Hello randy-knight , Thanks for posting your query on Microsoft Q&A.
Q1:When setting up a private repository in Azure DevTest Labs, the documentation has you use a personal access token. Is this on a per user basis or will all users access the repository using the same PAT?
The personal access token (PAT) is used to authenticate the user who is adding the private repository to the lab. Once the repository is added, all users with access to the lab will be able to access the repository in Azure DevTest labs. Let me know if you are seeing anything different.
Q2: Updated info on GitHub's new PAT model
Currently, Microsoft Q&A doesn't support GitHub as a topic.
This blog on GitHub PAT fine-grained model might be helpful :
However, GitHub Community would be the best place to get the support/help from GitHub experts.
Please let me know in the 'comments', if you have any follow up questions/concerns.
'Accept Answer' if it helped, so that it can help others in the community.