DigiCert domain verification emails not arriving

Grover 1 Reputation point

We're trying to migrate an existing site for a custom to Azure CDN - (Premium Verizon)

As the site is currently live we've followed the guide from https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-map-content-to-custom-domain#map-the-temporary-cdnverify-subdomain and added the cdn-verify CNAMES to the domain and successfully added the custom domains. We are now trying to add Azure Managed SSL certs for the new custom domains.

As per the guide https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-custom-ssl?tabs=option-1-default-enable-https-with-a-cdn-managed-certificate#validate-the-domain the CNAMES are not set-up so we are expecting domain verification emails from DigiCert to one of the email addresses listed. When we first tried this, the email addresses hadn't been setup correctly, so we cancelled the submission, waited the 8 hours and resubmitted the request.

We have now been waiting three days for the domain verification emails to arrive. As per https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/7a7efeb4-be3a-496b-b012-aa600b824d19/microsoft-azure-cdn-problem-with-custom-domain-https-pending-domain-validation-approval?forum=azurecdn can someone please contact DigiCert and get the domain verification emails resent.

I am happy to provide the CDN endpoint and relevant domains via a non public medium.

Azure Content Delivery Network
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