EntityType Element (CSDLBI)

Important: This document is archived. For the latest information, refer to Open Specification [MS-CSDLBI]: Conceptual Schema Definition File Format with Business Intelligence Annotations.

The EntityType element is a complex type that represents the structure of a high-level entity, such as a customer or order, in a data model. The bi:EntityType element extends the definition of EntityType used in the Entity Data Framework.

An EntityType element must be specified for each of the entities that are included in the data model. The subelements of the EntityType describe the columns and measures in the table. Relationships among tables are included in the EntityContainer.

Elements and Attributes

The following table lists the elements and attributes that define the EntityType element. Also see the attributes applicable to the EntityType element.

Name Is Required Description
Contents No A string that contains the possible types of data in a column. The value is derived from the value of DimensionAttributeTypeEnumType in the data model.

If the value of DimensionAttributeTypeEnumType is "ExtendedType", the value of Contents is derived from the ExtendedType element of DimensionAttribute. The client is not required to respond to these values.
DefaultDetails No A list of property references that represent the set of columns in the table.

See DefaultDetails Element (CSDLBI).
DefaultImage No A reference to a column that contains the image that illustrates the entity.

In multidimensional models, this element corresponds to a binary attribute on the dimension attribute. If this attribute is present, the element must contain exactly one MemberRef element.

See MemberRef Element (CSDLBI).
DefaultMeasure No A reference to a measure in the entity that should be used as the default when making calculations over the entity. If not specified, the default is SUM.

See MemberRef Element (CSDLBI).
DisplayKey No A list of references to columns or to role ends that constitutes a strong identifier that uniquely identifies an entity instance.

See DisplayKey Element (CSDLBI).
Hierarchy No A list of hierarchies in the model.

See Hierarchy Element (CSDLBI).
ReferenceName Yes An identifier that can be used to reference this entity in a Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) query.

If this attribute is not present, the fully qualified field name of the entity is used.
SortMembers No A list of properties on which to sort. The SortDirection attribute indicates whether the order is ascending or descending.

Contents Element

The Contents element is a simple type that describes the type of data in the entity.

The contents of the entity (column) can be any of the following values:

Value Description
Regular Not otherwise defined.
Time Attributes represent time periods, such as years, semesters, quarters, months, or days.
Geography Attributes represent geographic information, such as cities or postal codes.
Organization Attributes represent organizational information, such as employees or subsidiaries.
BillOfMaterials Attributes represent inventory or manufacturing information, such as a parts lists for products.
Accounts Attributes represent a chart of accounts for financial reporting.
Customers Attributes represent customer or contact information.
Products Attributes represent product information.
Scenario Attributes represent planning or strategic analysis information.
Quantitative Attributes represent quantitative information.
Utility Attributes represent miscellaneous information.
Currency Contains currency data and metadata.
Rates Attributes represent currency rate information.
Channel Attributes represent channel information.
Promotion Attributes represent marketing promotion information.

Example Tabular

The following sample shows part of the CSDLBI version 1.1 representation of the Geography table used in the AdventureWorks tabular model. The RowNumber column is a hidden column that is generated automatically as a row identifier in tabular models, and hence has the Contents attribute, RowNumber.

        <PropertyRef Name="RowNumber" />  
        Type="Int64" Nullable="false">  
        Stability="RowNumber" />  

Example Multidimensional

The following sample shows the EntityType elements in CSDLBI version 1.1 that represent a portion of a time dimension from the Contoso Operations cube.

       <PropertyRef Name="RowNumber" />  
    <Property Name="RowNumber"   
    <Property Name="CalendarQuarter2"   
   <bi:EntityType />  