Auto attendant and Call queue real-time metrics


Only some of the metrics outlined here are currently available to Queues app users.

For more information about Queues app, see Manage the Queues app. For user documentation about Queues app, see Use the Queues app for Microsoft Teams.

Auto attendant metrics

The following table contains real-time Auto attendant metrics. All metrics are whole numbers unless otherwise stated.

Key Feed Available To Description
tot_callers Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of all accepted callers

A caller may pass through an Auto attendant multiple times in a single call – this caller is only counted once
tot_callers_int Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of accepted internal callers
tot_callers_ext Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of accepted external callers
tot_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of all accepted calls

A caller may pass through an Auto attendant multiple times in a single call – each individual pass is counted
tot_calls_int Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of accepted internal calls
tot_calls_ext Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of accepted external calls
tot_0_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the zero menu option
tot_1_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the one menu option
tot_2_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the two menu option
tot_3_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the three menu option
tot_4_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the four menu option
tot_5_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the five menu option
tot_6_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the six menu option
tot_7_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the seven menu option
tot_8_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the eight menu option
tot_9_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the nine menu option
tot_star_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the star (*) menu option
tot_hash_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of times callers selected the hash (#) menu option
tot_op_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of caller-initiated transfers to the auto attendant operator
tot_app_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of caller-initiated transfers to another voice application (Auto attendant or Call queue)
tot_extn_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of caller-initiated transfers to an external phone number
tot_psrn_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of caller-initiated transfers to a Teams user
tot_vm_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of caller-initiated transfers to shared voicemail
tot_abandoned_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of user abandoned calls – caller doesn't select anything
tot_sysxfer_op_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated transfers to the auto attendant operator
tot_sysxfer_app_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated transfers to another voice application (Auto attendant or Call queue)
tot_sysxfer_extn_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated transfers to an external phone number
tot_sysxfer_psrn_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated transfers to a Teams user
tot_sysxfer_vm_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated transfers to shared voicemail
tot_sysdisconnected_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Total number of system-initiated disconnects
avg_call_time Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Average amount of time calls spent in the auto attendant (Single-digit decimal)
avg_caller_actions Current & Summary Authorized Users Only Average number of caller actions in the auto attendant (Single-digit decimal)

Call queue metrics

The following table contains real-time Call queue metrics. All metrics are whole numbers unless otherwise stated.

Key Feed Available To Description
abandoned_% Current Authorized Users & Agents Abandoned percentage (Three-digit decimal)

(tot_abandoned_calls / tot_offered_calls)
calls_waiting Current Authorized Users & Agents Number of calls currently waiting
calls_waiting_longest Current Authorized Users & Agents Longest wait time, in seconds, of oldest call in queue

Note: To be deprecated.
longest_waiting_call_enqueue_time Current Authorized Users & Agents Timestamp of arrival time for longest waiting call

Offset by UTC offset if supplied during registration.

Format: 2024-03-19T11:55:09.9887885+00:00
tot_offered_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of accepted calls
tot_answered_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of accepted calls answered by agents
tot_timeout_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of accepted calls that received the timeout treatment
tot_overflowed_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of rejected calls that received the overflow treatment
tot_noagent_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of accepted calls that received the no-agents treatment
tot_abandoned_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of accepted calls that abandoned
avg_speed_answer Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Average speed of answer

(total wait time of answered calls / total answered calls)
tot_agent_presents Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of presented but not answered calls
sl_target Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Service level target number of seconds

null if not set
sl_tot_answered_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of calls answered within the service level target

null if sl_target is null
sl_tot_abandoned_calls Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Total number of calls that abandoned within the service level target

null if sl_target is null
sl_met_handled Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Percentage of answered calls answered that met the service level target (Two-digit decimal)

(sl_tot_answered_calls / tot_answered_calls)

null if sl_target is null
sl_met_no_abandon Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Percentage of answered/abandoned calls that met the service level target (Two-digit decimal) - abandoned calls within service level target don't impact service level percentage

(sl_tot_answered_calls / [tot_offered_calls – sl_tot_abandoned_calls])

null if sl_target is null
sl_met_positive_abandon Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Percentage of calls answered/abandoned that met service level target (Two-digit decimal) - abandoned calls within service level target positively impact service level percentage

([sl_tot_answered_calls + sl_tot_abandoned_calls] / tot_offered_calls

null if sl_target is null
sl_met_negative_abandon Current & Summary Authorized Users & Agents Percentage of calls answered/abandoned that met service level target (Two-digit decimal) - abandoned calls within service level target negatively impact service level percentage

(sl_tot_answered_calls / tot_offered_calls)

null if sl_target is null

Agent by queue metrics

The following table contains real-time agent metrics. All metrics are whole numbers unless otherwise stated.

Key Feed Available To Description
tot_calls_offered Current & Summary Authorized Users1 & Agents2 Total number of calls offered to the agent.
tot_calls_answered Current & Summary Authorized Users1 & Agents2 Total number of calls answered by the agent.


  1. Authorized Users: for all agents in the queue
  2. Agents: for self only – not for all other agents in the queue