database.
36003 16 No %s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
36004 16 No DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist.
36005 16 No Dac root - database %s does not exist.
36006 16 No Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table.
36007 16 No Dac Part the policy refers to, does not exist.
36008 16 No Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
36009 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the Dac Parts.
36010 16 No The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
36011 16 No The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated.
36012 10 No Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.\nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%s' context after this procedure finishes:\n%s
36101 16 No Process ID %d is not an active process ID.
37001 16 No This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
37002 16 No Cannot find the database '%s', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
37003 16 No This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server.
37004 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37005 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37006 16 No Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
37007 16 No An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point.
37008 16 No The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role.
37009 16 No The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point.
37010 16 No The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
37101 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not contain elastic job account: '%.*ls'.
37102 16 No Elastic job account '%.*ls' does not contain the resource of type '%.*ls' named '%.*ls'.
37103 16 No Internal job account error occurred : '%.*ls'.
37104 16 No A job account already exists for subscription '%.*ls' for the selected region.
37105 16 No The job account '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' already exists.
37106 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is in use by job account '%.*ls'. The database cannot be deleted or renamed while associated with a job account.
37107 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' has service level objective '%.*ls' which is not supported for use as a job account database.
38001 16 No Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
38002 16 No Only users having %s permission can execute this stored procedure.
39001 16 No Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39002 16 No SQL failed to boot extensibility for error code 0x%lx.
39003 10 No SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39004 16 No A '%s' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39005 10 No STDOUT message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39006 10 No External script execution status: %.*ls.
39007 16 No The specified language ': %.*ls' is not supported/configured.
39008 16 No Invlid Parameter name '%ls' specified for Procedure. This clashes with internal parameters.
39009 16 No Output parameter in external script execution is not yet supported.
39010 16 No External script execution encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x).
39011 16 No SQL Server was unable to communicate with the LaunchPad service. Please verify the configuration of the service.
39012 16 No Unable to communicate with the runtime for '%s' script. Please check the requirements of '%s' runtime.
39013 16 No SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%s' runtime. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39014 16 No Parallelism in external script execution is not yet supported.
39015 16 No SELECT INTO statement is not supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39016 16 No The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
39017 16 No Input data query returns column #%d of type '%ls' which is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39018 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39019 10 No An external script error occurred: %.*ls%.*ls
39020 16 No Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
39021 16 No Unable to launch runtime for '%s' script. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39022 10 No STDERR message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39023 16 No 'sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable it.
39024 16 No Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
39025 16 No External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully started.
39026 16 No The parameter name 'r_rowsPerRead' is specified multiple times in 'sp_execute_external_script' call. The name 'r_rowsPerRead' is reserved for specifying streaming behavior only.
39027 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' was specified multiple times to sp_execute_external_script stored procedure.
39031 16 No Cannot parse the output schema of the builtin function 'PREDICT'.
39032 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameters in the form of 'name = value'.
39033 16 No The parameter name '%.*ls' has already been declared. Parameter names must be unique in a PREDICT function call.
39034 16 No The parameter 'PARAMETERS' in PREDICT function contains a definition that doesn't match the supplied arguments.
39035 16 No The function PREDICT has too many arguments supplied.
39036 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameter '%.*ls' which was not supplied.
39037 16 No The function PREDICT contains a parameter '%.*ls' that has an invalid type.
39038 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameter 'PARAMETERS' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
39039 16 No Error converting the parameter value for '%.*ls' to '%.*ls'.
39040 16 No The function 'PREDICT' does not support SQL identifier or variable for 'PARAMETERS'.
39041 16 No The parameter 'PARAMETERS' has an invalid definition.
39042 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the library source parameter %d is not a valid expression.
39043 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because filename '%.*ls' is too long.
39044 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39045 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39046 16 No CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist.
39047 16 No External library '%.*ls' already exists for owner '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'.
39048 16 No Failed to %s external library '%ls': %ls.
39049 10 No Message(s) from 'PREDICT' engine: %.*ls%.*ls
39050 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Out of memory.
39051 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model is corrupt or invalid.
39052 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model type is unsupported.
39092 16 No Initialization of native scoring libraries failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
39093 16 No 'PREDICT' function does not take parameters of varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) type except for 'MODEL' parameter.
39094 16 No 'PREDICT' function only supports models smaller than 100 MB.
39096 16 No Execution failed because its WITH clause specified different output columns from what 'PREDICT' function tries to return. The schema returned by 'PREDICT' function is '%ls'.
39097 16 No Input data column #%d is of type '%ls' which is not supported by 'PREDICT' function. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39098 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39099 16 No Feature or option 'PREDICT' is not yet implemented. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature or option.
40000 16 No Replicated tables support only local (non-DTC) two-phase commit involving the master database.
40001 16 No Secondary kill was initiated during commit.
40002 16 No Replicated row is not found.
40003 16 No Unexpected operation in replicated message.
40004 16 No Column count does not match.
40005 16 No Duplicated transaction id.
40006 16 No Unknown transaction id.
40007 16 No Invalid nesting level.
40008 16 No Replication target database is not found.
40009 16 No Transaction state locally does not match the expected state.
40010 16 No Replicated transactions across databases are not allowed.
40011 16 No Replicated target table %ld is not found.
40012 16 No Replicated target index %ld on table %ld is not found.
40013 16 No Replicated target schema %.*ls is not found.
40014 16 No Multiple databases can not be used in the same transaction.
40015 16 No This functionality is not supported on replicated tables.
40016 16 No The partitioning key column '%.*ls' must be one of the keys of '%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls' index.
40017 16 No Partition key can not be changed.
40018 16 No Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range.
40019 16 No The partition key column '%.*ls' of table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group.
40020 16 No The database is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40021 16 No The low and high keys specified for the partition are invalid. Low must be less than high.
40022 16 No A partition with overlapping key ranges already exists.
40023 16 No The name %s is too long.
40024 16 No The last committed CSN (%d, %I64d) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%d, %I64d).
40025 16 No The transaction was aborted during commit due to a database state transition.
40028 16 No The tablegroup name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not valid.
40029 16 No Replicated tables can have at most %d columns.
40030 16 No Can not perform replica operation because the replica does not exist in local partition map.
40031 16 No The partition key column for table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is undefined.
40032 16 No Unsupported use of LOB in online index build.
40033 16 No Attempted CSN epoch switch is not allowed. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40034 16 No CSN being added must be equal last CSN+1. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40035 16 No CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40036 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition.
40037 16 No The epoch being started must not have been used. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40038 16 No Can not get ack to rollback replication message.
40039 16 No Can not get ack to commit replication message.
40040 16 No Failed to initiate VDI Client for physical seeding.
40041 16 No Corrupted column status.
40042 16 No Corrupted column length.
40043 16 No Corrupted variable data. Actual remaining bytes is %d, expected %d bytes.
40044 16 No Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %d, expected %d bytes.
40045 16 No Message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40046 16 No The minimum required message version %d for message type %d is unsupported.
40047 16 No Invalid use of parent transaction.
40048 16 No Corrupted fragmented row flow sequence.
40049 16 No Corrupted fragmented row.
40050 16 No Corrupted LOB row.
40051 16 No Use of UPDATETEXT on replicated tables is not supported.
40052 16 No Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables.
40053 16 No Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %ld.
40054 16 No Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again.
40056 16 No Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated.
40057 16 No Table is not enabled for replication.
40058 16 No Unsupported replicated table usage option. Refer to the state to identify the cause.
40060 16 No Attempt to replicate out of partition already locked for internal use.
40061 16 No Unknown rowset id.
40062 16 No Incorrect replica role transition.
40063 16 No Replica is not found.
40064 16 No Attempt to add a CSN to an invalid CSN vector. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40065 16 No CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40066 16 No Transport destination is not found.
40067 16 No Corrupted row sequence.
40068 16 No Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction.
40069 16 No Could not obtain rowset interface.
40070 16 No CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%d,%I64d), the remote CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40071 16 No This partition does not have enough valid secondaries to start a DML transaction. The needed count is %ld, the current counts are %ld (main quorum) and %ld (transient quorum).
40072 16 No Corrupted rowset metadata sequence.
40073 16 No Partitioned tables are not supported.
40074 16 No Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys.
40075 16 No Column schema mismatch for rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld.
40076 16 No Too few columns from remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls.
40077 16 No Remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld is not found locally.
40078 16 No The persisted queue logging has failed.
40079 16 No A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally.
40080 16 No Corrupted (too long) packed row.
40081 16 No Cardinality of index should not be less then zero.
40082 16 No Induced exception for testing purposes.
40083 16 No Corrupted CSN vector.
40084 16 No Multiple modifications to CSN vector in the same transaction are not supported.
40085 16 No The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start.
40086 16 No Primary hit an error with this secondary.
40087 16 No Replica with the specified version is not found.
40088 16 No CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch range. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40089 16 No The index configuration for table %ld index %ld does not match the source.
40090 16 No The primary partition is in transition and the transaction can not commit.
40091 16 No Truncation CSN is mismatched. The truncation CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40092 16 No This index %ld state for table %ld does not match the source.
40093 16 No Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried.
40094 16 No Incompatible key metadata change. The scan can not be resumed.
40095 13 No Replication transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried.
40096 16 No Critical replication task could not start. State is %d.
40097 16 No The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue.
40098 16 No Mismatched partition id found in the transaction log.
40099 16 No Invalid nested transaction count found in the transaction log.
40101 16 No The partition does not have persisted queues enabled.
40102 16 No The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state.
40103 16 No The partition can not be changed inside a persisted object.
40104 16 No Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%.*ls'.
40105 16 No The local partition map for database %.*ls is starting up in reduced functionality mode because of log full. Pending partition deletes will not be processed until the log is truncated.
40106 16 No The schema scope set in the session is not the current schema scope for the current partition. Please rerun your query.
40108 16 No The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key.
40109 16 No Number of parameters specified for procedure or function %.*ls is incorrect.
40110 16 Yes Cannot scope database %s for sp_cloud_scope_database spec proc because it is already set up as a partition database.
40111 16 Yes Unable to delete partition DB id %d.
40126 16 Yes The partition database was not found during pending schema scope cleanup, deleting partition metadata only (%d, %s).
40127 16 Yes %S_MSG database '%.*ls' link up with the %S_MSG database %d encountered the error: %S_MSG.
40128 16 Yes Cannot pair database '%.*ls' with fabric because it is not a partition host.
40129 16 Yes %S_MSG database link up with the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' encountered the error: %ls.
40130 16 No Replication quorum parameter is %d. It should be >= 1 and <= 32.
40131 16 No Partition key type '%.*ls' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported currently.
40132 16 No Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions.
40133 15 No This operation is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40134 16 No get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction.
40135 15 No This system metadata view is not supported.
40136 15 No Could not disable versioning because the database is not in single user mode.
40137 15 No Could not refresh options for all scoped databases.
40138 16 No Query references entities from multiple partitions.
40139 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition.
40140 16 No Set partition failed since a different partition already was set in the current transaction. Cross partition operations within a node are not reliable or supported.
40141 16 No Partition has to be set using sp_set_partition before executing this query.
40142 16 No Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed.
40143 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary.
40144 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
40145 16 No Database is not found.
40146 16 No Table group object is not found.
40147 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' is only for CloudDB.
40148 16 No The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN.
40149 16 No The database does not host any partitions.
40150 16 No Downgrading the severity of error %d, severity %d, state %d because it would cause the server to be shutdown on a non-critical error.
40151 16 No Partition is in transactionally inconsistent state.
40152 16 No Partition delete expects no context transaction.
40153 16 No The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master.
40154 16 No Cannot use sp_cloud_add_partition or sp_cloud_delete_partition within a transaction when Partition DB are enabled.
40155 16 Yes Invalid arguments provided to sp_cloud_add_partition spec proc (%s).
40156 16 Yes Drop is not allowed on the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' as it contains partitions. Drop the partition before the operation.
40157 16 No Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported.
40158 16 No Could not change database collation for database id %d.
40159 16 No Database scoping cannot be run inside a transaction.
40160 16 No Heartbeat message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40161 16 No Invalid partition type. Only 1 or 2 is supported.
40162 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent.
40163 16 No Become nothing expects no context transaction.
40164 16 No Idempotent flush expects no context transaction.
40165 16 No Prepare for full commit expects no context transaction.
40166 16 No A CloudDB reconfiguration is going on and all new user transactions are aborted.
40167 21 Yes A paired CloudDB fabric node failed and database %d must be shutdown.
40168 16 No SILO_TO_PDB: Partition copy is disabled in M1.
40169 16 No Waiting for database copy sync with %s.%s has failed. Please make sure the database is in the CATCH_UP state and try again later.
40170 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has failed.
40171 16 No Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64).
40172 16 No The partition is not in a state that allows deletion.
40173 16 No This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process.
40174 16 No The partition is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40175 16 No Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction.
40176 16 No Rename a partition can not be used in a transaction.
40177 16 No The new table group does not match the existing table group for the renaming partition.
40178 16 No A partition with same name already exists.
40179 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the server is not ready to pair.
40180 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the database is already paired.
40181 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('%.*ls') could not be opened. Error code: %d
40182 16 Yes The schema scope %ld being created is not empty.
40183 16 Yes Could not create database side pairing mutex for database ('%.*ls'). Error code: %d
40184 16 No Login failed. A system operation is in progress, and the database is not accepting user connections.
40185 16 No Secondary failure report expects no context transaction.
40186 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition with the requested version.
40187 16 No The metadata record for the partition does not exist.
40188 16 No Failed to update database "%.*ls" because it is switched to read-only to enforce disaster recovery RPO.
40189 16 No The resource quota for the current database has been exceeded and this request has been aborted. Please rerun your request in the next quota window. %s
40190 16 No A context transaction is required.
40191 16 Yes Cannot create partition DB (%s).
40192 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has been cancelled.
40193 16 No The maximum allowed number of database is already paired.
40194 16 No Table %s has a partition key already. Explicitly specifying a new partition key is not allowed. Please use "Alter table".
40195 16 No %ls FOR SID command is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40196 16 No A varbinary can not be longer than max length specified.
40197 16 No The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code %d.
40198 16 No Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder.
40199 16 No There should be no context transaction when entering the forwarder pending state.
40201 16 No Destination server name is too long.
40202 16 No Corrupted composite message.
40203 16 No Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint.
40204 16 No Dispatch sequence number maintenance failure
40205 16 No Maximum transport queue size reached.
40206 16 No Heartbeat lease time is less than the heartbeat worker interval.
40207 16 No Async transport test failed.
40208 16 No Corrupted received message format.
40209 17 No Duplicate destination id.
40210 16 No Cluster name has not been set.
40301 16 No Invalid lock mode or resource received in lock request.
40302 16 No Invalid identity value.
40303 16 No Enter idempotent sequence.
40304 16 No Target object %ld is not found.
40305 16 No The current object is not a relation.
40306 16 No Cannot create an index %ld on object %ld.
40307 16 No Cannot find index %ld on object %ld.
40308 16 No Metadata replication protocol error.
40309 16 No Partition %ld is not found
40310 16 No Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported.
40311 16 No Switching out partitions not supported.
40312 16 No Inconsistent index build state.
40313 16 No Not all rowsets could be deleted.
40314 16 No Identity column not found on object %ld.
40501 20 No The service is currently busy. Retry the request after 10 seconds. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40502 16 No Duplicate group id settings specified.
40503 16 No Database field %ls contains invalid value '%.*ls'. Expected data type %ls.
40504 16 No Switching Databases is not supported. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database.
40505 16 No Incorrect user credentials.
40506 16 No Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server.
40507 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server.
40508 16 No USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different database.
40509 16 No Upgrade of SAWA v1 database fails. Check the metadata of the database before re-running the upgrade.
40510 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40511 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40512 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40513 16 No Server variable '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40514 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40515 16 No Reference to database and/or server name in '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40516 16 No Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40517 16 No Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40518 16 No DBCC command '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40519 16 No Invalid value '%.*ls' of login field in gateway magic syntax.
40520 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40521 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in the server scope in this version of SQL Server.
40522 16 No Database principal '%.*ls' type is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40523 16 No Implicit user '%.*ls' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it.
40524 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40525 16 No 'WITH %ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40526 16 No '%.*ls' rowset provider not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40527 16 No Linked servers are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40528 16 No Users cannot be mapped to Windows logins in this version of SQL Server.
40529 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' in impersonation context is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40530 16 No The %.*ls statement must be the only statement in the batch.
40531 11 No Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%.*ls). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match.
40532 11 No Cannot open server "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40533 16 No Server '%.*ls' already exists.
40534 16 No A valid SID is already associated with the database owner.
40535 16 No Properties for schema scope '%.*ls' already exist.
40536 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40537 16 No User '%.*ls' not found in the database.
40538 16 No A valid URL beginning with 'https://' is required as value for any filepath specified.
40539 16 No Windows Azure Storage credential '%.*ls' was not found.
40540 16 No Transaction was aborted as database is moved to read-only mode. This is a temporary situation and please retry the operation.
40541 16 No Procedure cannot be called from inside a partition.
40542 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
40543 16 No Invalid %S_MSG name specified. Length should be between 1 and %d.
40544 20 No The database '%.*ls' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
40545 20 No The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40546 16 No Cannot create UCS task pool
40548 16 No Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in database '%.*ls' is not permitted.
40549 16 No Session is terminated because you have a long running transaction. Try shortening your transaction.
40550 16 No The session has been terminated because it has acquired too many locks. Try reading or modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40551 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive TEMPDB usage. Try modifying your query to reduce temporary table space usage.
40552 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40553 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive memory usage. Try modifying your query to process fewer rows.
40554 10 No Exiting because of XEvent %ls.
40555 16 No '%ls' is not supported for this database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40558 16 No Error - cannot perform checkpoint on a partition database before loading partition information.
40559 16 No File based statement options are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40561 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or target database does not exist.
40562 16 No Database copy failed. The source database has been dropped.
40563 16 No Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped.
40564 16 No Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.</value>
40565 16 No Database copy failed. No more than 1 concurrent database copy from the same source is allowed. Please drop target database and try again later.
40566 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40567 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40568 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or the target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40569 16 No Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40570 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40571 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40572 16 No Cannot obtain primary partition lock for CloudDB auto partition upgrade.
40573 16 No Cannot upgrade CloudDB auto partitions in database '%.*ls' because the physical database is read only.
40574 16 No Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server.
40575 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40576 16 No Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection.
40577 16 No The constraint '%ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40578 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a filtered connection.
40579 16 No DML statements are not supported on non-federated tables in a filtered connection.
40580 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40581 16 No Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder.
40582 16 No Federation member metadata for a database cannot be changed when there are logically filtered secondaries attached (split is running).
40583 16 No Federation member does not exist for the given member id and federation root
40584 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40585 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the forwarder for this partition.
40586 16 No Replicas with deferred commit enabled cannot be a member of a quorum.
40587 16 No Deferred commit is only supported with forwarder replicas.
40588 16 No Cannot create partition worker pool
40589 16 No Replicas that are not enabled for deferred commit cannot specify RPO.
40590 16 No The Gpm is in rebuild and cannot be accessed as it is not yet consistent.
40591 16 No Extended event configuration could not be initialized. The error is %ls.
40592 16 No Extended event session '%ls' could not be created or altered. XE Error %d.%d state:%d.
40593 16 No Extended event session '%ls' returned error '%ls'.
40594 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been started.
40595 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been altered.
40596 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been stopped.
40597 16 No A federation root database cannot be read only.
40598 16 No A federation member cannot be read only.
40599 16 No This type of KILL is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database; Only 'KILL session ID [WITH STATUSONLY]' and 'KILL UOW' are supported.
40601 16 No Server Admin user already exists.
40602 16 No Could not create login. Please try again later.
40603 16 No Cannot execute procedure because current user is not Gateway.
40604 16 No Could not %.*ls because it would exceed the quota of the server.
40605 16 No There is no route from the source cluster '%ls' to the target cluster '%ls'.
40606 16 No Databases cannot be attached in this version of SQL Server.
40607 16 No Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40608 10 No This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40609 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid IPv4 address.
40610 16 No The IP address that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40611 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of 128 firewall rules.
40612 16 No Spec proc was executed against a silo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects.
40613 17 No Database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%.*ls'.
40614 16 No Start IP address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IP address.
40615 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%.*ls' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
40616 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name in this version of SQL Server.
40617 16 No The firewall rule name that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40618 16 No The firewall rule name cannot be empty.
40619 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database data max size '%.*ls'.
40620 16 No The login failed for user "%.*ls". The password change failed. Password change during login is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40621 16 No metric type
40622 16 No metric data
40623 20 No Reauthentication failed for login "%.*ls". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login.
40624 16 No Operation is not allowed because server '%.*ls' is disabled.
40625 17 No Provisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) Windows Azure SQL Database servers and databases is currently disabled. This most frequently occurs for brief periods during system maintenance.
40626 20 No The ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%.*ls', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity.
40627 20 No Operation on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40628 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is read-only. Please contact your Windows Azure service owner. There may be billing related issues with your Windows Azure account.
40629 16 No An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%.*ls'. Specify a valid maxsize value.
40630 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short.
40631 16 No The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %d characters.
40632 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
40633 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.
40634 16 No This stored procedure can only be executed in the master database.
40635 16 No Client with IP address "%.*ls" is temporarily blocked.
40636 16 No Cannot use reserved database name '%.*ls' in this operation.
40637 17 No Database copy is currently disabled.
40638 16 No Invalid subscription id '%.*ls'. Subscription does not exist.
40639 16 No Request does not conform to schema: %.*ls.
40640 20 No The server encountered an unexpected exception.
40641 16 No Location '%.*ls' cannot be found.
40642 17 No The server is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40643 16 No The specified x-ms-version header value is invalid.
40644 14 No Failed to authorize access to the specified subscription.
40645 16 No Servername "%.*ls" cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40646 16 No Subscription ID cannot be empty.
40647 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' does not have the server '%.*ls'.
40648 17 No Too many requests have been performed. Please retry later.
40649 16 No Invalid content-type is specified. Only application/xml is supported.
40650 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few minutes and then try the operation again.
40651 16 No Failed to create server because the subscription '%.*ls' is disabled.
40652 16 No Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%.*ls' will exceed server quota.
40653 16 No Could not find database '%.*ls' at time '%.*ls' that can be restored.
40654 16 No Specified subregion '%.*ls' is invalid.
40655 16 No Database 'master' cannot be restored.
40656 16 No Quota for maximum number of concurrent restores has been exceeded.
40657 16 No Restore is not enabled on the server.
40658 16 No Quota for number of restores has been exceeded.
40659 16 No Could not successfully restore database because the maximum duration for processing a restore has elapsed.
40660 16 No Could not successfully restore database. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40661 16 No Restore has been cancelled by a system administrator.
40662 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40663 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete.
40664 16 No Database 'master' cannot be copied.
40665 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported collation.
40666 16 No '%.*ls' is a unicode-only collation and cannot be a default collation for a database.
40667 15 No Specifying a LOGIN is not allowed in a federation member.
40668 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid user name or you do not have permission.
40669 17 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
40670 16 No The http header 'ocp-resourceprovider-registered-uri' is missing from the request or is invalid. To continue, provide a valid value for the header.
40671 17 No Unable to '%.*ls' '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'. Please retry the connection later.
40672 16 No The service objective assignment for a database cannot be changed more than once per %d hour(s). Please retry the operation %d hour(s) after the last service objective assignment completed for this database.
40673 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the server name, database name and activity ID.
40674 16 No Service objective creation or assignment is not permitted for this subscription.
40675 16 No The service is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40677 16 No The operation for the request uri '%.*ls' was not found. To continue, please provide a valid request uri.
40678 16 No Invalid value for header '%.*ls'. The header must contain a single valid GUID.
40679 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in a replication relationship.
40680 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is in a replication relationship.
40681 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is a replication target.
40682 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is a replication target.
40683 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not a replication target.
40684 16 No A seeding operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40685 16 No A terminate operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40686 16 No The operation is currently not supported.
40687 16 No The operation cannot be performed on the database '%ls' in its current state.
40688 16 No The databases '%ls' in server '%ls' and '%ls' in server '%ls' are already in a replication relation.
40689 16 No Replication limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d replication relationships.
40690 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the replication source and target databases have different names. The source and target databases must have the same name.
40691 16 No Replication target cannot be created in the same server as source.
40692 16 No The alter database '%ls' failed to initiate because there are operations pending on the database. After the pending operations are complete, try again.
40693 16 No The current operation cannot be initiated while a replication operation is in progress. You can rename the database only after the replication operation has stopped.
40694 16 No The seeding operation cannot be initiated on a replication target database.
40695 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database is currently a Federation root or member database.
40696 16 No sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync failed because the current database is not the primary database involved in a replication relationship with the specified target server '%s' and database '%s'.
40697 16 No Login failed for user '%.*ls'.
40698 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be performed on a free database.
40699 16 No You cannot create a user with password in this version of SQL Server
40701 16 No XML format used for specifying rules is invalid. %.*ls.
40702 16 No Failed to parse XML rules.
40703 16 No Invalid attribute name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40704 16 No Invalid element name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40705 16 No Invalid Feature type '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40706 16 No Feature name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40707 16 No Invalid index value '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40708 16 No Invalid param count '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40709 16 No operator attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40711 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40712 16 No Invalid usage of %.*ls.
40713 16 No Invalid values supplied for <parameter> element in %.*ls.
40714 16 No Out of memory.
40715 16 No Invalid operator type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40716 16 No Invalid input type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40717 16 No index attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40718 16 No one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40719 16 No Failed to get %s lock on %s rules.
40720 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' already exists.
40721 16 No Only one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40722 16 No Failed to clear proc cache.
40723 16 No Rule name cannot exceed more than %d characters.
40724 16 No Unexpected Operator attribute in %.*ls.
40801 16 No Operation ALTER USER WITH LOGIN failed. User provided login does not match the login in the federation root database for the user provided username.
40802 16 No A service objective assignment on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is already in progress. Please wait until the service objective assignment state for the database is marked as 'Completed'.
40803 16 No The server '%.*ls' has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40804 16 No The specified service objective '%.*ls' is invalid.
40805 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the activity ID.
40806 16 No The request to retrieve subscription information has timed out. Please try again later.
40807 16 No Could not retrieve subscription information for subscription id: %.*ls, after %d attempts. Please try again later.
40808 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the service objective '%.*ls'.
40809 16 No No rows found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40810 16 No More than one row found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40811 16 No Operation '%.*ls' for database '%.*ls' cannot be cancelled as it has already completed.
40812 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be dropped as create operation is in progress. The create operation will be cancelled.
40813 16 No Could not set database as writable because the database is Premium (suspended).
40814 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation root.
40815 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation member.
40816 16 No Could not change database edition to Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40817 16 No Could not change database edition from Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40818 16 No The replication operation on database '%ls' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again after the pending operations have completed.
40820 16 No The server has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40821 16 No Federations are not supported on a Premium database.
40822 16 No This feature is not available for the selected database's edition (%ls).
40823 16 No Invalid proxy override option supplied.
40824 16 No ProxyOverrideSupport feature switch is not turned ON.
40825 16 No Unable to complete request now. Please try again later.
40827 16 No The operation is not supported for your subscription offer type.
40838 16 No Replication relationship limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than one non-readable secondary.
40839 16 No Connection to a non-readable secondary database is not allowed. See '' for more information.
40840 16 No Target region '%ls' is not a DR paired Azure region. See '' for more information.
40841 16 No Friendly termination of a non-readable replication relationship is not supported.
40842 16 No Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%ls' is currently not allowed. See '' for more information
40843 16 No Non-readable secondary is not supported for database copy.
40844 16 No Database '%ls' on Server '%ls' is a '%ls' edition database in an elastic pool and cannot have a replication relationship.
40847 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota of %d.
40848 16 No The source database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have higher performance level than the target database '%ls'.'%ls'. Upgrade the performance level on the target before upgrading source.
40849 16 No The target database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have lower performance level than the source database '%ls'.'%ls'. Downgrade the performance level on the source before downgrading target.
40850 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Standard for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40851 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Basic for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40852 16 No Cannot open database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Access to the database is only allowed using a security-enabled connection string.
40854 16 No Partner server '%ls' is not compatible with server '%ls.'
40855 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in '%ls' state on the replication relationship.
40856 16 No Could not change database edition for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40857 16 No Elastic pool not found for server: '%ls', elastic pool name: '%ls'.
40858 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' already exists in server: '%ls'
40859 16 No Elastic pool does not support database edition '%ls'.
40860 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' and service level objective '%ls' combination is invalid.
40861 16 No The database edition '%ls' cannot be different than the elastic pool service tier which is '%ls'.
40862 16 No Elastic pool name must be specified if the elastic pool service objective is specified.
40863 16 No Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
40864 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool must be at least (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40865 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40866 16 No Max size (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid max size.
40867 16 No The DTU max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40868 16 No The DTU max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40869 16 No The DTU max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40870 16 No The DTU min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40871 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40872 16 No DTU value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid dtu value.
40873 16 No The number of databases (%d) and DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTUs of the elastic pool (%d).
40874 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40875 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40876 16 No Elastic pools are not available in this region.
40877 16 No The elastic pool is not empty.
40878 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40879 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40880 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in gigabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40881 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' has reached its database count limit. The database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40882 16 No Can not change SLO from DataWarehouse edition to other SQL DB editions and vice versa.
40883 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' specified is invalid. It must be a slo supported by DataWarehouse edition.
40884 16 No New service level objective '%.*ls' has (%d) physical databases and it is not compatible with current service level objective which has (%d) physical databases.
40885 16 No Failed to deactivate database.
40886 16 No Failed to change service level objective for database.
40887 16 No Failed to activate database.
40888 16 No Update service level objective for database feature is disabled.
40889 16 No The DTUs or storage limit for the elastic pool '%.*ls' cannot be decreased since that would not provide sufficient storage space for its databases.
40890 16 No The elastic pool is busy with another operation.
40891 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTU max per database (%d).
40892 16 No Cannot connect to database when it is paused.
40893 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully created or was deleted before the data copy link operation completed.
40894 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.
40895 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully deleted before completion of copy.
40896 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to ID %s was not successfully dropped.
40897 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40898 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40899 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in megabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40900 16 No The service tier for an elastic pool cannot be changed.
40901 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40902 16 No Amount of pool storage cannot be specified when creating a Premium elastic pool.
40903 20 No The server '%.*ls' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40904 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Edition %s quota of %d.
40905 16 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Azure SQL Database Servers of version '%.*ls' at this time. This location only supports the following server versions: '%.*ls'. Please retry using a supported server version.
40906 16 No A service objective change cannot start for database %s on server %s while it is also running for database %s on server %s.
40907 16 No Servers involved in a Disaster Recovery Configuration cannot reside in the same location
40908 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration already exists for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40909 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40910 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for server '%.*ls' and virtual endpoint '%.*ls'
40911 16 No Server '%.*ls' is not the secondary in the Disaster Recovery Configuration and cannot initiate a failover
40912 16 No The value for custom backup retention in days must be between %d and %d
40913 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of %d Virtual Network firewall rules.
40914 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client from a Virtual Network with Service Tunneling is not allowed to access the server.
40915 16 No Secondary server specified in a Failover Group cannot reside in the same region
40916 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' already exists on server '%.*ls'
40917 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' does not exist on server '%.*ls'
40918 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' is busy with another operation and cannot perform '%.*ls' operation. Please try again later
40919 16 No The server '%.*ls' is currently the primary server in the Failover Group and cannot initate failover
40920 16 No The database '%.*ls' is already included in another Failover Group
40921 16 No The operation to add database '%.*ls' to Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40922 16 No The operation to remove database '%.*ls' from Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40923 16 No The database '%.*ls' is a secondary in an existing geo-replication relationship and cannot be added to the Failover Group
40924 16 No The operation cannot be performed due to multiple errors: '%.*ls'
40925 16 No Can not connect to the database in its current state.
40926 16 No The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.
40927 16 No The endpoint '%.*ls' is already in use. Use a different Failover Group name.
40928 16 No Create or update Failover Group operation successfully completed; however, some of the databases could not be added to or removed from Failover Group: '%.*ls'
40929 16 No The source database '%ls.%ls' cannot have higher edition than the target database '%ls.%ls'. Upgrade the edition on the target before upgrading source.
40930 16 No The target database '%ls.%ls' cannot have lower edition than the source database '%ls.%ls'. Downgrade the edition on the source before downgrading target.
40931 16 No Failover Group name '%.*ls' cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40932 16 No The elastic pool cannot change its service tier since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.
40933 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database tempdb max size '%.*ls'.
41000 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41001 16 No Failed to obtain local computer name (Error code %d). The supplied buffer may be too small, or there is a system error. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the operating system documentation.
41002 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41003 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41004 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group handle for cluster group with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41005 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41006 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41007 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41008 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41009 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41010 16 No Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41011 16 No Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41012 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41013 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource enumeration handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41014 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41015 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d) for node '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41016 16 No Failed to remove a node from the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41017 16 No Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41018 16 No Failed to move a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group to the local node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41019 16 No Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41020 16 No Failed to find a String property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41021 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41022 16 No Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41023 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change handle is invalid because a WSFC notification port has not been created or has been closed. Create a new WSFC notification port and retry the operation.
41024 16 No Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41025 16 No Failed to receive Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41026 10 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%ls'. The WSFC group with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a group name that is unique in the cluster.
41027 16 No Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %d). SQL Server may not have sufficient resources to start the WSFC change listener. If the condition persists, the SQL Server instance may need to be restarted.
41028 16 No Failed to open Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry root key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41029 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource registry key '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41030 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. If the corresponding availability group has been dropped, this error is expected. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41031 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41032 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41033 16 No Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41034 16 No Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41035 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41036 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41037 16 No Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41038 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster object enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41039 16 No An availability group replica already exists on the node '%.*ls'. Each node can contain only one replica of an availability group. Please choose another node to host the new replica.
41040 16 No Failed to remove the availability group replica '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.
41041 16 No SQL Server instance to cluster node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '%.*ls' and group ID '%.*ls'. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation.
41042 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation.
41043 16 No For availability group '%.*ls', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a resource ID, a group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41044 16 No Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be found. The availability group name may be incorrect. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify the availability group exists and that the availability group name is correct and then retry the operation.
41045 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a database with the same name in the availability group. Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct.
41046 16 No Cannot add replica '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability group. Please verify the replica and availability group names specified are correct.
41047 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node state for the local WSFC node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41048 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41049 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41050 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41051 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41052 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41053 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41054 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41055 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41056 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the node. Each node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
41057 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%ls'. The WSFC resource with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a resource name that is unique in the cluster.
41058 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41059 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. The local replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41060 16 No The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group data in the WSFC store may have been modified outside SQL Server, or the data is corrupt. If the error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41061 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41062 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was offline, or while the WSFC node was down. To resolve this error, drop the availability group and then recreate it.
41063 16 No Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID '%.*ls' was online when the availability group was not actually online. The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with the availability group state failed (Error code: %d). For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41064 16 No Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%.*ls' (Error code: %d). The WSFC group might be in state that cannot accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41065 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID: '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC resource is not in a state that can accept the request. Wait for the WSFC resource to enter a terminal state, and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41066 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%.*ls') online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41067 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41068 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41069 16 No The existence of availability group data for the availability group '%.*ls' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store could not be determined. The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations. Verify that the local WSFC node is up before retrying the operation.
41070 16 No Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%.*ls' is not found in the WSFC data store. The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations before retrying the current operation.
41071 16 No Cannot read the persisted configuration of Always On availability group with corresponding resource ID '%.*ls'. The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availability replica. Upgrade the local SQL Server instance to allow the local availability replica to become a secondary replica.
41072 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store does not exist in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. To resolve this error, try to recreate the availability group.
41073 16 No The database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. This database does not belong to the availability group.
41074 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41075 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the resolving role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41076 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41077 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41078 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation.
41079 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls'), because the WSFC group does not exist. Specify a valid WSFC group ID or name and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5013 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41080 16 No Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41081 16 No Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41082 16 No Failed to obtain the name of local Windows Server Failover Cluster (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41083 16 No Failed to obtain the cluster quorum resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41084 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41085 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41086 16 No Failed to retrieve the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' registry value exists in the WSFC registry hive.
41087 16 No Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' is in the format outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 947713 ("The implications of using the /forcequorum switch to start the Cluster service in Windows Server 2008").
41088 16 No Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41089 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41090 10 No Failed to update Replica status due to exception %d.
41091 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41092 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is going offline because %ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41093 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41094 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41095 10 No Always On: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%.*ls' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41096 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41097 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41098 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41099 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41100 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41101 16 No The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41102 10 No Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%.*ls'. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.
41103 10 No Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not present. The prerequisite Hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41104 16 No Failover of the availability group '%.*ls' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log, cluster logs and system event logs. For information about how to view events and logs for a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, see Windows Server documentation.
41105 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s'. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41106 16 No Cannot create an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41107 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%d) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation.
41108 16 No An error occurred while removing availability group '%.*ls'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster failed because the Always On Availability Groups manager is not online (SQL Server error: %d). To remove the availability group configuration from the WSFC cluster, re-enter the command.
41109 17 No Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%x) for process actions for the availability group '%.*ls'. Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation later, and if this condition persists, contact your database administrator.
41110 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41111 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41112 16 No A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server that supports Always On Availability Groups, you can enable the it by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41113 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on the local replica of this availability group.
41114 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' because it already exists in a system table.
41115 16 No Cannot create the availability group named '%.*ls' because its availability group ID (ID: '%.*ls') already exists in a system table.
41116 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' with replica ID '%.*ls' because this ID already exists in a system table.
41117 16 No Cannot map local database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. This database is already mapped to an availability group.
41118 16 No Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.
41119 16 No Could not find the availability group ID %d in the system table.
41120 16 No Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %d). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41121 10 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot accept signal '%s' in its current replica role, '%s', and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %s joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation.
41122 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. To failover this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover command on that instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the primary replica of the availability group, then no action is required.
41123 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is moving to another node. Please wait for the WSFC group to complete the move operation and then retry the command. For information about this error, see error code 5908 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41124 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the availability group is being dropped.
41125 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum mode. Consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss).
41126 16 No Operation on the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation.
41127 16 No Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %d is not mapped to any availability group.
41128 16 No Failed to perform database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (ID %d) in availability group '%.*ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance.
41129 16 No Failed to schedule or execute database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' (SQL OS error: %d). The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the server instance.
41130 16 No Operation '%s' on a database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' failed with SQL Server error %d (Error details: "%.*ls"). The operation has been rolled back. See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41131 10 No Failed to bring availability group '%.*ls' online. The operation timed out. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again.
41132 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names.
41133 10 No Cannot remove database '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command.
41134 16 No Cannot bring the availability group '%.*ls' online. The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability replica. To designate the local availability replica as the primary replica of the availability group, run the force failover command on this instance of SQL Server.
41135 10 No Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %d. To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error.
41136 16 No Failed to join the availability replica to availability group '%.*ls' because the group is not online. Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation.
41137 10 No Abandoning a database operation '%ls' on availability database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %u, current sequence number: %u). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41138 17 No Cannot accept Always On Availability Groups operation operation on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator.
41139 10 No Failed to set database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41140 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, and rerun the command.
41141 16 No Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41142 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group. If the availability replica uses the asynchronous-commit mode, consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss). Otherwise, once all local secondary databases are joined and synchronized, you can perform a planned manual failover to this secondary replica (without data loss). For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
41143 16 No Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41144 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41145 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41146 16 No Failed to bring Availability Group '%.*ls' online. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary source provider.
41147 10 No Always On Availability Groups was not started because %ls. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41148 16 No Cannot add or join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. Then retry the operation, specifying the correct database name.
41149 16 No Operation on the availability group '%.*ls' has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41150 16 No Failed to take availability group '%.*ls' offline. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41151 16 No Error accessing the Availability Groups manager. The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation.
41152 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41153 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the failed attempt to create the availability group.
41154 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation.
41155 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional.
41156 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the availability group. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41157 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41158 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP JOIN command.
41159 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check SQL Server error log for more details. Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the availability group.
41160 16 No Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions.
41161 16 No Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated.
41162 16 No Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time.
41163 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41164 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the resolving role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41165 16 No A timeout error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the command.
41166 16 No An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retry the command.
41167 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command.
41168 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability replica ID are correct, then retry the command.
41169 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability database ID are correct, then retry the command.
41170 10 No Post-online processing for availability group '%.*ls' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is being dropped. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41171 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name.
41172 16 No An error occurred while dropping availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41173 16 No An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41174 10 No Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41175 10 No Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41176 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41177 16 No The availability replica of the specified availability group '%.*ls' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later.
41178 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41179 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary.
41180 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%.*ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required.
41181 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' did not become primary. A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify that the availability group state in Windows Server Failover Cluster is correct, then retry the operation.
41182 16 No Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. Verify that the local WSFC node is online, and that the local availability replica is the primary replica. Then retry the operation.
41183 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d. The operation has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41184 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration.
41185 10 No Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%.*ls' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.
41186 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation.
41187 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if it was dropped unintentionally.
41188 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and then retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41189 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the %s-%s command. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details . If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes to the availability group configuration.
41190 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary replica, then retry the command.
41191 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command.
41192 17 No Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41193 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. Then retry the join-database command.
41194 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' to complete post-online work. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct states for the command. Then retry the command.
41195 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the WSFC lease-renewal command. The local availability replica lease is no longer valid to process the lease renewal command. Availability replica lease expired. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41196 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. An attempt to rollback the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. To manually clean up the partially created availability group, run the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying a unique availability group name.
41197 15 No The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode for the replica.
41198 15 No The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability mode for the replica.
41199 16 No The specified command is invalid because the Always On Availability Groups %ls feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
41202 16 No The source table '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function doesn't have a full-text index that uses the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. A full-text index using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option is required to use this function.
41203 16 No The column '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function.
41204 16 No The source_key parameter is required in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE function.
41205 10 No Error %d occurred during semantic index population for table or indexed view '%.*ls' (table or indexed view ID %d, database ID %d, document ID %d)
41206 10 No An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause.
41207 10 No A locale ID that is not supported was specified for a column with 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS'. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and that the corresponding language statistics has been installed.
41208 10 No Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') encountered a document with full-text key value '%ls' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index.
41209 10 No A semantic language statistics database is not registered. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41210 10 No The semantic language statistics database is not accessible or not valid. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41211 16 No A semantic language statistics database is already registered.
41212 16 No No semantic language statistics database is registered.
41213 16 No The database '%.*ls' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database name.
41214 16 No An error occurred while trying to register the semantic language statistics database.
41300 16 No The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support read or write operations. Roll back the transaction.
41301 17 No A transaction dependency failure occurred, and the current transaction can no longer commit. Please retry the transaction.
41302 16 No The current transaction attempted to update a record that has been updated since this transaction started. The transaction was aborted.
41303 16 No The bucket count for a hash index must be a positive integer not exceeding %d.
41304 10 No The current value of option '%.*ls' for table '%.*ls', index '%.*ls' is %d.
41305 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.
41306 16 No The nesting limit of %d for conditional blocks and exception blocks, for natively compiled modules, has been exceeded. Please simplify the module.
41307 10 No Warning: The row size limit of %d bytes for memory optimized tables has been exceeded and will not work on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier. Please simplify the table definition.
41308 21 No The database ID %d already exists.
41309 16 No Unable to load the compiled DLL for database ID %d.
41310 16 No A file with an invalid format was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41311 16 No File error during C code generation. The error code was %d.
41312 16 No Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = %d.
41313 16 No The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %d.
41314 16 No Conversion of default value for parameter '%.*ls' failed. Unable to create stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41315 16 No Checkpoint operation failed in database '%.*ls'.
41316 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' with internal error code '0x%08lx'.
41317 16 No A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master.
41318 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed from within SQLCLR stored procedures.
41319 16 No A maximum of %d predicates are allowed in the WHERE clauses of queries in natively compiled modules.
41320 16 No EXECUTE AS clause is required, and EXECUTE AS CALLER is not supported, with natively compiled modules.
41321 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' with DURABILITY=SCHEMA_AND_DATA must have a primary key.
41322 16 No MAT/PIT export/import encountered a failure for memory optimized table or natively compiled module with object ID %d in database ID %d. The error code was 0x%x.
41323 16 No The table type '%ls' is not a memory optimized table type and cannot be used in a natively compiled module.
41324 16 No The memory optimized table variable '%.*ls' cannot be used in a batch with a 'USE' statement.
41325 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.
41326 16 No Memory optimized tables cannot be created in system databases.
41327 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' must have at least one index or a primary key.
41328 16 No A floating point operation has overflowed.
41329 16 No Unsupported operation following a transaction dependency failure. Parameters and variables cannot be accessed in the CATCH block and the CATCH block must raise an exception following a dependency failure.
41330 16 No Create database operation failed for database '%.*ls'.
41331 17 No The transaction encountered an out-of-memory condition while rolling back to a savepoint, and therefore cannot be committed. Roll back the transaction.
41332 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.
41333 16 No The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.
41334 16 No The code generation directory cannot be created or set up correctly.
41335 16 No Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules.
41336 16 No Unable to clean up all files that are needed for compilation.
41337 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. To create %S_MSG, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least one container.
41338 16 No An invalid version of a data file was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41339 16 No The table '%.*ls' has been created or altered after the start of the current transaction. The transaction was aborted. Please retry the transaction.
41340 16 No The transaction executed too many insert, update, or delete statements in memory optimized tables. The transaction was terminated.
41341 16 No Table '%.*ls' is not yet available on the secondary replica.
41342 16 No The model of the processor on the system does not support creating %.*ls. This error typically occurs with older processors. See SQL Server Books Online for information on supported models.
41343 16 No In-Memory OLTP hot switch to primary replica for database '%.*ls' failed.
41344 16 No RESTORE DATABASE WITH PARTIAL requires the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup if the backup contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41345 16 No The key size limit of %d bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the index definition.
41346 16 No CREATE and UPDATE STATISTICS for memory optimized tables do not support the WHERE clause.
41347 16 No A BACKUP or RESTORE DATABASE statement that includes the primary filegroup must include the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, and vice versa.
41348 16 No MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroups cannot be used with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Specify a FILESTREAM filegroup.
41349 10 No Warning: Encryption was enabled for a database that contains one or more memory optimized tables with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA. The data in these memory optimized tables will not be encrypted.
41350 10 No Warning: A memory optimized table with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA was created in a database that is enabled for encryption. The data in the memory optimized table will not be encrypted.
41351 16 No An error occurred while processing the log. The log version is unsupported.
41352 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is in use.
41353 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is being dropped or being taken offline.
41354 21 Yes The XTP background checkpoint thread encountered an unrecoverable error ('%ls') for database '%.*ls'. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41355 21 Yes An XTP checkpoint operation encountered an error ('%ls') while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. Checkpoint processing has terminated.
41356 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41357 16 No Tables with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41358 16 No Stored procedures with NATIVE_COMPILATION can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41359 16 No A query that accesses memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level, cannot access disk based tables when the database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is set to ON. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41360 16 No Default MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup is not available in database '%.*ls'.
41361 16 No The READ_ONLY property of a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup cannot be modified.
41362 16 No FILESTREAM container '%.*ls' cannot be added. Either the server is out of memory or the container path is too long.
41363 16 No Only the owner of database '%.*ls' or users with valid permission can execute the stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41364 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' can only be executed on a database that has an online MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41365 16 No Merge request for transaction range [%ld, %ld] on database '%.*ls' was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented by the range either cannot be merged, or the checkpoint files are already part of an existing merge operation.
41366 16 No Merge operation failed because the requested transaction id range is invalid.
41367 16 No Failed to complete merge operation for transaction range [%ld, %ld] for database '%.*ls'. Error was 0x%08x.
41368 16 No Accessing memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. It is not supported for explicit or implicit transactions. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41369 16 No Merge operations cannot be requested on a secondary replica.
41370 16 No Resource pool '%.*ls' does not exist or resource governor has not been reconfigured.
41371 16 No Binding to a resource pool is not supported for system database '%.*ls'. This operation can only be performed on a user database.
41372 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently bound to a resource pool. A database must be unbound before creating a new binding.
41373 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be explicitly bound to the resource pool '%.*ls'. A database can only be bound to a user resource pool.
41374 16 No Database '%.*ls' does not have a binding to a resource pool.
41375 16 No A binding has been created. Take database '%.*ls' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool '%.*ls'.
41376 16 No Only members of the fixed sysadmin role can execute the stored procedure '%ls'.
41377 16 No The natively compiled module with database ID %ld and object ID %ld has not been executed. Query execution statistics collection can only be enabled if the module has been executed at least once since creation or last database restart.
41378 16 No Both @database_id and @xtp_object_id should be specified to enable or retrieve status of query level statistics collection for a procedure.
41379 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. Close other applications to increase the available memory, ensure that both SQL Server memory configuration and resource pool memory limits are correct and try again. See '' for more information.
41380 21 No Databases with a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup are only supported in 64-bit editions of SQL Server.
41381 21 No The database cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
41382 16 No Failure adding a container to a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. Possible causes include the server being out of memory and the container path being too long.
41383 16 No An internal error occurred while running the DMV query. This was likely caused by concurrent DDL operations. Please retry the query.
41384 16 No Database '%.*ls' has exceeded the maximum number of XTP checkpoint files, and can no longer support write operations in durable memory-optimized tables. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
41385 16 No A memory-optimized table cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC).
41386 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA, memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules are not supported when lightweight pooling is enabled. Disable lightweight pooling in order to use memory-optimized features.
41387 10 No Disallowing page allocations for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. See '' for more information.
41388 16 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41389 16 No Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41390 16 No Failed to get checkpoint file information necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41391 23 No Backup of database '%.*ls' detected a missing MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA file with ID '%.*ls'.
41392 16 No Cannot ALTER a natively compiled module into a non-native module. Include WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41393 16 No Cannot ALTER a non-native module into a natively compiled module. Omit WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41394 16 No TEXTSIZE must be a number between -1 and 2147483647.
41395 10 No Rebuilding the log file is not supported for databases containing memory-optimized tables.
41396 16 No The sort operation exceeded the buffer limit. The stored procedure execution was aborted. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.
41397 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d sorted rows. %d was requested. Reduce the number of rows selected or simplify the query.
41398 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d rows; %d was requested.
41399 16 No The sort operation is too complex. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.


This article contains the term whitelist, a term Microsoft considers insensitive in this context. The term appears in this article because it currently appears in the software. When the term is removed from the software, we will remove it from the article.

Error Severity Event logged Description
31001 16 No The session '%s' already exists. Use a different session name.
31002 16 No This operation can be performed only by the owner of the session.
31003 16 No User does not have enough permissions to tune one or more of the databases specified.
31004 16 No Could not create DTA directory for saving tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31005 16 No Could not create DTA tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31006 16 No Could not write DTA tuning option to file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31007 16 No Could not create a DTA job when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31008 16 No Could not retrieve limit and job state information from DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31009 16 No Could not set limits on DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31010 16 No Could not create a DTA process when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31011 16 No Could not terminate DTA process after it fails to be assigned to DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31012 16 No Could not resume DTA process to start tuning when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31013 16 No Invalid tuning option specified for auto indexing.
31014 16 No Could not terminate DTA job when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31015 16 No Could not delete DTA tuning options file when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31016 16 No Could not cleanup hypothetical indexes and statistics when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31017 16 No DTA tuning for auto indexing is only supported on Azure DB.
31018 16 No Could not get winfab temp directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31019 16 No Could not create GUID when performing DTA tuning related task.
31020 16 No String operation failed.
31021 16 No Could not get winfab log directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31022 16 No Could not get winfab data package directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31201 16 No Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured for property searching. To support property-scoped searches, the full-text index must be associated with a search property list and repopulated. The Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST <property_list_name>;.
31202 10 No Reconfiguring the search property list of the full-text index has truncated the existing data in the index. Until the full-text index has been fully repopulated, full-text queries will return partial results. The ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST ...; statement automatically issues a full population, but if the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement specified the WITH NO POPULATION clause, you must run a full population on the full-text index using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning.
31203 10 No Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %d, objid %d, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize.
31204 16 No Operation %ls is not supported on the %ls platform.
31205 16 No The import population for database %ls (id: %d), catalog id: %d is being cancelled because of a fatal error ('%ls'). Fix the errors that are logged in the full-text crawl log. Then resume the import either by detaching the database and re-attaching it, or by taking the database offline and bringing it back online. If the error is not recoverable, rebuild the full-text catalog.
32001 10 No Log shipping backup log job for %s.
32002 10 No Log shipping copy job for %s:%s.
32003 10 No Log shipping restore log job for %s:%s.
32004 10 No Log shipping backup log job step.
32005 10 No Log shipping copy job step.
32006 10 No Log shipping restore log job step.
32007 16 No Database %s is not ONLINE.
32008 10 No Database %s is not ONLINE. The backup job will not be performed until this database is brought online.
32009 16 No A log shipping primary entry already exists for database %s.
32010 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping primary.
32011 16 No Primary Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s). Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32012 16 No Secondary %s.%s already exists for primary %s.
32013 16 No A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %s.
32014 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping secondary.
32015 16 No The primary database %s cannot have SIMPLE recovery for log shipping to work properly.
32016 16 No The specified agent_id %s or agent_type %d do not form a valid pair for log shipping monitoring processing.
32017 16 No Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %s and is not supported.
32018 16 No Log shipping is not installed on this instance.
32019 10 No Log shipping alert job.
32020 10 No Log shipping alert job step.
32021 10 No Log shipping alert job schedule.
32022 16 No Cannot add a log shipping job with name %s. A job with same name already exists in the system and this job does not belong to log shipping category.
32023 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s does not exist on this secondary. Register the primary first.
32024 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s already exists.
32025 16 No Primary Server %s, Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32026 10 No Log shipping Primary Server Alert.
32027 10 No Log shipping Secondary Server Alert.
32028 16 No Invalid value = %d for parameter @threshold_alert was specified.
32029 10 No Log shipping backup agent [%s] has verified log backup file '%s.wrk' and renamed it as '%s.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
32030 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping primary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32031 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping secondary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32032 16 No Invalid value '%d' for update period. Update period should be between 1 and 120 minutes.
32033 16 No The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
32034 16 No An internal error occurred when setting up the database mirroring monitoring job.
32035 16 No An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job.
32036 16 No Parameter(s) out of range.
32037 16 No The units for the update period for the database mirroring monitor job have been changed.
32038 16 No An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor.
32039 16 No The database '%s' is not being mirrored. No update of the base table was done.
32040 16 No The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32041 16 No The database mirroring monitor base tables have not been created. Please run sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate to create them.
32042 16 No The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32043 16 No The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32044 16 No The alert for 'mirror commit overhead' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32045 16 No '%s' must be executed in msdb.
32046 16 No Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the 'dbm_monitor' role in msdb can perform this operation.
32047 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Job
32048 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Schedule
32049 16 No The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job.
32050 16 No Alerts cannot be created on the system databases, master, msdb, model or tempdb.
32051 10 No System administrator privilege is required to update the base table. The base table was not updated.
32052 16 No Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
32053 16 No The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null.
32054 16 No There was an error establishing a link to the remote monitor server.
32055 16 No There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.
32056 17 No The SQL Server failed to create full-text FTData directory. This might be because FulltextDefaultPath is invalid or SQL Server service account does not have permission. Full-text may fail until this issue is resolved. Restart SQL Server after the issue is fixed.
33001 16 No Cannot drop the option because the option is not specified on %S_MSG.
33002 16 No Access to %ls %ls is blocked because the signature is not valid.
33003 16 No DDL statement is not allowed.
33004 16 No The password of login '%.*ls' is invalid. A new password should be set for this login without specifying the old password.
33005 16 No Cannot find the certificate or asymmetric key from the file %.*ls. ErrorCode: 0x%x.
33006 16 No WITH SIGNATURE option cannot be specified on database.
33007 16 No Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself.
33008 16 No Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %.*ls permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %S_MSG.
33009 16 No The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%.*ls'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '%.*ls' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
33010 16 No The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option.
33011 16 No The %S_MSG private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it.
33012 10 No Cannot %S_MSG signature %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Signature already exists or cannot be added.
33013 16 No A %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*s' does not exist.
33014 16 No Cannot countersign '%.*s'. Only modules can be countersigned.
33015 16 No The database principal is referenced by a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
33016 16 No The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins.
33017 16 No Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be remapped to a Windows login.
33018 16 No Cannot remap user to login '%.*s', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database.
33019 16 No Cannot create implicit user for the special login '%.*s'.
33020 16 No A HASHED password cannot be set for a login that has CHECK_POLICY turned on.
33021 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, or batch accounts can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33022 16 No Cannot obtain cryptographic provider properties. Provider error code: %d.
33023 16 No The %S_MSG is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d bytes.
33024 16 No Cryptographic provider %S_MSG '%ls' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %d.
33025 16 No Invalid cryptograpihic provider property: %S_MSG.
33026 16 No Cryptographic provider with guid '%ls' already exists.
33027 16 No Cannot load library '%.*ls'. See errorlog for more information.
33028 16 No Cannot open session for %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33029 16 No Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33030 16 No Cryptographic provider is not available.
33031 16 No Cryptographic provider '%.*ls' is in disabled.
33032 16 Yes SQL Crypto API version '%02d.%02d' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%02d.%02d'.
33033 16 No Specified key type or option '%S_MSG' is not supported by the provider.
33034 16 No Cannot specify algorithm for existing key.
33035 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33036 10 No Cannot drop the key with thumbprint '%.*ls' in the provider.
33037 16 No Cannot export %S_MSG from the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33038 16 No Operation is not supported by cryptographic provider key.
33039 16 No Invalid algorithm '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33040 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key.
33041 16 Yes Cannot create login token for existing authenticators. If dbo is a windows user make sure that its windows account information is accessible to SQL Server.
33042 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG because it is already mapped to a login.
33043 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG '%.*ls' because there is already %S_MSG specified for the login.
33044 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because there is %S_MSG referencing this provider.
33045 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because it is not mapped to this login.
33046 16 No Server principal '%.*ls' has no credential associated with %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33047 16 No Fail to obtain or decrypt secret for %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33048 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG under non-primary security context.
33049 16 No Key with %S_MSG '%.*ls' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33050 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider does not allow specifying key names.
33051 16 No Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33052 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be a temporary key.
33053 16 No Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' to enable it.
33054 16 No Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server.
33055 16 No Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%.*ls' in the API '%.*ls'. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx.
33056 16 No Cannot impersonate login '%.*ls' to access %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33057 10 No Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users.
33058 10 No Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to drop the provider for all users.
33059 16 No An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost.
33060 16 No The format of supplied parameter sid is invalid. The sid might be incorrect or the sid might describe the wrong type of user.
33061 16 No The specified RETENTION_DAYS value is greater than the maximum value allowed. The retention days value must be less than %d days.
33062 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too short. The password must be at least %d characters.
33063 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too long. The password must be at most %d characters.
33064 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is not complex enough. The password must be at least %d characters long and contain characters from three of the following four sets: Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Base 10 digits, and Symbols.
33065 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: HRESULT 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33066 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: NTSTATUS 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33069 16 No CREATE CERTIFICATE statement cannot mix file and binary modes. Rewrite the statement using only the FILE or the BINARY keyword.
33070 16 No The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be at least 2 MB.
33071 16 No This command requires %S_MSG to be disabled. Disable the %S_MSG and rerun this command.
33072 16 No The audit log file path is invalid.
33073 16 No Cannot find %S_MSG '%.*ls' or you do not have the required permissions.
33074 16 No Cannot %S_MSG a %S_MSG %S_MSG from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database.
33075 16 No Granular auditing is not available in this edition of SQL Server. For more information about feature support in the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
33076 16 No The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 TB.
33077 16 No RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE.
33078 16 No The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property.
33079 16 No Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%s' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column.
33080 10 No Cryptographic provider library '%.*ls' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33081 10 No Failed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL '%.*ls'.
33082 16 No Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%ls'.
33083 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG for %S_MSG '%ls' because it is not supported by the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33084 16 No The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider.
33085 10 No One or more methods cannot be found in cryptographic provider library '%.*ls'.
33086 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to record %ls action.
33087 16 No %S_MSG property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value
33088 16 No The algorithm: %.*ls is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server
33089 16 No Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33090 10 No Attempting to load library '%.*ls' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33091 10 No Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database.
33092 10 No Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%.*ls'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33093 16 No The Windows user or group '%s' is local or built-in. Use a Windows domain user or domain group.
33094 10 No An error occurred during Service Master Key %S_MSG
33095 10 No Service Master Key could not be decrypted using one of its encryptions. See sys.key_encryptions for details.
33096 10 No A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption.
33097 10 No Processing BrickId: %d with MasterDb.PrimaryPru.FragId %d
33098 10 No Initializing SMK for brickId: %d
33099 16 No You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database.
33101 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG '%.*ls', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server requires the ability to automatically access the private key of the %S_MSG used for this operation.
33102 16 No Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
33103 16 No A database encryption key already exists for this database.
33104 16 No A database encryption key does not exist for this database.
33105 16 No Cannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be able to drop the database encryption key.
33106 16 No Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set.
33107 16 No Cannot enable database encryption because it is already enabled.
33108 16 No Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled.
33109 16 No Cannot %S_MSG database encryption while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33110 16 No Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33111 16 No Cannot find server %S_MSG with thumbprint '%.*ls'.
33112 10 No Beginning database encryption scan for database '%.*ls'.
33113 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' is complete.
33114 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
33115 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later.
33116 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%.*ls'. Try again later.
33117 16 No Transparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
33118 16 No Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.
33119 16 No Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.
33120 16 No In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %S_MSG, please use an %S_MSG that resides on an extensible key management provider.
33121 16 No The %S_MSG '%ls' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33122 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Take a log backup and retry the command.
33123 16 No Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled.
33124 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' cannot complete since one or more files are offline. Bring the files online to run the scan to completion.
33125 10 No Can not create login token because there are too many secondary principals. The maximum number of allowed secondary principals allowed is %lu. To fix this, remove the login from a server role.
33126 10 No Database encryption key is corrupted and cannot be read.
33127 16 No The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key.
33128 16 No Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33129 16 No Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission instead.
33130 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
33131 16 No Principal '%ls' has a duplicate display name. Make the display name unique in Azure Active Directory and execute this statement again.
33132 16 No This principal type is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database.
33133 16 No Your subscription is not enabled for Integrated Authentication.
33134 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be resolved. Error message: '%ls'
33135 16 No Altering the name of a Windows principal is not supported through this form of execution. For more information about this, see SQL Server Books Online.
33136 16 No The operation could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.
33137 16 No The tenant '%.*ls' cannot be found.
33138 16 No ALTER DATABASE on a federation member is not supported for Windows users or groups.
33139 16 No This subscription does not support Integrated Authentication.
33140 16 No The login '%.*ls' could not be created because a login is already associated with certificate '%.*ls'.
33141 10 No The credential created might not be able to decrypt the database master key. Please ensure a database master key exists for this database and is encrypted by the same password used in the stored procedure.
33142 16 No Updating the tenantId for Azure SQL Server was not successful.
33143 16 No The account admin of the subscription does not belong to this tenant.
33144 16 No Cannot change the schema of a temporary object.
33146 10 No The database '%.*ls' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt the database master key.
33147 20 Yes Federated Authentication Feature data used in login record to open a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls.
33148 16 No The user name for a windows login has to be identical to the login name.
33149 16 Yes Dropping a credential '%.*ls' which could still be used by Managed Backup.
33150 16 Yes Warning: Can not check whether the credential '%.*ls' is used by managed backup, because %ls. Please check whether the credential is used by managed backup.
33151 16 No The user name for a user with password cannot be identical to the name of the server admin or the dbo of the database.
33152 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d or %d.
33153 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, or %d.
33154 20 Yes Client sent an invalid token when server was expecting federated authentication token. And it was not a disconnect event.
33155 20 Yes A disconnect event was raised when server is waiting for Federated Authentication token. This could be due to client close or server timeout expired.
33156 20 Yes A Federated Authentication token was sent by the client when the server is not expecting it. So server will close the connection due to TDS non-conformance.
33157 16 No Crypthographic providers are not supported on database credentials.
33158 16 No Database credentials are not supported in master database.
33159 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users.
33160 10 No Unable to verify Authenticode signatures due to error code %d. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33161 15 No Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33162 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33163 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP)
33164 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is used by an external data source.
33165 16 No Cannot drop the external %ls '%.*ls' because it is used by an external table.
33166 16 No dbManager permission check failed.
33167 16 No This command is not supported for Azure AD users. Execute this command as a SQL Authenticated user.
33168 16 No TYPE option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33169 16 No User name cannot have backslash character, when using the TYPE option.
33170 16 No SID option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33171 16 No Only active directory users can impersonate other active directory users.
33172 16 No Encrypting Secret for Database '%.*ls' and Credential '%.*ls' failed.
33173 16 No Assigning value for output parameter @credentialSecret failed because the parameter size is less than the required size %u. Please provide a larger size.
33174 16 No Cannot get credential '%.*ls' because it is not referenced by any external data source.
33175 16 No Encryption operation failed. Key used for encryption has deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33176 16 No Signing operation failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33177 16 No Hash operation failed. Hash Function uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this hash algorithm switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33178 16 No Encryption key length is over the currently supported maximum length of %d.
33179 10 No Searching for '%.*ls' only searches "'%.*ls'" for SQL Server authentication logins.
33180 10 No Searching for "'%.*ls'" only searches for Azure Active Directory users. To search for a SQL Server authentication login, add the server name at the end. For example [%.*ls@%.*ls].
33181 16 No The new owner cannot be Azure Active Directory group.
33182 16 No The command must be executed on the target database '%.*ls'.
33183 16 No The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error with message '%s'.
33184 16 No An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client with message '%s'.
33185 16 No An error ocurred while attempting to copy the encrypted DEK from the DBTable.
33186 16 No Cannot alter the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used by an active audit session ('%.*ls').
33187 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave failed to decrypt a column value or parameter - invalid authentication tag. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33189 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave is out of session resources. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33190 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave attestation information requested for an unsupported enclave type. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33191 16 Yes Enclave host encountered a runtime error: out of priority queue space.
33192 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave raised an exception (major = %d, minor = %d). See error log for more information. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33194 16 Yes Internal enclave error. The enclave bcrypt method %hs failed with status 0x%x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33195 17 No Internal enclave error. Enclave was provided with an invalid session handle. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33196 16 Yes VBS enclave attestation failed due to an error in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). API: '%ls', Return code: '0x%08x'. Check the AzureAttestService Windows service is running on your machine. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33197 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP).
33198 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33199 16 No Only Active Directory logins can impersonate other Active Directory logins.
33201 17 No An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%s'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission on the files, or the pattern may be returning one or more corrupt files.
33202 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to file '%s'.
33203 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the event log.
33204 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the security log.
33205 10 No Audit event: %s.
33206 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33207 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the access the event log.
33208 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to access the security log.
33209 10 No Audit '%.*ls' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server was started with the -m flag.
33210 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33211 15 No A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits.
33212 15 No There is an invalid column list after the object name in the AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
33213 16 No All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope.
33214 17 No The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started.
33215 10 No One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems associated with each error.
33216 10 No SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33217 10 No SQL Server Audit is starting the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33218 10 No SQL Server Audit has started the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33219 10 No The server was stopped because SQL Server Audit '%.*ls' is configured to shut down on failure. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33220 16 No Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master.
33221 16 No You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database.
33222 10 No Audit '%.*ls' failed to %S_MSG . For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers where ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_XE_LOG'.
33223 16 No ALTER SERVER AUDIT requires the STATE option to be specified without using any other options.
33224 16 No The specified pattern did not return any files or does not represent a valid file share. Verify the pattern parameter and rerun the command.
33225 16 No The specified values for initial_file_name and audit_record_offset do not represent a valid location within the audit file set. Verify the file name and offset location, and then rerun the command.
33226 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls' at offset %I64d.
33227 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid. Specify either 0 or 1000 and higher.
33228 16 No You cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. Contact your system administrator.
33229 16 No Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled.
33230 16 No An audit specification for audit '%.*ls' already exists.
33231 16 No You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements.
33232 16 No You may not add a role to Sysadmin.
33233 16 No You can only create a user with a password in a contained database.
33234 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database.
33235 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. Remove the WITHOUT LOGIN or PASSWORD clause.
33236 16 No The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database.
33237 16 No Cannot use parameter %s for Windows users or groups.
33238 16 No MAX_FILES and MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES options cannot be specified toghether.
33239 16 No An error occurred while auditing this operation. Fix the error in the audit and then retry this operation.
33240 16 No A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details.
33241 16 Yes Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating the idle timeout.
33242 16 No When providing a sid, the user must be a user without login or a user with password.
33243 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in setting access control list on the user instance's process. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33244 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33245 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to write to an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33246 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the MDS file log. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33247 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the MDS local file (Error Code: %d).
33248 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid for MDS log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33249 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33250 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching credential '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33251 16 No A credential conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in credential cache in memory. Use alter step to change the secret. Drop and re-create to change the credential name.
33252 16 No This CREATE AUDIT request exceeds the maximum number of audits that can be created per database.
33253 16 No Failed to modify the identity field of the credential '%.*ls' because the credential is used by an active database file.
33254 16 No This operation cannot be performed in the master database.
33255 16 No Audit specification '%.*ls' can only be bound to a %S_MSG audit.
33256 16 No The audit store location or the audit store URL has been configured for this database audit.
33257 16 No Cannot drop an audit store URL that is not configured for this database audit.
33258 16 No Invalid value for procedure "%.*ls", parameter "%.*ls".
33259 15 No Invalid security policy name '%.*ls'.
33260 16 No The predicate was not added to the security policy '%.*ls' because there are no available predicate IDs. Drop and recreate the security policy.
33261 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' does not contain a predicate on table '%.*ls'.
33262 16 No A %S_MSG predicate for the same operation has already been defined on table '%.*ls' in the security policy '%.*ls'.
33263 16 No Security predicates can only be added to user tables and schema bound views. '%.*ls' is not a user table or a schema bound view.
33264 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot be enabled with a predicate on table '%.*ls'. Table '%.*ls' is already referenced by the enabled security policy '%.*ls'.
33265 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot have a predicate on table '%.*ls' because this table is referenced by the indexed view '%.*ls'.
33266 16 No The index on the view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view is referencing table '%.*ls' that is referenced by a security policy.
33267 16 No Security predicates cannot reference memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized.
33268 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33269 16 No Security predicates are not allowed on temporary objects. Object names that begin with '#' denote temporary objects.
33270 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" or this object is not an inline table-valued function.
33271 16 No Cannot alter '%.*ls' because it is not a security policy.
33272 16 No Unable to load the security predicate for table "%.*ls".
33273 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on FileTables. '%.*ls' is a FileTable.
33274 16 No The version was not created for the key '%.*ls' because there are no available version IDs. Drop and recreate the key.
33275 16 No The encrypted value for this column encryption key cannot be dropped. Each column encryption key must have at least one encrypted value.
33277 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls.
33278 16 No Cannot assign the same encryption scheme to two expressions at line '%d'. The encryption scheme of the first expression is %ls and the encryption scheme of the second expression is %ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the first expression are: %.*ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the second expression are: %.*ls.
33279 16 No Cannot remove the credential '%.*ls/%.*ls' because it is being used.
33280 16 No Cannot create or alter encrypted column '%.*ls' because data type '%ls' is not supported for encryption.
33281 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' has a different encryption scheme than referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
33282 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33283 16 No '%S_MSG' clause is unsupported for encrypted columns.
33284 16 No The encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls' cannot be used as a partition key column.
33285 16 No Cannot set default constraint on encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls'. Default constraints are unsupported on encrypted columns.
33286 16 No Cannot encrypt column '%.*ls', because it is of a user-defined type.
33287 16 No Cannot drop column encryption key '%.*ls' because the key is referenced by column '%.*ls.%.*ls'.
33288 16 No The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each column encryption key. Drop an exisiting encrypted value before adding the new one.
33289 16 No Cannot create or alter encrypted column '%.*ls'. Character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation cannot be encrypted using deterministic encryption.
33290 16 No There is no column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33291 16 No There is already a column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33292 16 No The encryption algorithm '%.*ls' is not supported. Please specify a valid encryption algorithm.
33293 16 No Cannot find the %S_MSG "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33294 16 No Some parameters or columns of the batch require to be encrypted, but the corresponding column encryption key cannot be found. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the module parameters metadata.
33296 16 No Cannot create table '%.*ls' since it references a column encryption key from a different database.
33297 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. The %S_MSG cannot be empty.
33298 16 Yes Internal Query Processor Error: The encryption scheme of certain parameters was incorrectly analyzed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33299 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls (or weaker).
33301 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %d characters long.
33302 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 10.
33303 16 No A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%.*ls' or the properties %ls='%ls', %ls='%ls', and %ls='%.*ls'. Either use a unique name or a unique set of properties.
33304 16 No The transmission queue row with conversation handle '%ls' and message sequence number %d references a missing multicast message body row with reference %d.
33305 16 No The multicast message body row with reference %d should have reference count value of %d.
33306 16 No The unreferenced message with reference %d has been deleted from the message body table.
33307 16 No The message with reference %d has been updated to a reference count of %d in the message body table.
33308 10 No The queue %d in database %d has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %u seconds.
33309 10 No Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %S_MSG endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet.
33310 16 No Local cluster name can be set only once.
33311 10 No The wait for connect request completion failed.
33312 10 No The wait for querying proxy routes failed or was aborted.
33313 16 No An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker transport layer. A service broker connection is closed due to this condition.
33314 16 No The supplied whitelist is invalid.
33315 16 No The redirected endpointurl is Invalid
33316 16 No Failed to reset encryption while performing redirection.
33317 16 No The redirect response contains invalid redirect string
33318 16 No The redirect request contains invalid string or redirect handler failed to handle the request
33319 16 No The redirector returned lookup failure
33320 16 No Tried to send redirect request but the redirect string is empty
33321 16 No The other end does not support redirection
33322 16 No The redirect message is corrupted
33323 16 No The endpoint is closing because the connection was redirected
33324 16 No Failed to parse the redirect info string
33325 16 No Failed to construct new endpoint after redirection
33326 16 No Forwarder disconnected during redirection
33327 16 No Failed to parse the specified connection string
33328 16 No Redirector lookup failed with error code: %x
33329 16 No XdbHost encountered error code: %x during socket duplication
33330 16 No XdbHost returned an error during socket duplication
33331 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS is not allowed on this server.
33332 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS cannot be executed through MARS connection.
33333 10 No The connection had a send posted for over %d seconds. The connection is suspected hung and is being closed.
33334 10 No Error while setting up ssl channel. Error code: (%d, %d, %d)
33335 10 No The connection has been flow controlled in the %d seconds (%d times, where threshold is %d). Min required transfer rate is %d Kbps. Actual transfer rate is %d Kbps. The connection is extensively flow controlled and is being closed.
33401 16 No FILESTREAM database options cannot be set on system databases such as '%.*ls'.
33402 16 No An invalid directory name '%.*ls' was specified. Use a valid operating system directory name.
33403 16 No The case-sensitive or binary collation '%.*ls' cannot be used with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. Change the collation to a case-insensitive collation type.
33404 16 No The database default collation '%.*ls' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option.
33405 16 No An error occurred during the %S_MSG %S_MSG operation on a FileTable object. (HRESULT = '0x%08x').
33406 16 No An invalid filename, '%.*ls', caused a FileTable check constraint error. Use a valid operating system filename.
33407 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator cannot indicate a root row. Correct the path locator or use the default value.
33408 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the row. Remove the blob data or clear the is_directory flag.
33409 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated with the row. Insert file data or use 0x to insert a zero length file.
33410 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The parent of a row's path locator must be a directory, not a file. Correct the path locator to refer to a parent that is a directory.
33411 16 No The option '%.*ls' is only valid when used on a FileTable. Remove the option from the statement.
33412 16 No The option '%.*ls' is not valid when used with the '%.*ls' syntax. Remove the option from the statement.
33413 16 No The option '%.*ls' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement.
33414 16 No FileTable objects require the FILESTREAM database option DIRECTORY_NAME to be non-NULL. To create a FileTable in the database '%.*ls', set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to a non-NULL value using ALTER DATABASE. Or, to set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to NULL, in the database '%.*ls' disable or drop the existing FileTables.
33415 16 No FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%.*s' attempting to be set on database '%.*s' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access.
33416 10 No When the FILESTREAM database option NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS is set to FULL and the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION options are on, T-SQL and transactional read access to FILESTREAM data in the context of a FILETABLE is blocked.
33417 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %d, which is deeper than the limit of %d supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy.
33418 16 No FILETABLE_DIRECTORY '%.*s' attempting to be set on table '%.*s' is not unique in the database '%.*s'. Provide a unique value for the option FILETABLE_DIRECTORY to this operation.
33419 16 No Function %ls is only valid on the varbinary(max) FILESTREAM column in a FileTable.
33420 16 No Unable to process object '%.*s' because it is a three-part or four-part name. Specifying the server or database is not supported in the object identifier.
33421 16 No The object name '%.*s' is not a valid FileTable object.
33422 16 No The column '%.*s' cannot be added to table '%.*s' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable object is not permitted.
33423 16 No Invalid FileTable path name or format.
33424 16 No Invalid computer host name in the FileTable path.
33425 16 No Invalid share name in the FileTable path.
33426 16 No INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE to FileTable '%.*ls' is not allowed inside a trigger on a FileTable.
33427 16 No Function %ls is not allowed on the deleted table inside a trigger.
33428 14 No User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %d.
33429 16 No The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %d does not exist.
33430 10 No Killed %d non-transactional FILESTREAM handles from database ID %d.
33431 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a length of %d, which is longer than the limit of %d allowed for depth %d. Reduce the length of the path locator.
33433 10 No Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %d.
33434 16 No The current state of the database '%.*s' is not compatible with the specified FILESTREAM non-transacted access level. The database may be read only, single user or set to emergency state.
33435 16 No Cannot publish the FileTable '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for FileTable objects.
33436 16 No Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects.
33437 16 No Cannot publish the logbased view '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on FileTable objects.
33438 16 No Cannot enable Change Tracking on the FileTable '%.*ls'. Change Tracking is not supported for FileTable objects.
33439 16 No Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%.*ls', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled.
33440 16 No When inserting into FileTable '%.*ls' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table.
33441 16 No The FileTable '%.*s' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects.
33442 16 No The handle ID %d is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled by the client who originally opened it.
33443 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and Database Mirroring.
33444 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and HADR.
33445 16 No The database '%.*s' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.
33446 16 No The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%.*s'. The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an Always On availability group. Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary database replica, and retry the operation.
33447 16 No Cannot access file_stream column in FileTable '%.*ls', because FileTable doesn't support row versioning. Either set transaction level to something other than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT, or use READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint.
33448 16 No Cannot disable clustered index '%.*ls' on FileTable '%.*ls' because the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is enabled.
33449 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33450 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One or more availability groups ('%ls') currently do not have a listener. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33501 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on tables that contain filestream data. Column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' contains filestream data.
33502 16 No The column '%.*ls' could not be added to table '%.*ls' because the column contains filestream data and the table is referenced by one or more security policies. Filestream columns are not allowed on tables that are referenced by security policies.
33503 16 No BLOCK predicates can only be added to user tables. '%.*ls' is not a user table.
33504 16 No The attempted operation failed because the target object '%.*ls' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. If the operation is performed on a view, the block predicate might be enforced on the underlying table. Modify the operation to target only the rows that are allowed by the block predicate.
33505 16 No Partitioned view '%.*ls' is not updatable because table '%.*ls' has an enabled security policy that defines block predicates for this table.
33506 16 No Only natively compiled inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates on memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized, but function '%.*ls' is not natively compiled. Recreate the function using WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION.
33507 16 No Function '%ls' cannot be used in the definition of BLOCK security predicates. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this table or view to not use this function.
33508 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33509 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for an AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT BLOCK security predicate for this view because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. Modify the AFTER INSERT and AFTER UPDATE BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33510 16 No BLOCK security predicates cannot reference temporal history tables. Table '%.*ls' is a temporal history table.
33511 16 No Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized. Only security policies with schema binding enabled may specify security predicates for memory optimized tables. Create a new security policy with schema binding enabled.
33512 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed with one or more errors, indicating the schema of the predicate function has changed. Update or drop the affected security predicates.
33513 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed, because the predicate function is not an inline table-valued function. Only inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates.
33514 16 No Incorrect parameter encryption metadata was received from the client. The error occurred during the invocation of the batch and therefore the client can refresh the parameter encryption metadata by calling sp_describe_parameter_encryption and retry.
33515 16 No The parameter "%.*ls" does not have the same encryption information as the one it was created with. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the parameter encryption information for the module.
33516 16 No The object '%.*ls' is referenced by the security policy '%.*ls'. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support security policies. Either drop the security policy or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports security policies.
33517 16 No The column '%.*ls' of the object '%.*ls' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted columns. Either remove the encryption from the column or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports encrypted columns.
33518 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33519 16 No An external data source conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in EDS cache in memory. Use alter step to change the location or credential. Drop and re-create to change the EDS name.
33520 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching external data source '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33521 16 No Cannot drop the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33522 16 No Cannot remove the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33523 16 No Cryptographic failure due to insufficient memory.
33524 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to database '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33525 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to server '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33526 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls', as it does not conform to the auditing blob naming convention.
33527 16 No Error occurred while initializing the security functions lookup table. This might be because the installation of SQL Server is corrupted and a required file is missing.
33528 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33529 16 No The audit filter predicate exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d characters.
33530 16 No The combined length of audit name and blob storage container name exceeds the maximum allowed length (by %d character(s)). Please use shorter audit or container name.
33531 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid with asynchronous log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33532 16 No Invalid value given for parameter PATH. Please specify a valid blob container path with the following format : https://<storageName><containerName>
33533 16 No SHUTDOWN on failure option is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33534 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave loading failed: invalid path. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33535 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave call failed for method '%s'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33536 16 No VBS enclave attestation failed. Attestation status: '%ls', substatus: '%ls'. For more information, see ''.
33537 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave attestation error: enclave platform returned unexpected output. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33538 16 No The credentials of blob storage container '%.*ls' are invalid.
33539 16 No The blob storage '%.*ls' was not found. Verify your storage account name.
33540 16 No Invalid audit or database names, please use valid URL characters.
33541 16 No The credentials of blob storage container '%.*ls' was not found.
33542 16 No Unsupported operation near line '%d'; operations on encrypted columns with string data types require a *_BIN2 collation. However, the column or the variable uses the '%.*ls' collation.
33543 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to encrypt, decrypt or re-encrypt the column in-place using a secure enclave, but the current and/or the target column encryption key for the column is not enclave-enabled.
33544 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to change the encryption scheme of the column and one or more of the following column properties: collation (to a different code page), data type. Such changes cannot be combined in a single statement. Try using multiple statements.
33545 16 No The statement requires a secure enclave, but the enclave has not been initialized in the SQL Server instance. Check the status of the enclave in sys.configurations and see for more details.
33546 16 No The statement triggers enclave computations, but a column encryption key, needed for the computations, has not been found inside the enclave. Check that: (1) column encryption and enclave computations are enabled on connection, (2) driver is enclave-enabled. For additional reasons see:
33548 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave out of memory. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33549 16 Yes Internal enclave error: OSF Serialization error. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33550 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Invalid data format. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33551 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Nonce checking in secure channel failed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33552 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave shutdown due to a critical error. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33553 16 No A failure occurred during initialization of an Audit to External Monitor target. See the errorlog for details.
33554 16 Yes Encountered error 0x%08lx while waiting for encryption scan completion consensus. See the errorlog for details.
33555 16 Yes Unable to find the user-specified certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the certificate store of the local computer. Please verify that certificate exists.
33556 16 Yes Invalid character in the thumbprint [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33557 16 Yes Invalid thumbprint length [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33558 16 No Encryption scan can not be resumed because no encryption scan is in progress.
33559 16 No Specified workload group does not exist. Retry with a valid workload group.
33560 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was initiated on %S_DATE (UTC). The encryption scan will resume soon.
33561 16 No Encryption scan can not be suspended because no encryption scan is in progress.
33562 16 No TDE encryption scan state cannot be updated for database id [%d].
33563 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was aborted on %S_DATE (UTC). The encryption scan will resume soon.
33564 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was suspended on %S_DATE (UTC). To resume scan, run "ALTER DATABASE [%.*s] SET ENCRYPTION RESUME".
33565 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but the SQL Server service account does not have access to it.
33566 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but it does not have a private key. Please verify and use a valid certificate.
33567 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a clustered index, constraint, or statistics.
33568 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Structured exception within the enclave with status %d. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33569 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type using a non *_BIN2 collation and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in an index.
33570 10 No Specified workload group does not exist. Switching to default workload group for TDE encryption scan.
33572 16 No Encrypted index recovery: %ls %d
33573 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using randomized encryption with a non enclave-enabled column encryption key and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33579 16 No Cannot drop a value for the column encryption key '%.*ls'; dropping the value makes the key enclave disabled, and one or more objects that are schema-bound to column '%.*ls' depend on it.
33580 16 No Operation supported by enclaves invoked on data encrypted with randomized encryption where the keys are not enclave-enabled. Please clear the proc cache.
33581 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to encrypt, decrypt or re-encrypt the column in-place using a secure enclave, but this is not supported for memory-optimized tables.
33582 16 No Cannot create the module. Executing the module requires keys in a secure enclave, but this is not supported for memory-optimized tables.
33586 10 No Warning: Index '%.*ls.%.*ls' has an enclave-enabled key column, however Accelerated Database Recovery is not enabled for database '%.*ls'. Enabling it is strongly recommended to increase the database availability during recovery.
33587 16 No Security predicates cannot be added to external table '%.*ls' because it does not contain a credential.
33588 16 No Invalid encryption algorithm. Always Encrypted with secure enclaves requires data to be encrypted with the AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 algorithm.
34001 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has encountered an error: %s.
34002 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has ended.
34003 16 No Error number %d was encountered while processing an event. The error message is: %s.
34004 16 No Execution mode %d is not a valid execution mode.
34010 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
34011 16 No Specified value for property %s cannot be used with execution mode %d.
34012 16 No Cannot delete %s referenced by a %s.
34013 16 No %s '%s' is referenced by a '%s'. Cannot add another reference.
34014 16 No Facet does not exist.
34015 16 No Policy group %s does not exist.
34016 16 No Invalid target filer: %s. Only filters that restrict the first level below the Server node are allowed.
34017 16 No Automated policies cannot reference conditions that contain script.
34018 16 No Target type "%s" is not a valid target type.
34019 16 No Object "%s" is invalid.
34020 16 No Configuration option "%s" is unknown.
34021 16 No Invalid value type for configuration option "%s". Expecting "%s".
34022 16 No Policy automation is turned off.
34050 16 No %ls
34051 16 No %ls
34052 16 No %ls
34053 16 No %ls
34054 16 No Policy Management cannot be enabled on this edition of SQL Server.
34101 20 Yes An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error.
34102 16 Yes An object in serialized stream has version %u but maximum supported version of this class is %u.
34103 16 Yes Error in formatter during serialize/deserialize. Required to process %d elements but processed only %d elements.
34104 16 No An error was encountered during object serialization operation. The object that failed serialization is %hs.
34901 16 Yes The global lock manager encountered a severe failure.
35001 16 No Parent Server Group does not exist.
35002 16 No Server type and parent Server Group type are not the same
35003 16 No Cannot move node to one of its children
35004 16 No Could not find server group
35005 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_group_id.
35006 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id.
35007 16 No Could not find shared registered server.
35008 16 No Cannot delete system shared server groups.
35009 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type.
35010 16 No An invalid value %d was passed in for parameter @server_type.
35011 16 No The @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name.
35012 16 No You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server.
35100 16 No Error number %d in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 to 2147483647.
35101 16 No One of the SET options FMTONLY or NOEXEC was changes from ON to OFF in a TRY...CATCH block.
35200 16 No Failed to add database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group is created with basic functionality and supports %d database.
35201 10 No A connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or firewall issue exists, or the endpoint address provided for the replica is not the database mirroring endpoint of the host server instance.
35202 10 No A connection for availability group '%ls' from availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls] to '%ls' with id [%ls] has been successfully established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35203 16 No Unable to establish a connection between instance '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] due to a transport version mismatch.
35204 10 No The connection between server instances '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] has been disabled because the database mirroring endpoint was either disabled or stopped. Restart the endpoint by using the ALTER ENDPOINT Transact-SQL statement with STATE = STARTED.
35205 16 No Could not start the Always On Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. If a low memory condition exists, investigate and correct its cause.
35206 10 No A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.
35207 16 No Connection attempt on availability group id '%ls' from replica id '%ls' to replica id '%ls' failed because of error %d, severity %d, state %d.
35208 16 No Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the USE MASTER command, and retry your availability-group DDL command.
35209 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls', because the backup priority value is outside the valid range. The valid range is between %d and %d, inclusive. Set the backup priority to a value within this range, and retry the operation.
35210 16 No Failed to modify options for availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified name. Verify that availability group name and availability replica name are correct, then retry the operation.
35211 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed. The operation attempted to change the configuration of availability replica '%.*ls' to the asynchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover, which is an invalid configuration. Either change the failover mode to manual or the availability mode to synchronous commit, and retry the operation.
35212 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35213 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d automatic failover targets in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the manual failover mode, and retry the operation.
35214 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls'. The minimum value for session timeout is %d. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value.
35215 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed on availability replica '%.*ls', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode.
35216 16 No An error occurred while adding or removing a log truncation holdup to build secondary replica from primary availability database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35217 16 No The thread pool for Always On Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available worker threads. This may degrade Always On Availability Groups performance. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads.
35218 16 No An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35220 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation.
35221 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Enable Always On Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35222 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups does not have permissions to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Disable and re-enable Always On Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35223 16 No Cannot add %d availability replica(s) to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains %d replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %d.
35224 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload the required library functions.
35225 16 No Could not process the operation. The instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support Always On Availability Groups. Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable Always On Availability Groups. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35226 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.
35228 16 No The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified level value is out of the valid range [%u, %u]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value.
35229 16 No The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified timeout value is less than %u milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value.
35230 16 No The specified computer name is either an empty string or is longer than %d Unicode characters. Reenter the command specifying a valid computer name.
35231 16 No The specified server instance name, '%ls', is invalid. Reenter the command specifying a valid instance name.
35232 16 No The specified endpoint URL '%.*ls' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying the endpoint URL for an availability replica, see SQL Server Books Online.
35233 16 No Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group %ls is %d. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying fewer availability replicas.
35234 16 No Database name '%ls' was specified more than once. Reenter the command, specifying each database name only once.
35235 16 No The system name '%ls' was specified more than once in the REPLICA ON clause of this command. Reenter the command, specifying a different instance of SQL Server for each replica.
35236 15 No The endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying the endpoint URL of this instance of SQL Server.
35237 16 No None of the specified replicas for availability group %.*ls maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica.
35238 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this SQL Server instance. Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation.
35239 16 No The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group.
35240 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group '%.*ls'. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group.
35242 16 No Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.
35243 16 No Failed to set resource property '%.*ls' for availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later.
35244 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently joined to another availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35246 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be located (Windows System Error %d). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, the DLL file might be missing from the server instance.
35247 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be loaded (Windows System Error %d).
35248 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. The required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit %d is greater than the %d possible secondary synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing asynchronous-commit replicas to the synchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35249 16 No An attempt to add or join a system database, '%.*ls', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.
35250 16 No The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.
35251 16 No This command can be run only on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the command.
35252 16 No The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command.
35253 16 No Database "%.*ls" is not in the correct state to become the primary database. The log must be restored from the previous primary replica to bring the database out of the reinitializing state.
35254 16 Yes An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online.
35255 16 No An attempt to start database '%.*ls' failed because the database is already started and online.
35256 16 No The session timeout value was exceeded while waiting for a response from the other availability replica in the session. That replica or the network might be down, or the command might be misconfigured. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35257 16 No Always On Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35258 16 No Error in the hadron simulator.
35259 16 No Database '%.*ls' is already participating in a different availability group.
35260 16 No During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation.
35261 16 No Attempt to perform an Always On Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%ls', failed. System databases are not supported by Always On Availability Groups.
35262 10 Yes Skipping the default startup of database '%.*ls' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %d). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35263 16 No During the undo phase, a function call (%ls) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %d). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database.
35264 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been suspended for the following reason: "%S_MSG" (Source ID %d; Source string: '%.*ls'). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For information about how to resume an availability database, see SQL Server Books Online.
35265 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35266 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database established for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35267 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database terminated for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35268 16 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %S_LSN. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups.
35269 21 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will be marked SUSPECT. To return the database to a consistent state, restore it from a clean database backup followed by all subsequent log backups.
35270 10 No Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%ls' message section is invalid.
35271 16 No The availability database %ls in availability group %ls failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
35272 16 No Either invalid parameters were supplied for sys.sp_availability_group_command_internal or user does not have permissions to execute this procedure.
35273 10 Yes Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
35274 10 Yes Recovery for availability database '%ls' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from the primary before it complete and come online. Ensure that the server instance that hosts the primary replica is running.
35275 16 Yes A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%.*ls' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation.
35276 17 Yes Failed to allocate and schedule an Always On Availability Groups task for database '%ls'. Manual intervention may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
35277 16 No Automatic failover is not supported for distributed availability group replica.
35278 16 No Availability database '%.*ls', which is in the secondary role, is being restarted to resynchronize with the current primary database. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35279 16 Yes The attempt to join database '%.*ls' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%d'. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica.
35280 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is already joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35281 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35282 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35283 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation.
35284 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command.
35285 10 No The recovery LSN %S_LSN was identified for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35286 16 No Using the recovery LSN %S_LSN stored in the metadata for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35287 16 No Always On Availability Groups transport for availability database "%.*ls" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is %S_LSN. This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error keeps reoccurring, investigate the root cause.
35288 16 No Always On Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%.*ls" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected LSN was %S_LSN. The received LSN was %S_LSN. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error reoccurs, contact Customer Support Services.
35289 16 No Failed to send request for file '%.*ls' to the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35290 16 No Failed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35291 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
35292 16 No An internal error occurred when performing an operation on extended recovery forks. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35293 16 No Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation.
35294 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35295 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN (0x%ls) from the primary database is greater than the current local redo LSN (0x%ls). No log records need to be backed up at this time. Retry the log-backup operation later.
35296 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35297 10 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica created backup files successfully but could not ensure that a backup point has been committed on the primary. This is an informational message only. Preserve this log backup along with the other log backups of this database.
35298 10 No The backup on the secondary database "%.*ls" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly.
35299 10 Yes Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %.*ls for an Always On Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35301 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be unique. Create the columnstore index without the UNIQUE keyword or create a unique index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword.
35302 15 No The statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order.
35303 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index. Consider replacing the clustered columnstore index with a nonclustered columnstore index.
35304 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table that has a nonclustered index. Consider dropping all nonclustered indexes and trying again.
35305 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a view. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on the view, creating a clustered columnstore index on the base table or creating an index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword on the view.
35306 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be specified using INDEX specification at the column level.
35307 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Columnstore index cannot include a computed column implicitly or explicitly.
35308 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be a filtered index. Consider creating a columnstore index without the predicate filter.
35309 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a sparse column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any sparse columns.
35310 15 No The statement failed because columnstore indexes are not allowed on table types and table variables. Remove the column store index specification from the table type or table variable declaration.
35311 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot have included columns. Create the columnstore index on the desired columns without specifying any included columns.
35312 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data.
35313 15 No The statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification.
35314 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns.
35315 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
35316 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index must be partition-aligned with the base table. Create the columnstore index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the base table. If the base table is not partitioned, create a nonpartitioned columnstore index.
35317 15 No The statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35318 15 No The statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35319 15 No The table option DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when a table specifies a clustered column store index.
35320 15 No Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified.
35321 16 No Table '%.*ls' uses a clustered columnstore index. Columnstore indexes are not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
35322 16 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index and the underlying clustered columnstore index must be partition-aligned. Consider creating the nonclustered index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the clustered columnstore index.
35323 16 No The statement failed because adding multiple generated value type columns (such as identity and uniqueidentifier types) at once is not supported for columnstore index. Consider adding the generated columns separately.
35324 15 No The statement failed because specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB is not allowed when creating a columnstore index without ORDER. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB, or use it with ORDER clause.
35325 15 No The statement failed because the definition of a column belonging to clustered columnstore index cannot be changed. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35326 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a nonclustered columnstore index is not necessary.
35327 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35328 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35329 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not allowed when creating the rowstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the rowstore index without specifying ORDER.
35330 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table that has a nonclustered columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %S_MSG statement, and then rebuilding the columnstore index after %S_MSG has completed.
35331 16 No Cannot use duplicate column names in the ORDER column list. Column name '%.*ls' appears more than once.
35332 16 No Cannot ORDER on more than %d columns.
35334 15 No DBCC DBREINDEX failed because specifying FILLFACTOR is not allowed when creating or rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying FILLFACTOR.
35335 15 No The statement failed because specifying a key list is not allowed when creating a clustered columnstore index. Create the clustered columnstore index without specifying a key list.
35336 15 No The statement failed because specifying key list is missing when creating an index. Create the index with specifying key list .
35337 16 No UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option.
35338 16 No Clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35339 16 No Multiple columnstore indexes are not supported.
35340 16 No LOB columns are disabled in columnstore.
35341 16 No The statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Reduce the precision or omit column '%.*ls'.
35342 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not a valid option for creating the non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the non-clustered columnstore index without specifying ORDER, or create a clustered columnstore index.
35343 15 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index.
35344 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION MERGE operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35345 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either partition contains columnstore index data. Consider dropping the columnstore index before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35346 16 No SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION SPLIT operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35347 16 No The stored procedure 'sp_tableoption' failed because a table with a columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index.
35348 16 No The statement failed because table '%.*ls' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage.
35349 16 No TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%.*ls' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table.
35350 16 No The statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table. Consider dropping the columnstore index before creating a new clustered index.
35351 16 No DROP INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table (heap). Consider dropping the columnstore index before dropping a clustered index.
35352 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed online on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the ONLINE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the ONLINE option.
35353 16 No %s cannot be enabled on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider dropping clustered columnstore index '%s' on table '%s'.
35354 16 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table enabled for %S_MSG. Consider disabling %S_MSG and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35355 16 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision to 18.
35356 16 No This operation is not supported on nonclustered columnstore indexes built in earlier versions of SQL Server. Consider rebuilding the index.
35357 16 No The statement failed because a secondary dictionary reached the maximum size limit. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35358 16 No CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*ls' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider enforcing the logic of the trigger in some other way, or if you must use a trigger, use a heap or B-tree index instead.
35359 16 No The statement failed because a table with a clustered columnstore index cannot have triggers. Consider removing all triggers from the table and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35360 16 No Referential constraint '%.*ls' cannot be created because the %S_MSG table '%.*ls' has a clustered columnstore index.
35361 16 No The statement failed. A clustered columnstore index cannot be created over referencing column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'.
35363 16 No The statement failed because clustered columnstore indexes are not supported in system databases.
35364 16 No ALTER INDEX statement option COMPRESSION_DELAY can only be used with columnstore indexes.
35365 22 No The compression block header at offset %ld is invalid.
35366 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress header is invalid.
35367 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress object header is invalid.
35368 17 No Internal DDL Operation Error: The DDL encountered an unexpected error %d during execution (HRESULT = 0x%x).
35369 16 No GETCHECKSUM can not be used for a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35370 16 No Cursors are not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35371 16 No SNAPSHOT isolation level is not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35372 16 No You cannot create more than one clustered index on %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Consider creating a new clustered index using 'with (drop_existing = on)' option.
35373 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement failed on a clustered columnstore index with error %d. See previous error messages for more details.
35374 16 No Columnstore archive decompression failed with error %d.
35375 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement option COMPRESS_ALL_ROW_GROUPS can only be used with clustered columnstore indexes.
35376 16 No Tuple mover stvf got passed invalid arguments
35377 16 No When MARS is on, accessing clustered columnstore indexes is not allowed.
35378 16 No Row groups stvf got passed invalid arguments
35379 16 No Internal error occurred while flushing delete buffer database id %d, table id %d, index id %d, partition number %d. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log may provide more details.
35380 16 No The non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' cannot be reorganized due to an active snapshot transaction.
35381 22 No The columnstore blob dictionary header is invalid.
35382 16 No The specified COMPRESSION_DELAY option value %d is invalid. The valid range for disk-based table is between (0, 10080) minutes and for memory-optimized table is 0 or between (60, 10080) minutes.
35383 16 No The use of user-defined functions is not allowed in default constraints when adding columns to a columnstore index.
35384 16 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a lob column. Non clustered index with lob column as included column cannot co-exist with clustered columnstore index.
35386 17 No Unable to allocate %I64d KB for columnstore compression because it exceeds the remaining memory from total allocated for current resource class and DWU. Please rerun query at a higher resource class, and also consider increasing DWU. See '' for assistance.
35387 17 No TEMPDB ran out of space during spilling. Verify that data is evenly distributed and/or rewrite the query to consume fewer rows. If the issue still persists, consider upgrading to a higher service level objective.
35388 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a persisted computed column. Adding persisted computed columns to an existing clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35389 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column of a LOB type. Columnstore indexes cannot include computed columns of LOB types.
35390 16 No Computed columns in columnstore indexes are temporarily disabled. Please rewrite your query to exclude computed columns.
35391 16 No Could not build or rebuild clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' online, because the the table has secondary indexes. Please perform the operation offline, or remove the secondary indexes and try again.
35392 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Nonclustered index with computed column as key or included column cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index.
35393 16 No Columnstore tuple mover unit tests can't be run under master database.
35394 16 No Transaction %d reached %I64u log used bytes and %I64d reserved log bytes. In order to minimize log usage %d suboptimal rowgroups were created, which is not allowed since it compromises index quality. Please re-run query at a higher resource class, and also consider increasing DWU. See '' for assistance.
35395 16 No Transaction %d reached %I64u log used bytes and %I64d reserved log bytes. In order to minimize log usage, %d suboptimal rowgroups were created, which is not allowed since it compromises index quality. Please re-run the query with more memory (change your Resource Governor settings or upgrade to a higher SLO) or target fewer partitions in the load if your target table is partitioned.
35396 17 No Effective DOP of %u is too high for columnstore compression on table id %d because each thread only has %I64d KB for compression. Please retry using the MAXDOP hint to use a lower DOP.
35397 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed resumably on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the RESUMABLE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the RESUMABLE option.
35398 16 No Columnstore index operation failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support.
35401 10 No ONLINE
35404 16 No sequence
35405 10 No decryption
35406 10 No creation
35409 10 No Replication
35410 10 No Change Tracking
35411 10 No Change Data Capture
35412 16 No CloudDB Async Transport
35413 16 No CloudDB Async Transport Forwarder
35415 10 No mirrored
35417 10 No primary
35418 10 No secondary
35419 16 No feature
35420 16 No operation
35421 16 No statement
35422 16 No index option
35423 16 No table option
35424 16 No operator
35425 16 No value
35426 16 No system column
35427 16 No set option
35428 16 No query hint
35429 16 No transaction isolation level
35430 16 No in-memory index
35431 10 No SCHEDULER
35432 10 No NUMANODE
35433 16 No federation
35434 16 No federation distribution
35435 16 No system database
35436 16 No federation member database
35437 16 No non federation member database
35438 16 No federation root database
35439 10 No it is a system database.
35440 10 No it acts as a distribution database
35441 10 No an internal error occurred
35442 10 No it is involved in a mirroring session. Turn off the mirroring session and try again
35443 10 No it is not in SIMPLE recovery mode. Change the recovery model to SIMPLE and try again
35444 10 No it is a database snapshot
35445 10 No it is a not currently enabled
35446 16 No clause
35447 10 No Cluster Proxy
35448 10 No partition
35449 16 No signing algorithm
35450 16 No table
35451 16 No join hint
35452 10 No Database unavailable
35453 10 No it is a system database. Make sure to target a user database. If you want temporary clustered columnstore tables, consider creating a regular user database for them
35454 10 No a transaction is currently active. Execute sp_db_enable_clustered_columnstores by itself
35455 10 No an internal error occurred
35456 10 No it is involved in a mirroring pair. Consider disabling mirroring, changing the setting, then re-establishing mirroring
35457 10 No it is a database snapshot
35458 10 No it is part of an Always On availability group. Consider removing the database from the availability group, changing the setting, and then adding the database back to the availability group
35459 10 No it is a replication distribution database. Make sure to target a regular user database
35460 10 No it is not using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider temporarily changing to the simple recovery model, then downgrading, then switching back
35461 10 No it contains one or more clustered columnstore indexes. Consider dropping these indexes or creating clustered B-tree indexes instead, and trying again
35462 10 No referencing
35463 10 No referenced
35464 10 No columnstore indexes are not supported in the current SQL Server edition. See SQL Server Books Online for supported editions
35465 17 No Unable to allocate the recovery thread
35466 16 No Exception in the recovery thread
35467 16 No Already linked to a partition host
35468 16 No Partition DB marked as suspect
35469 16 No Failed to get Partition DB attributes
35470 16 No Partition Host
35471 10 No Partition metadata not found
35472 15 No memory optimized tables
35473 15 No natively compiled modules
35474 15 No indexes on memory optimized tables
35475 15 No hash indexes
35476 15 No transactions that access memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules
35477 15 No databases that have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup
35478 16 No truncate
35479 16 No start
35480 16 No stop
35481 15 No memory optimized table types
35482 16 No clustered
35483 16 No nonclustered
35484 16 No BUCKET_COUNT
35485 16 No security policy
35486 15 No memory optimized tables that have a column store index
35487 10 No Global Transactions
35488 15 No natively compiled triggers
35489 16 No Upgrade of Hekaton database
35490 16 No memory optimized tables that have max length columns
35491 16 No max length columns in natively compiled modules
35492 16 No column definition
35493 16 No enabled
35494 16 No disabled
35495 15 No memory optimized table
35496 15 No natively compiled module
35497 15 No module
35498 16 No external data source
35499 16 No OUTPUT clauses in natively compiled modules
35501 15 No schemas that contain natively compiled modules
35502 15 No change_tracking_hardened_cleanup_version()
35503 15 No safe_cleanup_version()
35504 16 No server encryption protector
35505 15 No RESUMABLE
35506 15 No MAX_DURATION
35507 10 No Storage
35508 10 No RESUME
35509 10 No PAUSE
35510 10 No ABORT
35511 10 No ABORT
35512 10 No allow_enclave_computations
35513 10 No compute
35514 10 No local computer
35515 10 No current user
35516 10 No query_capture_policy
35517 10 No execution_count
35518 10 No total_compile_cpu_time_ms
35519 10 No total_execution_cpu_time_ms
35521 10 No stale_capture_policy_threshold
35522 10 No day
35528 10 No unable to read page due to invalid FCB
35529 10 No certificate id
35532 10 No certificate name
36001 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
36002 16 No instance_id already exists in the database.
36003 16 No %s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
36004 16 No DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist.
36005 16 No Dac root - database %s does not exist.
36006 16 No Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table.
36007 16 No Dac Part the policy refers to, does not exist.
36008 16 No Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
36009 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the Dac Parts.
36010 16 No The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
36011 16 No The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated.
36012 10 No Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.\nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%s' context after this procedure finishes:\n%s
36101 16 No Process ID %d is not an active process ID.
37001 16 No This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
37002 16 No Cannot find the database '%s', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
37003 16 No This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server.
37004 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37005 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37006 16 No Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
37007 16 No An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point.
37008 16 No The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role.
37009 16 No The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point.
37010 16 No The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
37101 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not contain elastic job account: '%.*ls'.
37102 16 No Elastic job account '%.*ls' does not contain the resource of type '%.*ls' named '%.*ls'.
37103 16 No Internal job account error occurred : '%.*ls'.
37104 16 No A job account already exists for subscription '%.*ls' for the selected region.
37105 16 No The job account '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' already exists.
37106 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is in use by job account '%.*ls'. The database cannot be deleted or renamed while associated with a job account.
37107 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' has service level objective '%.*ls' which is not supported for use as a job account database.
37108 16 No A job account could not be linked to database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' because it is a geo-secondary database.
37109 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already linked to another job account.
37201 16 No An instance pool could not be found with name '%.*ls'.
37202 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' is busy with another ongoing operation.
37203 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' is not empty.
37204 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' does not have enough vCore capacity for given request.
37301 16 Yes Internal enclave error. The enclave symcrypt method %ls failed with status 0x%08x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37302 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an internal error. API: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37303 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining an authentication token for an attestation service. Authentication method: %ls, status: 0x%08x.
37304 16 No Cannot initialize %ls enclave for column encryption - the operating system does not support the enclave type.
37305 16 Yes Invalid enclave configuration: %ls.
37306 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Cannot initialize the %ls enclave. Error: 0x%08x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37307 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Cannot initialize the %ls enclave. Load method: %ls. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37308 10 Yes Loaded %ls enclave for Always Encrypted.
37309 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an error in Intel Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) SGX API: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37310 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an error while parsing the attestation URL provided by the client. URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37311 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed. The attestation URL provided by the client has an invalid scheme name. URL: '%ls'. The supported schemes are: '%ls'.
37312 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed. The attestation URL specified by the client is not reachable. URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. Check your networking configuration.
37313 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed. The attestation service returned an empty response. Attestation URL: '%ls'. Verify the attestation policy. If the policy is correct, contact Customer Support Services.
37314 16 Yes VBS enclave attestation failed due to an error in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). API: '%ls', Return code: '0x%08x'. Check the Host Gurdian Service is running. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37315 16 Yes Credential object named '0x%08x', configured for external authentication, does not exist.
37316 16 Yes Authentication bearer service failed to return a valid challenge. Verify URL '%ls' is correct. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37317 16 Yes Failed to look up '%ls' for '%ls'.
37318 16 Yes Unable to acquire an authentication token for resource_id '%ls' with URL '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37319 16 Yes Failed to obtain an authentication token for URL '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37320 16 Yes Authentication for URL '%ls' failed due to an invalid client id or an invalid secret. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37321 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37322 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37323 16 Yes Authentication bearer service failed to return a valid challenge. Verify URL '%ls' is correct. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37324 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed. Attestation service returned Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Attestation URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. Verify the attestation policy. If the policy is correct, contact Customer Support Services.
37325 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an error in Azure Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Client. Validate Azure DCAP Client is installed and configured properly. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37326 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due an authorization failure. Verify the identity of SQL Server instance has the required permissions to access an attestation service at URL '%ls'.
37447 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' has been already added as a trusted issuer for DNS name '%.*ls'
37448 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be removed from the trusted issuers for the DNS name '%.*ls' because it hasn't been added as a trusted issuer for the DNS name '%.*ls'.
37449 10 No Warning: The certificate chain of the certificate specified could not be validated at this time. This may cause issues with the certificate-based authentication in the future. Please check your organization's policy and settings for online and/or offline validation of a certificate chain.
37450 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be added as a trusted issuer for a DNS name because it is not allowed to sign certificates
37451 16 No DNS name provided exceeds maximum length of %d characters.
37543 10 No The trust of the certificate imported could not be verified with the Certificate Authority (CA) or verified through the Internet. Most likely the host operating system where SQL Server is hosted is missing the latest root certificate updates, or access to the Internet. In case this certificate is used for authentication when partner server rotates the certificate, the authentication will fail unless the issue has been resolved on the host OS. Please ensure that the host OS has the latest root certificate updates, or access to the Internet to reach out to remote CA. Error code: 0x%lx.
38001 16 No Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
38002 16 No Only users having %s permission can execute this stored procedure.
39001 16 No Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39002 16 No SQL failed to boot extensibility for error code 0x%lx.
39003 10 No SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39004 16 No A '%.*s' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39005 10 No STDOUT message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39006 10 No External script execution status: %.*ls.
39007 16 No The specified language '%.*ls' does not exist or you do not have permission.
39008 16 No Invlid Parameter name '%ls' specified for Procedure. This clashes with internal parameters.
39009 16 No Output parameter in external script execution is not yet supported.
39010 16 No External script execution for '%.*s' script encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x) for request id: %ls.
39011 16 No SQL Server was unable to communicate with the LaunchPad service for request id: %ls. Please verify the configuration of the service.
39012 16 No Unable to communicate with the runtime for '%.*s' script for request id: %ls. Please check the requirements of '%.*s' runtime.
39013 16 No SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%.*s' runtime for request id: %ls. Please check the configuration of the '%.*s' runtime.
39014 16 No Parallelism in external script execution is not yet supported.
39015 16 No SELECT INTO statement is not supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39016 16 No The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
39017 16 No Input data query returns column #%d of type '%ls' which is not supported by the runtime for '%.*s' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type. External script request id is %ls.
39018 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%.*s' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type. External script request id is %ls.
39019 10 No An external script error occurred: %.*ls%.*ls
39020 16 No Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
39021 16 No Unable to launch runtime for '%.*s' script for request id: %ls. Please check the configuration of the '%.*s' runtime.
39022 10 No STDERR message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39023 16 No 'sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable it.
39024 16 No Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
39025 16 No External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully started.
39026 16 No The parameter name 'r_rowsPerRead' is specified multiple times in 'sp_execute_external_script' call. The name 'r_rowsPerRead' is reserved for specifying streaming behavior only. External script request id is %ls.
39027 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' was specified multiple times to sp_execute_external_script stored procedure.
39031 16 No Cannot parse the output schema of the builtin function 'PREDICT'.
39032 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameters in the form of 'name = value'.
39033 16 No The parameter name '%.*ls' has already been declared. Parameter names must be unique in a PREDICT function call.
39034 16 No The parameter 'PARAMETERS' in PREDICT function contains a definition that doesn't match the supplied arguments.
39035 16 No The function PREDICT has too many arguments supplied.
39036 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameter '%.*ls' which was not supplied.
39037 16 No The function PREDICT contains a parameter '%.*ls' that has an invalid type.
39038 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameter 'PARAMETERS' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
39039 16 No Error converting the parameter value for '%.*ls' to '%.*ls'.
39040 16 No The function 'PREDICT' does not support SQL identifier or variable for 'PARAMETERS'.
39041 16 No The parameter 'PARAMETERS' has an invalid definition.
39042 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the library source parameter %d is not a valid expression.
39043 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because filename '%.*ls' is too long.
39044 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39045 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39046 16 No CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist.
39047 16 No External library '%.*ls' already exists for owner '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'.
39048 16 No Failed to %s external library '%ls': %ls.
39049 10 No Message(s) from 'PREDICT' engine: %.*ls%.*ls
39050 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Out of memory.
39051 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model is corrupt or invalid.
39052 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model type is unsupported.
39092 16 No Initialization of native scoring libraries failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
39093 16 No 'PREDICT' function does not take parameters of varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) type except for 'MODEL' parameter.
39094 16 No 'PREDICT' function only supports models smaller than 100 MB.
39096 16 No Execution failed because its WITH clause specified different output columns from what 'PREDICT' function tries to return. The schema returned by 'PREDICT' function is '%ls'.
39097 16 No Input data column #%d is of type '%ls' which is not supported by 'PREDICT' function. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39098 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39099 16 No Feature or option 'PREDICT' is not yet implemented. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature or option.
39101 16 No '%.*ls' failed because it is not supported in the edition of this SQL Server instance.
39102 16 No Duplicate column names are not allowed in '%.*ls'. Column name '%.*ls' is a duplicate.
39103 16 No Parameter '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' is not allowed without parameter '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns'.
39104 16 No Column '%.*ls' in '%.*ls' is not defined in the SELECT clause of '@input_data_1' parameter.
39105 16 No Invalid syntax for parameter '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns'. Specify a list of comma separated columns.
39106 16 No Invalid syntax for parameter '@input_data_1_order_by_columns'. Specify a list of comma separated columns and an optional argument for sorting order <ASC|DESC>.
39107 16 No Columns in parameters '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns' and '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' must be unique. Column name '%.*ls' appears in both parameters.
39108 16 No Maximum number of concurrent external script users has been reached. Limit is %d. Please retry the operation. External script request id is %ls.
39109 16 No The combined total number of columns given in parameters '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns' and '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' exceeds the maximum %d.
39110 16 No Maximum number of concurrent external script queries for this user has been reached. Limit is %d. Please retry the operation. External script request id is %ls.
39111 16 No The SQL Server Machine Learning Services End-User License Agreement (EULA) has not been accepted.
39112 15 No Duplicate file specification supplied for platform '%.*ls'.
39113 15 No Number of file specifications exceeds the maximum of %d.
39114 15 No CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement failed because of duplicate file specification. Only one file specification per platform is allowed in a CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement.
39115 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement failed because the content for platform '%.*ls' does not exist or is not correctly defined in the external library.
39116 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY REMOVE PLATFORM statement failed because an external library requires at least one file specification to be defined.
39117 16 No %.*ls EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the parameter '%s' is not a valid expression.
39118 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the specified file path '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length of file path is %d characters.
39119 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39120 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39121 16 No CREATE EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist or have permission.
39122 16 No CREATE statement failed. External language '%.*ls' already exists.
39123 16 No %.*ls EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the parameter '%s' is not specified.
39124 16 No '%.*ls' platform information doesn't exist for the language '%.*ls'.
39125 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because of duplicate file specification. Only one file specification per platform is allowed.
39126 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE REMOVE PLATFORM statement failed because an external language requires at least one file specification to be defined.
39127 16 No External script execution for '%.*s' script ran out of resources. External script request id is: %s.
39128 16 No External language runtime for '%s' could not be provisioned. Error code 0x%08x.
39129 16 No Cannot drop external language '%.*ls' because it is being referenced by external library '%.*ls'.
39130 16 No %.*ls statement failed. Language '%s' already exists.
39131 16 No %.*ls statement failed. System language '%s' can't be altered or removed.
39132 16 No The parameter '@r_rowsPerRead' is invalid. Parameter '@r_rowsPerRead' must be a positive integer.
39133 16 No CREATE/ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed. The environment variables string is invalid.
40000 16 No Replicated tables support only local (non-DTC) two-phase commit involving the master database.
40001 16 No Secondary kill was initiated during commit.
40002 16 No Replicated row is not found.
40003 16 No Unexpected operation in replicated message.
40004 16 No Column count does not match.
40005 16 No Duplicated transaction id.
40006 16 No Unknown transaction id.
40007 16 No Invalid nesting level.
40008 16 No Replication target database is not found.
40009 16 No Transaction state locally does not match the expected state.
40010 16 No Replicated transactions across databases are not allowed.
40011 16 No Replicated target table %ld is not found.
40012 16 No Replicated target index %ld on table %ld is not found.
40013 16 No Replicated target schema %.*ls is not found.
40014 16 No Multiple databases can not be used in the same transaction.
40015 16 No This functionality is not supported on replicated tables.
40016 16 No The partitioning key column '%.*ls' must be one of the keys of '%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls' index.
40017 16 No Partition key can not be changed.
40018 16 No Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range.
40019 16 No The partition key column '%.*ls' of table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group.
40020 16 No The database is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40021 16 No The low and high keys specified for the partition are invalid. Low must be less than high.
40022 16 No A partition with overlapping key ranges already exists.
40023 16 No The name %s is too long.
40024 16 No The last committed CSN (%d, %I64d) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%d, %I64d).
40025 16 No The transaction was aborted during commit due to a database state transition.
40028 16 No The tablegroup name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not valid.
40029 16 No Replicated tables can have at most %d columns.
40030 16 No Can not perform replica operation because the replica does not exist in local partition map.
40031 16 No The partition key column for table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is undefined.
40032 16 No Unsupported use of LOB in online index build.
40033 16 No Attempted CSN epoch switch is not allowed. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40034 16 No CSN being added must be equal last CSN+1. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40035 16 No CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40036 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition.
40037 16 No The epoch being started must not have been used. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40038 16 No Can not get ack to roll back replication message.
40039 16 No Can not get ack to commit replication message.
40040 16 No Failed to initiate VDI Client for physical seeding.
40041 16 No Corrupted column status.
40042 16 No Corrupted column length.
40043 16 No Corrupted variable data. Actual remaining bytes is %d, expected %d bytes.
40044 16 No Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %d, expected %d bytes.
40045 16 No Message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40046 16 No The minimum required message version %d for message type %d is unsupported.
40047 16 No Invalid use of parent transaction.
40048 16 No Corrupted fragmented row flow sequence.
40049 16 No Corrupted fragmented row.
40050 16 No Corrupted LOB row.
40051 16 No Use of UPDATETEXT on replicated tables is not supported.
40052 16 No Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables.
40053 16 No Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %ld.
40054 16 No Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again.
40056 16 No Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated.
40057 16 No Table is not enabled for replication.
40058 16 No Unsupported replicated table usage option. Refer to the state to identify the cause.
40060 16 No Attempt to replicate out of partition already locked for internal use.
40061 16 No Unknown rowset id.
40062 16 No Incorrect replica role transition.
40063 16 No Replica is not found.
40064 16 No Attempt to add a CSN to an invalid CSN vector. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40065 16 No CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40066 16 No Transport destination is not found.
40067 16 No Corrupted row sequence.
40068 16 No Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction.
40069 16 No Could not obtain rowset interface.
40070 16 No CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%d,%I64d), the remote CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40071 16 No This partition does not have enough valid secondaries to start a DML transaction. The needed count is %ld, the current counts are %ld (main quorum) and %ld (transient quorum).
40072 16 No Corrupted rowset metadata sequence.
40073 16 No Partitioned tables are not supported.
40074 16 No Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys.
40075 16 No Column schema mismatch for rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld.
40076 16 No Too few columns from remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls.
40077 16 No Remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld is not found locally.
40078 16 No The persisted queue logging has failed.
40079 16 No A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally.
40080 16 No Corrupted (too long) packed row.
40081 16 No Cardinality of index should not be less then zero.
40082 16 No Induced exception for testing purposes.
40083 16 No Corrupted CSN vector.
40084 16 No Multiple modifications to CSN vector in the same transaction are not supported.
40085 16 No The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start.
40086 16 No Primary hit an error with this secondary.
40087 16 No Replica with the specified version is not found.
40088 16 No CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch range. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40089 16 No The index configuration for table %ld index %ld does not match the source.
40090 16 No The primary partition is in transition and the transaction can not commit.
40091 16 No Truncation CSN is mismatched. The truncation CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40092 16 No This index %ld state for table %ld does not match the source.
40093 16 No Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried.
40094 16 No Incompatible key metadata change. The scan can not be resumed.
40095 13 No Replication transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried.
40096 16 No Critical replication task could not start. State is %d.
40097 16 No The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue.
40098 16 No Mismatched partition id found in the transaction log.
40099 16 No Invalid nested transaction count found in the transaction log.
40101 16 No The partition does not have persisted queues enabled.
40102 16 No The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state.
40103 16 No The partition can not be changed inside a persisted object.
40104 16 No Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%.*ls'.
40105 16 No The local partition map for database %.*ls is starting up in reduced functionality mode because of log full. Pending partition deletes will not be processed until the log is truncated.
40106 16 No The schema scope set in the session is not the current schema scope for the current partition. Please rerun your query.
40108 16 No The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key.
40109 16 No Number of parameters specified for procedure or function %.*ls is incorrect.
40110 16 Yes Cannot scope database %s for sp_cloud_scope_database spec proc because it is already set up as a partition database.
40111 16 Yes Unable to delete partition DB id %d.
40126 16 Yes The partition database was not found during pending schema scope cleanup, deleting partition metadata only (%d, %s).
40127 16 Yes %S_MSG database '%.*ls' link up with the %S_MSG database %d encountered the error: %S_MSG.
40128 16 Yes Cannot pair database '%.*ls' with fabric because it is not a partition host.
40129 16 Yes %S_MSG database link up with the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' encountered the error: %ls.
40130 16 No Replication quorum parameter is %d. It should be >= 1 and <= 32.
40131 16 No Partition key type '%.*ls' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported currently.
40132 16 No Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions.
40133 15 No This operation is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40134 16 No get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction.
40135 15 No This system metadata view is not supported.
40136 15 No Could not disable versioning because the database is not in single user mode.
40137 15 No Could not refresh options for all scoped databases.
40138 16 No Query references entities from multiple partitions.
40139 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition.
40140 16 No Set partition failed since a different partition already was set in the current transaction. Cross partition operations within a node are not reliable or supported.
40141 16 No Partition has to be set using sp_set_partition before executing this query.
40142 16 No Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed.
40143 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary.
40144 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
40145 16 No Database is not found.
40146 16 No Table group object is not found.
40147 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' is only for CloudDB.
40148 16 No The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN.
40149 16 No The database does not host any partitions.
40150 16 No Downgrading the severity of error %d, severity %d, state %d because it would cause the server to be shutdown on a non-critical error.
40151 16 No Partition is in transactionally inconsistent state.
40152 16 No Partition delete expects no context transaction.
40153 16 No The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master.
40154 16 No Cannot use sp_cloud_add_partition or sp_cloud_delete_partition within a transaction when Partition DB are enabled.
40155 16 Yes Invalid arguments provided to sp_cloud_add_partition spec proc (%s).
40156 16 Yes Drop is not allowed on the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' as it contains partitions. Drop the partition before the operation.
40157 16 No Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported.
40158 16 No Could not change database collation for database id %d.
40159 16 No Database scoping cannot be run inside a transaction.
40160 16 No Heartbeat message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40161 16 No Invalid partition type. Only 1 or 2 is supported.
40162 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent.
40163 16 No Become nothing expects no context transaction.
40164 16 No Idempotent flush expects no context transaction.
40165 16 No Prepare for full commit expects no context transaction.
40166 16 No A CloudDB reconfiguration is going on and all new user transactions are aborted.
40167 21 Yes A paired CloudDB fabric node failed and database %d must be shutdown.
40168 16 No SILO_TO_PDB: Partition copy is disabled in M1.
40169 16 No Waiting for database copy sync with %s.%s has failed. Please make sure the database is in the CATCH_UP state and try again later.
40170 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has failed.
40171 16 No Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64).
40172 16 No The partition is not in a state that allows deletion.
40173 16 No This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process.
40174 16 No The partition is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40175 16 No Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction.
40176 16 No Rename a partition can not be used in a transaction.
40177 16 No The new table group does not match the existing table group for the renaming partition.
40178 16 No A partition with same name already exists.
40179 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the server is not ready to pair.
40180 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the database is already paired.
40181 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('%.*ls') could not be opened. Error code: %d
40182 16 Yes The schema scope %ld being created is not empty.
40183 16 Yes Could not create database side pairing mutex for database ('%.*ls'). Error code: %d
40184 16 No Login failed. A system operation is in progress, and the database is not accepting user connections.
40185 16 No Secondary failure report expects no context transaction.
40186 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition with the requested version.
40187 16 No The metadata record for the partition does not exist.
40188 16 No Failed to update database "%.*ls" because it is switched to read-only to enforce disaster recovery RPO.
40189 16 No The resource quota for the current database has been exceeded and this request has been aborted. Please rerun your request in the next quota window. %s
40190 16 No A context transaction is required.
40191 16 Yes Cannot create partition DB (%s).
40192 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has been cancelled.
40193 16 No The maximum allowed number of database is already paired.
40194 16 No Table %s has a partition key already. Explicitly specifying a new partition key is not allowed. Please use "Alter table".
40195 16 No %ls FOR SID command is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40196 16 No A varbinary can not be longer than max length specified.
40197 16 No The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code %d.
40198 16 No Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder.
40199 16 No There should be no context transaction when entering the forwarder pending state.
40201 16 No Destination server name is too long.
40202 16 No Corrupted composite message.
40203 16 No Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint.
40204 16 No Dispatch sequence number maintenance failure
40205 16 No Maximum transport queue size reached.
40206 16 No Heartbeat lease time is less than the heartbeat worker interval.
40207 16 No Async transport test failed.
40208 16 No Corrupted received message format.
40209 17 No Duplicate destination id.
40210 16 No Cluster name has not been set.
40301 16 No Invalid lock mode or resource received in lock request.
40302 16 No Invalid identity value.
40303 16 No Enter idempotent sequence.
40304 16 No Target object %ld is not found.
40305 16 No The current object is not a relation.
40306 16 No Cannot create an index %ld on object %ld.
40307 16 No Cannot find index %ld on object %ld.
40308 16 No Metadata replication protocol error.
40309 16 No Partition %ld is not found
40310 16 No Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported.
40311 16 No Switching out partitions not supported.
40312 16 No Inconsistent index build state.
40313 16 No Not all rowsets could be deleted.
40314 16 No Identity column not found on object %ld.
40501 20 No The service is currently busy. Retry the request after 10 seconds. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40502 16 No Duplicate group id settings specified.
40503 16 No Database field %ls contains invalid value '%.*ls'. Expected data type %ls.
40504 16 No Switching Databases is not supported. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database.
40505 16 No Incorrect user credentials.
40506 16 No Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server.
40507 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server.
40508 16 No USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different database.
40509 16 No Upgrade of SAWA v1 database fails. Check the metadata of the database before re-running the upgrade.
40510 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40511 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40512 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40513 16 No Server variable '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40514 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40515 16 No Reference to database and/or server name in '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40516 16 No Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40517 16 No Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40518 16 No DBCC command '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40519 16 No Invalid value '%.*ls' of login field in gateway magic syntax.
40520 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40521 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in the server scope in this version of SQL Server.
40522 16 No Database principal '%.*ls' type is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40523 16 No Implicit user '%.*ls' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it.
40524 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40525 16 No 'WITH %ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40526 16 No '%.*ls' rowset provider not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40527 16 No Linked servers are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40528 16 No Users cannot be mapped to Windows logins in this version of SQL Server.
40529 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' in impersonation context is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40530 16 No The %.*ls statement must be the only statement in the batch.
40531 11 No Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%.*ls). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match.
40532 11 No Cannot open server "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40533 16 No Server '%.*ls' already exists.
40534 16 No A valid SID is already associated with the database owner.
40535 16 No Properties for schema scope '%.*ls' already exist.
40536 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40537 16 No User '%.*ls' not found in the database.
40538 16 No A valid URL beginning with 'https://' is required as value for any filepath specified.
40539 16 No Windows Azure Storage credential '%.*ls' was not found.
40540 16 No Transaction was aborted as database is moved to read-only mode. This is a temporary situation and please retry the operation.
40541 16 No Procedure cannot be called from inside a partition.
40542 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
40543 16 No Invalid %S_MSG name specified. Length should be between 1 and %d.
40544 20 No The database '%.*ls' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
40545 20 No The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40546 16 No Cannot create UCS task pool
40548 16 No Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in database '%.*ls' is not permitted.
40549 16 No Session is terminated because you have a long running transaction. Try shortening your transaction.
40550 16 No The session has been terminated because it has acquired too many locks. Try reading or modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40551 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive TEMPDB usage. Try modifying your query to reduce temporary table space usage.
40552 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40553 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive memory usage. Try modifying your query to process fewer rows.
40554 10 No Exiting because of XEvent %ls.
40555 16 No '%ls' is not supported for this database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40558 16 No Error - cannot perform checkpoint on a partition database before loading partition information.
40559 16 No File based statement options are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40561 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or target database does not exist.
40562 16 No Database copy failed. The source database has been dropped.
40563 16 No Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped.
40564 16 No Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.</value>
40565 16 No Database copy failed. No more than 1 concurrent database copy from the same source is allowed. Please drop target database and try again later.
40566 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40567 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40568 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or the target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40569 16 No Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40570 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40571 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40572 16 No Cannot obtain primary partition lock for CloudDB auto partition upgrade.
40573 16 No Cannot upgrade CloudDB auto partitions in database '%.*ls' because the physical database is read only.
40574 16 No Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server.
40575 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40576 16 No Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection.
40577 16 No The constraint '%ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40578 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a filtered connection.
40579 16 No DML statements are not supported on non-federated tables in a filtered connection.
40580 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a federated database.
40581 16 No Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder.
40582 16 No Federation member metadata for a database cannot be changed when there are logically filtered secondaries attached (split is running).
40583 16 No Federation member does not exist for the given member id and federation root
40584 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40585 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the forwarder for this partition.
40586 16 No Replicas with deferred commit enabled cannot be a member of a quorum.
40587 16 No Deferred commit is only supported with forwarder replicas.
40588 16 No Cannot create partition worker pool
40589 16 No Replicas that are not enabled for deferred commit cannot specify RPO.
40590 16 No The Gpm is in rebuild and cannot be accessed as it is not yet consistent.
40591 16 No Extended event configuration could not be initialized. The error is %ls.
40592 16 No Extended event session '%ls' could not be created or altered. XE Error %d.%d state:%d.
40593 16 No Extended event session '%ls' returned error '%ls'.
40594 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been started.
40595 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been altered.
40596 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been stopped.
40597 16 No A federation root database cannot be read only.
40598 16 No A federation member cannot be read only.
40599 16 No This type of KILL is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database; Only 'KILL session ID [WITH STATUSONLY]' and 'KILL UOW' are supported.
40601 16 No Server Admin user already exists.
40602 16 No Could not create login. Please try again later.
40603 16 No Cannot execute procedure because current user is not Gateway.
40604 16 No Could not %.*ls because it would exceed the quota of the server.
40605 16 No There is no route from the source cluster '%ls' to the target cluster '%ls'.
40606 16 No Databases cannot be attached in this version of SQL Server.
40607 16 No Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40608 10 No This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40609 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid IPv4 address.
40610 16 No The IP address that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40611 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of 128 firewall rules.
40612 16 No Spec proc was executed against a silo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects.
40613 17 No Database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%.*ls'.
40614 16 No Start IP address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IP address.
40615 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%.*ls' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
40616 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name in this version of SQL Server.
40617 16 No The firewall rule name that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40618 16 No The firewall rule name cannot be empty.
40619 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database data max size '%.*ls'.
40620 16 No The login failed for user "%.*ls". The password change failed. Password change during login is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40621 16 No metric type
40622 16 No metric data
40623 20 No Reauthentication failed for login "%.*ls". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login.
40624 16 No Operation is not allowed because server '%.*ls' is disabled.
40625 17 No Provisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) Windows Azure SQL Database servers and databases is currently disabled. This most frequently occurs for brief periods during system maintenance.
40626 20 No The ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%.*ls', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity.
40627 20 No Operation on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40628 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is read-only. Please contact your Windows Azure service owner. There may be billing related issues with your Windows Azure account.
40629 16 No An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%.*ls'. Specify a valid maxsize value.
40630 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short.
40631 16 No The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %d characters.
40632 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
40633 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.
40634 16 No This stored procedure can only be executed in the master database.
40635 16 No Client with IP address "%.*ls" is temporarily blocked.
40636 16 No Cannot use reserved database name '%.*ls' in this operation.
40637 17 No Database copy is currently disabled.
40638 16 No Invalid subscription id '%.*ls'. Subscription does not exist.
40639 16 No Request does not conform to schema: %.*ls.
40640 20 No The server encountered an unexpected exception.
40641 16 No Location '%.*ls' cannot be found.
40642 17 No The server is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40643 16 No The specified x-ms-version header value is invalid.
40644 14 No Failed to authorize access to the specified subscription.
40645 16 No Servername "%.*ls" cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40646 16 No Subscription ID cannot be empty.
40647 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' does not have the server '%.*ls'.
40648 17 No Too many requests have been performed. Please retry later.
40649 16 No Invalid content-type is specified. Only application/xml is supported.
40650 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few minutes and then try the operation again.
40651 16 No Failed to create server because the subscription '%.*ls' is disabled.
40652 16 No Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%.*ls' will exceed server quota.
40653 16 No Could not find database '%.*ls' at time '%.*ls' that can be restored.
40654 16 No Specified subregion '%.*ls' is invalid.
40655 16 No Database 'master' cannot be restored.
40656 16 No Quota for maximum number of concurrent restores has been exceeded.
40657 16 No Restore is not enabled on the server.
40658 16 No Quota for number of restores has been exceeded.
40659 16 No Could not successfully restore database because the maximum duration for processing a restore has elapsed.
40660 16 No Could not successfully restore database. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40661 16 No Restore has been cancelled by a system administrator.
40662 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40663 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete.
40664 16 No Database 'master' cannot be copied.
40665 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported collation.
40666 16 No '%.*ls' is a unicode-only collation and cannot be a default collation for a database.
40667 15 No Specifying a LOGIN is not allowed in a federation member.
40668 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid user name or you do not have permission.
40669 17 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
40670 16 No The http header 'ocp-resourceprovider-registered-uri' is missing from the request or is invalid. To continue, provide a valid value for the header.
40671 17 No Unable to '%.*ls' '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'. Please retry the connection later.
40672 16 No The service objective assignment for a database cannot be changed more than once per %d hour(s). Please retry the operation %d hour(s) after the last service objective assignment completed for this database.
40673 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the server name, database name and activity ID.
40674 16 No Service objective creation or assignment is not permitted for this subscription.
40675 16 No The service is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40677 16 No The operation for the request uri '%.*ls' was not found. To continue, please provide a valid request uri.
40678 16 No Invalid value for header '%.*ls'. The header must contain a single valid GUID.
40679 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in a replication relationship.
40680 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is in a replication relationship.
40681 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is a replication target.
40682 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is a replication target.
40683 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not a replication target.
40684 16 No A seeding operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40685 16 No A terminate operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40686 16 No The operation is currently not supported.
40687 16 No The operation cannot be performed on the database '%.*ls' in its current state.
40688 16 No The databases '%ls' in server '%ls' and '%ls' in server '%ls' are already in a replication relation.
40689 16 No Replication limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d replication relationships.
40690 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the replication source and target databases have different names. The source and target databases must have the same name.
40691 16 No Replication target cannot be created in the same server as source.
40692 16 No The alter database '%ls' failed to initiate because there are operations pending on the database. After the pending operations are complete, try again.
40693 16 No The current operation cannot be initiated while a replication operation is in progress. You can rename the database only after the replication operation has stopped.
40694 16 No The seeding operation cannot be initiated on a replication target database.
40695 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database is currently a Federation root or member database.
40696 16 No sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync failed because the current database is not the primary database involved in a replication relationship with the specified target server '%s' and database '%s'.
40697 16 No Login failed for user '%.*ls'.
40698 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be performed on a free database.
40699 16 No You cannot create a user with password in this version of SQL Server
40701 16 No XML format used for specifying rules is invalid. %.*ls.
40702 16 No Failed to parse XML rules.
40703 16 No Invalid attribute name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40704 16 No Invalid element name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40705 16 No Invalid Feature type '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40706 16 No Feature name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40707 16 No Invalid index value '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40708 16 No Invalid param count '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40709 16 No operator attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40711 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40712 16 No Invalid usage of %.*ls.
40713 16 No Invalid values supplied for <parameter> element in %.*ls.
40714 16 No Out of memory.
40715 16 No Invalid operator type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40716 16 No Invalid input type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40717 16 No index attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40718 16 No one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40719 16 No Failed to get %s lock on %s rules.
40720 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' already exists.
40721 16 No Only one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40722 16 No Failed to clear proc cache.
40723 16 No Rule name cannot exceed more than %d characters.
40724 16 No Unexpected Operator attribute in %.*ls.
40801 16 No Operation ALTER USER WITH LOGIN failed. User provided login does not match the login in the federation root database for the user provided username.
40802 16 No A service objective assignment on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is already in progress. Please wait until the service objective assignment state for the database is marked as 'Completed'.
40803 16 No The server '%.*ls' has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40804 16 No The specified service objective '%.*ls' is invalid.
40805 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the activity ID.
40806 16 No The request to retrieve subscription information has timed out. Please try again later.
40807 16 No Could not retrieve subscription information for subscription id: %.*ls, after %d attempts. Please try again later.
40808 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the service objective '%.*ls'.
40809 16 No No rows found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40810 16 No More than one row found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40811 16 No Operation '%.*ls' for database '%.*ls' cannot be cancelled as it has already completed.
40812 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be dropped as create operation is in progress. The create operation will be cancelled.
40813 16 No Could not set database as writable because the database is Premium (suspended).
40814 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation root.
40815 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation member.
40816 16 No Could not change database edition to Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40817 16 No Could not change database edition from Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40818 16 No The replication operation on database '%ls' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again after the pending operations have completed.
40820 16 No The server has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40821 16 No Federations are not supported on a Premium database.
40822 16 No This feature is not available for the selected database's edition (%ls).
40823 16 No Invalid proxy override option supplied.
40824 16 No ProxyOverrideSupport feature switch is not turned ON.
40825 16 No Unable to complete request now. Please try again later.
40827 16 No The operation is not supported for your subscription offer type.
40838 16 No Replication relationship limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than one non-readable secondary.
40839 16 No Connection to a non-readable secondary database is not allowed. See '' for more information.
40840 16 No Target region '%ls' is not a DR paired Azure region. See '' for more information.
40841 16 No Friendly termination of a non-readable replication relationship is not supported.
40842 16 No Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%ls' is currently not allowed. See '' for more information
40843 16 No Non-readable secondary is not supported for database copy.
40844 16 No Database '%ls' on Server '%ls' is a '%ls' edition database in an elastic pool and cannot have a replication relationship.
40847 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota of %d.
40848 16 No The source database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have higher performance level than the target database '%ls'.'%ls'. Upgrade the performance level on the target before upgrading source.
40849 16 No The target database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have lower performance level than the source database '%ls'.'%ls'. Downgrade the performance level on the source before downgrading target.
40850 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Standard for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40851 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Basic for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40852 16 No Cannot open database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Access to the database is only allowed using a security-enabled connection string.
40854 16 No Partner server '%ls' is not compatible with server '%ls.'
40855 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in '%ls' state on the replication relationship.
40856 16 No Could not change database edition for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40857 16 No Elastic pool not found for server: '%ls', elastic pool name: '%ls'.
40858 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' already exists in server: '%ls'
40859 16 No Elastic pool does not support database edition '%ls'.
40860 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' and service level objective '%ls' combination is invalid.
40861 16 No The database edition '%ls' cannot be different than the elastic pool service tier which is '%ls'.
40862 16 No Elastic pool name must be specified if the elastic pool service objective is specified.
40863 16 No Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
40864 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool must be at least (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40865 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40866 16 No Max size (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid max size.
40867 16 No The DTU max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40868 16 No The DTU max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40869 16 No The DTU max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40870 16 No The DTU min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40871 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40872 16 No DTU value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid dtu value.
40873 16 No The number of databases (%d) and DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTUs of the elastic pool (%d).
40874 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40875 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40876 16 No Elastic pools are not available in this region.
40877 16 No The elastic pool is not empty.
40878 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40879 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40880 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in gigabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40881 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' has reached its database count limit. The database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40882 16 No Can not change SLO from DataWarehouse edition to other SQL DB editions and vice versa.
40883 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' specified is invalid. It must be a slo supported by DataWarehouse edition.
40884 16 No New service level objective '%.*ls' has (%d) physical databases and it is not compatible with current service level objective which has (%d) physical databases.
40885 16 No Failed to deactivate database.
40886 16 No Failed to change service level objective for database.
40887 16 No Failed to activate database.
40888 16 No Update service level objective for database feature is disabled.
40889 16 No The DTUs or storage limit for the elastic pool '%.*ls' cannot be decreased since that would not provide sufficient storage space for its databases.
40890 16 No The elastic pool is busy with another operation.
40891 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTU max per database (%d).
40892 16 No Cannot connect to database when it is paused.
40893 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully created or was deleted before the data copy link operation completed.
40894 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.
40895 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully deleted before completion of copy.
40896 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to ID %s was not successfully dropped.
40897 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40898 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40899 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in megabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40900 16 No The service tier for an elastic pool cannot be changed.
40901 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40902 16 No Amount of pool storage cannot be specified when creating a Premium elastic pool.
40903 20 No The server '%.*ls' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40904 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Edition %s quota of %d.
40905 16 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Azure SQL Database Servers of version '%.*ls' at this time. This location only supports the following server versions: '%.*ls'. Please retry using a supported server version.
40906 16 No A service objective change cannot start for database %s on server %s while it is also running for database %s on server %s.
40907 16 No Servers involved in a Disaster Recovery Configuration cannot reside in the same location
40908 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration already exists for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40909 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40910 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for server '%.*ls' and virtual endpoint '%.*ls'
40911 16 No Server '%.*ls' is not the secondary in the Disaster Recovery Configuration and cannot initiate a failover
40912 16 No The value for custom backup retention in days must be between %d and %d
40913 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of %d Virtual Network firewall rules.
40914 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client is not allowed to access the server.
40915 16 No Secondary server specified in a Failover Group cannot reside in the same region
40916 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' already exists on server '%.*ls'
40917 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' does not exist on server '%.*ls'
40918 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' is busy with another operation and cannot perform the '%.*ls' operation. Please try again later
40919 16 No The server '%.*ls' is currently the primary server in the Failover Group and cannot initate failover
40920 16 No The database '%.*ls' is already included in another Failover Group
40921 16 No The operation to add database '%.*ls' to Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40922 16 No The operation to remove database '%.*ls' from Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40923 16 No The database '%.*ls' is a secondary in an existing geo-replication relationship and cannot be added to the Failover Group
40924 16 No The operation cannot be performed due to multiple errors: '%.*ls'
40925 16 No Can not connect to the database in its current state.
40926 16 No The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.
40927 16 No The endpoint '%.*ls' is already in use. Use a different Failover Group name.
40928 16 No Create or update Failover Group operation successfully completed; however, some of the databases could not be added to or removed from Failover Group: '%.*ls'
40929 16 No The source database '%ls.%ls' cannot have higher edition than the target database '%ls.%ls'. Upgrade the edition on the target before upgrading source.
40930 16 No The target database '%ls.%ls' cannot have lower edition than the source database '%ls.%ls'. Downgrade the edition on the source before downgrading target.
40931 16 No Failover Group name '%.*ls' cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40932 16 No The elastic pool cannot change its service tier since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.
40933 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database tempdb max size '%.*ls'.
40934 16 No Server DNS Alias name '%.*ls' cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40935 16 No The endpoint '%.*ls' is already in use. Use a different Server DNS Alias name.
40936 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' already exists for the server '%.*ls'.
40937 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' does not exist for the server '%.*ls'.
40938 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' is busy with another operation and cannot perform the '%.*ls' operation. Please try again later.
40939 16 No The scale operation from service level objective '%.*ls' to new service level objective '%.*ls' is not supported. Please file a support ticket.
40940 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' cannot be updated because one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.
40941 16 No Copy operation for the database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' cannot be started because the elastic pool '%.*ls' is currently being updated.
40942 16 No A service objective assignment operation cannot be performed because copy or failover operation for the database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' is in progress.
40943 16 No A Failover Group cannot be created on the server '%.*ls' because the Table Auditing feature is enabled for this server.
40944 16 No The database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' cannot be added to a Failover Group because the Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature is turned on for this database.
40945 16 No The Table Auditing feature cannot be turned on for a server that contains Failover Groups. Please try Blob Auditing instead.
40946 16 No The Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature cannot be turned on for a database that is part of a Failover Group.
40947 16 No The Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature cannot be turned on for a database that is located on a server with a Server DNS Alias.
40948 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created for the server '%.*ls' because the Table Auditing feature is enabled for this server.
40949 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created for the server '%.*ls' because the database '%.*ls' has the Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.
40950 16 No The Dns Alias '%.*ls' already exists for the elastic pool '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'.
40951 16 No The Dns Alias '%.*ls' does not exist for the elastic pool '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'.
40952 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created because server '%.*ls' would exceed the allowed Server DNS Aliases quota of %d.
40953 16 No A Failover Group cannot be created because server '%.*ls' would exceed the allowed Failover Groups quota of %d.
40954 16 No The Table Auditing feature cannot be turned on for a server that contains Server Dns Aliases. Please try Blob Auditing instead.
40955 16 No The operation cannot be performed due to insufficient file space in the elastic pool. The operation requires (%d) MBs file space and there are (%d) MBs file space available. Unused file space must be reclaimed before retrying the operation. Please refer to the following article for details on reclaiming unused file space:
40956 16 No The Server Disaster Recovery Configuration feature is deprecated. Please use Failover Group instead.
40957 16 No The DTU min per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40958 16 No The VCore max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40959 16 No The VCore max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40960 16 No The VCore max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40961 16 No The VCore min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40962 16 No The VCore min per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40963 16 No The VCore min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40964 16 No The VCore min per database (%d) cannot exceed the VCore max per database (%d).
40965 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' does not support the license type '%.*ls'.
40966 16 No No service objective was found for capacity '%d' in edition '%.*ls'
40967 16 No More than one service objective was found for capacity '%d' in edition '%.*ls'
40968 16 No Operation results in exceeding quota limits of %d. Maximum allowed: %d.
40969 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client is not allowed to access the server.
40970 16 No Can not change from '%.*ls' edition to '%.*ls' edition.
40971 16 No Cannot open Failover Group "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40972 16 No Database copy limit per database reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d concurrent database copies.
40973 16 No Can not drop database because a failover operation is in progress on the failover group.
40974 16 No Partner region specified does not match region of partner managed instance.
40975 16 No Partner managed instance's DNS Zone does not match the DNS Zone of the source managed instance.
40976 16 No Instance Failover Group cannot be created because partner managed server "%.*ls" is not empty or does not have secondaries for all databases in the primary instance "%.*ls" .
40977 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported timezone.
40978 16 No Instance failover group cannot be created because the reserved storage size on the secondary instance is different from the reserved storage size on the primary instance.
40979 16 No Database is unavailable because it is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'. Please resume before trying to access the database again.
40980 16 No Partner managed server's managed server/failover group has been dropped.
40981 16 No Database '%.*ls' is not accessible due to Azure Key Vault critical error.
40982 16 No Instance failover group cannot be created because the secondary instance has user databases.
40983 16 No Replication to the partner managed instance could not be established. Verify that connectivity between the Virtual Networks of the primary and secondary managed servers has been established correctly according to guidelines in
40984 16 No Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.
40985 16 No Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.
40986 16 No Source database '%s' dropped on '%s' does not exist on server '%s' within the supported recovery period.
40987 16 No Source database '%s' does not exist on server '%s' within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.
40988 16 No The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use VLDB service level objective.
40989 16 No he Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use VLDB service level objective.
40990 16 No Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for '%s' edition.
41000 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41001 16 No Failed to obtain local computer name (Error code %d). The supplied buffer may be too small, or there is a system error. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the operating system documentation.
41002 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41003 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41004 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group handle for cluster group with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41005 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41006 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41007 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41008 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41009 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41010 16 No Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41011 16 No Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41012 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41013 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource enumeration handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41014 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41015 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d) for node '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41016 16 No Failed to remove a node from the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41017 16 No Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41018 16 No Failed to move a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group to the local node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41019 16 No Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41020 16 No Failed to find a String property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41021 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41022 16 No Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41023 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change handle is invalid because a WSFC notification port has not been created or has been closed. Create a new WSFC notification port and retry the operation.
41024 16 No Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41025 16 No Failed to receive Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41026 10 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%ls'. The WSFC group with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a group name that is unique in the cluster.
41027 16 No Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %d). SQL Server may not have sufficient resources to start the WSFC change listener. If the condition persists, the SQL Server instance may need to be restarted.
41028 16 No Failed to open Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry root key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41029 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource registry key '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41030 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. If the corresponding availability group has been dropped, this error is expected. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41031 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41032 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41033 16 No Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41034 16 No Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41035 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41036 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41037 16 No Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41038 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster object enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41039 16 No An availability group replica already exists on the node '%.*ls'. Each node can contain only one replica of an availability group. Please choose another node to host the new replica.
41040 16 No Failed to remove the availability group replica '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.
41041 16 No SQL Server instance to cluster node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '%.*ls' and group ID '%.*ls'. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation.
41042 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation.
41043 16 No For availability group '%.*ls', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a resource ID, a group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41044 16 No Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be found. The availability group name may be incorrect. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify the availability group exists and that the availability group name is correct and then retry the operation.
41045 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a database with the same name in the availability group. Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct.
41046 16 No Cannot add replica '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability group. Please verify the replica and availability group names specified are correct.
41047 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node state for the local WSFC node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41048 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41049 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41050 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41051 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41052 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41053 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41054 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41055 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41056 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the node. Each node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
41057 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%ls'. The WSFC resource with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a resource name that is unique in the cluster.
41058 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41059 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. The local replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41060 16 No The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group data in the WSFC store may have been modified outside SQL Server, or the data is corrupt. If the error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41061 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41062 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was offline, or while the WSFC node was down. To resolve this error, drop the availability group and then recreate it.
41063 16 No Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID '%.*ls' was online when the availability group was not actually online. The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with the availability group state failed (Error code: %d). For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41064 16 No Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%.*ls' (Error code: %d). The WSFC group might be in state that cannot accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41065 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID: '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC resource is not in a state that can accept the request. Wait for the WSFC resource to enter a terminal state, and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41066 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%.*ls') online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41067 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41068 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41069 16 No The existence of availability group data for the availability group '%.*ls' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store could not be determined. The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations. Verify that the local WSFC node is up before retrying the operation.
41070 16 No Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%.*ls' is not found in the WSFC data store. The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations before retrying the current operation.
41071 16 No Cannot read the persisted configuration of Always On availability group with corresponding resource ID '%.*ls'. The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availability replica. Upgrade the local SQL Server instance to allow the local availability replica to become a secondary replica.
41072 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store does not exist in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. To resolve this error, try to recreate the availability group.
41073 16 No The database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. This database does not belong to the availability group.
41074 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41075 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the resolving role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41076 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41077 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41078 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation.
41079 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls'), because the WSFC group does not exist. Specify a valid WSFC group ID or name and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5013 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41080 16 No Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41081 16 No Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41082 16 No Failed to obtain the name of local Windows Server Failover Cluster (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41083 16 No Failed to obtain the cluster quorum resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41084 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41085 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41086 16 No Failed to retrieve the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' registry value exists in the WSFC registry hive.
41087 16 No Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' is in the format outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 947713 ("The implications of using the /forcequorum switch to start the Cluster service in Windows Server 2008").
41088 16 No Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41089 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41090 10 No Failed to update Replica status due to exception %d.
41091 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41092 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is going offline because %ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41093 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41094 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41095 10 No Always On: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%.*ls' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41096 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41097 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41098 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41099 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41100 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41101 16 No The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41102 10 No Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%.*ls'. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.
41103 10 No Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not present. The prerequisite Hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41104 16 No Failover of the availability group '%.*ls' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log, cluster logs and system event logs. For information about how to view events and logs for a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, see Windows Server documentation.
41105 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s'. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41106 16 No Cannot create an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41107 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%d) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation.
41108 16 No An error occurred while removing availability group '%.*ls'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster failed because the Always On Availability Groups manager is not online (SQL Server error: %d). To remove the availability group configuration from the WSFC cluster, re-enter the command.
41109 17 No Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%x) for process actions for the availability group '%.*ls'. Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation later, and if this condition persists, contact your database administrator.
41110 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41111 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41112 16 No A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server that supports Always On Availability Groups, you can enable the it by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41113 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on the local replica of this availability group.
41114 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' because it already exists in a system table.
41115 16 No Cannot create the availability group named '%.*ls' because its availability group ID (ID: '%.*ls') already exists in a system table.
41116 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' with replica ID '%.*ls' because this ID already exists in a system table.
41117 16 No Cannot map local database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. This database is already mapped to an availability group.
41118 16 No Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.
41119 16 No Could not find the availability group ID %d in the system table.
41120 16 No Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %d). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41121 10 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot accept signal '%s' in its current replica role, '%s', and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %s joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation.
41122 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. To failover this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover command on that instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the primary replica of the availability group, then no action is required.
41123 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is moving to another node. Please wait for the WSFC group to complete the move operation and then retry the command. For information about this error, see error code 5908 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41124 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the availability group is being dropped.
41125 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum mode. Consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss).
41126 16 No Operation on the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation.
41127 16 No Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %d is not mapped to any availability group.
41128 16 No Failed to perform database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (ID %d) in availability group '%.*ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance.
41129 16 No Failed to schedule or execute database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' (SQL OS error: %d). The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the server instance.
41130 16 No Operation '%s' on a database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' failed with SQL Server error %d (Error details: "%.*ls"). The operation has been rolled back. See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41131 10 No Failed to bring availability group '%.*ls' online. The operation timed out. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again.
41132 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names.
41133 10 No Cannot remove database '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command.
41134 16 No Cannot bring the availability group '%.*ls' online. The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability replica. To designate the local availability replica as the primary replica of the availability group, run the force failover command on this instance of SQL Server.
41135 10 No Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %d. To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error.
41136 16 No Failed to join the availability replica to availability group '%.*ls' because the group is not online. Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation.
41137 10 No Abandoning a database operation '%ls' on availability database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %u, current sequence number: %u). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41138 17 No Cannot accept Always On Availability Groups operation operation on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator.
41139 10 No Failed to set database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41140 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, and rerun the command.
41141 16 No Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41142 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group. If the availability replica uses the asynchronous-commit mode, consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss). Otherwise, once all local secondary databases are joined and synchronized, you can perform a planned manual failover to this secondary replica (without data loss). For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
41143 16 No Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41144 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41145 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41146 16 No Failed to bring Availability Group '%.*ls' online. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary source provider.
41147 10 No Always On Availability Groups was not started because %ls. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41148 16 No Cannot add or join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. Then retry the operation, specifying the correct database name.
41149 16 No Operation on the availability group '%.*ls' has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41150 16 No Failed to take availability group '%.*ls' offline. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41151 16 No Error accessing the Availability Groups manager. The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation.
41152 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41153 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the failed attempt to create the availability group.
41154 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation.
41155 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional.
41156 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the availability group. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41157 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41158 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP JOIN command.
41159 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check SQL Server error log for more details. Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the availability group.
41160 16 No Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions.
41161 16 No Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated.
41162 16 No Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time.
41163 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41164 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the resolving role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41165 16 No A timeout error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the command.
41166 16 No An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retry the command.
41167 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command.
41168 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability replica ID are correct, then retry the command.
41169 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability database ID are correct, then retry the command.
41170 10 No Post-online processing for availability group '%.*ls' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is being dropped. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41171 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name.
41172 16 No An error occurred while dropping availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41173 16 No An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41174 10 No Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41175 10 No Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41176 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41177 16 No The availability replica of the specified availability group '%.*ls' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later.
41178 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41179 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary.
41180 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%.*ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required.
41181 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' did not become primary. A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify that the availability group state in Windows Server Failover Cluster is correct, then retry the operation.
41182 16 No Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. Verify that the local WSFC node is online, and that the local availability replica is the primary replica. Then retry the operation.
41183 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d. The operation has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41184 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration.
41185 10 No Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%.*ls' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.
41186 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation.
41187 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if it was dropped unintentionally.
41188 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and then retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41189 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the %s-%s command. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details . If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes to the availability group configuration.
41190 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary replica, then retry the command.
41191 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command.
41192 17 No Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41193 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. Then retry the join-database command.
41194 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' to complete post-online work. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct states for the command. Then retry the command.
41195 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the WSFC lease-renewal command. The local availability replica lease is no longer valid to process the lease renewal command. Availability replica lease expired. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41196 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. To manually clean up the partially created availability group, run the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying a unique availability group name.
41197 15 No The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode for the replica.
41198 15 No The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability mode for the replica.
41199 16 No The specified command is invalid because the Always On Availability Groups %ls feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
41202 16 No The source table '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function doesn't have a full-text index that uses the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. A full-text index using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option is required to use this function.
41203 16 No The column '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function.
41204 16 No The source_key parameter is required in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE function.
41205 10 No Error %d occurred during semantic index population for table or indexed view '%.*ls' (table or indexed view ID %d, database ID %d, document ID %d)
41206 10 No An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause.
41207 10 No A locale ID that is not supported was specified for a column with 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS'. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and that the corresponding language statistics has been installed.
41208 10 No Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') encountered a document with full-text key value '%ls' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index.
41209 10 No A semantic language statistics database is not registered. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41210 10 No The semantic language statistics database is not accessible or not valid. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41211 16 No A semantic language statistics database is already registered.
41212 16 No No semantic language statistics database is registered.
41213 16 No The database '%.*ls' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database name.
41214 16 No An error occurred while trying to register the semantic language statistics database.
41300 16 No The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support read or write operations. Roll back the transaction.
41301 17 No A transaction dependency failure occurred, and the current transaction can no longer commit. Please retry the transaction.
41302 16 No The current transaction attempted to update a record that has been updated since this transaction started. The transaction was aborted.
41303 16 No The bucket count for a hash index must be a positive integer not exceeding %d.
41304 10 No The current value of option '%.*ls' for table '%.*ls', index '%.*ls' is %d.
41305 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.
41306 16 No The nesting limit of %d for conditional blocks and exception blocks, for natively compiled modules, has been exceeded. Please simplify the module.
41307 10 No Warning: The row size limit of %d bytes for memory optimized tables has been exceeded and will not work on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier. Please simplify the table definition.
41308 21 No The database ID %d already exists.
41309 16 No Unable to load the compiled DLL for database ID %d.
41310 16 No A file with an invalid format was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41311 16 No File error during C code generation. The error code was %d.
41312 16 No Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = %d.
41313 16 No The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %d.
41314 16 No Conversion of default value for parameter '%.*ls' failed. Unable to create stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41315 16 No Checkpoint operation failed in database '%.*ls'.
41316 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' with internal error code '0x%08lx'.
41317 16 No A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master.
41318 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed from within SQLCLR stored procedures.
41319 16 No A maximum of %d predicates are allowed in the WHERE clauses of queries in natively compiled modules.
41320 16 No EXECUTE AS clause is required, and EXECUTE AS CALLER is not supported, with natively compiled modules.
41321 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' with DURABILITY=SCHEMA_AND_DATA must have a primary key.
41322 16 No MAT/PIT export/import encountered a failure for memory optimized table or natively compiled module with object ID %d in database ID %d. The error code was 0x%x.
41323 16 No The table type '%ls' is not a memory optimized table type and cannot be used in a natively compiled module.
41324 16 No The memory optimized table variable '%.*ls' cannot be used in a batch with a 'USE' statement.
41325 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.
41326 16 No Memory optimized tables cannot be created in system databases.
41327 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' must have at least one index or a primary key.
41328 16 No A floating point operation has overflowed.
41329 16 No Unsupported operation following a transaction dependency failure. Parameters and variables cannot be accessed in the CATCH block and the CATCH block must raise an exception following a dependency failure.
41330 16 No Create database operation failed for database '%.*ls'.
41331 17 No The transaction encountered an out-of-memory condition while rolling back to a savepoint, and therefore cannot be committed. Roll back the transaction.
41332 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.
41333 16 No The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.
41334 16 No The code generation directory cannot be created or set up correctly.
41335 16 No Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules.
41336 16 No Unable to clean up all files that are needed for compilation.
41337 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. To create %S_MSG, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least one container.
41338 16 No An invalid version of a data file was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41339 16 No The table '%.*ls' has been created or altered after the start of the current transaction. The transaction was aborted. Please retry the transaction.
41340 16 No The transaction executed too many insert, update, or delete statements in memory optimized tables. The transaction was terminated.
41341 16 No Table '%.*ls' is not yet available on the secondary replica.
41342 16 No The model of the processor on the system does not support creating %.*ls. This error typically occurs with older processors. See SQL Server Books Online for information on supported models.
41343 16 No In-Memory OLTP hot switch to primary replica for database '%.*ls' failed.
41344 16 No RESTORE DATABASE WITH PARTIAL requires the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup if the backup contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41345 16 No The key size limit of %d bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the index definition.
41346 16 No CREATE and UPDATE STATISTICS for memory optimized tables do not support the WHERE clause.
41347 16 No A BACKUP or RESTORE DATABASE statement that includes the primary filegroup must include the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, and vice versa.
41348 16 No MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroups cannot be used with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Specify a FILESTREAM filegroup.
41349 10 No Warning: Encryption was enabled for a database that contains one or more memory optimized tables with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA. The data in these memory optimized tables will not be encrypted.
41350 10 No Warning: A memory optimized table with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA was created in a database that is enabled for encryption. The data in the memory optimized table will not be encrypted.
41351 16 No An error occurred while processing the log. The log version is unsupported.
41352 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is in use.
41353 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is being dropped or being taken offline.
41354 21 Yes The XTP background checkpoint thread encountered an unrecoverable error ('%ls') for database '%.*ls'. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41355 21 Yes An XTP checkpoint operation encountered an error ('%ls') while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. Checkpoint processing has terminated.
41356 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41357 16 No Tables with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41358 16 No Stored procedures with NATIVE_COMPILATION can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41359 16 No A query that accesses memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level, cannot access disk based tables when the database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is set to ON. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41360 16 No Default MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup is not available in database '%.*ls'.
41361 16 No The READ_ONLY property of a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup cannot be modified.
41362 16 No FILESTREAM container '%.*ls' cannot be added. Either the server is out of memory or the container path is too long.
41363 16 No Only the owner of database '%.*ls' or users with valid permission can execute the stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41364 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' can only be executed on a database that has an online MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41365 16 No Merge request for transaction range [%ld, %ld] on database '%.*ls' was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented by the range either cannot be merged, or the checkpoint files are already part of an existing merge operation.
41366 16 No Merge operation failed because the requested transaction id range is invalid.
41367 16 No Failed to complete merge operation for transaction range [%ld, %ld] for database '%.*ls'. Error was 0x%08x.
41368 16 No Accessing memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. It is not supported for explicit or implicit transactions. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41369 16 No Merge operations cannot be requested on a secondary replica.
41370 16 No Resource pool '%.*ls' does not exist or resource governor has not been reconfigured.
41371 16 No Binding to a resource pool is not supported for system database '%.*ls'. This operation can only be performed on a user database.
41372 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently bound to a resource pool. A database must be unbound before creating a new binding.
41373 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be explicitly bound to the resource pool '%.*ls'. A database can only be bound to a user resource pool.
41374 16 No Database '%.*ls' does not have a binding to a resource pool.
41375 16 No A binding has been created. Take database '%.*ls' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool '%.*ls'.
41376 16 No Only members of the fixed sysadmin role can execute the stored procedure '%ls'.
41377 16 No The natively compiled module with database ID %ld and object ID %ld has not been executed. Query execution statistics collection can only be enabled if the module has been executed at least once since creation or last database restart.
41378 16 No Both @database_id and @xtp_object_id should be specified to enable or retrieve status of query level statistics collection for a procedure.
41379 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. Close other applications to increase the available memory, ensure that both SQL Server memory configuration and resource pool memory limits are correct and try again. See '' for more information.
41380 21 No Databases with a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup are only supported in 64-bit editions of SQL Server.
41381 21 No The database cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
41382 16 No Failure adding a container to a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. Possible causes include the server being out of memory and the container path being too long.
41383 16 No An internal error occurred while running the DMV query. This was likely caused by concurrent DDL operations. Please retry the query.
41384 16 No Database '%.*ls' has exceeded the maximum number of XTP checkpoint files, and can no longer support write operations in durable memory-optimized tables. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
41385 16 No A memory-optimized table cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC).
41386 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA, memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules are not supported when lightweight pooling is enabled. Disable lightweight pooling in order to use memory-optimized features.
41387 10 No Disallowing page allocations for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. See '' for more information.
41388 16 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41389 16 No Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41390 16 No Failed to get checkpoint file information necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41391 23 No Backup of database '%.*ls' detected a missing MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA file with ID '%.*ls'.
41392 16 No Cannot ALTER a natively compiled module into a non-native module. Include WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41393 16 No Cannot ALTER a non-native module into a natively compiled module. Omit WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41394 16 No TEXTSIZE must be a number between -1 and 2147483647.
41395 10 No Rebuilding the log file is not supported for databases containing memory-optimized tables.
41396 16 No The sort operation exceeded the buffer limit. The stored procedure execution was aborted. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.
41397 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d sorted rows. %d was requested. Reduce the number of rows selected or simplify the query.
41398 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d rows; %d was requested.
41399 16 No The sort operation is too complex. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.


This article contains the term whitelist, a term Microsoft considers insensitive in this context. The term appears in this article because it currently appears in the software. When the term is removed from the software, we will remove it from the article.

Error Severity Event logged Description
31001 16 No The session '%s' already exists. Use a different session name.
31002 16 No This operation can be performed only by the owner of the session.
31003 16 No User does not have enough permissions to tune one or more of the databases specified.
31004 16 No Could not create DTA directory for saving tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31005 16 No Could not create DTA tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31006 16 No Could not write DTA tuning option to file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31007 16 No Could not create a DTA job when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31008 16 No Could not retrieve limit and job state information from DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31009 16 No Could not set limits on DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31010 16 No Could not create a DTA process when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31011 16 No Could not terminate DTA process after it fails to be assigned to DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31012 16 No Could not resume DTA process to start tuning when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
31013 16 No Invalid tuning option specified for auto indexing.
31014 16 No Could not terminate DTA job when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31015 16 No Could not delete DTA tuning options file when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31016 16 No Could not cleanup hypothetical indexes and statistics when cancelling DTA tuning for auto indexing.
31017 16 No DTA tuning for auto indexing is only supported on Azure DB.
31018 16 No Could not get winfab temp directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31019 16 No Could not create GUID when performing DTA tuning related task.
31020 16 No String operation failed.
31021 16 No Could not get winfab log directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31022 16 No Could not get winfab data package directory when performing DTA tuning related task.
31201 16 No Property-scoped full-text queries cannot be specified on the specified table because its full-text index is not configured for property searching. To support property-scoped searches, the full-text index must be associated with a search property list and repopulated. The Transact-SQL syntax for this is: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST <property_list_name>;.
31202 10 No Reconfiguring the search property list of the full-text index has truncated the existing data in the index. Until the full-text index has been fully repopulated, full-text queries will return partial results. The ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <table_name> SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST ...; statement automatically issues a full population, but if the ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement specified the WITH NO POPULATION clause, you must run a full population on the full-text index using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON <table_name> START FULL POPULATION;. This is a warning.
31203 10 No Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %d, objid %d, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize.
31204 16 No Operation %ls is not supported on the %ls platform.
31205 16 No The import population for database %ls (id: %d), catalog id: %d is being cancelled because of a fatal error ('%ls'). Fix the errors that are logged in the full-text crawl log. Then resume the import either by detaching the database and re-attaching it, or by taking the database offline and bringing it back online. If the error is not recoverable, rebuild the full-text catalog.
31206 16 No Failed to schedule asynchronous resume fulltext crawl task for database id %d with error %d.
31601 16 No The size of the provided %ls is %u bytes, which exceeds the maximum allowed size of %u bytes.
31602 10 No Received param '%.*ls' successfully.
31603 10 No Received param '%d' successfully.
31604 16 No The value '%d' is not within range for the '%.*ls' parameter.
31605 16 No The specified method '%.*ls' is not supported.
31606 16 No Serializing payload value failed
31607 16 No Outbound connection not allowed for the specified external endpoint.
31608 16 No An error occurred, failed to communicate with the external rest endpoint. HRESULT: 0x%x.
31609 16 No An error occurred, failed to parse url. HRESULT: 0x%x.
31610 16 No Accessing the external endpoint is only allowed via HTTPS.
31611 16 No The response's headers size exceeds the maximum allowed size of %u bytes.
31612 16 No Connections to the domain %ls are not allowed.
31613 16 No The length of the provided %ls after percent-encoding exceeds the maximum allowed length of %u bytes.
31614 16 No Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, and dots are allowed in the hostname or in the fully qualified domain name.
31615 16 No The %ls cannot contain nested structures. Please check the formatting of the JSON and try again with a flat structure.
31616 10 No Warning: header '%ls' was overwritten by a system-defined value.
31617 16 No The %ls contains invalid characters. Only printable US ASCII characters are allowed.
31618 16 No The %ls contains an empty key.
31619 16 No The %ls could not be parsed. jsonError = %d.
31620 16 No The %ls is not a json object datatype.
31621 16 No One of the %ls values could not be parsed.
31622 16 No An unexpected error occurred during validating that the connection is allowed to the hostname. See '' for assistance.
31624 16 No Connection to the external endpoint IP is not allowed. URL contains a hostname that is resolved to a blocked IP. See '' for assistance.
31625 16 No DNS resolution of the hostname has failed with windows sockets error %d.
31627 16 No An out of memory exception has occurred during external endpoint invocation.
31628 16 No The database scoped credential '%.*ls' has an invalid identity '%.*ls' for use with an external rest endpoint.
31629 16 No The external rest endpoint execution exceeded the timeout value.
31630 16 No The database scoped credential '%.*ls' cannot be used to invoke an external rest endpoint.
31631 16 No An error has occurred while waiting for the external rest endpoint result: %d.
31632 16 No The request's headers size exceeds the maximum allowed size of %u bytes.
31633 16 No The length of the provided %ls exceeds the maximum allowed length of %u bytes.
31634 16 No The %ls must contain a '%ls' for use with managed identity.
31635 16 No The %ls's '%ls' value must be a %ls for use with managed identity.
31636 16 No Error retrieving the managed identity access token for the resource id '%ls'
32001 10 No Log shipping backup log job for %s.
32002 10 No Log shipping copy job for %s:%s.
32003 10 No Log shipping restore log job for %s:%s.
32004 10 No Log shipping backup log job step.
32005 10 No Log shipping copy job step.
32006 10 No Log shipping restore log job step.
32007 16 No Database %s is not ONLINE.
32008 10 No Database %s is not ONLINE. The backup job will not be performed until this database is brought online.
32009 16 No A log shipping primary entry already exists for database %s.
32010 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping primary.
32011 16 No Primary Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s). Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32012 16 No Secondary %s.%s already exists for primary %s.
32013 16 No A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %s.
32014 16 No Database %s does not exist as log shipping secondary.
32015 16 No The primary database %s cannot have SIMPLE recovery for log shipping to work properly.
32016 16 No The specified agent_id %s or agent_type %d do not form a valid pair for log shipping monitoring processing.
32017 16 No Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %s and is not supported.
32018 16 No Log shipping is not installed on this instance.
32019 10 No Log shipping alert job.
32020 10 No Log shipping alert job step.
32021 10 No Log shipping alert job schedule.
32022 16 No Cannot add a log shipping job with name %s. A job with same name already exists in the system and this job does not belong to log shipping category.
32023 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s does not exist on this secondary. Register the primary first.
32024 16 No An entry for primary server %s, primary database %s already exists.
32025 16 No Primary Server %s, Database %s has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) first.
32026 10 No Log shipping Primary Server Alert.
32027 10 No Log shipping Secondary Server Alert.
32028 16 No Invalid value = %d for parameter @threshold_alert was specified.
32029 10 No Log shipping backup agent [%s] has verified log backup file '%s.wrk' and renamed it as '%s.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
32030 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping primary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32031 10 No Could not query monitor information for log shipping secondary %s.%s from monitor server %s.
32032 16 No Invalid value '%d' for update period. Update period should be between 1 and 120 minutes.
32033 16 No The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
32034 16 No An internal error occurred when setting up the database mirroring monitoring job.
32035 16 No An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job.
32036 16 No Parameter(s) out of range.
32037 16 No The units for the update period for the database mirroring monitor job have been changed.
32038 16 No An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor.
32039 16 No The database '%s' is not being mirrored. No update of the base table was done.
32040 16 No The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32041 16 No The database mirroring monitor base tables have not been created. Please run sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate to create them.
32042 16 No The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32043 16 No The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32044 16 No The alert for 'mirror commit overhead' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
32045 16 No '%s' must be executed in msdb.
32046 16 No Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the 'dbm_monitor' role in msdb can perform this operation.
32047 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Job
32048 15 No Database Mirroring Monitor Schedule
32049 16 No The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job.
32050 16 No Alerts cannot be created on the system databases, master, msdb, model or tempdb.
32051 10 No System administrator privilege is required to update the base table. The base table was not updated.
32052 16 No Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
32053 16 No The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null.
32054 16 No There was an error establishing a link to the remote monitor server.
32055 16 No There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.
32056 17 No The SQL Server failed to create full-text FTData directory. This might be because FulltextDefaultPath is invalid or SQL Server service account does not have permission. Full-text may fail until this issue is resolved. Restart SQL Server after the issue is fixed.
32057 16 No There was an error configuring the log shipping backup server. The primary_server_with_port_override is set to '%s'. It is only valid on a contained availability group
33001 16 No Cannot drop the option because the option is not specified on %S_MSG.
33002 16 No Access to %ls %ls is blocked because the signature is not valid.
33003 16 No DDL statement is not allowed.
33004 16 No The password of login '%.*ls' is invalid. A new password should be set for this login without specifying the old password.
33005 16 No Cannot find the certificate or asymmetric key from the file %.*ls. ErrorCode: 0x%x.
33006 16 No WITH SIGNATURE option cannot be specified on database.
33007 16 No Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself.
33008 16 No Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %.*ls permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %S_MSG.
33009 16 No The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%.*ls'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '%.*ls' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
33010 16 No The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option.
33011 16 No The %S_MSG private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it.
33012 10 No Cannot %S_MSG signature %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Signature already exists or cannot be added.
33013 16 No A %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*s' does not exist.
33014 16 No Cannot countersign '%.*s'. Only modules can be countersigned.
33015 16 No The database principal is referenced by a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
33016 16 No The user cannot be remapped to a login. Remapping can only be done for users that were mapped to Windows or SQL logins.
33017 16 No Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it cannot be remapped to a Windows login.
33018 16 No Cannot remap user to login '%.*s', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database.
33019 16 No Cannot create implicit user for the special login '%.*s'.
33020 16 No A HASHED password cannot be set for a login that has CHECK_POLICY turned on.
33021 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, or batch accounts can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33022 16 No Cannot obtain cryptographic provider properties. Provider error code: %d.
33023 16 No The %S_MSG is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d bytes.
33024 16 No Cryptographic provider %S_MSG '%ls' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %d.
33025 16 No Invalid cryptographic provider property: %S_MSG.
33026 16 No Cryptographic provider with guid '%ls' already exists.
33027 16 No Cannot load library '%.*ls'. See errorlog for more information.
33028 16 No Cannot open session for %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33029 16 No Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33030 16 No Cryptographic provider is not available.
33031 16 No Cryptographic provider '%.*ls' is in disabled.
33032 16 Yes SQL Crypto API version '%02d.%02d' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%02d.%02d'.
33033 16 No Specified key type or option '%S_MSG' is not supported by the provider.
33034 16 No Cannot specify algorithm for existing key.
33035 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33036 10 No Cannot drop the key with thumbprint '%.*ls' in the provider.
33037 16 No Cannot export %S_MSG from the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33038 16 No Operation is not supported by cryptographic provider key.
33039 16 No Invalid algorithm '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33040 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key.
33041 16 Yes Cannot create login token for existing authenticators. If dbo is a windows user make sure that its windows account information is accessible to SQL Server.
33042 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG because it is already mapped to a login.
33043 16 No Cannot add %S_MSG '%.*ls' because there is already %S_MSG specified for the login.
33044 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because there is %S_MSG referencing this provider.
33045 16 No Cannot drop %S_MSG because it is not mapped to this login.
33046 16 No Server principal '%.*ls' has no credential associated with %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33047 16 No Fail to obtain or decrypt secret for %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33048 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG under non-primary security context.
33049 16 No Key with %S_MSG '%.*ls' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33050 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider does not allow specifying key names.
33051 16 No Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33052 16 No Cryptographic provider key cannot be a temporary key.
33053 16 No Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' to enable it.
33054 16 No Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server.
33055 16 No Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%.*ls' in the API '%.*ls'. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx.
33056 16 No Cannot impersonate login '%.*ls' to access %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
33057 10 No Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users.
33058 10 No Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to drop the provider for all users.
33059 16 No An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost.
33060 16 No The format of supplied parameter sid is invalid. The sid might be incorrect or the sid might describe the wrong type of user.
33061 16 No The specified RETENTION_DAYS value is greater than the maximum value allowed. The retention days value must be less than %d days.
33062 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too short. The password must be at least %d characters.
33063 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too long. The password must be at most %d characters.
33064 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is not complex enough. The password must be at least %d characters long and contain characters from three of the following four sets: Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Base 10 digits, and Symbols.
33065 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: HRESULT 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33066 10 No An error occurred while configuring the password policy: NTSTATUS 0x%x, state %d. To skip configuring the password policy, use trace flag -T4634 during startup. This will cause SQL Server to run using a minimal password policy.
33067 16 No Secret provided can not contain more than 120 characters. Please provide a valid credential.
33069 16 No CREATE CERTIFICATE statement cannot mix file and binary modes. Rewrite the statement using only the FILE or the BINARY keyword.
33070 16 No The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be at least 2 MB.
33071 16 No This command requires %S_MSG to be disabled. Disable the %S_MSG and rerun this command.
33072 16 No The audit log file path is invalid.
33073 16 No Cannot find %S_MSG '%.*ls' or you do not have the required permissions.
33074 16 No Cannot %S_MSG a %S_MSG %S_MSG from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database.
33075 16 No Granular auditing is not available in this edition of SQL Server. For more information about feature support in the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
33076 16 No The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 TB.
33077 16 No RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE.
33078 16 No The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property.
33079 16 No Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%s' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column.
33080 10 No Cryptographic provider library '%.*ls' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33081 10 No Failed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL '%.*ls'.
33082 16 No Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%ls'.
33083 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG for %S_MSG '%ls' because it is not supported by the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33084 16 No The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider.
33085 10 No One or more methods cannot be found in cryptographic provider library '%.*ls'.
33086 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to record %ls action.
33087 16 No %S_MSG property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value
33088 16 No The algorithm: %.*ls is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server
33089 16 No Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33090 10 No Attempting to load library '%.*ls' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33091 10 No Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been backed up. You should immediately back up the certificate and the private key associated with the certificate. If the certificate ever becomes unavailable or if you must restore or attach the database on another server, you must have backups of both the certificate and the private key or you will not be able to open the database.
33092 10 No Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%.*ls'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33093 16 No The Windows user or group '%s' is local or built-in. Use a Windows domain user or domain group.
33094 10 No An error occurred during Service Master Key %S_MSG
33095 10 No Service Master Key could not be decrypted using one of its encryptions. See sys.key_encryptions for details.
33096 10 No A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption.
33097 10 No Processing BrickId: %d with MasterDb.PrimaryPru.FragId %d
33098 10 No Initializing SMK for brickId: %d
33099 16 No You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database.
33101 16 No Cannot use %S_MSG '%.*ls', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server requires the ability to automatically access the private key of the %S_MSG used for this operation.
33102 16 No Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
33103 16 No A database encryption key already exists for this database.
33104 16 No A database encryption key does not exist for this database.
33105 16 No Cannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be able to drop the database encryption key.
33106 16 No Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set.
33107 16 No Cannot enable database encryption because it is already enabled.
33108 16 No Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled.
33109 16 No Cannot %S_MSG database encryption while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33110 16 No Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.
33111 16 No Cannot find server %S_MSG with thumbprint '%.*ls'.
33112 10 No Beginning database encryption scan for database '%.*ls'.
33113 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' is complete.
33114 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
33115 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later.
33116 16 No CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%.*ls'. Try again later.
33117 16 No Transparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
33118 16 No Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.
33119 16 No Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.
33120 16 No In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %S_MSG, please use an %S_MSG that resides on an extensible key management provider.
33121 16 No The %S_MSG '%ls' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access the extensible key management provider '%ls'.
33122 16 No This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Take a log backup and retry the command.
33123 16 No Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled.
33124 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' cannot complete since one or more files are offline. Bring the files online to run the scan to completion.
33125 10 No Can not create login token because there are too many secondary principals. The maximum number of allowed secondary principals allowed is %lu. To fix this, remove the login from a server role.
33126 10 No Database encryption key is corrupted and cannot be read.
33127 16 No The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key.
33128 16 No Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33129 16 No Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission instead.
33130 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
33131 16 No Principal '%ls' has a duplicate display name. Make the display name unique in Azure Active Directory and execute this statement again.
33132 16 No This principal type is not supported in Azure SQL Database.
33133 16 No Your subscription is not enabled for Integrated Authentication.
33134 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be resolved. Error message: '%ls'
33135 16 No Altering the name of a Windows principal is not supported through this form of execution. For more information about this, see SQL Server Books Online.
33136 16 No The operation could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.
33137 16 No The tenant '%.*ls' cannot be found.
33139 16 No This subscription does not support Integrated Authentication.
33140 16 No The login '%.*ls' could not be created because a login is already associated with certificate '%.*ls'.
33141 10 No The credential created might not be able to decrypt the database master key. Please ensure a database master key exists for this database and is encrypted by the same password used in the stored procedure.
33142 16 No Updating the tenantId for Azure SQL Server was not successful.
33143 16 No The account admin of the subscription does not belong to this tenant.
33144 16 No Cannot change the schema of a temporary object.
33145 16 No Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress.
33146 10 No The database '%.*ls' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt the database master key.
33147 20 Yes Federated Authentication Feature data used in login record to open a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls.
33148 16 No The user name for a windows login has to be identical to the login name.
33149 16 Yes Dropping a credential '%.*ls' which could still be used by Managed Backup.
33150 16 Yes Warning: Can not check whether the credential '%.*ls' is used by managed backup, because %ls. Please check whether the credential is used by managed backup.
33151 16 No The user name for a user with password cannot be identical to the name of the server admin or the dbo of the database.
33152 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d or %d.
33153 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, or %d.
33154 20 Yes Client sent an invalid token when server was expecting federated authentication token. And it was not a disconnect event.
33155 20 Yes A disconnect event was raised when server is waiting for Federated Authentication token. This could be due to client close or server timeout expired.
33156 20 Yes A Federated Authentication token was sent by the client when the server is not expecting it. So server will close the connection due to TDS non-conformance.
33157 16 No Crypthographic providers are not supported on database credentials.
33158 16 No Database credentials are not supported in master database.
33159 16 No Principal '%ls' could not be created. Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users.
33160 10 No Unable to verify Authenticode signatures due to error code %d. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
33161 15 No Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33162 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33163 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP)
33164 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is used by an external data source.
33165 16 No Cannot drop the external %ls '%.*ls' because it is used by an external %ls.
33166 16 No dbManager permission check failed.
33167 16 No This command is not supported for Azure AD users. Execute this command as a SQL Authenticated user.
33168 16 No TYPE option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33169 16 No User name cannot have backslash character, when using the TYPE option.
33170 16 No SID option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
33171 16 No Only active directory users can impersonate other active directory users.
33172 16 No Encrypting Secret for Database '%.*ls' and Credential '%.*ls' failed.
33173 16 No Assigning value for output parameter @credentialSecret failed because the parameter size is less than the required size %u. Please provide a larger size.
33174 16 No Cannot get credential '%.*ls' because it is not referenced by any external data source.
33175 16 No Encryption operation failed. Key used for encryption has deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33176 16 No Signing operation failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33177 16 No Hash operation failed. Hash Function uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this hash algorithm switch to a lower db compatibility level.
33178 16 No Encryption key length is over the currently supported maximum length of %d.
33179 10 No Searching for '%.*ls' only searches "'%.*ls'" for SQL Server authentication logins.
33180 10 No Searching for "'%.*ls'" only searches for Azure Active Directory users. To search for a SQL Server authentication login, add the server name at the end. For example [%.*ls@%.*ls].
33181 16 No The new owner cannot be Azure Active Directory group.
33182 16 No The command must be executed on the target database '%.*ls'.
33183 16 No The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error with message '%s'.
33184 16 No An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client with message '%s'.
33185 16 No An error ocurred while attempting to copy the encrypted DEK from the DBTable.
33186 16 No Cannot alter the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used by an active audit session ('%.*ls').
33187 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave failed to decrypt a column value or parameter - invalid authentication tag. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33189 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave is out of session resources. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33190 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave attestation information requested for an unsupported enclave type. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33191 16 Yes Enclave host encountered a runtime error: out of priority queue space.
33192 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave raised an exception (major = %d, minor = %d). See error log for more information. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33194 16 Yes Internal enclave error. The enclave bcrypt method %hs failed with status 0x%x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33195 17 No Internal enclave error. Enclave was provided with an invalid session handle. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33196 16 Yes VBS enclave attestation failed due to an error in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). API: '%ls', Return code: '0x%08x'. Check the AzureAttestService Windows service is running on your machine. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33197 16 No The value specified for TYPE option is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Allowed values are E (EXTERNAL_USER) and X (EXTERNAL_GROUP).
33198 16 No TYPE and SID options have to be used along with each other, in this version of SQL Server.
33199 16 No Only Active Directory logins can impersonate other Active Directory logins.
33201 17 No An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%s'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission on the files, or the pattern may be returning one or more corrupt files.
33202 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to file '%s'.
33203 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the event log.
33204 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the security log.
33205 10 No Audit event: %s.
33206 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33207 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the access the event log.
33208 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to access the security log.
33209 10 No Audit '%.*ls' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server was started with the -m flag.
33210 10 No SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33211 15 No A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits.
33212 15 No There is an invalid column list after the object name in the AUDIT SPECIFICATION statement.
33213 16 No All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope.
33214 17 No The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started.
33215 10 No One or more audits failed to start. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause, and correct the problems associated with each error.
33216 10 No SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33217 10 No SQL Server Audit is starting the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33218 10 No SQL Server Audit has started the audits. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
33219 10 No The server was stopped because SQL Server Audit '%.*ls' is configured to shut down on failure. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single User Mode) to bypass Audit-generated shutdowns when the server is starting.
33220 16 No Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master.
33221 16 No You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database.
33222 10 No Audit '%.*ls' failed to %S_MSG . For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers where ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_XE_LOG'.
33223 16 No ALTER SERVER AUDIT requires the STATE option to be specified without using any other options.
33224 16 No The specified pattern did not return any files or does not represent a valid file share. Verify the pattern parameter and rerun the command.
33225 16 No The specified values for initial_file_name and audit_record_offset do not represent a valid location within the audit file set. Verify the file name and offset location, and then rerun the command.
33226 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls' at offset %I64d.
33227 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid. Specify either 0 or 1000 and higher.
33228 16 No You cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. Contact your system administrator.
33229 16 No Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled.
33230 16 No An audit specification for audit '%.*ls' already exists.
33231 16 No You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements.
33232 16 No You may not add a role to Sysadmin.
33233 16 No You can only create a user with a password in a contained database.
33234 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database.
33235 16 No The parameter %s cannot be provided for users that cannot authenticate in a database. Remove the WITHOUT LOGIN or PASSWORD clause.
33236 16 No The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database.
33237 16 No Cannot use parameter %s for Windows users or groups.
33238 16 No MAX_FILES and MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES options cannot be specified toghether.
33239 16 No An error occurred while auditing this operation. Fix the error in the audit and then retry this operation.
33240 16 No A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details.
33241 16 Yes Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error updating the idle timeout.
33242 16 No When providing a sid, the user must be a user without login or a user with password.
33243 16 Yes Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in setting access control list on the user instance's process. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
33244 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to create an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33245 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to write to an audit file related to the audit '%s' in the directory '%s'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33246 17 No SQL Server Audit failed to access the MDS file log. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to create and write to the file.
33247 17 No SQL Server Audit could not write to the MDS local file (Error Code: %d).
33248 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid for MDS log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33249 16 No Cannot drop the credential '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33250 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching credential '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33251 16 No A credential conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in credential cache in memory. Use alter step to change the secret. Drop and re-create to change the credential name.
33252 16 No This CREATE AUDIT request exceeds the maximum number of audits that can be created per database.
33253 16 No Failed to modify the identity field of the credential '%.*ls' because the credential is used by an active database file.
33254 16 No This operation cannot be performed in the master database.
33255 16 No Audit specification '%.*ls' can only be bound to a %S_MSG audit.
33256 16 No The audit store location or the audit store URL has been configured for this database audit.
33257 16 No Cannot drop an audit store URL that is not configured for this database audit.
33258 16 No Invalid value for procedure "%.*ls", parameter "%.*ls".
33259 15 No Invalid security policy name '%.*ls'.
33260 16 No The predicate was not added to the security policy '%.*ls' because there are no available predicate IDs. Drop and recreate the security policy.
33261 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' does not contain a predicate on table '%.*ls'.
33262 16 No A %S_MSG predicate for the same operation has already been defined on table '%.*ls' in the security policy '%.*ls'.
33263 16 No Security predicates can only be added to user tables and schema bound views. '%.*ls' is not a user table or a schema bound view.
33264 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot be enabled with a predicate on table '%.*ls'. Table '%.*ls' is already referenced by the enabled security policy '%.*ls'.
33265 16 No The security policy '%.*ls' cannot have a predicate on table '%.*ls' because this table is referenced by the indexed view '%.*ls'.
33266 16 No The index on the view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view is referencing table '%.*ls' that is referenced by a security policy.
33267 16 No Security predicates cannot reference memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized.
33268 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33269 16 No Security predicates are not allowed on temporary objects. Object names that begin with '#' denote temporary objects.
33270 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" or this object is not an inline table-valued function.
33271 16 No Cannot alter '%.*ls' because it is not a security policy.
33272 16 No Unable to load the security predicate for table "%.*ls".
33273 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on FileTables. '%.*ls' is a FileTable.
33274 16 No The version was not created for the key '%.*ls' because there are no available version IDs. Drop and recreate the key.
33275 16 No The encrypted value for this column encryption key cannot be dropped. Each column encryption key must have at least one encrypted value.
33277 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls.
33278 16 No Cannot assign the same encryption scheme to two expressions at line '%d'. The encryption scheme of the first expression is %ls and the encryption scheme of the second expression is %ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the first expression are: %.*ls. Other columns/variables with the same encryption scheme as the second expression are: %.*ls.
33279 16 No Cannot remove the credential '%.*ls/%.*ls' because it is being used.
33280 16 No Cannot create or alter encrypted column '%.*ls' because data type '%ls' is not supported for encryption.
33281 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' has a different encryption scheme than referencing column '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'.
33282 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33283 16 No '%S_MSG' clause is unsupported for encrypted columns.
33284 16 No The encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls' cannot be used as a partition key column.
33285 16 No Cannot set default constraint on encrypted column '%.*ls.%.*ls'. Default constraints are unsupported on encrypted columns.
33286 16 No Cannot encrypt column '%.*ls', because it is of a user-defined type.
33287 16 No Cannot drop column encryption key '%.*ls' because the key is referenced by column '%.*ls.%.*ls'.
33288 16 No The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each column encryption key. Drop an exisiting encrypted value before adding the new one.
33289 16 No Cannot create or alter encrypted column '%.*ls'. Character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation cannot be encrypted using deterministic encryption.
33290 16 No There is no column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33291 16 No There is already a column encryption key value associated with the column master key '%.*ls'.
33292 16 No The encryption algorithm '%.*ls' is not supported. Please specify a valid encryption algorithm.
33293 16 No Cannot find the %S_MSG "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
33294 16 No Some parameters or columns of the batch require to be encrypted, but the corresponding column encryption key cannot be found. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the module parameters metadata.
33296 16 No Cannot create table '%.*ls' since it references a column encryption key from a different database.
33297 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. The %S_MSG cannot be empty.
33298 16 Yes Internal Query Processor Error: The encryption scheme of certain parameters was incorrectly analyzed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33299 16 No Encryption scheme mismatch for columns/variables %.*ls. The encryption scheme for the columns/variables is %ls and the expression near line '%d' expects it to be %ls (or weaker).
33301 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %d characters long.
33302 16 No The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and 10.
33303 16 No A conversation priority already exists in the database with either the name '%.*ls' or the properties %ls='%ls', %ls='%ls', and %ls='%.*ls'. Either use a unique name or a unique set of properties.
33304 16 No The transmission queue row with conversation handle '%ls' and message sequence number %d references a missing multicast message body row with reference %d.
33305 16 No The multicast message body row with reference %d should have reference count value of %d.
33306 16 No The unreferenced message with reference %d has been deleted from the message body table.
33307 16 No The message with reference %d has been updated to a reference count of %d in the message body table.
33308 10 No The queue %d in database %d has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %u seconds.
33309 10 No Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %S_MSG endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet.
33310 16 No Local cluster name can be set only once.
33311 10 No The wait for connect request completion failed.
33312 10 No The wait for querying proxy routes failed or was aborted.
33313 16 No An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker transport layer. A service broker connection is closed due to this condition.
33314 16 No The supplied whitelist is invalid.
33315 16 No The redirected endpointurl is Invalid
33316 16 No Failed to reset encryption while performing redirection.
33317 16 No The redirect response contains invalid redirect string
33318 16 No The redirect request contains invalid string or redirect handler failed to handle the request
33319 16 No The redirector returned lookup failure
33320 16 No Tried to send redirect request but the redirect string is empty
33321 16 No The other end does not support redirection
33322 16 No The redirect message is corrupted
33323 16 No The endpoint is closing because the connection was redirected
33324 16 No Failed to parse the redirect info string
33325 16 No Failed to construct new endpoint after redirection
33326 16 No Forwarder disconnected during redirection
33327 16 No Failed to parse the specified connection string
33328 16 No Redirector lookup failed with error code: %x
33329 16 No XdbHost encountered error code: %x during socket duplication
33330 16 No XdbHost returned an error during socket duplication
33331 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS is not allowed on this server.
33332 16 No DBCC CLEANUPCONVERSATIONS cannot be executed through MARS connection.
33333 10 No The connection had a send posted for over %d seconds. The connection is suspected hung and is being closed.
33334 10 No Error while setting up ssl channel. Error code: (%d, %d, %d)
33335 10 No The connection has been flow controlled in the %d seconds (%d times, where threshold is %d). Min required transfer rate is %d Kbps. Actual transfer rate is %d Kbps. The connection is extensively flow controlled and is being closed.
33336 10 No The connection has been flow controlled in the last %d seconds for a period of %d seconds. The connection is extensively flow controlled and is being closed.
33401 16 No FILESTREAM database options cannot be set on system databases such as '%.*ls'.
33402 16 No An invalid directory name '%.*ls' was specified. Use a valid operating system directory name.
33403 16 No The case-sensitive or binary collation '%.*ls' cannot be used with the COLLATE_FILENAME option. Change the collation to a case-insensitive collation type.
33404 16 No The database default collation '%.*ls' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option.
33405 16 No An error occurred during the %S_MSG %S_MSG operation on a FileTable object. (HRESULT = '0x%08x').
33406 16 No An invalid filename, '%.*ls', caused a FileTable check constraint error. Use a valid operating system filename.
33407 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator cannot indicate a root row. Correct the path locator or use the default value.
33408 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the row. Remove the blob data or clear the is_directory flag.
33409 16 No The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated with the row. Insert file data or use 0x to insert a zero length file.
33410 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The parent of a row's path locator must be a directory, not a file. Correct the path locator to refer to a parent that is a directory.
33411 16 No The option '%.*ls' is only valid when used on a FileTable. Remove the option from the statement.
33412 16 No The option '%.*ls' is not valid when used with the '%.*ls' syntax. Remove the option from the statement.
33413 16 No The option '%.*ls' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement.
33414 16 No FileTable objects require the FILESTREAM database option DIRECTORY_NAME to be non-NULL. To create a FileTable in the database '%.*ls', set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to a non-NULL value using ALTER DATABASE. Or, to set the DIRECTORY_NAME option to NULL, in the database '%.*ls' disable or drop the existing FileTables.
33415 16 No FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%.*s' attempting to be set on database '%.*s' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access.
33416 10 No When the FILESTREAM database option NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS is set to FULL and the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION options are on, T-SQL and transactional read access to FILESTREAM data in the context of a FILETABLE is blocked.
33417 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %d, which is deeper than the limit of %d supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy.
33418 16 No FILETABLE_DIRECTORY '%.*s' attempting to be set on table '%.*s' is not unique in the database '%.*s'. Provide a unique value for the option FILETABLE_DIRECTORY to this operation.
33419 16 No Function %ls is only valid on the varbinary(max) FILESTREAM column in a FileTable.
33420 16 No Unable to process object '%.*s' because it is a three-part or four-part name. Specifying the server or database is not supported in the object identifier.
33421 16 No The object name '%.*s' is not a valid FileTable object.
33422 16 No The column '%.*s' cannot be added to table '%.*s' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable object is not permitted.
33423 16 No Invalid FileTable path name or format.
33424 16 No Invalid computer host name in the FileTable path.
33425 16 No Invalid share name in the FileTable path.
33426 16 No INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE to FileTable '%.*ls' is not allowed inside a trigger on a FileTable.
33427 16 No Function %ls is not allowed on the deleted table inside a trigger.
33428 14 No User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %d.
33429 16 No The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %d does not exist.
33430 10 No Killed %d non-transactional FILESTREAM handles from database ID %d.
33431 16 No An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a length of %d, which is longer than the limit of %d allowed for depth %d. Reduce the length of the path locator.
33433 10 No Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %d.
33434 16 No The current state of the database '%.*s' is not compatible with the specified FILESTREAM non-transacted access level. The database may be read only, single user or set to emergency state.
33435 16 No Cannot publish the FileTable '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for FileTable objects.
33436 16 No Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects.
33437 16 No Cannot publish the logbased view '%ls' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on FileTable objects.
33438 16 No Cannot enable Change Tracking on the FileTable '%.*ls'. Change Tracking is not supported for FileTable objects.
33439 16 No Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%.*ls', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled.
33440 16 No When inserting into FileTable '%.*ls' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table.
33441 16 No The FileTable '%.*s' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects.
33442 16 No The handle ID %d is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled by the client who originally opened it.
33443 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and Database Mirroring.
33444 16 No The database '%.*s' cannot be enabled for both FILESTREAM non-transacted access and HADR.
33445 16 No The database '%.*s' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.
33446 16 No The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%.*s'. The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an Always On availability group. Connect to the server instance that hosts the primary database replica, and retry the operation.
33447 16 No Cannot access file_stream column in FileTable '%.*ls', because FileTable doesn't support row versioning. Either set transaction level to something other than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT, or use READCOMMITTEDLOCK table hint.
33448 16 No Cannot disable clustered index '%.*ls' on FileTable '%.*ls' because the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is enabled.
33449 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33450 10 No FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One or more availability groups ('%ls') currently do not have a listener. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
33451 16 No Cannot enable Change Feed on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Feed is not supported for FileTable objects.
33501 16 No Security predicates cannot be added on tables that contain filestream data. Column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' contains filestream data.
33502 16 No The column '%.*ls' could not be added to table '%.*ls' because the column contains filestream data and the table is referenced by one or more security policies. Filestream columns are not allowed on tables that are referenced by security policies.
33503 16 No BLOCK predicates can only be added to user tables. '%.*ls' is not a user table.
33504 16 No The attempted operation failed because the target object '%.*ls' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. If the operation is performed on a view, the block predicate might be enforced on the underlying table. Modify the operation to target only the rows that are allowed by the block predicate.
33505 16 No Partitioned view '%.*ls' is not updatable because table '%.*ls' has an enabled security policy that defines block predicates for this table.
33506 16 No Only natively compiled inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates on memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized, but function '%.*ls' is not natively compiled. Recreate the function using WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION.
33507 16 No Function '%ls' cannot be used in the definition of BLOCK security predicates. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this table or view to not use this function.
33508 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33509 16 No Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for an AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT BLOCK security predicate for this view because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. Modify the AFTER INSERT and AFTER UPDATE BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
33510 16 No BLOCK security predicates cannot reference history tables. Table '%.*ls' is a temporal or ledger history table.
33511 16 No Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized. Only security policies with schema binding enabled may specify security predicates for memory optimized tables. Create a new security policy with schema binding enabled.
33512 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed with one or more errors, indicating the schema of the predicate function has changed. Update or drop the affected security predicates.
33513 16 No Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed, because the predicate function is not an inline table-valued function. Only inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates.
33514 16 No Incorrect encryption metadata was received from the client. The error occurred during the invocation of the batch and therefore the client can refresh the encryption metadata by calling sp_describe_parameter_encryption and retry.
33515 16 No The parameter "%.*ls" does not have the same encryption information as the one it was created with. Use sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to refresh the parameter encryption information for the module.
33516 16 No The object '%.*ls' is referenced by the security policy '%.*ls'. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support security policies. Either drop the security policy or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports security policies.
33517 16 No The column '%.*ls' of the object '%.*ls' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted columns. Either remove the encryption from the column or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports encrypted columns.
33518 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33519 16 No An external data source conflicting with '%.*ls' already exists in EDS cache in memory. Use alter step to change the location or credential. Drop and re-create to change the EDS name.
33520 16 No Failed to allocate memory for caching external data source '%.*ls' which is used by a database file.
33521 16 No Cannot drop the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33522 16 No Cannot remove the external data source '%.*ls' because it is being used.
33523 16 No Cryptographic failure due to insufficient memory.
33524 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to database '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33525 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls'. You must be connected to server '%.*ls' to access its audit logs.
33526 10 No The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from '%.*ls', as it does not conform to the auditing blob naming convention.
33527 16 No Error occurred while initializing the security functions lookup table. This might be because the installation of SQL Server is corrupted and a required file is missing.
33528 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33529 16 No The audit filter predicate exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d characters.
33530 16 No The combined length of audit name and blob storage container name exceeds the maximum allowed length (by %d character(s)). Please use shorter audit or container name.
33531 16 No The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid with asynchronous log target. Specify value higher than 0.
33532 16 No Invalid value given for parameter PATH. Please specify a valid blob container path with the following format : https://<storageName><containerName>
33533 16 No SHUTDOWN on failure option is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
33534 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave loading failed: invalid path. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33535 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave call failed for method '%s'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33536 16 No VBS enclave attestation failed. Attestation status: '%ls', substatus: '%ls'. For more information, see ''.
33537 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave attestation error: enclave platform returned unexpected output. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33538 16 No The credentials of blob storage container '%.*ls' are invalid.
33539 16 No The blob storage '%.*ls' was not found. Verify your storage account name.
33540 16 No Invalid audit or database names, please use valid URL characters.
33541 16 No The credentials of blob storage container '%.*ls' was not found.
33542 16 No Unsupported operation near line '%d'; operations on encrypted columns with string data types require a *_BIN2 or a *_UTF8 collation. However, the column or the variable uses the '%.*ls' collation.
33543 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to encrypt, decrypt or re-encrypt the column in-place using a secure enclave, but the current and/or the target column encryption key for the column is not enclave-enabled.
33544 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to change the encryption scheme of the column and one or more of the following column properties: collation (to a different code page), data type. Such changes cannot be combined in a single statement. Try using multiple statements.
33545 16 No The statement requires a secure enclave, but the enclave is not available for the target database - see for more details.
33546 16 No The statement triggers enclave computations, but a column encryption key, needed for the computations, has not been found inside the enclave. Check that: (1) column encryption and enclave computations are enabled on connection, (2) driver is enclave-enabled. For additional reasons see:
33547 16 No Enclave comparator cache failed to initialize during enclave load.
33548 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Enclave out of memory. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33549 16 Yes Internal enclave error: OSF Serialization error. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33550 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Invalid data format. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33551 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Nonce checking in secure channel failed. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33552 16 Yes Internal enclave error. Enclave shutdown due to a critical error. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33553 16 No A failure occurred during initialization of an Audit to External Monitor target. See the errorlog for details.
33554 16 Yes Encountered error 0x%08lx while waiting for encryption scan completion consensus. See the errorlog for details.
33555 16 Yes Unable to find the user-specified certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the certificate store of the local computer. Please verify that certificate exists.
33556 16 Yes Invalid character in the thumbprint [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33557 16 Yes Invalid thumbprint length [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"]. Please provide a certificate with a valid thumbprint.
33558 16 No Encryption scan can not be resumed because no encryption scan is in progress.
33559 16 No Specified workload group does not exist. Retry with a valid workload group.
33560 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was initiated on %S_DATE (UTC). The encryption scan will resume soon.
33561 16 No Encryption scan can not be suspended because no encryption scan is in progress.
33562 16 No TDE encryption scan state cannot be updated for database id [%d].
33563 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was aborted on %S_DATE (UTC). The encryption scan will resume soon.
33564 10 No TDE scan for database id [%d] was suspended on %S_DATE (UTC). To resume scan, run "ALTER DATABASE [%.*s] SET ENCRYPTION RESUME".
33565 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but the SQL Server service account does not have access to it.
33566 16 Yes Found the certificate [Cert Hash(sha1) "%hs"] in the %S_MSG store but it does not have a private key. Please verify and use a valid certificate.
33567 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using a randomized encryption type and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a clustered index, constraint, or statistics.
33568 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Structured exception within the enclave with status %d. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33569 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted with randomized encryption using a collation that is neither *_BIN2 nor *_UTF8, and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in an index.
33570 10 No Specified workload group does not exist. Switching to default workload group for TDE encryption scan.
33571 16 No Cannot create server audit with GUID '%s' in this version of SQL Server: Please specify another GUID value.
33572 16 No Encrypted index recovery: %ls %d
33573 16 No Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is encrypted using randomized encryption with a non enclave-enabled column encryption key and is therefore not valid for use as a key column in a constraint, index, or statistics.
33574 16 No Specifying a private key file or binary is not allowed when importing or exporting a certificate using the PFX format.
33575 16 No WITH PRIVATE KEY must be specified when importing or exporting a certificate using the PFX format.
33576 16 No Invalid certificate encoding FORMAT value provided. The supported values are 'DER' and 'PFX'.
33577 16 No The specified PFX file or the binary literal cannot be imported as it contains multiple certificates.
33578 16 No The specified file or the binary literal is not supported as it does not contain a private key.
33579 16 No Cannot drop a value for the column encryption key '%.*ls'; dropping the value makes the key enclave disabled, and one or more objects that are schema-bound to column '%.*ls' depend on it.
33580 16 No Operation supported by enclaves invoked on data encrypted with randomized encryption where the keys are not enclave-enabled. Please clear the proc cache.
33581 16 No Cannot alter column '%.*ls'. The statement attempts to encrypt, decrypt or re-encrypt the column in-place using a secure enclave, but this is not supported for memory-optimized tables.
33582 16 No Cannot create the module. Executing the module requires keys in a secure enclave, but this is not supported for memory-optimized tables.
33583 16 No Could not find Azure AD principal mapping to Windows principal '%ls'.
33584 16 No Found multiple Azure AD principals mapping to Windows principal '%ls'.
33585 16 No Windows principal '%ls' does not map to provided Azure AD principal '%ls', please use a different Azure AD principal.
33586 10 No Warning: Index or statistic '%.*ls.%.*ls' has an enclave-enabled key column, however Accelerated Database Recovery is not enabled for database '%.*ls'. Enabling it is strongly recommended to increase the database availability during recovery.
33587 16 No Security predicates cannot be added to external table '%.*ls' because it does not contain a credential.
33588 16 No Invalid encryption algorithm. Always Encrypted with secure enclaves requires data to be encrypted with the AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 algorithm.
33589 17 No Internal enclave error. Enclave was provided with an invalid expression handle. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
33590 10 No Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was suspended. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
33591 16 No ALGORITHM has an invalid value. The allowed values are '%ls', '%ls'.
33592 16 No The underlying operating system does not support encrypting private keys using '%ls'. Consider using '%ls'.
33593 16 No Specifying ALGORITHM is not allowed when exporting a certificate using the DER format.
33594 16 No ALGORITHM must be specified when exporting a certificate using the PFX format. The supported algorithms are '%ls', '%ls'.
33595 16 No The session context key '%s' is too long. Maximum allowed length of session context key is %d characters.
33596 16 No Maximum number of session context keys used for audit specification has been exceeded. The maximum allowed number of keys is %d.
33597 16 No Operator Audit option is not supported for this target type, use EXTERNAL_MONITOR target.
33598 16 No The private key password is invalid, or the file was encrypted with an algorithm not supported by the underlying operating system.
33599 16 No Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, or %d.
33801 16 No Cannot bulk load file split because either secret or file_properties option is missing.
34001 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has encountered an error: %s.
34002 16 No Dialog with queue 'syspolicy_event_queue' has ended.
34003 16 No Error number %d was encountered while processing an event. The error message is: %s.
34004 16 No Execution mode %d is not a valid execution mode.
34010 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
34011 16 No Specified value for property %s cannot be used with execution mode %d.
34012 16 No Cannot delete %s referenced by a %s.
34013 16 No %s '%s' is referenced by a '%s'. Cannot add another reference.
34014 16 No Facet does not exist.
34015 16 No Policy group %s does not exist.
34016 16 No Invalid target filer: %s. Only filters that restrict the first level below the Server node are allowed.
34017 16 No Automated policies cannot reference conditions that contain script.
34018 16 No Target type "%s" is not a valid target type.
34019 16 No Object "%s" is invalid.
34020 16 No Configuration option "%s" is unknown.
34021 16 No Invalid value type for configuration option "%s". Expecting "%s".
34022 16 No Policy automation is turned off.
34050 16 No %ls
34051 16 No %ls
34052 16 No %ls
34053 16 No %ls
34054 16 No Policy Management cannot be enabled on this edition of SQL Server.
34101 20 Yes An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error.
34102 16 Yes An object in serialized stream has version %u but maximum supported version of this class is %u.
34103 16 Yes Error in formatter during serialize/deserialize. Required to process %d elements but processed only %d elements.
34104 16 No An error was encountered during object serialization operation. The object that failed serialization is %hs.
34901 16 Yes The global lock manager encountered a severe failure.
35001 16 No Parent Server Group does not exist.
35002 16 No Server type and parent Server Group type are not the same
35003 16 No Cannot move node to one of its children
35004 16 No Could not find server group
35005 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_group_id.
35006 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id.
35007 16 No Could not find shared registered server.
35008 16 No Cannot delete system shared server groups.
35009 16 No An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type.
35010 16 No An invalid value %d was passed in for parameter @server_type.
35011 16 No The @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name.
35012 16 No You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server.
35100 16 No Error number %d in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 to 2147483647.
35101 16 No One of the SET options FMTONLY or NOEXEC was changes from ON to OFF in a TRY...CATCH block.
35102 16 No Error related to '%ls' where one of participants is Azure SQL Managed Instance.
35103 16 No '%ls' feature where one of participants is Azure SQL Managed Instance is disabled.
35104 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' with Azure SQL Managed Instance as a participant is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
35200 16 No Failed to add database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group is created with basic functionality and supports %d database.
35201 10 No A connection timeout has occurred while attempting to establish a connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or firewall issue exists, or the endpoint address provided for the replica is not the database mirroring endpoint of the host server instance.
35202 10 No A connection for availability group '%ls' from availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls] to '%ls' with id [%ls] has been successfully established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35203 16 No Unable to establish a connection between instance '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] due to a transport version mismatch.
35204 10 No The connection between server instances '%ls' with id [%ls] and '%ls' with id [%ls] has been disabled because the database mirroring endpoint was either disabled or stopped. Restart the endpoint by using the ALTER ENDPOINT Transact-SQL statement with STATE = STARTED.
35205 16 No Could not start the Always On Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows error log for additional error messages. If a low memory condition exists, investigate and correct its cause.
35206 10 No A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica '%ls' with id [%ls]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.
35207 16 No Connection attempt on availability group id '%ls' from replica id '%ls' to replica id '%ls' failed because of error %d, severity %d, state %d.
35208 16 No Availability group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the 'USE master' statement, and retry your availability group DDL statement.
35209 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls', because the backup priority value is outside the valid range. The valid range is between %d and %d, inclusive. Set the backup priority to a value within this range, and retry the operation.
35210 16 No Failed to modify options for availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified name. Verify that availability group name and availability replica name are correct, then retry the operation.
35211 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed. The operation attempted to change the configuration of availability replica '%.*ls' to the asynchronous-commit availability mode with automatic failover, which is an invalid configuration. Either change the failover mode to manual or the availability mode to synchronous commit, and retry the operation.
35212 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35213 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d automatic failover targets in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the manual failover mode, and retry the operation.
35214 16 No The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls'. The minimum value for session timeout is %d. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value.
35215 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed on availability replica '%.*ls', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode.
35216 16 No An error occurred while adding or removing a log truncation holdup to build secondary replica from primary availability database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35217 16 No The thread pool for Always On Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available worker threads. This may degrade Always On Availability Groups performance. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads.
35218 16 No An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
35220 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation.
35221 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Enable Always On Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35222 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups does not have permissions to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Disable and re-enable Always On Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the currently operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35223 16 No Cannot add %d availability replica(s) to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains %d replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %d.
35224 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload the required library functions.
35225 16 No Could not process the operation. The instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support Always On Availability Groups. Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable Always On Availability Groups. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry the operation. For information about how to enable and disable Always On Availability Groups, see SQL Server Books Online.
35226 16 No Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.
35228 16 No The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified level value is out of the valid range [%u, %u]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value.
35229 16 No The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%.*ls' failed. The specified timeout value is less than %u milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value.
35230 16 No The specified computer name is either an empty string or is longer than %d Unicode characters. Reenter the command specifying a valid computer name.
35231 16 No The specified server instance name, '%ls', is invalid. Reenter the command specifying a valid instance name.
35232 16 No The specified endpoint URL '%.*ls' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying the endpoint URL for an availability replica, see SQL Server Books Online.
35233 16 No Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group %ls is %d. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying fewer availability replicas.
35234 16 No Database name '%ls' was specified more than once. Reenter the command, specifying each database name only once.
35235 16 No The system name '%ls' was specified more than once in the REPLICA ON clause of this command. Reenter the command, specifying a different instance of SQL Server for each replica.
35236 15 No The endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying the endpoint URL of this instance of SQL Server.
35237 16 No None of the specified replicas for availability group %.*ls maps to the instance of SQL Server to which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica.
35238 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this SQL Server instance. Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation.
35239 16 No The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group.
35240 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group '%.*ls'. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group.
35242 16 No Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.
35243 16 No Failed to set resource property '%.*ls' for availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later.
35244 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently joined to another availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35246 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be located (Windows System Error %d). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, the DLL file might be missing from the server instance.
35247 16 No Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file '%ls' could not be loaded (Windows System Error %d).
35248 16 No The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit %d is greater than the %d possible secondary synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing asynchronous-commit replicas to the synchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
35249 16 No An attempt to add or join a system database, '%.*ls', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.
35250 16 No The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.
35251 16 No This command can be run only on the primary replica. Connect to the primary replica, and retry the command.
35252 16 No The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command.
35253 16 No Database "%.*ls" is not in the correct state to become the primary database. The log must be restored from the previous primary replica to bring the database out of the reinitializing state.
35254 16 Yes An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online.
35255 16 No An attempt to start database '%.*ls' failed because the database is already started and online.
35256 16 No The session timeout value was exceeded while waiting for a response from the other availability replica in the session. That replica or the network might be down, or the command might be misconfigured. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35257 16 No Always On Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
35258 16 No Error in the hadron simulator.
35259 16 No Database '%.*ls' is already participating in a different availability group.
35260 16 No During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation.
35261 16 No Attempt to perform an Always On Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%ls', failed. System databases are not supported by Always On Availability Groups.
35262 10 Yes Skipping the default startup of database '%.*ls' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %d). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35263 16 No During the undo phase, a function call (%ls) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %d). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database.
35264 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been suspended for the following reason: "%S_MSG" (Source ID %d; Source string: '%.*ls'). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For information about how to resume an availability database, see SQL Server Books Online.
35265 10 No Always On Availability Groups data movement for database '%.*ls' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35266 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database established for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35267 10 No Always On Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database terminated for %S_MSG database '%.*ls' on the availability replica '%.*ls' with Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35268 16 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %S_LSN. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups.
35269 21 Yes Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will be marked SUSPECT. To return the database to a consistent state, restore it from a clean database backup followed by all subsequent log backups.
35270 10 No Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%ls' message section is invalid.
35271 16 No The availability database %ls in availability group %ls failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
35272 16 No Either invalid parameters were supplied for sys.sp_availability_group_command_internal or user does not have permissions to execute this procedure.
35273 10 Yes Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
35274 10 Yes Recovery for availability database '%ls' is pending until the secondary replica receives additional transaction log from the primary before it complete and come online. Ensure that the server instance that hosts the primary replica is running.
35275 16 Yes A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%.*ls' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation.
35276 17 Yes Failed to allocate and schedule an Always On Availability Groups task for database '%ls'. Manual intervention may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
35277 16 No Automatic failover is not supported for distributed availability group replica.
35278 16 No Availability database '%.*ls', which is in the secondary role, is being restarted to resynchronize with the current primary database. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35279 16 Yes The attempt to join database '%.*ls' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%d'. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica.
35280 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is already joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operation.
35281 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to the specified availability group. Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35282 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
35283 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation.
35284 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command.
35285 10 No The recovery LSN %S_LSN was identified for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35286 16 No Using the recovery LSN %S_LSN stored in the metadata for the database with ID %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35287 16 No Always On Availability Groups transport for availability database "%.*ls" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is %S_LSN. This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error keeps reoccurring, investigate the root cause.
35288 16 No Always On Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%.*ls" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected LSN was %S_LSN. The received LSN was %S_LSN. The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. Resume the availability database. If the error reoccurs, contact Customer Support Services.
35289 16 No Failed to send request for file '%.*ls' to the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35290 16 No Failed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%.*ls' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
35291 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
35292 16 No An internal error occurred when performing an operation on extended recovery forks. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35293 16 No Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation.
35294 16 No %ls backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35295 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because the last backup LSN (0x%ls) from the primary database is greater than the current local redo LSN (0x%ls). No log records need to be backed up at this time. Retry the log-backup operation later.
35296 16 No Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35297 10 No %ls backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica created backup files successfully but could not ensure that a backup point has been committed on the primary. This is an informational message only. Preserve this log backup along with the other log backups of this database.
35298 10 No The backup on the secondary database "%.*ls" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly.
35299 10 Yes Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %.*ls for an Always On Availability Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35301 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be unique. Create the columnstore index without the UNIQUE keyword or create a unique index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword.
35302 15 No The statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order.
35303 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index. Consider replacing the clustered columnstore index with a nonclustered columnstore index.
35304 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table that has a nonclustered index. Consider dropping all nonclustered indexes and trying again.
35305 15 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a view. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on the view, creating a clustered columnstore index on the base table or creating an index without the COLUMNSTORE keyword on the view.
35306 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be specified using INDEX specification at the column level.
35307 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Columnstore index cannot include a computed column implicitly or explicitly.
35308 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be a filtered index. Consider creating a columnstore index without the predicate filter.
35309 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a sparse column. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any sparse columns.
35310 15 No The statement failed because columnstore indexes are not allowed on table types and table variables. Remove the column store index specification from the table type or table variable declaration.
35311 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot have included columns. Create the columnstore index on the desired columns without specifying any included columns.
35312 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data.
35313 15 No The statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification.
35314 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns.
35315 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
35316 15 No The statement failed because a columnstore index must be partition-aligned with the base table. Create the columnstore index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the base table. If the base table is not partitioned, create a nonpartitioned columnstore index.
35317 15 No The statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35318 15 No The statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35319 15 No The table option DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when a table specifies a clustered column store index.
35320 15 No Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified.
35321 16 No Table '%.*ls' uses a clustered columnstore index. Columnstore indexes are not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
35322 16 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index and the underlying clustered columnstore index must be partition-aligned. Consider creating the nonclustered index using the same partition function and same (or equivalent) partition scheme as the clustered columnstore index.
35323 16 No The statement failed because adding multiple generated value type columns (such as identity and uniqueidentifier types) at once is not supported for columnstore index. Consider adding the generated columns separately.
35324 15 No The statement failed because specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB is not allowed when creating a columnstore index without ORDER. Consider creating a columnstore index without specifying SORT_IN_TEMPDB, or use it with ORDER clause.
35325 15 No The statement failed because the definition of a column belonging to clustered columnstore index cannot be changed. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35326 15 No The statement failed because a nonclustered columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a nonclustered columnstore index is not necessary.
35327 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %S_MSG is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying %S_MSG.
35328 15 No ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
35329 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not allowed when creating the rowstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the rowstore index without specifying ORDER.
35330 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table that has a nonclustered columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %S_MSG statement, and then rebuilding the columnstore index after %S_MSG has completed.
35331 16 No Cannot use duplicate column names in the ORDER column list. Column name '%.*ls' appears more than once.
35332 16 No Cannot ORDER on more than %d columns.
35334 15 No DBCC DBREINDEX failed because specifying FILLFACTOR is not allowed when creating or rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying FILLFACTOR.
35335 15 No The statement failed because specifying a key list is not allowed when creating a clustered columnstore index. Create the clustered columnstore index without specifying a key list.
35336 15 No The statement failed because specifying key list is missing when creating an index. Create the index with specifying key list .
35337 16 No UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option.
35338 16 No Clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35339 16 No Multiple columnstore indexes are not supported.
35340 16 No LOB columns are disabled in columnstore.
35341 16 No The statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Reduce the precision or omit column '%.*ls'.
35342 15 No The statement failed because specifying ORDER is not a valid option for creating the non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Consider creating the non-clustered columnstore index without specifying ORDER, or create a clustered columnstore index.
35343 15 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index.
35344 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on table '%.*ls' to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION MERGE operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35345 16 No MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two partitions on different filegroups cannot be merged if either partition contains columnstore index data. Consider dropping the columnstore index on table '%.*ls' before issuing the ALTER PARTITION statement, then rebuilding the columnstore index after ALTER PARTITION is complete.
35346 16 No SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on table '%.*ls' to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION SPLIT operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
35347 16 No The stored procedure 'sp_tableoption' failed because a table with a columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index.
35348 16 No The statement failed because table '%.*ls' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage.
35349 16 No TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%.*ls' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table.
35350 16 No The statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table. Consider dropping the columnstore index before creating a new clustered index.
35351 16 No DROP INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index on a partitioned table must be partition-aligned with the base table (heap). Consider dropping the columnstore index before dropping a clustered index.
35352 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed online on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the ONLINE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the ONLINE option.
35353 16 No %s cannot be enabled on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider dropping clustered columnstore index '%s' on table '%s'.
35354 16 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table enabled for %S_MSG. Consider disabling %S_MSG and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35355 16 No The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision to 18.
35356 16 No This operation is not supported on nonclustered columnstore indexes built in earlier versions of SQL Server. Consider rebuilding the index.
35357 16 No The statement failed because a secondary dictionary reached the maximum size limit. Consider dropping the columnstore index, altering the column, then creating a new columnstore index.
35358 16 No CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*ls' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider enforcing the logic of the trigger in some other way, or if you must use a trigger, use a heap or B-tree index instead.
35359 16 No The statement failed because a table with a clustered columnstore index cannot have triggers. Consider removing all triggers from the table and then creating the clustered columnstore index.
35360 16 No Referential constraint '%.*ls' cannot be created because the %S_MSG table '%.*ls' has a clustered columnstore index.
35361 16 No The statement failed. A clustered columnstore index cannot be created over referencing column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'.
35362 16 No Tuple mover stvf skipped rowset in DW mode
35363 16 No The statement failed because clustered columnstore indexes are not supported in system databases.
35364 16 No ALTER INDEX statement option COMPRESSION_DELAY can only be used with columnstore indexes.
35365 22 No The compression block header at offset %ld is invalid.
35366 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress header is invalid.
35367 22 No The columnstore blob Xpress object header is invalid.
35368 17 No Internal DDL Operation Error: The DDL encountered an unexpected error %d during execution (HRESULT = 0x%x).
35369 16 No GETCHECKSUM can not be used for a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35370 16 No Cursors are not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35371 16 No SNAPSHOT isolation level is not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
35372 16 No You cannot create more than one clustered index on %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Consider creating a new clustered index using 'with (drop_existing = on)' option.
35373 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement failed on a clustered columnstore index with error %d. See previous error messages for more details.
35374 16 No Columnstore archive decompression failed with error %d.
35375 16 No ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement option COMPRESS_ALL_ROW_GROUPS can only be used with clustered columnstore indexes.
35376 16 No Tuple mover stvf got passed invalid arguments
35377 22 No During migration to rowgroup consolidation, distribution type extended property must be set on the CCI table.
35378 16 No Row groups stvf got passed invalid arguments
35379 16 No Internal error occurred while flushing delete buffer database id %d, table id %d, index id %d, partition number %d. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log may provide more details.
35380 16 No The non-clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' cannot be reorganized due to an active snapshot transaction.
35381 22 No The columnstore blob dictionary header is invalid.
35382 16 No The specified COMPRESSION_DELAY option value %d is invalid. The valid range for disk-based table is between (0, 10080) minutes and for memory-optimized table is 0 or between (60, 10080) minutes.
35383 16 No The use of user-defined functions is not allowed in default constraints when adding columns to a columnstore index.
35384 16 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a lob column. Non clustered index with lob column as included column cannot co-exist with clustered columnstore index.
35386 17 No Unable to allocate %I64d KB for columnstore compression because it exceeds the remaining memory from total allocated for current resource class and DWU. Please rerun query at a higher resource class, and also consider increasing DWU. See '' for assistance.
35387 17 No TEMPDB ran out of space during spilling. Verify that data is evenly distributed and/or rewrite the query to consume fewer rows. If the issue still persists, consider upgrading to a higher service level objective.
35388 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a persisted computed column. Adding persisted computed columns to an existing clustered columnstore index is not supported.
35389 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column of a LOB type. Columnstore indexes cannot include computed columns of LOB types.
35390 16 No Computed columns in columnstore indexes are temporarily disabled. Please rewrite your query to exclude computed columns.
35391 16 No Could not build or rebuild clustered columnstore index '%.*ls' online, because the the table has secondary indexes. Please perform the operation offline, or remove the secondary indexes and try again.
35392 15 No The statement failed because column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is a computed column. Nonclustered index with computed column as key or included column cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index.
35393 16 No Columnstore tuple mover unit tests can't be run under master database.
35394 16 No Transaction %d reached %I64u log used bytes and %I64d reserved log bytes. In order to minimize log usage %d suboptimal rowgroups were created, which is not allowed since it compromises index quality. Please re-run query at a higher resource class, and also consider increasing DWU. See '' for assistance.
35395 16 No Transaction %d reached %I64u log used bytes and %I64d reserved log bytes. In order to minimize log usage, %d suboptimal rowgroups were created, which is not allowed since it compromises index quality. Please re-run the query with more memory (change your Resource Governor settings or upgrade to a higher SLO) or target fewer partitions in the load if your target table is partitioned.
35396 17 No Effective DOP of %u is too high for columnstore compression on table id %d because each thread only has %I64d KB for compression. Please retry using the MAXDOP hint to use a lower DOP.
35397 16 No %S_MSG statement failed because the operation cannot be performed resumably on a table with a columnstore index. Perform the operation without specifying the RESUMABLE option or drop (or disable) the columnstore index before performing the operation using the RESUMABLE option.
35398 16 No Columnstore index operation failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support.
35399 16 No Could not create columnstore index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' since data type of column '%.*ls' is not supported in the ORDER list.
35400 16 No Columnstore tuple mover is unable to acquire lock.
35401 10 No ONLINE
35404 16 No sequence
35405 10 No decryption
35406 10 No creation
35409 10 No Replication
35410 10 No Change Tracking
35411 10 No Change Data Capture
35412 16 No CloudDB Async Transport
35413 16 No CloudDB Async Transport Forwarder
35415 10 No mirrored
35417 10 No primary
35418 10 No secondary
35419 16 No feature
35420 16 No operation
35421 16 No statement
35422 16 No index option
35423 16 No table option
35424 16 No operator
35425 16 No value
35426 16 No system column
35427 16 No set option
35428 16 No query hint
35429 16 No transaction isolation level
35430 16 No in-memory index
35431 10 No SCHEDULER
35432 10 No NUMANODE
35435 16 No system database
35439 10 No it is a system database.
35440 10 No it acts as a distribution database
35441 10 No an internal error occurred
35442 10 No it is involved in a mirroring session. Turn off the mirroring session and try again
35443 10 No it is not in SIMPLE recovery mode. Change the recovery model to SIMPLE and try again
35444 10 No it is a database snapshot
35445 10 No it is a not currently enabled
35446 16 No clause
35447 10 No Cluster Proxy
35448 10 No partition
35449 16 No signing algorithm
35450 16 No table
35451 16 No join hint
35452 10 No Database unavailable
35453 10 No it is a system database. Make sure to target a user database. If you want temporary clustered columnstore tables, consider creating a regular user database for them
35454 10 No a transaction is currently active. Execute sp_db_enable_clustered_columnstores by itself
35455 10 No an internal error occurred
35456 10 No it is involved in a mirroring pair. Consider disabling mirroring, changing the setting, then re-establishing mirroring
35457 10 No it is a database snapshot
35458 10 No it is part of an Always On availability group. Consider removing the database from the availability group, changing the setting, and then adding the database back to the availability group
35459 10 No it is a replication distribution database. Make sure to target a regular user database
35460 10 No it is not using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider temporarily changing to the simple recovery model, then downgrading, then switching back
35461 10 No it contains one or more clustered columnstore indexes. Consider dropping these indexes or creating clustered B-tree indexes instead, and trying again
35462 10 No referencing
35463 10 No referenced
35464 10 No columnstore indexes are not supported in the current SQL Server edition. See SQL Server Books Online for supported editions
35465 17 No Unable to allocate the recovery thread
35466 16 No Exception in the recovery thread
35467 16 No Already linked to a partition host
35468 16 No Partition DB marked as suspect
35469 16 No Failed to get Partition DB attributes
35470 16 No Partition Host
35471 10 No Partition metadata not found
35472 15 No memory optimized tables
35473 15 No natively compiled modules
35474 15 No indexes on memory optimized tables
35475 15 No hash indexes
35476 15 No transactions that access memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules
35477 15 No databases that have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup
35478 16 No truncate
35479 16 No start
35480 16 No stop
35481 15 No memory optimized table types
35482 16 No clustered
35483 16 No nonclustered
35484 16 No BUCKET_COUNT
35485 16 No security policy
35486 15 No memory optimized tables that have a column store index
35487 10 No Global Transactions
35488 15 No natively compiled triggers
35489 16 No Upgrade of Hekaton database
35490 16 No memory optimized tables that have max length columns
35491 16 No max length columns in natively compiled modules
35492 16 No column definition
35493 16 No enabled
35494 16 No disabled
35495 15 No memory optimized table
35496 15 No natively compiled module
35497 15 No module
35498 16 No external data source
35499 16 No OUTPUT clauses in natively compiled modules
35501 15 No schemas that contain natively compiled modules
35502 15 No change_tracking_hardened_cleanup_version()
35503 15 No safe_cleanup_version()
35504 16 No server encryption protector
35505 15 No RESUMABLE
35506 15 No MAX_DURATION
35507 10 No Storage
35508 10 No RESUME
35509 10 No PAUSE
35510 10 No ABORT
35511 10 No ABORT
35512 10 No allow_enclave_computations
35513 10 No compute
35514 10 No local computer
35515 10 No current user
35516 10 No query_capture_policy
35517 10 No execution_count
35518 10 No total_compile_cpu_time_ms
35519 10 No total_execution_cpu_time_ms
35521 10 No stale_capture_policy_threshold
35522 10 No day
35523 10 No TRIPLE_DES_3KEY
35524 10 No AES_256
35526 10 No striped_metadata
35527 10 No rbio_connection
35528 10 No unable to read page due to invalid FCB
35529 10 No certificate id
35532 10 No certificate name
36001 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the database.
36002 16 No instance_id already exists in the database.
36003 16 No %s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
36004 16 No DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist.
36005 16 No Dac root - database %s does not exist.
36006 16 No Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table.
36007 16 No Dac Part the policy refers to, does not exist.
36008 16 No Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
36009 16 No %s '%s' already exists in the Dac Parts.
36010 16 No The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
36011 16 No The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated.
36012 10 No Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.\nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%s' context after this procedure finishes:\n%s
36101 16 No Process ID %d is not an active process ID.
37001 16 No This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
37002 16 No Cannot find the database '%s', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
37003 16 No This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server.
37004 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37005 16 No The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37006 16 No Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
37007 16 No An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point.
37008 16 No The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role.
37009 16 No The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point.
37010 16 No The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
37101 16 No Server '%.*ls' does not contain elastic job account: '%.*ls'.
37102 16 No Elastic job account '%.*ls' does not contain the resource of type '%.*ls' named '%.*ls'.
37103 16 No Internal job account error occurred : '%.*ls'.
37104 16 No A job account already exists for subscription '%.*ls' for the selected region.
37105 16 No The job account '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' already exists.
37106 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is in use by job account '%.*ls'. The database cannot be deleted or renamed while associated with a job account.
37107 16 No The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' has service level objective '%.*ls' which is not supported for use as a job account database.
37108 16 No A job account could not be linked to database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' because it is a geo-secondary database.
37109 16 No Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already linked to another job account.
37201 16 No An instance pool could not be found with name '%.*ls'.
37202 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' is busy with another ongoing operation.
37203 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' is not empty.
37204 16 No An instance pool with name '%.*ls' does not have enough vCore capacity for given request.
37301 16 Yes Internal enclave error. The enclave symcrypt method %ls failed with status 0x%08x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37302 16 Yes %ls. Internal error. API: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37303 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining an authentication token for external service. Authentication method: %ls, status: 0x%08x.
37304 16 No Cannot initialize %ls enclave for column encryption - the operating system does not support the enclave type.
37305 16 Yes Invalid enclave configuration: %ls.
37306 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Cannot initialize the %ls enclave. Error: 0x%08x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37307 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Cannot initialize the %ls enclave. Load method: %ls. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37308 10 Yes Loaded %ls enclave for Always Encrypted.
37309 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an error in Intel Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) SGX API: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37310 16 Yes %ls. Error while parsing URL. URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37311 16 Yes %ls. The URL has an invalid scheme name. URL: '%ls'. The supported schemes are: '%ls'.
37312 16 Yes %ls. The service URL specified by the client is not reachable. URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. Check your networking configuration.
37313 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed. The attestation service returned an empty response. Attestation URL: '%ls'. Verify the attestation policy. If the policy is correct, contact Customer Support Services.
37314 16 Yes VBS enclave attestation failed due to an error in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). API: '%ls', Return code: '0x%08x'. Check the Host Gurdian Service is running. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37315 16 Yes Credential object named '0x%08x', configured for external authentication, does not exist.
37316 16 Yes Authentication bearer service failed to return a valid challenge. Verify URL '%ls' is correct. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37317 16 Yes Failed to look up '%ls' for '%ls'.
37318 16 Yes Unable to acquire an authentication token for resource_id '%ls' with URL '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x' Correlation Id: '%ls'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37319 16 Yes Failed to obtain an authentication token for URL '%ls', Return code: '0x%08x', CorrelationId: %ls.
37320 16 Yes Authentication for URL '%ls' failed due to an invalid client id or an invalid secret. Return code: '0x%08x' Correlation Id: '%ls'
37321 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37322 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37323 16 Yes Authentication bearer service failed to return a valid challenge. Verify URL '%ls' is correct. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37324 16 Yes %ls. Service returned Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Service URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. Verify the service policy. For more information see: '%ls'.
37325 16 Yes Enclave attestation failed due to an error in Azure Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Client. Validate Azure DCAP Client is installed and configured properly. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37326 16 Yes Service failed due to an authorization failure. Verify the server or instance has the required permissions to access service at URL '%ls'.
37327 16 Yes Maximum number of concurrent DBCC commands running in the enclave has been reached. The maximum number of concurrent DBCC queries is %d. Try rerunning the query.
37328 10 Yes Configuring Always Encrypted enclave in %ls mode.
37329 10 Yes %ls enclave lost due to internal error. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37330 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Authentication method: %ls, Return code: '0x%08x'. Validate that Azure Active Directory Identity as been assigned to this server. For more information, contact Customer Support Services
37331 16 No DevOps login, '%s', can not be created as another non-devops server principal with name or object ID already exists.
37332 16 No DevOps user, '%.*ls', can not be created as another non-devops database principal with name or object ID already exists.
37333 16 Yes The server encountered an unexpected exception. API:'%ls' Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37334 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining an authentication token for an external service. Authentication method: %ls, Status: 0x%08x, CorrelationId: %ls.
37335 16 Yes Failed to acquire a token using a managed service identity. Make sure managed identities are enabled on the machine hosting SQL Server. Authentication method: %ls, Return code: '0x%08x', CorrelationId: %ls. Validate that Azure Active Directory Identity as been assigned to this server. For more information, contact Customer Support Services
37336 17 Yes Failed to flush the Ledger Transactions table to disk in database with ID %d due to error %d. Check the errorlog for more information.
37337 16 Yes Failed to retrieve the information about the latest transaction persisted in sys.db_ledger_transactions in database with ID %d due to error %d. Check the errorlog for more information.
37338 16 No Error occurred while generating the hash for a ledger transaction. Return code: '%d'.
37339 16 No Error occurred while generating a hash for the MERKLE_TREE_AGG aggregate function. Return code: '%d'.
37340 16 Yes Failed to generate the Ledger Blocks in the database with ID %d due to error %d. Check the errorlog for more information.
37341 16 No Azure Active Directory Administrator is not enabled for this server. Please set up the AAD Admin on this server and try again.
37342 16 No The logical server AAD tenant ID does not match the given devops AAD tenant ID.
37343 16 No Unexpected data type for encrypted column while generating ledger hash.
37344 16 No CREATE TABLE failed because column '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum of %d columns allowed for ledger tables.
37345 16 No Table cannot have more than one 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS %ls' column.
37346 16 No 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS %ls' column '%.*ls' has invalid data type.
37347 16 No 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS %ls' column '%.*ls' cannot be nullable.
37348 16 No 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS %ls' column '%.*ls' can only be nullable.
37349 16 No LEDGER = ON cannot be specified with SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF and APPEND_ONLY = OFF.
37350 16 No LEDGER = ON cannot be specified with SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON and APPEND_ONLY = ON.
37351 16 No LEDGER = ON cannot be specified with PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME and APPEND_ONLY = ON.
37352 16 No APPEND_ONLY = ON cannot be specified with generated always end columns.
37353 16 No Server identity does not have Azure Active Directory Readers permission. Please follow the steps here :
37354 16 No LEDGER = ON cannot be specified with system versioning retention period.
37355 16 No An existing History Table cannot be specified with LEDGER=ON.
37356 16 No System Versioning cannot be altered for Ledger Tables.
37357 17 No SQL Audit could not write to '%s'. Make sure that SAS key is valid or Managed Identity has permissions to access the storage. This is an informative message. This error doesn't affect SQL availability.
37358 17 No SQL Audit failed to create the audit file for the audit '%s' at '%s'. Make sure that SAS key is valid or Managed Identity has permissions to access the storage. This is an informative message. This error doesn't affect SQL availability.
37359 16 No Updates are not allowed for the append only Ledger table '%.*ls'.
37360 16 No %S_MSG is not allowed on Ledger tables.
37361 16 No Cannot update ledger history table '%.*ls'.
37362 16 No LEDGER = ON cannot be specified on a table with a column set column.
37363 16 No Copy operation for the database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' cannot be started because both source and target SLOs need to be DC series. Source DB SLO: '%.*ls' , Partner DB SLO: '%.*ls'
37364 16 No A transaction cannot update more than %d ledger tables.
37365 16 No The '%s' parameter provided for ledger verification cannot be null.
37366 16 No The hash computed from sys.database_ledger_transactions for block %I64d does not match the hash persisted in sys.database_ledger_blocks.
37367 16 No The computed hash does not match the previous block hash persisted in sys.database_ledger_blocks for block %I64d.
37368 16 No The hash of block %I64d in the database ledger does not match the hash provided in the digest for this block.
37369 16 No Invalid input for parameter '@digests' provided for ledger verification. The value should be a valid JSON document that contains values for the 'block_id' and 'hash' of each digest.
37370 10 No Ledger verification successfully verified up to block %I64d.
37371 16 No The computed hash from '%s' and the associated history table does not match the hash persisted in sys.database_ledger_transactions for transaction %I64d.
37372 16 No Invalid table ID '%d' is present in database ledger table sys.database_ledger_transactions.
37373 16 No Error occurred while initializing hash algorithm at startup. Return code: '%d'.
37374 16 No Creation of Ledger view failed due to error %d.
37375 16 No Cannot add PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE KEY or CHECK constraint to the ledger history table '%.*ls'.
37376 16 No Foreign key '%.*ls' is not valid. A ledger history table cannot be used in a foreign key definition.
37377 16 No Foreign key '%.*ls' is not valid. An append only ledger table cannot be the referencing table of a foreign key constraint with cascading actions.
37378 16 No Ledger tables cannot be created on system databases.
37379 16 No Ledger tables cannot contain columns of XML, sql_variant, filestream or user-defined types. Any computed columns cannot be timestamp columns.
37380 16 No Cannot create UNIQUE index on ledger history table '%.*ls'.
37381 16 No Cannot create a trigger on a system-versioned ledger table '%.*ls'.
37382 16 No Switching partition failed on table '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation on ledger tables or their corresponding history table.
37383 16 No Enabling Change Tracking for ledger history table '%.*ls' is not allowed.
37384 16 No Table '%.*ls' is a FileTable. LEDGER = ON cannot be used on FileTables.
37385 16 No LEDGER = ON is not allowed for table variables.
37386 16 No Cannot drop object '%.*ls' because it is a ledger history table or a ledger view.
37387 16 No Only nullable columns without a default value WITH VALUES can be added to ledger tables.
37388 16 No Column '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' cannot be dropped because it is already a dropped ledger column.
37389 16 No Cannot ALTER VIEW '%.*ls' because it is a ledger view.
37390 16 No System-time PERIOD cannot be added to table '%.*ls' because it is a ledger table.
37391 16 No ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN failed for table '%.*ls' because it is a ledger table and the operation would need to modify existing data that is immutable.
37392 16 No Ledger verification failed.
37393 16 No The default ledger view name is constructed as <table_name>_Ledger, which exceeds the maximum length of %d characters. Specify a ledger table name that is %d characters or less, or specify a user-defined ledger view name that is %d characters or less.
37394 16 No Cannot create index on view '%.*ls' because it is a ledger view. The indexes should be created on the ledger table or its history table.
37395 16 No View '%.*ls' is not updatable because it is a ledger view.
37396 16 No Query cannot be executed, access token is expired. Please login with a new access token and execute query again.
37397 16 No Error storing Babylon policy for DBID %d. Major error: %d, Minor error: %d, State: %d
37398 21 No Fatal error: Unable to pull policies for %d consecutive attempts.
37399 16 No TYPE, SID, Default Database, Default Language, Password option not allowed for External logins
37401 16 Yes Error refreshing the external access control policy from metadata. Error code %d.
37402 16 No Setting LEDGER to ON failed because ledger view '%.*ls' is not specified in two-part name format.
37403 16 No Error in parsing Babylon json policy element/event with error message %s.
37404 16 Yes Service returned an empty response. URL: '%ls'.
37405 16 Yes Exception in fetching the external policy. URL: '%ls'. Major error code: %d, Minor error code: %d, State: %d
37406 16 Yes Error occurred while obtaining an authentication token for external service %ls; no authentication method is configured.
37407 16 No Error in Babylon SDK with error message %s.
37408 16 No The ledger digest storage cannot be configured on secondary databases.
37409 16 No The provided Ledger storage target type '%s' is invalid.
37410 16 No The provided ledger storage path '%s' is invalid.
37411 16 No Uploading ledger digests is being enabled or disabled for database '%s'. Please wait for the previous request to complete.
37412 16 Yes %ls operation failed for %ls. Error code: %d.
37413 16 Yes Failed to generate a digest in the database with ID %d due to error %d. Check the errorlog for more information.
37414 16 No Failed to retrieve digest information from path '%ls' due to error %d. Verify that the provided path exists and the required permissions have been granted to the SQL service.
37415 16 No Invalid path specified for a ledger digest URL. Verify that the provided paths are valid.
37416 16 No Fulltext indexes are not allowed on ledger tables.
37417 16 No Uploading ledger digest failed for database with id %d due to error %d.
37418 16 No No digests were found based on the input locations and block IDs.
37419 16 No Unable to %S_MSG audit because %S_MSG contains question mark.
37420 16 No LEDGER = OFF cannot be specified for tables in databases that were created with LEDGER = ON.
37421 16 Yes Error occurred while reading external policy endpoint.
37422 16 Yes Error occurred while reading STS Url.
37423 16 Yes Error occurred while fetching the external access policies. Please check if Managed System Identity is enabled on the server.
37424 16 Yes Error fetching the external policy resource endpoint.
37425 16 No Error occurred while trying to record the ledger table history operation of the ledger table '%.*ls'.
37426 16 No Error occurred while trying to record the ledger column history operation of the column '%.*ls' in ledger table '%.*ls'.
37427 16 No Cannot alter, drop, or rename object '%.*ls' because it is a ledger dropped object.
37428 16 No Cannot rename ledger object '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation.
37429 16 No Cannot rename column '%.*ls' of ledger object '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation.
37430 16 No Cannot alter schema of dropped ledger object '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation.
37431 16 No Encountered failure while initializing Confidential Ledger Adapter with URL %ls and error code %ld.
37432 16 No Encountered failure while initializing Confidential Ledger Data Iterator with URL %ls and error code %ld.
37433 16 Yes %ls. The attestation URL specified by the client is not reachable. URL: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'. Check your networking configuration.
37434 16 No Invalid input for parameter '@locations' provided for ledger verification. The value should be a valid JSON document that contains values for the 'path', 'last_digest_block_id' and 'is_current' of each location.
37435 16 No Invalid input for parameter '@table_name' provided for ledger verification. The specified value cannot contain a server or database name and must point to an existing ledger table.
37436 16 Yes Ledger verification failed due to error %d.
37437 16 No Uploading ledger digests is currently not supported for this resource type.
37438 16 No Ledger verification for table '%.*ls' failed because its clustered index is disabled.
37439 16 No The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on table '%.*ls' that is a ledger table and has a clustered columnstore index.
37440 16 No Cannot update dropped ledger table '%.*ls'.
37441 16 No The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on table '%.*ls' that is a ledger table and has a nonclustered index.
37442 16 No Ledger verification was aborted by the user.
37443 16 No The use of replication is not supported with ledger table '%s'
37444 16 No Enabling Change Data Capture for ledger history table '%ls' is not allowed.
37445 16 No The specified digestStorageEndpoint is invalid. It must be an Azure blob storage or Azure Confidential Ledger endpoint.
37446 16 No Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.
37447 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' has been already added as a trusted issuer for DNS name '%.*ls'
37448 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be removed from the trusted issuers for the DNS name '%.*ls' because it hasn't been added as a trusted issuer for the DNS name '%.*ls'.
37449 10 No Warning: The certificate chain of the certificate specified could not be validated at this time. This may cause issues with the certificate-based authentication in the future. Please check your organization's policy and settings for online and/or offline validation of a certificate chain.
37450 16 No The certificate '%.*ls' cannot be added as a trusted issuer for a DNS name because it is not allowed to sign certificates
37451 16 No DNS name provided exceeds maximum length of %d characters.
37452 16 No Error while trying to invoke external policy pull task.
37453 16 No '%ls' is not a valid option for the @type parameter. Enter 'update' or 'reload'.
37454 10 No Encountered Internal Error while calling %ls. Error code %ld, State %ld.
37455 16 No Server identity does not have permissions to access MS Graph. Please follow the steps here:
37457 16 No DDL statement executed on the database is not allowed because Azure Active Directory only authentication is enabled on the server.
37458 16 No Posted digest is not globally committed in Azure Confidential Ledger. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37459 16 No Encountered Internal Error while calling Azure Confidential Ledger. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37460 16 No Failed to parse response from Identity Service. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37461 16 No Encountered error while trying to retrieve AAD Token to call Azure Confidential Ledger. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37462 16 No Encountered error while trying to retrieve Network Certificate from Identity Service. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37463 16 No Service Principal or Managed Identity is not authorized to call Azure Confidential Ledger. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37464 10 Yes AAD Authentication is enabled. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
37465 16 No Server identity does not have the required permissions to access the MS graph. Please follow the steps here :
37466 16 No Endpoint is required.
37467 20 No The server encountered an unexpected exception.
37468 16 No The source and target table names provided as parameters to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' must be valid table names and cannot be null or empty.
37469 16 No The source and target table names provided as parameters to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot contain a database or server name.
37470 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' must be user tables.
37471 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot be memory optimized tables.
37472 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot be the source of merge or transactional replication or have change tracking or change data capture enabled.
37473 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have an XML, spatial or fulltext index.
37474 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have a disabled clustered index.
37475 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have any non-clustered indexes or statistics other than the ones for the clustered index.
37476 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have a column set column.
37477 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have any security policies.
37478 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot be graph node or edge tables.
37479 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have any indexed views referencing it.
37480 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' must be empty.
37481 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have any INSERT trigger.
37482 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' must be using the same partition function and partitioning columns.
37483 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' must have the same number of columns when excluding the TRANSACTION ID and SEQUENCE NUMBER generated always columns.
37484 16 No 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' failed because column '%.*ls' at ordinal %d in table '%.*ls' has a different name than the column '%.*ls' at the same ordinal in table '%.*ls' (excluding the TRANSACTION ID and SEQUENCE NUMBER generated always columns).
37485 16 No 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' failed because column '%.*ls' has data type %s in source table '%.*ls' which is different from its type %s in target table '%.*ls'.
37486 16 No 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' failed because column '%.*ls' does not have the same collation, nullability, sparse, ANSI_PADDING, vardecimal, identity or generated always attribute, CLR type or schema collection in tables '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'.
37487 16 No 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' failed because column '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' is computed column but the same column in '%.*ls' is not computed or they do not have the same persistent attribute .
37488 16 No The source and target tables provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot contain columns of data type text, ntext, image or with the ROWGUIDCOL or FILESTREAM attributes.
37489 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have any RULE constraints.
37490 16 No 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' failed because computed column '%.*ls' defined as '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' is different from the same column in table '%.*ls' defined as '%.*ls'.
37491 16 No The target table '%.*ls' provided to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot have clustered columnstore index.
37492 16 No The source and target tables provided as parameters to 'sp_copy_data_in_batches' cannot be temporary tables.
37493 16 Yes Internal enclave error: Cannot initialize the %ls enclave. Load method: %ls. Last Error: 0x%08x. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37494 16 Yes Authentication bearer service failed to return a valid challenge. Verify URL '%ls' is correct and reachable. Return code: '0x%08x'. Please check network connectivity and firewall setup, then retry the operation
37495 10 Yes Ledger verification to detect inconsistencies for index '%.*ls' (database ID %d) failed due to exception %d, state %d.
37496 10 Yes Ledger verification detected inconsistencies for index '%.*ls' (database ID %d). There are %ld rows that are inconsistent between the table and the index.
37497 16 Yes Internal parsing error: Fail to parse the service URL '%ls'. Failure method: %ls. Return code: '0x%08x'. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
37498 16 No Snapshot isolation must be enabled on the database when sp_verify_database_ledger is executed.
37499 10 Yes Ledger verification detected an inconsistency in the definition of ledger view '%.*ls' for the ledger table '%.*ls'.
37501 16 No A value cannot be given for the column '%.*ls' on ledger table '%.*ls' because it is a dropped ledger column.
37502 16 No The column '%.*ls' on ledger table '%.*ls' cannot be dropped because it is a TRANSACTION_ID or SEQUENCE_NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS column.
37503 16 No The column '%.*ls' on ledger table '%.*ls' cannot be dropped because it is an identity or computed column.
37504 10 No Failed to convert string to guid when fetching tenantID fabric property %.*ls'
37505 20 No A secondary of secondary database (chaining) cannot be created because automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured for this database.
37506 20 No Automatic upload of ledger digests cannot be enabled because this database is configured with secondaries of secondaries (chaining).
37507 16 No CertPFX using AES encryption is not supported on the current operating system.
37508 16 No Unable to locate PFXExportCertStoreEx API in crypt32.dll, needed for CertPFX using AES encryption ErrorCode: %d.
37509 16 No Unable to locate PFXExportCertStoreEx API in securityapi.dll, needed for CertPFX using AES encryption ErrorCode: %d.
37510 16 No Unable to determine the blob length needed to export the PFX certificate. ErrorCode: %d.
37511 16 No Unable to export the PFX certificate. ErrorCode: %d.
37512 16 No The column '%.*ls' on ledger table '%.*ls' is a sequence number generated always column and cannot be referenced by computed columns, check constraints, filtered index or statistics expressions.
37513 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls'. It contains references to sequence number generated always columns.
37514 16 No Cannot bind a rule to a temporal or ledger history table.
37515 16 No Cannot bind a rule to a sequence number generated always column.
37516 16 No Server response exceeded the buffer size. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37517 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining ARC resource information from IMDS endpoint. Substate: '%ls', status: 0x%08x.
37518 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining ARC resource information from IMDS endpoint. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37519 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining ARC resource information from IMDS endpoint. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37520 16 Yes Error retrieving IMDS endpoint.
37521 16 No Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.
37522 16 No The Geo-primary database cannot be dropped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.
37523 16 No The Azure Confidential Ledger server identity check failed. Ledger URL '%ls' and error code %ld.
37524 10 Yes IMDS resource information. Subscription ID: %ls, Resource Group: %ls, Name: %ls.
37525 10 Yes Command '%.*ls' is not supported as Azure Active Directory is not configured for this instance.
37526 16 No A ledger table cannot be created while database mirroring is enabled.
37527 16 Yes Database '%.*ls'cannot be started as a primary replica because it might be missing ledger transactions for which digests have already been generated. Failover back to the original primary or restore more log from the primary to apply the latest transactions.
37528 16 No Vardecimal cannot be enabled on table '%.*ls' because it is a ledger table or a ledger history table.
37529 16 No Bound transactions are not supported with ledger tables.
37530 16 No Failed to set the ledger digest storage endpoint to '%ls' due to error %d. Verify that the provided Azure Storage account exists, it contains a container named '%ls' and is accessible from the machine hosting this instance of SQL Server. Confirm that there is a credential object with a valid Shared Access Signature for this container.
37531 16 No Failed to set the ledger digest storage endpoint to '%ls'. Verify that you have created a credential object to provide SQL Server access to the '%ls' container in this Azure Storage account.
37532 16 No Ledger table '%.*ls' cannot contain check constraints, filtered indexes and statistics or computed columns that reference columns using a multi-part identifier.
37533 16 No Computed column '%.*ls' cannot be added to ledger table '%.*ls'. Ledger tables do not support computed columns that use CLR functions or types.
37534 16 No Error while trying to read database information from master metadata. Transaction is not active anymore.
37535 16 No Principal name with object id '%ls' must begin with original principal name followed by a user-defined suffix to differentiate between the names. (
37536 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining version information from IMDS endpoint. Substate: '%ls', status: 0x%08x.
37537 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining version information from IMDS endpoint. Error code: '%ls'. Error message: '%ls'. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37538 16 Yes Internal error occurred while obtaining version information from IMDS endpoint. Return code: '0x%08x'.
37539 16 No Uploading ledger digest failed for database with id %d due to outbound firewall rules.
37540 16 No The provided ledger digest storage location is not in the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on the server. Please add this to the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on your server and retry the operation.
37541 16 No Provider '%ls' is no longer supported. Please use MSOLEDBSQL provider instead. (
37542 16 Yes The operation could not be completed because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault (AKV) were denied by the configured Network Security Perimeter. Key vault uri: '%ls'.
37543 10 No The trust of the certificate imported could not be verified with the Certificate Authority (CA) or verified through the Internet. Most likely the host operating system where SQL Server is hosted is missing the latest root certificate updates, or access to the Internet. In case this certificate is used for authentication when partner server rotates the certificate, the authentication will fail unless the issue has been resolved on the host OS. Please ensure that the host OS has the latest root certificate updates, or access to the Internet to reach out to remote CA. Error code: 0x%lx.
37545 16 No '%ls' is not a valid object id for '%ls' or you do not have permission.
37546 16 No Can only specify object_id when creating user from external provider.
37549 16 No Cannot open session for %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37550 16 No Cannot initialize cryptographic provider. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37551 16 No Cannot create key '%.*ls' in the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37552 16 No Cannot export %S_MSG from the provider. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37553 16 No Invalid algorithm '%.*ls'. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37554 16 No Key with %S_MSG '%.*ls' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37555 16 No Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37556 16 No Key validation failed since an attempt to get algorithm info for that key failed. Provider error code: %d. (%.*ls). For more information, see
37559 16 No Object_id is not a valid option
37563 16 Yes The primary managed identity is not selected for this server. Enable the primary managed identity for Microsoft Entra authentication for this server. For more information see (
37564 10 Yes The managed identity with Client_ID/Application_ID '%ls', is the primary identity assigned for this server.
38001 16 No Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
38002 16 No Only users having %s permission can execute this stored procedure.
39001 16 No Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39002 16 No SQL failed to boot extensibility for error code 0x%lx.
39003 10 No SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39004 16 No A '%.*s' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x%x. External script request id is %ls.
39005 10 No STDOUT message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39006 10 No External script execution status: %.*ls.
39007 16 No The specified language '%.*ls' does not exist or you do not have permission.
39008 16 No Invlid Parameter name '%ls' specified for Procedure. This clashes with internal parameters.
39009 16 No Output parameter in external script execution is not yet supported.
39010 16 No External script execution for '%.*s' script encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x) for request id: %ls.
39011 16 No SQL Server was unable to communicate with the LaunchPad service for request id: %ls. Please verify the configuration of the service.
39012 16 No Unable to communicate with the runtime for '%.*s' script for request id: %ls. Please check the requirements of '%.*s' runtime.
39013 16 No SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%.*s' runtime for request id: %ls. Please check the configuration of the '%.*s' runtime.
39014 16 No Parallelism in external script execution is not yet supported.
39015 16 No SELECT INTO statement is not supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39016 16 No The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
39017 16 No Input data query returns column #%d of type '%ls' which is not supported by the runtime for '%.*s' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type. External script request id is %ls.
39018 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%.*s' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type. External script request id is %ls.
39019 10 No An external script error occurred: %.*ls%.*ls
39020 16 No Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
39021 16 No Unable to launch runtime for '%.*s' script for request id: %ls. Please check the configuration of the '%.*s' runtime. See '' for setup instructions.
39022 10 No STDERR message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39023 16 No 'sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable it.
39024 16 No Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
39025 16 No External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully started.
39026 16 No The parameter name 'r_rowsPerRead' is specified multiple times in 'sp_execute_external_script' call. The name 'r_rowsPerRead' is reserved for specifying streaming behavior only. External script request id is %ls.
39027 16 No Parameter '%.*ls' was specified multiple times to sp_execute_external_script stored procedure.
39029 16 No The external language '%.*ls' returned error messages: '%.*ls'.
39030 16 No Variable '%.*ls' has unsupported data type for parameter exchange in EXEC EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement.
39031 16 No Cannot parse the output schema of the builtin function '%ls'.
39032 16 No The function %ls expects parameters in the form of 'name = value'.
39033 16 No The parameter name '%.*ls' has already been declared. Parameter names must be unique in %ls function call.
39034 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' in %ls contains a definition that doesn't match the supplied arguments.
39035 16 No The function %ls has too many arguments supplied.
39036 16 No The function %ls expects parameter '%.*ls' which was not supplied.
39037 16 No The function %ls contains a parameter '%.*ls' that has an invalid type.
39038 16 No The function %ls expects parameter '%.*ls' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
39039 16 No Error converting the parameter value for '%.*ls' to '%.*ls'.
39040 16 No The function '%ls' does not support SQL identifier or variable for '%.*ls'.
39041 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' has an invalid definition.
39042 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the library source parameter %d is not a valid expression.
39043 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because filename '%.*ls' is too long.
39044 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39045 16 No %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39046 16 No CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist.
39047 16 No External library '%.*ls' already exists for owner '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'.
39048 16 No Failed to %s external library '%ls': %ls.
39049 10 No Message(s) from 'PREDICT' engine: %.*ls%.*ls
39050 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Out of memory.
39051 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model is corrupt or invalid.
39052 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model type is unsupported.
39053 16 No The function PREDICT expects parameter 'RUNTIME' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
39054 16 No The 'RUNTIME' parameter is invalid.
39055 16 No %ls can only be called in combination with the OUTER APPLY clause.
39056 16 No Could not parse the list of columns to be passed to %ls. Only simple column references are accepted.
39057 16 No The value provided for the '%.*ls' parameter is too large.
39058 16 No The parameter '%.*ls' has a type that is not supported.
39092 16 No Initialization of native scoring libraries failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
39093 16 No 'PREDICT' function does not take parameters of varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) type except for 'MODEL' parameter.
39094 16 No 'PREDICT' function only supports models smaller than 100 MB.
39096 16 No Execution failed because its WITH clause specified different output columns from what 'PREDICT' function tries to return. The schema returned by 'PREDICT' function is '%ls'.
39097 16 No Input data column #%d is of type '%ls' which is not supported by '%ls' function. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39098 16 No Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39099 16 No Feature or option 'PREDICT' is not yet implemented. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature or option.
39101 16 No '%.*ls' failed because it is not supported in the edition of this SQL Server instance.
39102 16 No Duplicate column names are not allowed in '%.*ls'. Column name '%.*ls' is a duplicate.
39103 16 No Parameter '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' is not allowed without parameter '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns'.
39104 16 No Column '%.*ls' in '%.*ls' is not defined in the SELECT clause of '@input_data_1' parameter.
39105 16 No Invalid syntax for parameter '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns'. Specify a list of comma separated columns.
39106 16 No Invalid syntax for parameter '@input_data_1_order_by_columns'. Specify a list of comma separated columns and an optional argument for sorting order <ASC|DESC>.
39107 16 No Columns in parameters '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns' and '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' must be unique. Column name '%.*ls' appears in both parameters.
39108 16 No Maximum number of concurrent external script users has been reached. Limit is %d. Please retry the operation. External script request id is %ls.
39109 16 No The combined total number of columns given in parameters '@input_data_1_partition_by_columns' and '@input_data_1_order_by_columns' exceeds the maximum %d.
39110 16 No Maximum number of concurrent external script queries for this user has been reached. Limit is %d. Please retry the operation. External script request id is %ls.
39111 16 No The SQL Server Machine Learning Services End-User License Agreement (EULA) has not been accepted.
39112 15 No Duplicate file specification supplied for platform '%.*ls'.
39113 15 No Number of file specifications exceeds the maximum of %d.
39114 15 No CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement failed because of duplicate file specification. Only one file specification per platform is allowed in a CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement.
39115 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY statement failed because the content for platform '%.*ls' does not exist or is not correctly defined in the external library.
39116 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY REMOVE PLATFORM statement failed because an external library requires at least one file specification to be defined.
39117 16 No %.*ls EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the parameter '%s' is not a valid expression.
39118 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the specified file path '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length of file path is %d characters.
39119 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39120 16 No %s EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39121 16 No CREATE EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist or have permission.
39122 16 No CREATE statement failed. External language '%.*ls' already exists.
39123 16 No %.*ls EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because the parameter '%s' is not specified.
39124 16 No '%.*ls' platform information doesn't exist for the language '%.*ls'.
39125 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed because of duplicate file specification. Only one file specification per platform is allowed.
39126 16 No ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE REMOVE PLATFORM statement failed because an external language requires at least one file specification to be defined.
39127 16 No External script execution for '%.*s' script ran out of resources. External script request id is: %s.
39128 16 No External language runtime for '%s' could not be provisioned. Error code 0x%08x.
39129 16 No Cannot drop external language '%.*ls' because it is being referenced by external library '%.*ls'.
39130 16 No %.*ls statement failed. Language '%s' already exists.
39131 16 No %.*ls statement failed. System language '%s' can't be altered or removed.
39132 16 No The parameter '@r_rowsPerRead' is invalid. Parameter '@r_rowsPerRead' must be a positive integer.
39133 16 No CREATE/ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE statement failed. The environment variables string is invalid.
39134 16 No The procedure '%s' cannot be executed because it is not supported in Azure SQL Edge.
39135 16 No Service environment '%s' is not ready.
39136 10 No Error sending a message to the service.
39137 10 No Error initialization external services framework.
39138 16 No Request to drop streaming job '%s' failed because the job is currently running. Stop the job before dropping.
39139 16 No Request to stop streaming job '%s' failed because the job is not currently running.
39140 16 No Request to create streaming job '%s' failed. The Streaming job query cannot be null or empty.
39141 16 No External data source '%s' with location prefix '%s' is not supported as input for streaming.
39142 16 No External data source '%s' with location prefix '%s' is not supported as output for streaming.
39143 16 No External data source '%s' with location prefix '%s' is not supported for streaming.
39144 16 No External data source '%s' has an invalid location for streaming.
39145 16 No External stream '%s' has an invalid location.
39146 16 No External stream '%s' has invalid properties.
39147 16 No Kafka datasource '%s' should specify a value for PARTITIONS in the properties field.
39148 16 No External file format '%s' type is not supported for streaming.
39149 16 No External file format '%s' encoding is not supported for streaming.
39150 16 No Error while processing streaming job: '%s'.
39151 16 No Transient error communicating with the streaming runtime. Please retry the operation.
39152 16 No Transient error communicating with the streaming runtime due to unfinished stop streaming job operation. Please retry the operation.
39153 16 No Error while launching mssql-flight-server with HRESULT 0x%x
39154 16 No Error while stopping mssql-flight-server with HRESULT 0x%x
40000 16 No Replicated tables support only local (non-DTC) two-phase commit involving the master database.
40001 16 No Secondary kill was initiated during commit.
40002 16 No Replicated row is not found.
40003 16 No Unexpected operation in replicated message.
40004 16 No Column count does not match.
40005 16 No Duplicated transaction id.
40006 16 No Unknown transaction id.
40007 16 No Invalid nesting level.
40008 16 No Replication target database is not found.
40009 16 No Transaction state locally does not match the expected state.
40010 16 No Replicated transactions across databases are not allowed.
40011 16 No Replicated target table %ld is not found.
40012 16 No Replicated target index %ld on table %ld is not found.
40013 16 No Replicated target schema %.*ls is not found.
40014 16 No Multiple databases can not be used in the same transaction.
40015 16 No This functionality is not supported on replicated tables.
40016 16 No The partitioning key column '%.*ls' must be one of the keys of '%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls' index.
40017 16 No Partition key can not be changed.
40018 16 No Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range.
40019 16 No The partition key column '%.*ls' of table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group.
40020 16 No The database is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40021 16 No The low and high keys specified for the partition are invalid. Low must be less than high.
40022 16 No A partition with overlapping key ranges already exists.
40023 16 No The name %s is too long.
40024 16 No The last committed CSN (%d, %I64d) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%d, %I64d).
40025 16 No The transaction was aborted during commit due to a database state transition.
40028 16 No The tablegroup name '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not valid.
40029 16 No Replicated tables can have at most %d columns.
40030 16 No Can not perform replica operation because the replica does not exist in local partition map.
40031 16 No The partition key column for table '%.*ls.%.*ls' is undefined.
40032 16 No Unsupported use of LOB in online index build.
40033 16 No Attempted CSN epoch switch is not allowed. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40034 16 No CSN being added must be equal last CSN+1. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40035 16 No CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40036 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition.
40037 16 No The epoch being started must not have been used. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40038 16 No Can not get ack to roll back replication message.
40039 16 No Can not get ack to commit replication message.
40040 16 No Failed to initiate VDI Client for physical seeding.
40041 16 No Corrupted column status.
40042 16 No Corrupted column length.
40043 16 No Corrupted variable data. Actual remaining bytes is %d, expected %d bytes.
40044 16 No Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %d, expected %d bytes.
40045 16 No Message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40046 16 No The minimum required message version %d for message type %d is unsupported.
40047 16 No Invalid use of parent transaction.
40048 16 No Corrupted fragmented row flow sequence.
40049 16 No Corrupted fragmented row.
40050 16 No Corrupted LOB row.
40051 16 No Use of UPDATETEXT on replicated tables is not supported.
40052 16 No Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables.
40053 16 No Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %ld.
40054 16 No Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again.
40056 16 No Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated.
40057 16 No Table is not enabled for replication.
40058 16 No Unsupported replicated table usage option. Refer to the state to identify the cause.
40060 16 No Attempt to replicate out of partition already locked for internal use.
40061 16 No Unknown rowset id.
40062 16 No Incorrect replica role transition.
40063 16 No Replica is not found.
40064 16 No Attempt to add a CSN to an invalid CSN vector. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40065 16 No CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40066 16 No Transport destination is not found.
40067 16 No Corrupted row sequence.
40068 16 No Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction.
40069 16 No Could not obtain rowset interface.
40070 16 No CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%d,%I64d), the remote CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40071 16 No This partition does not have enough valid secondaries to start a DML transaction. The needed count is %ld, the current counts are %ld (main quorum) and %ld (transient quorum).
40072 16 No Corrupted rowset metadata sequence.
40073 16 No Partitioned tables are not supported.
40074 16 No Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys.
40075 16 No Column schema mismatch for rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld.
40076 16 No Too few columns from remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls.
40077 16 No Remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld is not found locally.
40078 16 No The persisted queue logging has failed.
40079 16 No A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally.
40080 16 No Corrupted (too long) packed row.
40081 16 No Cardinality of index should not be less then zero.
40082 16 No Induced exception for testing purposes.
40083 16 No Corrupted CSN vector.
40084 16 No Multiple modifications to CSN vector in the same transaction are not supported.
40085 16 No The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start.
40086 16 No Primary hit an error with this secondary.
40087 16 No Replica with the specified version is not found.
40088 16 No CSN being set is outside the CSN epoch range. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40089 16 No The index configuration for table %ld index %ld does not match the source.
40090 16 No The primary partition is in transition and the transaction can not commit.
40091 16 No Truncation CSN is mismatched. The truncation CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
40092 16 No This index %ld state for table %ld does not match the source.
40093 16 No Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried.
40094 16 No Incompatible key metadata change. The scan can not be resumed.
40095 13 No Replication transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried.
40096 16 No Critical replication task could not start. State is %d.
40097 16 No The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue.
40098 16 No Mismatched partition id found in the transaction log.
40099 16 No Invalid nested transaction count found in the transaction log.
40101 16 No The partition does not have persisted queues enabled.
40102 16 No The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state.
40103 16 No The partition can not be changed inside a persisted object.
40104 16 No Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%.*ls'.
40105 16 No The local partition map for database %.*ls is starting up in reduced functionality mode because of log full. Pending partition deletes will not be processed until the log is truncated.
40106 16 No The schema scope set in the session is not the current schema scope for the current partition. Please rerun your query.
40108 16 No The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key.
40109 16 No Number of parameters specified for procedure or function %.*ls is incorrect.
40110 16 Yes Cannot scope database %s for sp_cloud_scope_database spec proc because it is already set up as a partition database.
40111 16 Yes Unable to delete partition DB id %d.
40126 16 Yes The partition database was not found during pending schema scope cleanup, deleting partition metadata only (%d, %s).
40127 16 Yes %S_MSG database '%.*ls' link up with the %S_MSG database %d encountered the error: %S_MSG.
40128 16 Yes Cannot pair database '%.*ls' with fabric because it is not a partition host.
40129 16 Yes %S_MSG database link up with the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' encountered the error: %ls.
40130 16 No Replication quorum parameter is %d. It should be >= 1 and <= 32.
40131 16 No Partition key type '%.*ls' is not supported. Only BIGINT, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and VARBINARY(n) (0<n<=512) datatypes are supported currently.
40132 16 No Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions.
40133 15 No This operation is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40134 16 No get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction.
40135 15 No This system metadata view is not supported.
40136 15 No Could not disable versioning because the database is not in single user mode.
40137 15 No Could not refresh options for all scoped databases.
40138 16 No Query references entities from multiple partitions.
40139 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition.
40140 16 No Set partition failed since a different partition already was set in the current transaction. Cross partition operations within a node are not reliable or supported.
40141 16 No Partition has to be set using sp_set_partition before executing this query.
40142 16 No Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed.
40143 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary.
40144 16 No Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
40145 16 No Database is not found.
40146 16 No Table group object is not found.
40147 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' is only for CloudDB.
40148 16 No The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%d, %I64d) at %S_LSN.
40149 16 No The database does not host any partitions.
40150 16 No Downgrading the severity of error %d, severity %d, state %d because it would cause the server to be shutdown on a non-critical error.
40151 16 No Partition is in transactionally inconsistent state.
40152 16 No Partition delete expects no context transaction.
40153 16 No The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master.
40154 16 No Cannot use sp_cloud_add_partition or sp_cloud_delete_partition within a transaction when Partition DB are enabled.
40155 16 Yes Invalid arguments provided to sp_cloud_add_partition spec proc (%s).
40156 16 Yes Drop is not allowed on the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' as it contains partitions. Drop the partition before the operation.
40157 16 No Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported.
40158 16 No Could not change database collation for database id %d.
40159 16 No Database scoping cannot be run inside a transaction.
40160 16 No Heartbeat message version mismatch. Actual version is %d and the expected is %d.
40161 16 No Invalid partition type. Only 1 or 2 is supported.
40162 16 No The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent.
40163 16 No Become nothing expects no context transaction.
40164 16 No Idempotent flush expects no context transaction.
40165 16 No Prepare for full commit expects no context transaction.
40166 16 No A CloudDB reconfiguration is going on and all new user transactions are aborted.
40167 21 Yes A paired CloudDB fabric node failed and database %d must be shutdown.
40168 16 No SILO_TO_PDB: Partition copy is disabled in M1.
40169 16 No Waiting for database copy sync with %s.%s has failed. Please make sure the database is in the CATCH_UP state and try again later.
40170 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has failed.
40171 16 No Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64).
40172 16 No The partition is not in a state that allows deletion.
40173 16 No This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process.
40174 16 No The partition is in transition and transactions are being terminated.
40175 16 No Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction.
40176 16 No Rename a partition can not be used in a transaction.
40177 16 No The new table group does not match the existing table group for the renaming partition.
40178 16 No A partition with same name already exists.
40179 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the server is not ready to pair.
40180 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the database is already paired.
40181 16 Yes Fabric-database ('%.*ls') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('%.*ls') could not be opened. Error code: %d
40182 16 Yes The schema scope %ld being created is not empty.
40183 16 Yes Could not create database side pairing mutex for database ('%.*ls'). Error code: %d
40184 16 No Login failed. A system operation is in progress, and the database is not accepting user connections.
40185 16 No Secondary failure report expects no context transaction.
40186 16 No The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition with the requested version.
40187 16 No The metadata record for the partition does not exist.
40188 16 No Failed to update database "%.*ls" because it is switched to read-only to enforce disaster recovery RPO.
40189 16 No The resource quota for the current database has been exceeded and this request has been aborted. Please rerun your request in the next quota window. %s
40190 16 No A context transaction is required.
40191 16 Yes Cannot create partition DB (%s).
40192 16 No Catchup of secondary at %s:%s:%s:%d has been cancelled.
40193 16 No The maximum allowed number of database is already paired.
40194 16 No Table %s has a partition key already. Explicitly specifying a new partition key is not allowed. Please use "Alter table".
40195 16 No %ls FOR SID command is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40196 16 No A varbinary can not be longer than max length specified.
40197 16 No The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code %d.
40198 16 No Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder.
40199 16 No There should be no context transaction when entering the forwarder pending state.
40201 16 No Destination server name is too long.
40202 16 No Corrupted composite message.
40203 16 No Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint.
40204 16 No Dispatch sequence number maintenance failure
40205 16 No Maximum transport queue size reached.
40206 16 No Heartbeat lease time is less than the heartbeat worker interval.
40207 16 No Async transport test failed.
40208 16 No Corrupted received message format.
40209 17 No Duplicate destination id.
40210 16 No Cluster name has not been set.
40301 16 No Invalid lock mode or resource received in lock request.
40302 16 No Invalid identity value.
40303 16 No Enter idempotent sequence.
40304 16 No Target object %ld is not found.
40305 16 No The current object is not a relation.
40306 16 No Cannot create an index %ld on object %ld.
40307 16 No Cannot find index %ld on object %ld.
40308 16 No Metadata replication protocol error.
40309 16 No Partition %ld is not found
40310 16 No Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported.
40311 16 No Switching out partitions not supported.
40312 16 No Inconsistent index build state.
40313 16 No Not all rowsets could be deleted.
40314 16 No Identity column not found on object %ld.
40401 16 No Requires AAD login for managing T-SQL streaming jobs.
40402 16 No Error creating the streaming job request with service auth issue.
40403 16 No Error creating the streaming job request.
40404 16 No Error sending the streaming job request.
40405 16 No T-SQL streaming is not supported.
40406 16 No The sysadmin role is required for operations on T-SQL streaming jobs.
40407 16 No The database scoped credential '%.*ls' has a secret with more than 200 characters. Long secret value is not supported in Synapse T-SQL Streaming.
40408 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported Azure region for Synapse T-SQL streaming.
40409 16 No Request to update streaming job '%s' failed. The query statement cannot be updated when the job is running.
40410 16 No Request to update streaming job '%s' failed. Query statement update and online scaling cannot be done at the same time or both not set.
40411 16 No Request to scale streaming job '%s' failed. The job cannot be scaled when not running.
40412 16 No Request to stop streaming job '%s' failed. The job is in Created state and not running.
40501 20 No The service is currently busy. Retry the request after 10 seconds. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40502 16 No Duplicate group id settings specified.
40503 16 No Database field %ls contains invalid value '%.*ls'. Expected data type %ls.
40504 16 No Switching Databases is not supported. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database.
40505 16 No Incorrect user credentials.
40506 16 No Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server.
40507 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server.
40508 16 No USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different database.
40509 16 No Upgrade of SAWA v1 database fails. Check the metadata of the database before re-running the upgrade.
40510 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40511 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40512 16 No Deprecated feature '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40513 16 No Server variable '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40514 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40515 16 No Reference to database and/or server name in '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40516 16 No Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40517 16 No Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40518 16 No DBCC command '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40519 16 No Invalid value '%.*ls' of login field in gateway magic syntax.
40520 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40521 16 No Securable class '%S_MSG' not supported in the server scope in this version of SQL Server.
40522 16 No Database principal '%.*ls' type is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40523 16 No Implicit user '%.*ls' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it.
40524 16 No Data type '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40525 16 No 'WITH %ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40526 16 No '%.*ls' rowset provider not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40527 16 No Linked servers are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40528 16 No Users cannot be mapped to Windows logins in this version of SQL Server.
40529 16 No Built-in function '%.*ls' in impersonation context is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40530 16 No The %.*ls statement must be the only statement in the batch.
40531 11 No Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%.*ls). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match.
40532 11 No Cannot open server "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40533 16 No Server '%.*ls' already exists.
40534 16 No A valid SID is already associated with the database owner.
40535 16 No Properties for schema scope '%.*ls' already exist.
40536 16 No '%ls' is not supported in this service tier of the database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40537 16 No User '%.*ls' not found in the database.
40538 16 No A valid URL beginning with 'https://' is required as value for any filepath specified.
40539 16 No Windows Azure Storage credential '%.*ls' was not found.
40540 16 No Transaction was aborted as database is moved to read-only mode. This is a temporary situation and please retry the operation.
40541 16 No Procedure cannot be called from inside a partition.
40542 16 No Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
40543 16 No Invalid %S_MSG name specified. Length should be between 1 and %d.
40544 20 No The database '%.*ls' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
40545 20 No The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
40546 16 No Cannot create UCS task pool
40548 16 No Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in database '%.*ls' is not permitted.
40549 16 No Session is terminated because you have a long running transaction. Try shortening your transaction.
40550 16 No The session has been terminated because it has acquired too many locks. Try reading or modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40551 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive TEMPDB usage. Try modifying your query to reduce temporary table space usage.
40552 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
40553 16 No The session has been terminated because of excessive memory usage. Try modifying your query to process fewer rows.
40554 10 No Exiting because of XEvent %ls.
40555 16 No '%ls' is not supported for this database. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different service tiers of Windows Azure SQL Database.
40558 16 No Error - cannot perform checkpoint on a partition database before loading partition information.
40559 16 No File based statement options are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40560 16 No Specified invalid LSN: '%.*ls' for database '%.*ls' while publishing external actor LSN progress.
40561 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or target database does not exist.
40562 16 No Database copy failed. The source database has been dropped.
40563 16 No Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped.
40564 16 No Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.</value>
40565 16 No Database copy failed. No more than 1 concurrent database copy from the same source is allowed. Please drop target database and try again later.
40566 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40567 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
40568 16 No Database copy failed. Either the source or the target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40569 16 No Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
40570 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40571 16 No Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again later.
40572 16 No Cannot obtain primary partition lock for CloudDB auto partition upgrade.
40573 16 No Cannot upgrade CloudDB auto partitions in database '%.*ls' because the physical database is read only.
40574 16 No Permissions for system stored procedures, server scoped catalog views, and extended stored procedures cannot be changed in this version of SQL Server.
40576 16 No Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection.
40578 16 No Statement '%.*ls' is not supported in a filtered connection.
40581 16 No Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder.
40584 16 No Value '%.*ls' for option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40585 16 No Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the forwarder for this partition.
40586 16 No Replicas with deferred commit enabled cannot be a member of a quorum.
40587 16 No Deferred commit is only supported with forwarder replicas.
40588 16 No Cannot create partition worker pool
40589 16 No Replicas that are not enabled for deferred commit cannot specify RPO.
40590 16 No The Gpm is in rebuild and cannot be accessed as it is not yet consistent.
40591 16 No Extended event configuration could not be initialized. The error is %ls.
40592 16 No Extended event session '%ls' could not be created or altered. XE Error %d.%d state:%d.
40593 16 No Extended event session '%ls' returned error '%ls'.
40594 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been started.
40595 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been altered.
40596 16 No Extended event session '%ls' has been stopped.
40597 16 No Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported for External Logins.
40599 16 No This type of KILL is not supported in Windows Azure SQL Database; Only 'KILL session ID [WITH STATUSONLY]' and 'KILL UOW' are supported.
40601 16 No Server Admin user already exists.
40602 16 No Could not create login. Please try again later.
40603 16 No Cannot execute procedure because current user is not Gateway.
40604 16 No Could not %.*ls because it would exceed the quota of the server.
40605 16 No There is no route from the source cluster '%ls' to the target cluster '%ls'.
40606 16 No Databases cannot be attached in this version of SQL Server.
40607 16 No Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40608 10 No This session has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40609 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid IPv4 address.
40610 16 No The IP address that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40611 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of 128 firewall rules.
40612 16 No Spec proc was executed against a silo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects.
40613 17 No Database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%.*ls'.
40614 16 No Start IP address of firewall rule cannot exceed End IP address.
40615 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%.*ls' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
40616 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid login name in this version of SQL Server.
40617 16 No The firewall rule name that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
40618 16 No The firewall rule name cannot be empty.
40619 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database data max size '%.*ls'.
40620 16 No The login failed for user "%.*ls". The password change failed. Password change during login is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
40621 16 No metric type
40622 16 No metric data
40623 20 No Reauthentication failed for login "%.*ls". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login.
40624 16 No Operation is not allowed because server '%.*ls' is disabled.
40625 17 No Provisioning (creating, altering, or dropping) Windows Azure SQL Database servers and databases is currently disabled. This most frequently occurs for brief periods during system maintenance.
40626 20 No The ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%.*ls', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity.
40627 20 No Operation on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40628 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is read-only. Please contact your Windows Azure service owner. There may be billing related issues with your Windows Azure account.
40629 16 No An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%.*ls'. Specify a valid maxsize value.
40630 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short.
40631 16 No The password that you specified is too long. The password should have no more than %d characters.
40632 16 No Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
40633 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.
40634 16 No This stored procedure can only be executed in the master database.
40635 16 No Client with IP address "%.*ls" is temporarily blocked.
40636 16 No Cannot use reserved database name '%.*ls' in this operation.
40637 17 No Database copy is currently disabled.
40638 16 No Invalid subscription id '%.*ls'. Subscription does not exist.
40639 16 No Request does not conform to schema: %.*ls.
40640 20 No The server encountered an unexpected exception.
40641 16 No Location '%.*ls' cannot be found.
40642 17 No The server is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40643 16 No The specified x-ms-version header value is invalid.
40644 14 No Failed to authorize access to the specified subscription.
40645 16 No Servername "%.*ls" cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40646 16 No Subscription ID cannot be empty.
40647 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' does not have the server '%.*ls'.
40648 17 No Too many requests have been performed. Please retry later.
40649 16 No Invalid content-type is specified. Only application/xml is supported.
40650 16 No Subscription '%.*ls' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few minutes and then try the operation again.
40651 16 No Failed to create server because the subscription '%.*ls' is disabled.
40652 16 No Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%.*ls' will exceed server quota.
40653 16 No Could not find database '%.*ls' at time '%.*ls' that can be restored.
40654 16 No Specified subregion '%.*ls' is invalid.
40655 16 No Database 'master' cannot be restored.
40656 16 No Quota for maximum number of concurrent restores has been exceeded.
40657 16 No Restore is not enabled on the server.
40658 16 No Quota for number of restores has been exceeded.
40659 16 No Could not successfully restore database because the maximum duration for processing a restore has elapsed.
40660 16 No Could not successfully restore database. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40661 16 No Restore has been cancelled by a system administrator.
40662 16 No An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40663 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete.
40664 16 No Database 'master' cannot be copied.
40665 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported collation.
40666 16 No '%.*ls' is a unicode-only collation and cannot be a default collation for a database.
40667 15 No Specifying a LOGIN is not allowed in a federation member.
40668 16 No '%.*ls' is not a valid user name or you do not have permission.
40669 17 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
40670 16 No The http header 'ocp-resourceprovider-registered-uri' is missing from the request or is invalid. To continue, provide a valid value for the header.
40671 17 No Unable to '%.*ls' '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'. Please retry the connection later.
40672 16 No The service objective assignment for a database cannot be changed more than once per %d hour(s). Please retry the operation %d hour(s) after the last service objective assignment completed for this database.
40673 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the server name, database name and activity ID.
40674 16 No Service objective creation or assignment is not permitted for this subscription.
40675 16 No The service is currently too busy. Please try again later.
40676 16 No System databases cannot be %ls.
40677 16 No The operation for the request uri '%.*ls' was not found. To continue, please provide a valid request uri.
40678 16 No Invalid value for header '%.*ls'. The header must contain a single valid GUID.
40679 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in a replication relationship.
40680 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is in a replication relationship.
40681 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is a replication target.
40682 16 No Failed to update database '%.*ls' because the database is a replication target.
40683 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not a replication target.
40684 16 No A seeding operation is already in progress for database '%ls'.
40685 16 No A terminate geo relationship operation is already in progress for database '%ls'. Please wait for this operation to finish.
40686 16 No The operation is currently not supported.
40687 16 No The operation cannot be performed on the database '%.*ls' in its current state.
40688 16 No The databases '%ls' in server '%ls' and '%ls' in server '%ls' are already in a replication relation.
40689 16 No Replication limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d replication relationships.
40690 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the replication source and target databases have different names. The source and target databases must have the same name.
40691 16 No Replication target cannot be created in the same server as source.
40692 16 No The alter database '%ls' failed to initiate because there are operations pending on the database. After the pending operations are complete, try again.
40693 16 No The current operation cannot be initiated while a replication operation is in progress. You can rename the database only after the replication operation has stopped.
40694 16 No The seeding operation cannot be initiated on a replication target database.
40695 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database is currently a Federation root or member database.
40696 16 No sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync failed because the current database is not the primary database involved in a replication relationship with the specified target server '%s' and database '%s'.
40697 16 No Login failed for user '%.*ls'.
40698 16 No '%.*ls' cannot be performed on a free database.
40699 16 No You cannot create a user with password in this version of SQL Server
40700 16 No Hardware generation '%.*ls' is currently unavailable in Azure SQL Database. Please create a SQL Database support request to resolve.
40701 16 No XML format used for specifying rules is invalid. %.*ls.
40702 16 No Failed to parse XML rules.
40703 16 No Invalid attribute name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40704 16 No Invalid element name '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40705 16 No Invalid Feature type '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40706 16 No Feature name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40707 16 No Invalid index value '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40708 16 No Invalid param count '%.*ls' in %.*ls.
40709 16 No operator attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40711 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' does not exist.
40712 16 No Invalid usage of %.*ls.
40713 16 No Invalid values supplied for <parameter> element in %.*ls.
40714 16 No Out of memory.
40715 16 No Invalid operator type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40716 16 No Invalid input type %.*ls in %.*ls.
40717 16 No index attribute is missing in %.*ls.
40718 16 No one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40719 16 No Failed to get %s lock on %s rules.
40720 16 No Rule name '%.*ls' already exists.
40721 16 No Only one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
40722 16 No Failed to clear proc cache.
40723 16 No Rule name cannot exceed more than %d characters.
40724 16 No Unexpected Operator attribute in %.*ls.
40801 16 No Operation ALTER USER WITH LOGIN failed. User provided login does not match the login in the federation root database for the user provided username.
40802 16 No A service objective assignment on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls' is already in progress. Please wait until the service objective assignment state for the database is marked as 'Completed'.
40803 16 No The server '%.*ls' has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40804 16 No The specified service objective '%.*ls' is invalid.
40805 16 No The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the activity ID.
40806 16 No The request to retrieve subscription information has timed out. Please try again later.
40807 16 No Could not retrieve subscription information for subscription id: %.*ls, after %d attempts. Please try again later.
40808 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the service objective '%.*ls'.
40809 16 No No rows found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40810 16 No More than one row found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '%.*ls' and operation '%.*ls'.
40811 16 No Operation '%.*ls' for database '%.*ls' cannot be cancelled as it has already completed.
40812 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be dropped as create operation is in progress. The create operation will be cancelled.
40813 16 No Could not set database as writable because the database is Premium (suspended).
40814 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation root.
40815 16 No Could not change database edition to or from Premium for a Federation member.
40816 16 No Could not change database edition to Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40817 16 No Could not change database edition from Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
40818 16 No The replication operation on database '%ls' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again after the pending operations have completed.
40820 16 No The server has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
40821 16 No Federations are not supported on a Premium database.
40822 16 No This feature is not available for the selected database's edition (%ls).
40823 16 No Invalid proxy override option supplied.
40824 16 No ProxyOverrideSupport feature switch is not turned ON.
40825 16 No Unable to complete request now. Please try again later.
40827 16 No The operation is not supported for your subscription offer type.
40838 16 No Replication relationship limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than one non-readable secondary.
40839 16 No Connection to a non-readable secondary database is not allowed. See '' for more information.
40840 16 No Target region '%ls' is not a DR paired Azure region. See '' for more information.
40841 16 No Friendly termination of a non-readable replication relationship is not supported.
40842 16 No Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%ls' is currently not allowed. See '' for more information
40843 16 No Non-readable secondary is not supported for database copy.
40844 16 No Database '%ls' on Server '%ls' is a '%ls' edition database in an elastic pool and cannot have a replication relationship.
40845 16 No Server DNS Alias name '%.*ls' may only contain a single '@' when used to denote a SQL Server alias.
40846 16 No DNS alias '%.*ls' cannot be moved between DNS zones. Target server '%.*ls' is in a DNS zone ('%.*ls') that is different from the current server's '%.*ls' DNS zone ('%.*ls').
40847 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota of %d.
40848 16 No The source database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have higher performance level than the target database '%ls'.'%ls'. Upgrade the performance level on the target before upgrading source.
40849 16 No The target database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have lower performance level than the source database '%ls'.'%ls'. Downgrade the performance level on the source before downgrading target.
40850 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Standard for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40851 16 No Could not change database edition from '%ls' to Basic for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40852 16 No Cannot open database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Access to the database is only allowed using a security-enabled connection string.
40853 16 No A recovery request for a database that is currently in an elastic pool must include either a target elastic pool name or a target service objective.
40854 16 No Partner server '%ls' is not compatible with server '%ls.'
40855 16 No The operation cannot be performed since the database '%ls' is not in '%ls' state on the replication relationship.
40856 16 No Could not change database edition for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
40857 16 No Elastic pool not found for server: '%ls', elastic pool name: '%ls'.
40858 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' already exists in server: '%ls'
40859 16 No Elastic pool does not support database edition '%ls'.
40860 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' and service level objective '%ls' combination is invalid.
40861 16 No The database edition '%ls' cannot be different than the elastic pool service tier which is '%ls'.
40862 16 No Elastic pool name must be specified if the elastic pool service objective is specified.
40863 16 No Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
40864 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool must be at least (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40865 16 No The DTUs for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) DTUs for service tier '%.*ls'.
40866 16 No Max size (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid max size.
40867 16 No The DTU max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40868 16 No The DTU max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40869 16 No The DTU max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40870 16 No The DTU min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40871 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40872 16 No DTU value (%d) is not valid. Please specify a valid dtu value.
40873 16 No The number of databases (%d) and DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTUs of the elastic pool (%d).
40874 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40875 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40876 16 No Elastic pools are not available in this region.
40877 16 No The elastic pool is not empty.
40878 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40879 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40880 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in gigabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40881 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' has reached its database count limit. The database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40882 16 No Can not change SLO from DataWarehouse edition to other SQL DB editions and vice versa.
40883 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' specified is invalid. It must be a slo supported by DataWarehouse edition.
40884 16 No New service level objective '%.*ls' has (%d) physical databases and it is not compatible with current service level objective which has (%d) physical databases.
40885 16 No Failed to deactivate database.
40886 16 No Failed to change service level objective for database.
40887 16 No Failed to activate database.
40888 16 No Update service level objective for database feature is disabled.
40889 16 No The storage limit for the elastic pool '%.*ls' does not provide sufficient storage space for its databases. Please increase the storage limit or move databases out of the pool.
40890 16 No The elastic pool is busy with another operation.
40891 16 No The DTU min per database (%d) cannot exceed the DTU max per database (%d).
40892 16 No Cannot connect to database when it is paused.
40893 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully created or was deleted before the data copy link operation completed.
40894 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.
40895 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' was not successfully deleted before completion of copy.
40896 16 No The database copy link from '%s.%s' to ID %s was not successfully dropped.
40897 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40898 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes (%d) does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40899 16 No The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in megabytes (%d) are inconsistent for service tier '%.*ls'.
40900 16 No The service tier for an elastic pool cannot be changed.
40901 16 No The elastic pool storage limit in megabytes cannot exceed (%d) in service tier '%.*ls'.
40902 16 No Amount of pool storage cannot be specified when creating a Premium elastic pool.
40903 20 No The server '%.*ls' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
40904 16 No Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Edition %s quota of %d.
40905 16 No Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Azure SQL Database Servers of version '%.*ls' at this time. This location only supports the following server versions: '%.*ls'. Please retry using a supported server version.
40906 16 No A service objective change cannot start for database %s on server %s while it is also running for database %s on server %s.
40907 16 No Servers involved in a Disaster Recovery Configuration cannot reside in the same location
40908 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration already exists for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40909 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'
40910 16 No A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for server '%.*ls' and virtual endpoint '%.*ls'
40911 16 No Server '%.*ls' is not the secondary in the Disaster Recovery Configuration and cannot initiate a failover
40912 16 No The value for custom backup retention in days must be between %d and %d
40913 16 No Windows Azure SQL Database supports a maximum of %d Virtual Network firewall rules.
40914 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client is not allowed to access the server.
40915 16 No Secondary server for a Failover Group cannot reside in the same region as primary server. Please provide a name of server that is in different Azure region than primary server.
40916 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' already exists on server '%.*ls'
40917 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' does not exist on server '%.*ls'
40918 16 No The Failover Group '%.*ls' is busy with another operation and cannot perform the '%.*ls' operation. Please try again later
40919 16 No The server '%.*ls' is currently the primary server in the Failover Group and cannot initate failover
40920 16 No The database '%.*ls' is already included in another Failover Group
40921 16 No The operation to add database '%.*ls' to Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40922 16 No The operation to remove database '%.*ls' from Failover Group is in progress, please wait for this operation to finish
40923 16 No The database '%.*ls' is a secondary in an existing geo-replication relationship and cannot be added to the Failover Group
40924 16 No The operation cannot be performed due to multiple errors: '%.*ls' Please correct them and retry operation.
40925 16 No Can not connect to the database in its current state.
40926 16 No The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.
40927 16 No The endpoint '%.*ls' is already in use. Use a different Failover Group name.
40928 16 No Create or update Failover Group operation successfully completed; however, some of the databases could not be added to or removed from Failover Group: '%.*ls'
40929 16 No The source database '%ls.%ls' cannot have higher edition than the target database '%ls.%ls'. Upgrade the edition on the target before upgrading source.
40930 16 No The target database '%ls.%ls' cannot have lower edition than the source database '%ls.%ls'. Downgrade the edition on the source before downgrading target.
40931 16 No Failover Group name '%.*ls' cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40932 16 No The elastic pool cannot change its service tier since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.
40933 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support the database tempdb max size '%.*ls'.
40934 16 No Server DNS Alias name '%.*ls' cannot be empty or null. It can only be made up of lowercase letters 'a'-'z', the numbers 0-9 and the hyphen. The hyphen may not lead or trail in the name.
40935 16 No The endpoint '%.*ls' is already in use. Use a different Server DNS Alias name.
40936 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' already exists for the server '%.*ls'. Please use different Server DNS Alias name.
40937 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' does not exist for the server '%.*ls'. Please provide valid Server DNS Alias name.
40938 16 No The Server DNS Alias '%.*ls' is busy with another operation and cannot perform the '%.*ls' operation. Please try again later.
40939 16 No The scale operation from service level objective '%.*ls' to new service level objective '%.*ls' is not supported. Please file a support ticket.
40940 16 No The elastic pool '%.*ls' cannot be updated because one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.
40941 16 No Copy operation for the database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' cannot be started because the elastic pool '%.*ls' is currently being updated.
40942 16 No A service objective assignment operation cannot be performed because copy or failover operation for the database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' is in progress.
40943 16 No A Failover Group cannot be created on the server '%.*ls' because the Table Auditing feature is enabled for this server.
40944 16 No The database '%.*ls' on the server '%.*ls' cannot be added to a Failover Group because the Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature is turned on for this database.
40945 16 No The Table Auditing feature cannot be turned on for a server that contains Failover Groups. Please try Blob Auditing instead.
40946 16 No The Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature cannot be turned on for a database that is part of a Failover Group.
40947 16 No The Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature cannot be turned on for a database that is located on a server with a Server DNS Alias.
40948 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created for the server '%.*ls' because the Table Auditing feature is enabled for this server.
40949 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created for the server '%.*ls' because the database '%.*ls' has the Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.
40950 16 No The Dns Alias '%.*ls' already exists for the elastic pool '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'.
40951 16 No The Dns Alias '%.*ls' does not exist for the elastic pool '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls'.
40952 16 No A Server DNS Alias cannot be created because server '%.*ls' would exceed the allowed Server DNS Aliases quota of %d.
40953 16 No A Failover Group cannot be created because server '%.*ls' would exceed the allowed Failover Groups quota of %d.
40954 16 No The Table Auditing feature cannot be turned on for a server that contains Server Dns Aliases. Please try Blob Auditing instead.
40955 16 No The operation cannot be performed due to insufficient file space in the elastic pool. The operation requires (%d) MBs file space and there are (%d) MBs file space available. Unused file space must be reclaimed before retrying the operation. Please refer to the following article for details on reclaiming unused file space:
40956 16 No The Server Disaster Recovery Configuration feature is deprecated. Please use Failover Group instead.
40957 16 No The DTU min per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40958 16 No The VCore max per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40959 16 No The VCore max per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40960 16 No The VCore max per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40961 16 No The VCore min per database cannot exceed (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40962 16 No The VCore min per database must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
40963 16 No The VCore min per database (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the allowed values for service tier '%.*ls'.
40964 16 No The VCore min per database (%d) cannot exceed the VCore max per database (%d).
40965 16 No The service level objective '%.*ls' does not support the license type '%.*ls'.
40966 16 No No service objective was found for capacity '%d' in edition '%.*ls'
40967 16 No More than one service objective was found for capacity '%d' in edition '%.*ls'
40968 16 No Operation results in exceeding quota limits of %d. Maximum allowed: %d.
40969 16 No Cannot open server '%.*ls' requested by the login. Client is not allowed to access the server.
40970 16 No Can not change from '%.*ls' edition to '%.*ls' edition.
40971 16 No Cannot open Failover Group "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
40972 16 No Database copy limit per database reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d concurrent database copies.
40973 16 No Can not drop database because a failover operation is in progress on the failover group.
40974 16 No Partner region specified does not match region of partner managed instance.
40975 16 No Partner managed instance's DNS Zone does not match the DNS Zone of the source managed instance.
40976 16 No Instance Failover Group cannot be created because partner managed server "%.*ls" is not empty or does not have secondaries for all databases in the primary instance "%.*ls" .
40977 16 No '%.*ls' is not a supported timezone.
40978 16 No Instance failover group cannot be created because the reserved storage size on the secondary instance is different from the reserved storage size on the primary instance.
40979 16 No Database is unavailable because it is paused. Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'. Please resume before trying to access the database again.
40980 16 No Partner managed server's managed server/failover group has been dropped.
40981 16 No Database '%.*ls' is not accessible due to Azure Key Vault critical error.
40982 16 No Instance failover group cannot be created because the secondary instance has user databases.
40983 16 No Replication to the partner managed instance could not be established. Verify that connectivity between the Virtual Networks of the primary and secondary managed servers has been established correctly according to guidelines in
40984 16 No Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.
40985 16 No Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.
40986 16 No Source database '%.*ls' dropped on '%.*ls' does not exist on server '%.*ls' within the supported recovery period.
40987 16 No Source database '%.*ls' does not exist on server '%.*ls' within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.
40988 16 No The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.
40989 16 No The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.
40990 16 No Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for '%.*ls' edition.
40991 16 No Changing geo-backup policy is not supported for %s tier of SQL Data Warehouse.
40992 16 No Cannot perform this operation when the database is paused.
40993 16 No Enabling long-term retention (LTR) for a serverless database is not supported if auto-pause is enabled.
40994 16 No Enabling auto-pause for a serverless database is not supported if long-term retention (LTR) is enabled.
40995 16 No Enabling geo-replication for a serverless database is not supported if auto-pause is enabled.
40996 16 No Enabling auto-pause for a serverless database is not supported if geo-replication is enabled.
40997 16 No Elastic pool '%ls' does not exist in server '%ls'. Please make sure that the elastic pool name is entered correctly. Please contact Microsoft support if further assistance is needed.
40998 16 No The edition '%.*ls' does not support '%.*ls' bytes as the database data max size. For more details, see <>.
40999 16 No '%ls' is not a valid service level objective for elastic pool '%ls'.
41000 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41001 16 No Failed to obtain local computer name (Error code %d). The supplied buffer may be too small, or there is a system error. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the operating system documentation.
41002 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41003 16 No Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41004 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group handle for cluster group with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41005 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41006 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41007 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41008 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41009 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41010 16 No Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41011 16 No Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41012 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41013 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource enumeration handle (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41014 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41015 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d) for node '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41016 16 No Failed to remove a node from the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41017 16 No Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41018 16 No Failed to move a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group to the local node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41019 16 No Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41020 16 No Failed to find a String property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name or ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41021 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41022 16 No Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41023 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change handle is invalid because a WSFC notification port has not been created or has been closed. Create a new WSFC notification port and retry the operation.
41024 16 No Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41025 16 No Failed to receive Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41026 10 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%ls'. The WSFC group with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a group name that is unique in the cluster.
41027 16 No Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %d). SQL Server may not have sufficient resources to start the WSFC change listener. If the condition persists, the SQL Server instance may need to be restarted.
41028 16 No Failed to open Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry root key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41029 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource registry key '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41030 16 No Failed to open the Windows Server Failover Clustering registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. If the corresponding availability group has been dropped, this error is expected. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41031 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41032 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41033 16 No Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41034 16 No Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41035 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41036 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41037 16 No Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41038 16 No Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster object enumeration handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41039 16 No An availability group replica already exists on the node '%.*ls'. Each node can contain only one replica of an availability group. Please choose another node to host the new replica.
41040 16 No Failed to remove the availability group replica '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.
41041 16 No SQL Server instance to cluster node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '%.*ls' and group ID '%.*ls'. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation.
41042 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation.
41043 16 No For availability group '%.*ls', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a resource ID, a group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41044 16 No Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be found. The availability group name may be incorrect. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify the availability group exists and that the availability group name is correct and then retry the operation.
41045 16 No Cannot add database '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a database with the same name in the availability group. Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct.
41046 16 No Cannot add replica '%.*ls' to the availability group '%.*ls', because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability group. Please verify the replica and availability group names specified are correct.
41047 16 No Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node state for the local WSFC node (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41048 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41049 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41050 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41051 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41052 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41053 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41054 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41055 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41056 16 No Availability replica '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the node. Each node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
41057 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%ls'. The WSFC resource with the specified name already exists. Retry the operation with a resource name that is unique in the cluster.
41058 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41059 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. The local replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41060 16 No The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the availability group data in the WSFC store may have been modified outside SQL Server, or the data is corrupt. If the error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
41061 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41062 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was offline, or while the WSFC node was down. To resolve this error, drop the availability group and then recreate it.
41063 16 No Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID '%.*ls' was online when the availability group was not actually online. The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with the availability group state failed (Error code: %d). For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41064 16 No Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%.*ls' (Error code: %d). The WSFC group might be in state that cannot accept the request. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41065 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID: '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC resource is not in a state that can accept the request. Wait for the WSFC resource to enter a terminal state, and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41066 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%.*ls') online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41067 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41068 16 No Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41069 16 No The existence of availability group data for the availability group '%.*ls' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store could not be determined. The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations. Verify that the local WSFC node is up before retrying the operation.
41070 16 No Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%.*ls' is not found in the WSFC data store. The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation has failed. Please use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up previously failed operations before retrying the current operation.
41071 16 No Cannot read the persisted configuration of Always On availability group with corresponding resource ID '%.*ls'. The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availability replica. Upgrade the local SQL Server instance to allow the local availability replica to become a secondary replica.
41072 16 No The ID of availability group '%.*ls' in local data store does not exist in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. To resolve this error, try to recreate the availability group.
41073 16 No The database '%.*ls' cannot be removed from availability group '%.*ls'. This database does not belong to the availability group.
41074 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41075 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the resolving role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41076 10 No Always On: Availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41077 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41078 16 No Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation.
41079 16 No Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls'), because the WSFC group does not exist. Specify a valid WSFC group ID or name and retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5013 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41080 16 No Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41081 16 No Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
41082 16 No Failed to obtain the name of local Windows Server Failover Cluster (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41083 16 No Failed to obtain the cluster quorum resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41084 16 No The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41085 16 No Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41086 16 No Failed to retrieve the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' registry value exists in the WSFC registry hive.
41087 16 No Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might be corrupt. Verify whether the 'HKLM\Cluster\PaxosTag' is in the format outlined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 947713 ("The implications of using the /forcequorum switch to start the Cluster service in Windows Server 2008").
41088 16 No Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41089 10 Yes Always On Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41090 10 No Failed to update Replica status due to exception %d.
41091 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41092 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is going offline because %ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41093 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41094 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41095 10 No Always On: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%.*ls' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41096 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41097 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41098 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41099 10 No Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41100 16 No The availability group '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41101 16 No The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%.*ls' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.
41102 10 No Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%.*ls'. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.
41103 10 No Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not present. The prerequisite Hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2 systems. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 2494036 ("A hotfix is available to let you configure a cluster node that does not have quorum votes in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Server 2008 R2").
41104 16 No Failover of the availability group '%.*ls' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log, cluster logs and system event logs. For information about how to view events and logs for a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, see Windows Server documentation.
41105 16 No Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s'. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41106 16 No Cannot create an availability replica for availability group '%.*ls'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41107 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%d) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation.
41108 16 No An error occurred while removing availability group '%.*ls'. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster failed because the Always On Availability Groups manager is not online (SQL Server error: %d). To remove the availability group configuration from the WSFC cluster, re-enter the command.
41109 17 No Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%x) for process actions for the availability group '%.*ls'. Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation later, and if this condition persists, contact your database administrator.
41110 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41111 10 No Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41112 16 No A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server that supports Always On Availability Groups, you can enable the it by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
41113 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on the local replica of this availability group.
41114 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' because it already exists in a system table.
41115 16 No Cannot create the availability group named '%.*ls' because its availability group ID (ID: '%.*ls') already exists in a system table.
41116 16 No Cannot create an availability group named '%.*ls' with replica ID '%.*ls' because this ID already exists in a system table.
41117 16 No Cannot map local database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. This database is already mapped to an availability group.
41118 16 No Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID '%.*ls' within availability group '%.*ls'. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.
41119 16 No Could not find the availability group ID %d in the system table.
41120 16 No Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %d). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41121 10 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot accept signal '%s' in its current replica role, '%s', and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %s joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation.
41122 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. To failover this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover command on that instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the primary replica of the availability group, then no action is required.
41123 16 No Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID '%.*ls') online at this time. The WSFC group is moving to another node. Please wait for the WSFC group to complete the move operation and then retry the command. For information about this error, see error code 5908 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41124 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the availability group is being dropped.
41125 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica because the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum mode. Consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss).
41126 16 No Operation on the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation.
41127 16 No Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %d is not mapped to any availability group.
41128 16 No Failed to perform database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (ID %d) in availability group '%.*ls'. The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance.
41129 16 No Failed to schedule or execute database operation '%s' on database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' (SQL OS error: %d). The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the server instance.
41130 16 No Operation '%s' on a database '%.*ls' (Database ID: %d) in availability group '%.*ls' failed with SQL Server error %d (Error details: "%.*ls"). The operation has been rolled back. See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41131 10 No Failed to bring availability group '%.*ls' online. The operation timed out. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again.
41132 16 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names.
41133 10 No Cannot remove database '%.*ls' from availability group '%.*ls'. Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command.
41134 16 No Cannot bring the availability group '%.*ls' online. The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability replica. To designate the local availability replica as the primary replica of the availability group, run the force failover command on this instance of SQL Server.
41135 10 No Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %d. To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error.
41136 16 No Failed to join the availability replica to availability group '%.*ls' because the group is not online. Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation.
41137 10 No Abandoning a database operation '%ls' on availability database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %u, current sequence number: %u). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41138 17 No Cannot accept Always On Availability Groups operation operation on database '%.*ls' of availability group '%.*ls'. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator.
41139 10 No Failed to set database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41140 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, and rerun the command.
41141 16 No Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41142 16 No The availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group. If the availability replica uses the asynchronous-commit mode, consider performing a forced manual failover (with possible data loss). Otherwise, once all local secondary databases are joined and synchronized, you can perform a planned manual failover to this secondary replica (without data loss). For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
41143 16 No Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41144 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41145 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41146 16 No Failed to bring Availability Group '%.*ls' online. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary source provider.
41147 10 No Always On Availability Groups was not started because %ls. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41148 16 No Cannot add or join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. Then retry the operation, specifying the correct database name.
41149 16 No Operation on the availability group '%.*ls' has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41150 16 No Failed to take availability group '%.*ls' offline. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41151 16 No Error accessing the Availability Groups manager. The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation.
41152 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
41153 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the failed attempt to create the availability group.
41154 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation.
41155 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional.
41156 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the availability group. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41157 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41158 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP JOIN command.
41159 16 No Failed to join local availability replica to availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check SQL Server error log for more details. Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to clean up any metadata that might remain from the availability group.
41160 16 No Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions.
41161 16 No Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated.
41162 16 No Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time.
41163 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41164 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the resolving role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
41165 16 No A timeout error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the command.
41166 16 No An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retry the command.
41167 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command.
41168 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability replica ID are correct, then retry the command.
41169 16 No An error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID '%.*ls' in availability group '%.*ls'. The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group name and availability database ID are correct, then retry the command.
41170 10 No Post-online processing for availability group '%.*ls' has been terminated. Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is being dropped. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
41171 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name.
41172 16 No An error occurred while dropping availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41173 16 No An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command.
41174 10 No Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41175 10 No Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41176 10 No Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
41177 16 No The availability replica of the specified availability group '%.*ls' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later.
41178 16 No Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
41179 16 No Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary.
41180 16 No Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%.*ls'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required.
41181 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' did not become primary. A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. Verify that the availability group state in Windows Server Failover Cluster is correct, then retry the operation.
41182 16 No Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. Verify that the local WSFC node is online, and that the local availability replica is the primary replica. Then retry the operation.
41183 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d. The operation has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41184 16 No Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration.
41185 10 No Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%.*ls' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.
41186 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation.
41187 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if it was dropped unintentionally.
41188 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online, and then retry the command. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
41189 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process the %s-%s command. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details . If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes to the availability group configuration.
41190 16 No Availability group '%.*ls' failed to process %s-%s command. The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary replica, then retry the command.
41191 16 No The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command.
41192 17 No Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
41193 10 No Cannot join database '%.*ls' to availability group '%.*ls'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. Then retry the join-database command.
41194 16 No An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' to complete post-online work. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct states for the command. Then retry the command.
41195 16 No Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' from instance of SQL Server. The local availability replica is already the secondary replica of the availability group. Run the failaway command on primary instance of SQL Server. If local instance of SQL Server is intended to host the secondary replica of the availability group, then no action is required.
41196 16 No Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. An attempt to roll back the operation failed. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. To manually clean up the partially created availability group, run the DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying a unique availability group name.
41197 15 No The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode for the replica.
41198 15 No The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%.*ls'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability mode for the replica.
41199 16 No The specified command is invalid because the Always On Availability Groups %ls feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
41202 16 No The source table '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function doesn't have a full-text index that uses the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. A full-text index using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option is required to use this function.
41203 16 No The column '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function.
41204 16 No The source_key parameter is required in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE function.
41205 10 No Error %d occurred during semantic index population for table or indexed view '%.*ls' (table or indexed view ID %d, database ID %d, document ID %d)
41206 10 No An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause.
41207 10 No A locale ID that is not supported was specified for a column with 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS'. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and that the corresponding language statistics has been installed.
41208 10 No Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') encountered a document with full-text key value '%ls' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index.
41209 10 No A semantic language statistics database is not registered. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41210 10 No The semantic language statistics database is not accessible or not valid. Full-text indexes using 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' cannot be created or populated.
41211 16 No A semantic language statistics database is already registered.
41212 16 No No semantic language statistics database is registered.
41213 16 No The database '%.*ls' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database name.
41214 16 No An error occurred while trying to register the semantic language statistics database.
41300 16 No The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support read or write operations. Roll back the transaction.
41301 17 No A transaction dependency failure occurred, and the current transaction can no longer commit. Please retry the transaction.
41302 16 No The current transaction attempted to update a record that has been updated since this transaction started. The transaction was aborted.
41303 16 No The bucket count for a hash index must be a positive integer not exceeding %d.
41304 10 No The current value of option '%.*ls' for table '%.*ls', index '%.*ls' is %d.
41305 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.
41306 16 No The nesting limit of %d for conditional blocks and exception blocks, for natively compiled modules, has been exceeded. Please simplify the module.
41307 10 No Warning: The row size limit of %d bytes for memory optimized tables has been exceeded and will not work on subscribers running SQL Server 2014 or earlier. Please simplify the table definition.
41308 21 No The database ID %d already exists.
41309 16 No Unable to load the compiled DLL for database ID %d.
41310 16 No A file with an invalid format was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41311 16 No File error during C code generation. The error code was %d.
41312 16 No Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = %d.
41313 16 No The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %d.
41314 16 No Conversion of default value for parameter '%.*ls' failed. Unable to create stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41315 16 No Checkpoint operation failed in database '%.*ls'.
41316 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' with internal error code '0x%08lx'.
41317 16 No A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master.
41318 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed from within SQLCLR stored procedures.
41319 16 No A maximum of %d predicates are allowed in the WHERE clauses of queries in natively compiled modules.
41320 16 No EXECUTE AS clause is required, and EXECUTE AS CALLER is not supported, with natively compiled modules.
41321 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' with DURABILITY=SCHEMA_AND_DATA must have a primary key.
41322 16 No MAT/PIT export/import encountered a failure for memory optimized table or natively compiled module with object ID %d in database ID %d. The error code was 0x%x.
41323 16 No The table type '%ls' is not a memory optimized table type and cannot be used in a natively compiled module.
41324 16 No The memory optimized table variable '%.*ls' cannot be used in a batch with a 'USE' statement.
41325 17 No The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.
41326 16 No Memory optimized tables cannot be created in system databases.
41327 16 No The memory optimized table '%.*ls' must have at least one index or a primary key.
41328 16 No A floating point operation has overflowed.
41329 16 No Unsupported operation following a transaction dependency failure. Parameters and variables cannot be accessed in the CATCH block and the CATCH block must raise an exception following a dependency failure.
41330 16 No Create database operation failed for database '%.*ls'.
41331 17 No The transaction encountered an out-of-memory condition while rolling back to a savepoint, and therefore cannot be committed. Roll back the transaction.
41332 16 No Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.
41333 16 No The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.
41334 16 No The code generation directory cannot be created or set up correctly.
41335 16 No Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules.
41336 16 No Unable to clean up all files that are needed for compilation.
41337 16 No Cannot create %S_MSG. To create %S_MSG, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least one container.
41338 16 No An invalid version of a data file was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
41339 16 No The table '%.*ls' has been created or altered after the start of the current transaction. The transaction was aborted. Please retry the transaction.
41340 16 No The transaction executed too many insert, update, or delete statements in memory optimized tables. The transaction was terminated.
41341 16 No Table '%.*ls' is not yet available on the secondary replica.
41343 16 No In-Memory OLTP hot switch to primary replica for database '%.*ls' failed.
41344 16 No RESTORE DATABASE WITH PARTIAL requires the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup if the backup contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41345 16 No The key size limit of %d bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the index definition.
41346 16 No CREATE and UPDATE STATISTICS for memory optimized tables do not support the WHERE clause.
41347 16 No A BACKUP or RESTORE DATABASE statement that includes the primary filegroup must include the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, and vice versa.
41348 16 No MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroups cannot be used with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Specify a FILESTREAM filegroup.
41349 10 No Warning: Encryption was enabled for a database that contains one or more memory optimized tables with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA. The data in these memory optimized tables will not be encrypted.
41350 10 No Warning: A memory optimized table with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA was created in a database that is enabled for encryption. The data in the memory optimized table will not be encrypted.
41351 16 No An error occurred while processing the log. The log version is unsupported.
41352 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is in use.
41353 16 No The operation on database ID %d cannot complete because the database is being dropped or being taken offline.
41354 21 Yes The XTP background checkpoint thread encountered an unrecoverable error ('%ls') for database '%.*ls'. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41355 21 Yes An XTP checkpoint operation encountered an error ('%ls') while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. Checkpoint processing has terminated.
41356 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41357 16 No Tables with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41358 16 No Stored procedures with NATIVE_COMPILATION can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
41359 16 No A query that accesses memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level, cannot access disk based tables when the database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is set to ON. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41360 16 No Default MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup is not available in database '%.*ls'.
41361 16 No The READ_ONLY property of a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup cannot be modified.
41362 16 No FILESTREAM container '%.*ls' cannot be added. Either the server is out of memory or the container path is too long.
41363 16 No Only the owner of database '%.*ls' or users with valid permission can execute the stored procedure '%.*ls'.
41364 16 No Stored procedure '%.*ls' can only be executed on a database that has an online MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup.
41365 16 No Merge request for transaction range [%ld, %ld] on database '%.*ls' was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented by the range either cannot be merged, or the checkpoint files are already part of an existing merge operation.
41366 16 No Merge operation failed because the requested transaction id range is invalid.
41367 16 No Failed to complete merge operation for transaction range [%ld, %ld] for database '%.*ls'. Error was 0x%08x.
41368 16 No Accessing memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. It is not supported for explicit or implicit transactions. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).
41369 16 No Merge operations cannot be requested on a secondary replica.
41370 16 No Resource pool '%.*ls' does not exist or resource governor has not been reconfigured.
41371 16 No Binding to a resource pool is not supported for system database '%.*ls'. This operation can only be performed on a user database.
41372 16 No Database '%.*ls' is currently bound to a resource pool. A database must be unbound before creating a new binding.
41373 16 No Database '%.*ls' cannot be explicitly bound to the resource pool '%.*ls'. A database can only be bound to a user resource pool.
41374 16 No Database '%.*ls' does not have a binding to a resource pool.
41375 16 No A binding has been created. Take database '%.*ls' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool '%.*ls'.
41376 16 No Only members of the fixed sysadmin role can execute the stored procedure '%ls'.
41377 16 No The natively compiled module with database ID %ld and object ID %ld has not been executed. Query execution statistics collection can only be enabled if the module has been executed at least once since creation or last database restart.
41378 16 No Both @database_id and @xtp_object_id should be specified to enable or retrieve status of query level statistics collection for a procedure.
41379 16 No Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. Close other applications to increase the available memory, ensure that both SQL Server memory configuration and resource pool memory limits are correct and try again. See '' for more information.
41380 21 No Databases with a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup are only supported in 64-bit editions of SQL Server.
41381 21 No The database cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
41382 16 No Failure adding a container to a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. Possible causes include the server being out of memory and the container path being too long.
41383 16 No An internal error occurred while running the DMV query. This was likely caused by concurrent DDL operations. Please retry the query.
41384 16 No Database '%.*ls' has exceeded the maximum number of XTP checkpoint files, and can no longer support write operations in durable memory-optimized tables. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
41385 16 No A memory-optimized table cannot be enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC).
41386 16 No Filegroups with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA, memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules are not supported when lightweight pooling is enabled. Disable lightweight pooling in order to use memory-optimized features.
41387 10 No Disallowing XTP page allocations for database '%.*ls' due to insufficient memory in the resource pool '%ls'. See '' for more information.
41388 16 No An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41389 16 No Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41390 16 No Failed to get checkpoint file information necessary for backup of database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
41391 23 No Backup of database '%.*ls' detected a missing MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA file with ID '%.*ls'.
41392 16 No Cannot ALTER a natively compiled module into a non-native module. Include WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41393 16 No Cannot ALTER a non-native module into a natively compiled module. Omit WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
41394 16 No TEXTSIZE must be a number between -1 and 2147483647.
41395 10 No Rebuilding the log file is not supported for databases containing memory-optimized tables.
41396 16 No The sort operation exceeded the buffer limit. The stored procedure execution was aborted. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.
41397 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d sorted rows. %d was requested. Reduce the number of rows selected or simplify the query.
41398 16 No The TOP operator can return a maximum of %d rows; %d was requested.
41399 16 No The sort operation is too complex. Consult SQL Server Books Online for more information.