Hello @Micheal Sakr,
it seems you are able to send telemetry to a website using PHP and MySQL. It's not clear to me if the backend is put in the cloud.
Microsoft offers an IoT solution based on PaaS components.
The IoT Hub is the central gateway for IoT Devices to connect with (in a secure way with device-specific credentials), and to send telemetry to. It even supports several ways to send commands to individual devices.
There are several individual training modules available on MS Learn. A complete training path is available for the official AZ220 exam.
Please check all the modules. You will be most interested in the IoT Hub configuration first and device credentials registration.
After that, you want to connect your devices to the IoT Hub using those credentials.
If you are able to use one of the available device SDKs (eg. C, C#, Javascript, python or one of the embedded ones) connecting will be easy.
As an alternative, you could connect using MQTT only but this is not recommended in most cases.
Once data is ingested, you can start providing insights to your users by adding logic and storage, and dashboards (like a custom website or PowerBI or Grafana(Please also check Managed Grafana)).
Azure Digital Twins is a separate solution and can offer an alternative dashboard. It provides a real-time graph of sensors and their relations with other digital twins like vehicles, buildings, etc. Please invest some time and build up some expertise about Azure Cloud and Azure IoT first before diving into Azure Digital Twins.
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