Azure CloudNGFW By Palo Alto Networks connector for Microsoft Sentinel

Cloud Next-Generation Firewall by Palo Alto Networks - an Azure Native ISV Service - is Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) delivered as a cloud-native service on Azure. You can discover Cloud NGFW in the Azure Marketplace and consume it in your Azure Virtual Networks (VNet). With Cloud NGFW, you can access the core NGFW capabilities such as App-ID, URL filtering based technologies. It provides threat prevention and detection through cloud-delivered security services and threat prevention signatures. The connector allows you to easily connect your Cloud NGFW logs with Microsoft Sentinel, to view dashboards, create custom alerts, and improve investigation. This gives you more insight into your organization's network and improves your security operation capabilities. For more information, see the Cloud NGFW for Azure documentation.

This is autogenerated content. For changes, contact the solution provider.

Connector attributes

Connector attribute Description
Log Analytics table(s) fluentbit_CL
Data collection rules support Not currently supported
Supported by Palo Alto Networks

Query samples

List of connected Cloud NGFW resources


| distinct FirewallName_s

Connectivity status of Cloud NGFW resources


| extend TimeGenerated = todatetime(TimeGenerated)

| summarize LastLogReceived = max(TimeGenerated) by FirewallName_s

| extend Status = iff(now() - LastLogReceived > 24h, "Disconnected", "Connected")

| project FirewallName_s, LastLogReceived, Status

| order by Status desc, LastLogReceived desc

Total data received (MB)


| extend bytes_received = toint(parse_json(Message).bytes_recv)

| summarize TotalBytesReceived = sum(bytes_received)

| extend TotalMBReceived = round(TotalBytesReceived / 1048576.0, 2)

| project TotalMBReceived

Top 5 apps


| extend app = tostring(parse_json(Message).app)

| summarize Count = count() by app

| top 5 by Count desc

| project app, Count

Top 5 categories


| extend category = tostring(parse_json(Message).category)

| summarize Count = count() by category

| top 5 by Count desc

| project category, Count

Top 5 rules


| summarize Rule=count() by tostring(parse_json(Message).rule)

| top 5 by Rule desc

Top 5 source IPs


| summarize SourceIP=count() by tostring(parse_json(Message).src_ip)

| top 5 by SourceIP desc

Top 5 destination IPs


| summarize DestinationIP=count() by tostring(parse_json(Message).dst_ip)

| top 5 by DestinationIP desc

Vendor installation instructions

Connect Cloud NGFW by Palo Alto Networks to Microsoft Sentinel

Enable Log Settings on All Cloud NGFWs by Palo Alto Networks.

Inside your Cloud NGFW resource:

  1. Navigate to the Log Settings from the homepage.
  2. Ensure the Enable Log Settings checkbox is checked.
  3. From the Log Settings drop-down, choose the desired Log Analytics Workspace.
  4. Confirm your selections and configurations.
  5. Click Save to apply the settings.

Next steps

For more information, go to the related solution in the Azure Marketplace.