How to turn-on SpeakerPhone for incoming call in Xamarin.Forms Android 13

Universal Camera 276 Reputation points

I used this posting

I integrated it into my PhoneCallListener BroadcastReceiver to turn-on the SpeakerPhone on Android13 Unsuccessfully.

[BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true, Exported = true)]  
[IntentFilter(new[] { TelephonyManager.ActionPhoneStateChanged }, Priority = (int)IntentFilterPriority.HighPriority)]  
public class PhoneCallListener : BroadcastReceiver  
    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)  
        var state = intent.GetStringExtra(TelephonyManager.ExtraState);  
        AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.AudioService);  

        if (intent.Action == TelephonyManager.ActionPhoneStateChanged)  
            if (state == TelephonyManager.ExtraStateOffhook)  
                Task.Run(() =>  
                    Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>  
                        if (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.S)  
                            Utils.setCommunicationDevice(context, AudioDeviceType.BuiltinSpeaker);  
                            audioManager.SpeakerphoneOn = true;  

This works for Android11 and lower but NOT for Android12&13

Some Insight PLEASE!!!!

A Microsoft open-source app platform for building Android and iOS apps with .NET and C#.
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