UWP XBOX Live Creators app and Store app URI scheme

TS 20 Reputation points


I have an UWP Xbox Live Creators app in which I try to use the Store app URI schemes as explained here:


I implement the store detailed page as follows:

However all of the links just open the Microsoft Store home page.

If I load "https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/MyProductId" in a web view control which is part of my UWP XBOX app and click the "Get" button, it redirects me to the store and opens the product details page, so I assume there is a way to do it directly from the app.

Is there something else I have to do in order to make those links work for UWP XBOX app or anything else I can do to simulate the same behaviors for links in my app?

PS: This behavior is only with UWP XBOX app version. When I run the same app for Desktop under windows 10, all of the links work as expected and open the product details page, the rating page and my publisher page with all apps.

Thanks in advance.

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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